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Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy

Page 13

by M E Whiter

  “So, why haven’t you spoken to your parents for so long?"

  I sigh deeply, disquieted by the fact he's intent on asking more questions about my family, in spite of what I just told him. “Well, my father walked out on us when I was three, so that would make it hard, to talk to him."

  "What about your mother?" he asks, ignoring the sarcasm in my voice.

  "She's never been easy to get along with,” I murmur, biting the inside of my bottom lip. “I went to live with my aunt and uncle, when I was ten. It’s rather a complicated history.” I need to change the subject now, before he asks me to explain further. “I think it's time you told me something about you, now.” I tell him, picking up my glass and gulp down the rest of my wine.

  “Aren’t you going to finish your dinner?"

  "No, thank you I'm full already," I reply, pushing my bowl away.

  “What do you want to know?” he asks, picking up both bowls, as he stands up. As I watch him take them into the kitchen, I realise, I have no idea what to ask him. He scrapes the scraps into a bin and them places the bowls into the dishwasher. When he comes back to the table, I pick the first thing, that comes to mind.

  “What kind of work do you do?"

  “I own a property development company, called Knight Enterprises,” he replies, resuming his seat. “I don't expect you would recognise the name, considering you are not from here?”

  “No, I don’t. What kind of property developments do you handle?”

  “Well basically, we buy either land or buildings and then redevelop them. The main goal is to sell them on, for a profit.” I can’t help but sense the note of pride in his voice, when he talks about his work.

  “Did you inherit the business?”

  “No. I started the company myself, eight years ago, working from a small office. The company now has branches all over the country and employs several hundred people. This apartment is part of a residential complex that was developed by my company. We still own and manage it.”

  "So, your company owns this apartment?”

  “No, I bought it out of my own money. It’s part of my personal portfolio.”

  “I guess that explains why, you could afford to pay for my medical expenses,” I reply, feeling slightly awkward, now that I have some idea, about the size of his financial status. This apartment must be worth a few million dollars, alone.

  “Why don’t we move over to the sofa, where you will be more comfortable?” Without waiting for my response, he stands up and walks over to fetch my crutches. After he hands them to me, he walks over to the bar, next to the kitchen. “Would you like something else to drink?” he asks, fixing himself a brandy.

  “No thank you,” I reply, moving towards the sofa, on my crutches. I feel awkward and clumsy, at not having quite got the hang of using them, just yet.

  I reach the L-shaped sofa, covered in a soft cream suede and sit down on the short end. Sebastian follows, carrying his drink, and sits opposite me. I nearly faint, when he reaches down with his free hand, and lifts my bad leg up, and places it on the sofa.

  “There, does that feel more comfortable?” he asks, sitting back, as he stretches his arm along the back of the sofa, towards me.

  “Yes, thank you.” I feel a little self-conscious, having him sit so close, his full attention focused solely on me.

  “I want to hear more about your life back home,” he says, as he casually swirls the amber liquid around in his glass.

  During the next hour or so, we engage in light conversation, that mainly consists of him asking most of the questions, while I do most of the talking.

  “Well, I think you should have an early night Rachel, it has been a long day,” he announces, getting up off the sofa.

  When he offers his hand to help me up, I feel like I have no other choice, but to follow his command. Sliding my leg off the sofa, I reach up and place mine in his, as he helps me up.

  He pulls me up with such force, I almost lose my balance, but end up falling against his broad chest. Embarrassed, at finding myself in such an intimate position, I instinctively lean back, to create some distance between us, and nearly fall back on the sofa. Fortunately, he catches me by the arm, before I do.

  The heat burning my cheeks, does nothing to hide my discomfort, which is made even worse, when I look up and notice the amused grin on his face.

  “Rachel, if you keep falling for me like this, I am not going to be responsible, for controlling the effect you have on me.” I blink up at him, not believing my own clumsiness. It seems to happen, whenever I’m around him.

  Letting go of my arm, he reaches over and picks up my crutches, for me. “Is there anything you need, before you turn in?” he asks, while I fit the crutches under my arms.

  “No, I’m fine, thank you,” I reply a little annoyed, from feeling like I’m being treated as a child, with a bedtime curfew.

  WHEN SEBASTIAN LEADS me to my room, instead of stopping at the door like I expect him to, he follows me inside, staying behind me when I reach the bed. I jump when I feel his hands, grabbing hold of my crutches. When I let them go, he props them up against the wall. I lean my legs against the side of the bed for support, keeping my back to him, as I wait for him to say goodnight and leave.

