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Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy

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by M E Whiter

  When Sebastian stands up, I make the mistake of thinking he's going to leave. “The doctor says you are well enough to leave, if you are ready?"

  “That's fine by me,” I reply quietly, too tired and sore to be bothered putting up any resistance. I guess I should be grateful, that he's still willing to offer me a place to stay. I haven’t exactly done a good job of looking after myself.

  He stands up, straightening out the creases in his jeans. “I brought your luggage back. Once you get changed, James will drive us home. Do you need any help with that?”

  “No. I can manage on my own, thank you.”

  “Then, I will wait for you right outside," he says, walking towards the door. "I don't intend giving you the chance to run away from me, this time,” he says, over his shoulder, as he leaves the room.

  I slip out of bed, grabbing the crutches, my balance feeling a little unsteady at first. I don't take any more time, than I absolutely need to, picking out something to wear from my suitcase, and changing. I don't want to risk him walking in, while I'm only half-dressed.

  Sitting in the armchair, I pull my dark grey pleated skirt up a little, so I can put on my black suede flats. I no sooner get them on, when there's a knock on the door, followed quickly after by Sebastian walking into the room, pushing a wheelchair. James his driver, follows in behind him.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asks, pushing the wheelchair over towards me.

  “Yes.” As ready as I'll ever be, before entering the lion's domain.

  “James, will you take Rachel's suitcases to the car?”

  “Good morning Miss Day,” James nods towards me, as he walks over and picks up my suitcases and then promptly leaves again.

  “Hello,” I reply, watching Sebastian clamp the brakes on the wheelchair. I smooth my skirt down quickly, to cover up the wounds on my legs.

  I grab my grey wool cardigan off the back of the chair and slip it on. It’s the only warm cover up I have left, after having to throw away my expensive coat, along with everything else I was wearing, that got ruined, when I was run over.

  Sebastian helps me move over into the wheelchair. Once I’m settled, he lowers the front flaps down, for my feet to rest on, and then wheels me out of the room. A small thrill, runs through my bones, at the thought of getting to see where Sebastian lives.

  WHEN WE REACH the Cordova apartment building, where Sebastian lives, James parks the silver Bentley in the underground carpark. While Sebastian comes around and opens my door, James fetches the wheelchair from the boot. Once I’m in the wheelchair, we then head towards a private elevator, with James leading the way, carrying my luggage.

  In the few moments it takes, to ride up to Sebastian’s penthouse on the top floor, the irony of my situation, suddenly hits me, like an unpleasant taste on my tongue. Despite all my attempts to avoid this situation, I end up in the one place, I swore I would never set foot in.

  When the elevator doors opens, Sebastian wheels me out, into a light and airy entrance lobby, with a white marble floor. Directly in front of us, stands a pair of large black lacquered entrance doors. To the right, there is a long glass and metal hall table, with a silver gilt-framed mirror above it. On top of the table, stands a beautiful statue of a cast iron black stallion, mounted on a tall metal rod, that’s anchored to a chunky piece of bleached driftwood.

  James wheels my suitcases over and unlocks the front doors, pushing them open. He then picks up my suitcases and walks inside, heading down a short hallway. Sebastian pushes my wheelchair as we follow behind him, until he disappears from our view, when he turns a corner to the left. When we reach the spot where James disappeared, we enter one end of a much longer hallway, leading down the centre of the apartment.

  “Welcome to my home Rachel,” he says, turning right and wheeling me into a large family room, complete with a lounge area, a kitchen and breakfast nook at the far end, and a wine cellar to the right. “Please consider this as your home, while you are here,” he adds, turning me around, and taking us back to the hallway. “I will give you the grand tour first, and then, show you to your room.”

  “Okay,” I reply, taking everything in, as he continues on with the tour, briefly explaining the layout of the apartment. On the right, we pass the formal dining room, with a round glass table, and a mirrored side wall. Further along the hallway, we enter a large open living room. Here, the decor, like the rest of the apartment, is simple but elegant, with cream walls and light wooden floors.

  Facing a huge carved stone fireplace, is a long curved cream leather sofa, with a black glass coffee table in front. Sebastian wheels me behind the sofa to a double set of doors, leading into a cosy media room.

  Double-height floor to ceiling windows are in the rooms that overlook the balcony, which runs along the entire length of the apartment. The balcony faces north and offers views over the harbour towards North Vancouver and the mountains beyond.

  Returning to the hallway once again, Sebastian points to his room, which is located at the far end of the hallway. Next door is a home gym and then across the hallway from the living room, closest to us, is the main guest bedroom. Sebastian wheels me over and opens the door,

  “This is your room Rachel.” He says wheeling me inside. “I hope you will be comfortable in here?” Wow! The space is more luxurious than any hotel room I’ve been in.

