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Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5)

Page 13

by Sidney Bristol

  He squinted at the clock.

  It was beyond late.

  He needed to lay his things out and get to bed. Tomorrow would be grueling. No doubt the senator’s lawyer and fixer would have decided on a course of action. Getting them to budge would be difficult yet necessary. Especially once they understood Butters motivation.

  Why was it self-important people always thought they knew best?

  Logan unbuttoned his shirt while that thought swirled in his head.

  What was he doing here?

  He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the carpet.

  Was it six months ago now he’d sat in his boss’ office ready to hand over his two weeks’ notice? What was he doing here and now that was more important than being present for his family?

  Mom and Dad still hadn’t asked for his assistance with anything, but Logan knew they weren’t getting around as well as they wanted him to believe. They would never ask him to give up what he was doing for their sake.

  Had Logan made the wrong decision?

  Dealing with Dixon and his people left a bad taste in Logan’s mouth that was souring his entire view of the job.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  He glanced up at Kelsey standing with one hand on the bathroom door. She stared at him with wide, surprised eyes.

  For once she wasn’t giving him a carefully composed mask to look at. This was an honest reaction.

  Desire welled up inside of him. She was such a beautiful woman, so full of life and drive. It was admirable. So many other people allowed life to pass them by. But not her. He envied her that quality. He seemed to always be saddled with burdens and worried about others. What was it like to be that free?

  “You can close it,” he said.

  She thumbed over her shoulder. “I’m in the next room.”

  Logan nodded. It was hard to look away from the blood staining her light gray pants and cream blouse. They’d been through a lot today. Logan hated to admit it, but at this point in his career, death didn’t bother him as much as it used to. But Kelsey? She was different.

  “How are you doing with all this?” he asked.

  “Okay.” She leaned a shoulder on the door frame.

  “You sure about that?” Logan lifted his gaze to hers. “We shot people tonight.”

  She shifted, but didn’t shy away from looking at him. “Yeah. I have to go in, talk to people tomorrow, but they said they’d work around what we needed to do here.”

  “You okay with it?”

  “Shooting at people?” She lifted a shoulder and grimaced. “It’s gotten easier over time.”

  “How many?”

  Kelsey licked her lips and crossed her arms loosely over her chest. “Before the Task Force? I was involved with nine shootings. Seven deaths. I used to know every one of their names. But, now it’s blurring.”

  She had a point there. The night when they’d had to run for their lives from Felecia’s father and the men he’d sent after them would always be stuck in Logan’s mind. How they’d come through that with only some scratches was beyond him. And Kelsey had been caught alone and unaware by the attack. A lot of people had died that night.

  Logan closed his eyes. “It’s always been a blur for me. I wonder if that makes it easier or harder?”

  “I worry that I’m...getting numb?”

  He lifted his chin and looked at her. She’d pulled her short hair back with a headband. The top buttons of her blouse were undone. She looked more casual. More real. The usual barrier between them wasn’t up yet. This conversation might be the first they’d had without an undercurrent of hostility from either one of them.

  “The fact that you’re worried about it means you won’t,” he said.

  “How do you deal with it?”

  Logan shrugged. “In the beginning, it was war. You didn’t get to deal with it. It happened, and you either shot back or got shot. I didn’t want to die.”

  “And now?”

  He considered the question and let it sit in his head for a moment.

  How did he feel about death now?

  “I’ve been lucky that every time I’ve pulled the trigger I’ve known I was on the right side of the law and I believed in what we were doing. I never pulled the trigger when there was another option. I guess that gives me peace of mind?”

  Kelsey nodded. “That makes sense.”

  “I don’t know if I believe that Dixon deserves our protection or not.” Logan blinked a few times. He hadn’t meant to say that. Hell, that thought hadn’t been fully formed in his head, just a feeling. And now it was out there.

  “I don’t think he’s a good guy,” Kelsey said without hesitation. “I do think he is a means to an end right now. I can’t trust him farther than I can throw him. It makes this all very frustrating. Protecting someone I think might be a bad guy from an even worse bad guy.”

  Logan chuckled. “For once, we agree.”

  She narrowed her gaze at him. “Hey, we agree on a lot of things.”

  He felt his brows trying to crawl up into his hair. “Do we?”

  Her narrowed gaze turned into a glare. “Don’t look at me like that. Yes, we do agree plenty.”

  Did they?

  Thinking back, all he could remember were Kelsey’s irritated glares and her sharp words. But disagreeing on how things should be done? Now that he thought about it, except for a few assignments where he’d put one of the guys on a duty over her, he couldn’t think of a time when she’d outright thought he was doing his job wrong.

  He was beginning to realize that when it came to Kelsey, all he saw were the sparks and barbs. Everything else faded when compared to her brightness.

  And now he knew what her lips tasted like. What her soft moans sounded like. He hadn’t truly felt her through his damn coat, but he wanted to.

  She straightened. “So, um, I’ll just...”

  “Do you think we’d agree about that kiss?” He had no idea where he was going with that question. The moment her lips had touched his was seared into his head for all time.