  A shiver runs down my back, when I feel him push my hair out of the way, as he presses up against me. Wrapping his hands around my upper arms, to support me, he then brushes his lips lightly, along the sensitive spot between my neck and shoulder. I sigh inwardly, my heart thumping hard against my chest, as I tilt my head sideways, to give him better access. He then retraces the path from my shoulders upwards, until he reaches my earlobe. He gently nibbles on it with his teeth.

  “Rachel, I’m glad you are here, safe with me,” he whispers, his breathing slightly ragged. He continues to nibble on my earlobe, sending a warm flush of heat, rippling through me.

  I lean back into him, my self-control teetering on the brink of collapse. I tell myself, I can’t do this, no matter what he has in mind. But my libido isn’t listening, too carefully.

  When he suddenly stops and pulls back, I instantly feel a cool draft on my back, where his body had kept me warm. He keeps hold of my arms, as he moves to stand beside me. He then turns me sideways, so we are facing each other.

  He places his finger under my chin and tilts my head back, so I’m looking directly into his eyes. My legs almost crumble beneath me, when I see the heat of desire, in his deep brooding eyes. "Rachel . . ." he sighs, standing so close, but too far away. My lips are aching for him to kiss me.

  Like a prayer being answered, he leans down, and covers my face with feathery kisses, starting from my eyes, to my nose and then finally my lips. I melt into his body, when

  He wraps his strong arms around me, pulling me into a long passionate kiss. I melt into his body, desire flaming a trail through me, shattering the last of my resolve. When I feel the proof of his arousal pressing against my front, I muffled moan escapes my throat.

  Then, without warning, he ends the kiss, pulling away from me, until he’s holding me at arms length. I blink my eyes open, in utter disappointment, feeling aroused and frustrated that he’s stopped short, of what I was expecting was going to happen.

  “I’m sorry Rachel,” he pants, gazing at me, with his eyes dark and glistening. “I shouldn’t have done that. If you were not injured . . .,” he adds, squeezing my arms tightly. “I would not be able to stop myself. But, you need time to heal.” He sighs heavily, letting go of my arms. The fire in his eyes, slowly cools, as he suddenly changes the subject. “Do you need help getting ready for bed?”

  “No, Sebastian . . . I can manage, thank you,” I whisper, almost resenting the fact that, my injuries have denied me the chance, to find out, just how far he would have gone. I’m no virgin, but I am clueless, when it comes to the art of seducing a man. If given the opportunity, I wouldn't even know where to begin.

  “Fine. I will leave you to get ready for bed, then,” he says, still gaz
ing at me, but not moving.

  “Good night, Sebastian,” I reply, desperately needing to sit down, now that he’s not holding me up.

  “Good night, Rachel.” When he walks towards the door, I slump down on the edge of the bed, watching him. When he reaches the doorway, he stops, turning to look at me. “Mrs Barnes, will be here at eight in the morning, but don't feel like you have to be up, at any particular time. She will be happy to fix your breakfast, whenever you feel like eating.”

  “Does she know I’m here?” I ask, suddenly feeling very tired.

  “Yes, I have already explained the situation to her. She will take good care of you, while I am not here. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask her. Oh, and don't forget, you have a physiotherapy session tomorrow morning, at ten.”

  “I’ll remember.”

  “Sleep well. I will see you tomorrow, when I get home,” he says, giving me a ghost of a smile, before turning and walking out the door, shutting it behind him.

  When I slip under the soft feathery bedcovers, after changing into my nightie, the feeling of exhaustion returns in full force. I close my eyes, imagining I can still feel Sebastian lips on my skin. It's been a very long time, since a man has affected me so much. And tonight, when he kissed me, it made me realise, just how much I miss having someone special, in my life.

  Just my luck, I find an incredibly handsome and sexy man, and I know, realistically, that he can never be mine. Hell, I’d be a fool to think that his interest in me, could be anything beyond, the lustful look in his eyes.

  Chapter Fifteen

  WEDNESDAY, 20th August


  I OPEN MY eyes, thinking I’m back in the hospital, for a moment. But finding the room is in complete darkness, unlike my room at the hospital, hurls me head-on into a wall of panic, until I remember where I am.

  I roll over in bed, reaching out for the switch, to turn the bedside lamp on. The time on the digital clock next to it, tells me it’s just after 7am.

  Tossing the covers back, I slide my legs over the side of the bed and sit up. I notice for the first time, that my injured knee, doesn’t feel as sore as it usually does. Hopefully that means, it will now heal, just as quickly as the rest of my other injuries. At least the incessant itching has finally stopped, now the new skin has formed over all the scratches, on my arm and leg.

  After slipping into my dressing gown and slippers, I head into the bathroom, to give my hair a quick brush. When I return to the bedroom, I grab my crutches, and tuck them under my arms, before I leave the bedroom.