  “I’m sure I will be," I reply as he shows me around. The room is beautiful, and tastefully decorated in shades of cream, white and pale blue. Towards one end of the room, is a large queen-size bed, covered by a luxurious turquoise-blue satin quilt. Beyond that, is a doorway, that leads into a walk-in wardrobe, and then into a roomy ensuite bathroom. Opposite the bed, is a set of glass doors, opening onto a small balcony.

  "It’s a very beautiful room,” I tell him, once the tour is over.

  “I have arranged for a private physiotherapy nurse to come here, so you can continue your therapy treatments, without having to go to the hospital,” he says, gazing at me, with those mesmerising blue eyes, that has my cheeks flushing, and my insides trembling, at the thought of being alone with him, in a bedroom. “Your first appointment is scheduled for ten, tomorrow morning. Her name is Judy. I will leave you to work out a schedule with her, that suits you both.”

  “Thank you,” I mumble, hoping he can’t read what I’m thinking at this moment, by the heat in my cheeks.

  “Um . . . right then. I will leave you to get settled in,” he says, a slight smirk on his face, that makes me wonder, if he’s been thinking the same thoughts as me? Dinner will be around seven. It will not be anything fancy, I am afraid. I do not usually cook during the week, but tonight, I am making an exception, in your honour.”

  Wow! “You can cook?” I ask, raising my eyebrows in complete surprise. He really is full of surprises.

  “Well, yes. Although some people may not agree. My housekeeper usually cooks my meals, and then leaves them in the fridge, for me to heat up later.” Sebastian excuses himself and then leaves, shutting the door behind him.

  I gaze at the door for a second, not quite believing I'm actually here. Dinner won't be for another couple of hours, so I decide to unpack a few of my clothes. Climbing out of the wheelchair, I hobble on one foot into the walk-in wardrobe, where I noticed before, that James had left my suitcases and crutches. Sitting on a small stool, I open the closest suitcase first, and begin unpacking. It’s a slow process, but I manage to get most of my things packed away on the open shelves provided.

  Picking up my iPad, I step out into the bedroom using my crutches. On the end wall, across from the bed, stands a dressing table with a tall mirror and stool. A cream armchair, sits beside it, next to a large window, that looks onto the balcony. Leaning my crutches against the wall, I sit in the armchair, and settle down, to spend what’s left of the afternoon, sending emails to my girlfriends and reading my book.

  When the light begins to fade, I close my iPad, deciding to take a shower, and get ready for dinner. Stripping
off in the bathroom, I catch my reflection in the mirror. I notice the grazes on my arm and leg are healing well, even though the scabs tend to make them look much worse, that they really are. They get itchy at times, which drives me crazy, but I try my best, not to scratch them, as it only makes them bleed.

  Standing under the shower, the hot water helps to soothe the itching and gives instant relief to the dull ache in my injured knee. Fortunately, the hospital sent me home a care package, containing some analgesic cream for my knee, several bandages and a couple of elastic knee braces. After drying myself off, I rub in some of the cream and then strap on a clean knee brace. Once I'm dressed, I pull on my cardigan to keep warm, then slinging the crutches under my arms, I hop outside onto the balcony to catch the late afternoon sun.

  Leaning against the railing, I look to the west, and the view towards Stanley Park. The sun is sitting just above the tree line, creating a golden halo over the park, against a backdrop of clear blue sky. It’s a beautiful and serene image. I almost feel like I did, before my unfortunate accident, when I was enjoying my holiday here, in this wonderful city.

  That was, when I believed, I was here to interview for an art commission job and to enjoy a free holiday. But, it was only an illusion, a pretence, masking the fact that, I have been lured here as an unwitting victim of someone’s elaborate scam. And for some reason, I’ve also been the target of a malicious attack on my person. Except, I’m not yet convinced that, those two events are related to each other.

  Worst of all, the person, most likely Connor Black, is still out there somewhere. As yet, I don’t know why he attacked me, but the possibility that he might try again, is a terrifying thought. Now, I am putting all my trust in Sebastian, someone I barely know, to keep me safe. I just hope I’m not making another big mistake!

  Chapter Fourteen

  TUESDAY, 19th August


  I ENTER THE family room on my crutches, and my gaze is immediately drawn to the small round glass table, at the far end of the sofa. I see Sebastian has already set it out for dinner, complete with two lighted candles. It looks a very romantic setting, the flickering flames dancing off the full-length window behind, with the view of the harbour in the background.

  Hearing a noise to my right, I turn my head, to find Sebastian busy getting dinner ready in the kitchen. It’s a novel experience, as I’ve never had a man cook dinner for me before. Unless, of course, you classify my ex-husband tossing a frozen dinner in the microwave, as cooking dinner.