  Kelsey blinked at him as if she hadn’t heard him. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “That kiss?”

  “What kiss?”

  Logan snorted. “You mean to tell me you’ve forgotten kissing me already?”

  Kelsey’s eyes were impossibly wide now. Her mouth hung open. He’d caught her completely by surprise.

  The kiss had taken him unaware. While he’d thought there were moments between them where the sparks weren’t just on his side, it wasn’t until she’d grabbed him and kissed him that the pieces had clicked together. Their conflicts were the product sexual frustration.

  He wasn’t the only one feeling all those sparks. She did, too.

  Logan pushed to his feet.

  Kelsey remained frozen in the doorway.

  He’d thought a lot last night about her and how they interacted. They clashed. He wasn’t sure why, exactly, but he wanted to get past that. To figure out if there could be more than just the one kiss.

  Logan crossed the room.

  For once, Kelsey was at a loss for words. He wasn’t used to her being this quiet.

  Was she afraid of him?


  He quickly discarded that idea. Nothing scared her.

  “You know, I don’t think you’re half as prickly as you pretend to be.” He reached up and gripped the door frame just above her head and leaned toward her.

  Kelsey took a step back into the bathroom.

  He didn’t want her to run from him. He didn’t want that much space between them.

  One step would be acceptable, wouldn’t it?

  He followed her into the long, narrow bathroom.

  Kelsey gripped the vanity as if she needed it to keep her upright. Logan placed his hand next to hers, leaning down so he could lose himself in her eyes. The irises were blown out, mixing with the deep browns. Her lashes were impossibly thick. He’d never noticed that before. Then again, it wasn’t like they
were usually this close.

  Logan smiled in an effort to soften the carnal desire rising up within him. This close, she had to see it reflected back at her. “I’m not used to you being at a loss for words.”

  That seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she’d been in. She shook her head and frowned at him. “I’m not at a loss for words, I’m thinking about where to start.”

  He chuckled. “Thinking about what you say? Why start now?”

  Now her gaze narrowed, and he saw some of that fire back in her eyes that was all her. Only now he knew that fire wasn’t as dangerous as he’d always thought it was. “I don’t just say every stray thought that pops into my head.”

  “No. No, you don’t,” he whispered.

  She leaned back against the vanity. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  The urge to touch her was overriding his better sense. Instead, he gripped the vanity tighter with his left hand.

  “I pay attention to you. At first I thought it was one-sided—”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She glanced toward her bedroom door.

  Did she want to go? Run from him?

  He wouldn’t stop her. When, and if, they took this attraction beyond a kiss, it would be because Kelsey wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “You’re many things, but you aren’t a liar,” he whispered.

  “I’m not...” Her mouth opened and closed, yet she couldn’t seem to finish the sentence.

  “You’re not...?” he asked.

  She glanced past him to the wall, then seemed to settle on a point on his shoulder.

  Why was this exchange difficult for her?

  Logan had never mixed business and pleasure, so this was new territory for him. Yet something was holding her back. Was it him? Some past wound? Why would she never talk to him? Was it because he’d gone about talking to her the wrong way? Had he done something?

  He licked his lips and grabbed a stray thought. “I like your unrestrained feedback. I never have to wonder what you’re thinking. You share it. Even when you know, I won’t agree. You don’t hold back. At least, not normally. This isn’t like you.”

  “What do you know?” Her words were desperate and not the biting response she intended them to be.

  “I know I’ve tried to keep my distance for months. I’ve tried ignoring you. I’ve tried forcing us to get along. I know I keep thinking about that moment you kissed me when I should be thinking about other things.”


  “What?” He stared into her eyes, willing her to say what he wanted to hear.

  Instead they stood there like that, her braced against the vanity, him leaning toward her.

  He needed her to make a move, to tell him she wanted more. Without it, he couldn’t bring himself to touch her or take another step.

  “Do you want me to go back to my room and you to yours? Pretend this conversation never happened? Is that what you want?” Part of him grieved at that option. He’d done nothing but marvel and think about the possibilities. He didn’t want to have to put all that back into a box.

  Kelsey opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

  She must be considering her words very carefully. And very slowly.

  What was he doing? What was he thinking?

  Logan straightened, giving her some much needed space.

  Her hand shot out, fisting the front of his shirt. He stopped, looking down at her small hand clenching the fabric.

  He didn’t know what he should do if she wouldn’t at least say something to him. A yes or no would suffice at this point. He lifted his hand and covered hers, allowing himself this touch. Maybe it was breaking his flimsy rules he’d just erected? He didn’t care.

  Her skin was warm and smooth. Despite her petite size, she had an immense strength about her evident in how firmly she held onto his shirt. She was the kind of woman who would shoulder the worries of the world without a second thought.

  Logan’s knees wobbled, and he leaned his hand back on the vanity for support.

  They were alike, him and her. She was someone he could see himself with. But she had to want it, too. She had to want him.

  “Kelsey?” he whispered her name.