  The empty apartment feels eerie and silent, as I hop down the hallway. When I enter the family room, I stop suddenly, surprised to find a middle-aged lady, busy cleaning in the kitchen. I’d forgotten all about Sebastian’s housekeeper, when I realise it must be her.

  Her black slacks, white blouse and apron, makes her look very efficient at her job. Though she looks friendly, the way her short sandy-blonde hair curls around her oval face like a halo. And the light chocolate in her almond-shaped eyes perfectly compliments her creamy-rouged complexion. She looks up and smiles, when she hears me approaching.

  “Good morning. You must be Rachel?” she says, pausing when I interrupt her cleaning.

  “Hello," I reply, feeling slightly awkward, not knowing what Sebastian has told her about me.

  “I’m Claire Jones, Mr Knight’s housekeeper. Can I get you some coffee, breakfast . . .?"

  I move towards the high-back stools at the end of the central island bench. “Um, actually, I’d like some tea if you have it? I can’t get used to the coffee over here. It’s a lot stronger than I’m used to, back home.”

  “Yes. I can make you some tea,” she says, washing her hands in the sink. “What about some boiled eggs on toast to go with it?”

  “That would be lovely, thank you,” I reply, taking a seat on one of the stools.

  Claire gets busy filling the kettle and putting it on to boil. “Where are you from?”

  I answer her question, while she cooks my breakfast. Of course, one question leads to another, but they’re mostly routine questions about home and my injuries, that I don’t mind answering. She also familiarises me with her daily routine, from the time she arrives in the mornings to the types of meals she generally cooks. By the time we’ve exhausted the conversation, my breakfast is cooked and sitting in front of me, with my second cup of tea.

  “I’ll leave you to eat your breakfast while I do your room. If there’s anything you need, just shout out, I’ll hear you well enough.”

  “Thank you. This looks delicious, by the way,” I reply, looking at the beautifully presented food on my plate, making me hungrier, than I realised.

  “Mr Knight asked me to remind you, about your physiotherapy appointment this morning around ten.”

  "Thanks," I reply, giving her a nod, when she walks past, on her way out of the kitchen.

  I eat slowly, taking my time to study my new surroundings, knowing that I may be staying here, for the next few days. It still feels strange to think I’m here as a guest, in Sebastian’s apartment. If I wasn’t on crutches, I’d be tempted to talk a tour of my own. I haven’t even been upstairs yet. I think Sebastian said his office is up there. I also saw what looked like a library on a mezzanine floor, overlooking the formal lounge.

  I finish my breakfast, and head back to my room, to get ready for my physiotherapy session. Changing into a black camisole top and a pair of charcoal track pants, I then put my cardigan on over the top.

  Needing to fill in the time before Judy gets here, I take my iPad with me and step out onto the balcony. I sit in one of the deck chairs in the sun, and open my book. The sun on my face is warm, and reminds me that I really need to get some colour back into my complexion, which is pale from being cooped up in hospital for so long.

  I’M DOZING PEACEFULLY, when I hear a knock on my door. I stand up, grabbing my crutches and hop back inside my bedroom, just as the door opens. A woman enters, carrying a large shoulder bag, that looks almost bigger than she does. She has light brown hair, which is pulled back in a tight bun. Her light blue sweater fits her trim body snugly, to cover her thighs, revealing a pair of shapely legs, in thick black leggings.

  Her doleful light brown eyes look lost when she scans the room, until she sees me. Her expression changes instantly, her eyes widen as if she's surprised by my appearance. Keeping her focus on me, she shrugs the bag off her shoulder and lowers it to the ground.

  “Hello. My name is Judy. I’m here for your physiotherapy exercises,” she announces, in a formal clipped tone.

  I move across the room, to get a little closer. “Hi. I’m Rachel.”

  “Did you want to get started now?” she asks, sounding a little tense.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” I reply, wondering why she seems uncomfortable? For someone who works as a physiotherapist, you’d think, she’d be used to dealing with new clients.

  “I was told this apartment has a gym room, is that right?"

  “Yes, it's just next door,” I reply, wishing this was already over. I hate people fussing over me. She picks up her bag again, and then steps aside, letting me go first, as we head out into the hallway, and down to the next room.

  We get halfway through our first session together, before I realise the experience isn’t as unpleasant or painful as I had anticipated. Especially, when Judy hadn't seemed all that friendly at first, but once we got the warm up exercises out of the way, she started to loosen up.

  Moving on to the more targeted exercises, to strengthen my damaged muscles, requires me to be lying down. It’s lucky then, Sebastian has a professional massage table set up in his gym, for us to use. With her guidance, I follow her instructions, as she takes me through the exercises, repeating each one several times.


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