  “Can I help with anything?” I ask, moving towards the kitchen.

  “No, I have everything under control. Take a seat, dinner will not be long.”

  Leaning my crutches against the end of the breakfast bar, I climb up on one of the stools. I clasp my hands together, resting them on the counter, while I watch him work. I have to admit, he definitely looks super hot and sexy, wearing a white apron, tied around his slender waist, as he skilfully chops up the vegetables, like a professional chef. When he catches me checking him out, I can feel heat spreading from my cheeks, all the way down to my chest.

  “I hope you like beef stir-fry? He asks, pretending not to notice. “I was unsure what you like to eat, but I thought something simple would be best.”

  “Yes, stir-fry sounds great, thank you.”

  “Good,” he says, picking up a wooden spoon, to stir the vegetables through the meat, cooking in the electric wok.

  While he’s not looking, I check him out, admiring the way his upper arm muscles flex, when he opens a jar of sauce, and stirs the contents into the wok.

  “Would you like a glass of wine? I have a bottle of 2011 Viognier on ice.”

  “Yes please.” I reply, having no idea what kind of wine it is, but needing something to cool me down, from my lustful thoughts making me hot and bothered.

  While Sebastian pours the wine, I twist my stool around, to look at the view of the harbour, now shrouded in the deep blue glow of twilight. I can see the lights of North Vancouver twinkling in the distance.

  I’m trying my best, not to feel awkward, sitting here in his company, knowing we are alone. It’s been a long, long time since I was in this situation, and I’m a bit rusty on how I should act. And, the way my body is reacting, like a silly school girl with a crush, isn’t helping my cause, at all.


  I swing my head around, at the sound of my name.“Yes?”

  He passes me the glass of wine. “Why don’t you tell me, what part of Australia you are from?” he asks, as I take a large sip of wine, thinking the crisp, clear liquid will help to settle the butterflies in my stomach.

  “Sydney. Actually, Bondi to be more precise. I rent out my uncle and aunt’s apartment there. It’s in a handy location, not far from the beach and close to public transport.” I stop talking when I notice Sebastian has finished plating the dinner.

  “Let's eat then, shall we?” He picks up the two bowls of food, and carries them over to the table. “Do you need some help?” he asks, watching me slide off the stool.

  “No, I can manage.” Leaving the crutches behind, I hop the few steps over to the table, and take the seat, Sebastian is holding out for me.

  When I’m seated, he walks back to the kitchen, picks up the open bottle of wine, and brings it back to the table. He then takes the seat across from me. “Would you like some more wine?”

  “Yes please, It’s delicious.”

  He refills our glasses, and places the bottle on the table. “So tell me, what do you like to do, besides art?”

  “I’m studying to be an art therapist. Actually, I should be attending classes right now. But, I decided to defer my studies, when this trip came up.”

  “I thought you wanted to be an artist?” He asks, taking a sip of his wine.

  “I want to do both,” I reply, after swallowing a mouthful of my dinner. “I’ve always liked the idea of helping people. And being an art therapist will allow me to do that, and still pursue a career in art.”

  “That is a very ambitious of you. I think you would be very good as a therapist, Rachel.”

  “Thank you, I hope so. I still have another two years, before I graduate.”

  We continue eating dinner in silence for several minutes. When I notice I’m enjoying his company, I finally start to relax. But, it doesn’t last long. When Sebastian asks questions about my family, I suddenly wish I had the ability to faint on command, just so I could avoid the unpleasant subject.

  “Have you contacted your family, to let them know, about your accident?”

  "No, not yet." I reply, hoping in vain, he won't pry any further.

  "Don't you think you should? I imagine your parents will be very worried, when they find out, what has happened to you.”

  “Actually no,” I reply, dropping my fork in the bowl, having suddenly lost my appetite. “They probably won’t. I haven't spoken to them in years.”

  “That does not explain much, Rachel.” he says, sounding slightly perplexed.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t like talking about my family, or myself for that matter,” I reply, diverting my gaze. “I mean, it’s not all that interesting, anyway." I need to shut up now.

  “Oh, that is where you are wrong. There is a lot about you, I find very interesting. Particularly, the way you avert your eyes, every time I ask you a personal question. I would really like to know what you are keeping hidden?”

  His words compel me to look up at him. When I do, I find his eyes are studying me carefully, over the rim of his wine glass, as he takes a sip. My cheeks flush hotly, feeling like I’m the subject of an interrogation.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I reply, my tone somewhat defensive. Just because I’m here as his guest, I don’t think it gives him permission, to pry into my life.


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