  “Are you going to let go?”

  She leaned forward. “I can’t.”

  Logan’s tenuous hold on his restraint snapped. He bent his head as she pulled on his shirt. His face tingled at the light puff of her breath on his skin. And then their lips met.

  This time there was no moment of shock. He was hungry for her kiss and the chance to touch her. He cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer. She gripped his shoulders as if she thought he might try to get away when what he really wanted was to hold her closer. But that sixteen inches of height difference wasn’t working in his favor.

  Logan wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her up onto the vanity. It wasn’t much difference, but it was enough.

  Kelsey pulled him to stand between her legs. She wrapped her calves around his, as if she thought he’d leave her.

  Not a chance in hell.

  She wanted him, and he wasn’t about to deny her anything.

  He cradled her in his arms, bending over her until he felt the sweet press of her body to his. She shoved a hand into his hair. His scalp prickled as she pulled the elastic band holding his hair back, freeing it. Then both of her hands were in his hair.

  Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to tease him, stoking his desire even higher.

  He trailed his hand down the side of her face to her shoulder. There was so much of her he wanted to commit to memory.

  Kelsey’s thighs hugged him harder, forcing him to lean against her. He was painfully aware of his hardening cock nestled against her now.

  Logan gripped her hip and turned his face, breaking the kiss. His head spun and his lungs felt like they’d burst from lack of oxygen. He was acutely aware of the arousal coursing through his veins and the all-consuming need he felt for Kelsey.

  It had never been like this before. Not in his whole life had he wanted a woman like he wanted her now.

  Was this the byproduct of so many months spent butting heads? Or was this the emotional fall-out from tonight? Was this what she really wanted? Or was this what felt good in the moment?

  Logan wanted more than a kiss. More than a night. He wanted Kelsey for...a long damn time.

  Her lips kissed along his jaw. She tugged on his hair, forcing his face back to hers.

  “Kel? Kelsey?” His voice was hoarse. Getting her name out was difficult enough.


  “We should talk about this.” That came out clearer.

  She shifted against him. He grabbed the edge of the vanity and grit his teeth as his dick throbbed.

  “You and talking. Why does it always have to be talk?” Her lips never left his skin. She kissed him between words, casting her sensual spell over him.

  “Because...” What was his reasoning again? “Because I don’t want you to regret anything.”

  Kelsey finally released him, allowing him to pull back just enough to look at her.

  The headband was gone, leaving her short hair wild around her face. Her skin glowed a warm brown hue. As if the sun itself had kissed her.

  “I regret letting you talk,” she said.

  Logan snorted a laugh. That was typical sassy Kelsey.

  “Seriously, the only talking that needs to happen right now has zero substance.” She slid her right hand down his chest.

  She meant...

  His body flashed hot, then cold.

  He captured her hand with his. “Kelsey...”

  Logan knew he should slow things down, make her talk about this. And yet, a greater part of him just wanted to lose himself in the pleasure of kissing her.

  They’d never done very good at talking, anyway.

  “Logan, I have a very important question for you.” She sat up and straightened his c
ollar. “Do you lick pussy? Because guys who don’t are kind of a deal breaker for me.”

  That was the moment Logan knew he was done for.


  Friday. Senator Dixon’s Home. Annapolis, Maryland.

  Kelsey’s brain screeched to a stop.

  What the ever loving hell had she just said?

  Do you lick pussy?

  Who was she? What had possessed her to say something like that?

  This wasn’t the first time panic had caused her to say some uncharacteristic things to Logan, but this took the cake.

  Her cheeks were on fire and she desperately wanted the floor to cave in and save her from the stunned stare Logan had leveled at her.

  “Just lick?” Logan’s voice was somehow deeper and richer than normal. “Or am I allowed to do more?”

  Oh fuck.

  Kelsey’s core temperature must have jumped twenty degrees. Her body felt as though it were on fire with need.

  One side of his mouth hitched up, and he smiled at her, but the look was pure evil.

  “Was that your way of trying to scare me off? Hm?” Logan bent his head until all she could see was him.

  He hit that nail on the head, though. Yeah, she liked a guy who went down on her as much as the next girl, but it wasn’t mandatory.

  “Or...” Logan’s hands splayed on the top of her thighs. “Is that what you want? Will that make you feel good?”

  Kelsey was incapable of replying. Yes, and no swirled in her head.

  Okay, so some crazy part of her brain was freaking out about this man. She could feel commitment oozing off him. Logan was a forever kind of guy. She’d never had much luck with forever. Right now was all she could offer someone, which meant eventually she’d be the one to hurt this wonderfully frustrating man.

  Logan bent his head. His hair brushed her cheek, and she shivered.

  Eventually didn’t have to be tonight. And right now, she wanted him.

  He kissed her gently this time.

  They hadn’t made any promises. So long as she didn’t do that, he couldn’t be upset when things fell apart and she left.

  Logan’s mouth moved against hers. His kisses were commanding. She’d let him take control by giving him an order, of sorts. Just what had she done to herself?


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