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Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5)

Page 14

by Sidney Bristol

  His hands slid up, then down her thighs. Her pussy clenched, and she clutched him closer.

  He lifted a hand and brushed his fingers across her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  That same hand trailed lower, down her shoulder and along the side of her breast. Her nipples were already so tight they ached for his touch. Now they throbbed.

  She wanted relief now.

  Kelsey nipped his lower lip. His body tensed and for a moment he was thrown off his rhythm. She slid her tongue into his mouth, only he recovered faster this time than before. His tongue met hers in a greedy kiss.

  He fumbled at the button on her slacks. A thrill raced through her. At the same time, her nerves wound tighter, locking her in an agonizing state of wanting more and wanting to hide.

  Her desire—and Logan—kept her where she was.

  Logan wrapped an arm around her and lifted her off the vanity. Not far, just enough for him to yank her slacks down her hips. She shimmied and kicked the pants off, needing them gone now.

  Kelsey glanced down at herself and nearly groaned.

  Great, she was wearing the hideous beige invisible panty line briefs.

  There wasn’t anything wrong with them, but they were so not sexy.

  Logan stared down at her. She’d seen his eyes darken with anger and righteous rage. But they’d never been this dark. His features seemed sharper.

  He lifted a hand and traced the hem of her panties with one finger.

  She shivered.

  Logan’s finger dipped past the fabric. He slid that finger down between her legs. She gasped and arched her back as he caressed her folds.

  He bent his head until she had no choice but to look at him.

  His finger coasted up and down lazily. She shifted her hips to press against him, but he moved with her, keeping the contact gentle.

  “You said lick, remember?” he whispered.

  Somehow her cheeks flamed even hotter.

  “Then stop being a tease.” She swallowed. Where were these words coming from?

  Logan grinned at her.


  She’d never seen the man do more than a fleeting smile.

  The look of heat and pleasure mixed with, dare she say, happiness was devastating. More so than him in the beanie and coat with the stubble. His sharp features framed the white slash of his smile in a way that captivated her.

  He’d smiled. For her. Because she made him forget everything else.

  Kelsey’s insides fluttered with feminine power. She reached up and pulled him down for a kiss. His lips were eager moving against hers. She wrapped herself around him, reveling in this private moment.

  Logan pressed his finger to her folds, delving past them. She sucked in a breath and arched her back as he caressed her entrance.

  “Fuck,” he groaned against her lips.

  Suddenly he pulled away and dropped to his knees.

  Kelsey froze, wanting so badly to pull him back up. And yet, she was half worried this was all a dream and would vanish.

  Logan grabbed her by the knees and pulled her forward.

  She licked her lips. She should say something, right?

  Kelsey never got the chance. While she was still struggling to string together a sentence, he pushed her legs apart. Once again he hooked his finger in the hem of her panties, only this time he pulled the stretchy fabric aside, exposing herself to him.

  Logan never gave her a moment to slow things down. He leaned in and licked her folds. Then again, delving deeper and tasting her.

  She gasped at the very real sensation of his tongue pressing into her.

  Kelsey gripped the edge of the counter as he proceeded to lick and taste her most intimate of places. She gasped for breath as he found her clit with his lips. She planted her feet on the cabinets below her, but she still had no leverage. She was at his mercy. His wonderful, nonexistent mercy.

  Logan pushed one of her knees up over his shoulder as he settled in, exploring her with his tongue and lips.

  She glanced down at him and found his eyes on her. Watching her.

  In that moment, she wanted him more than she ever had. Her insides burned with desire. She wanted him to touch her everywhere. Her nipples ached and she couldn’t wait to kiss him again.

  Kelsey lifted a hand to her breast, palming herself in an effort to relieve some of that need.

  Logan’s eyes followed her hand.

  Did he want to touch her?

  His lips wrapped around her clit and he sucked. She gasped as her vision hazed with lust and slapped her hands down on the vanity.

  “Oh my—Logan. Logan.” She groaned his name.

  He released the bundle of nerves and once more delved into her with his tongue. She gasped and reached down, daring to touch him at last. She dug her hand into his hair, just like she’d imagined doing, and held on.

  Kelsey closed her eyes and let her head fall back. She couldn’t look at him anymore. Not right now, when he was seeing almost all of her. Not like this.

  Logan’s fingers caressed her, heightening the intimacy of it all. To think, all of this time he’d wanted her, too. It was maddening.

  Without warning, his lips returned to her clit. He suckled the bundle of nerves while rolling his tongue over it.

  The sensation catapulted Kelsey into orgasm. She barely had the presence of mind to grab the hand towel she’d left on the counter earlier and cover her face with it before she screamed her release. Her body shuddered with pleasure, and yet it wasn’t enough. She still wanted him, maybe more now than she had minutes ago.

  FRIDAY. SENATOR DIXON’S Home. Annapolis, Maryland.

  What the hell was he doing?

  Logan had no desire to get up off the floor. He had Kelsey’s legs wrapped around him and her pussy still in his face. The way she’d shuddered and lost it for a moment, he wanted to see that again and know he’d made her feel that way.

  This was way beyond acceptable.

  Despite being off the clock, there were still police in the house and an active scene just yards away from where they were now. Not to mention the senator. And yet, none of that was important to him. Not with Kelsey there.

  “Holy shit,” she chanted.

  She lay back against the gold-framed mirror in a boneless pose.

  One thing was certain, she deserved a hell of a lot more from him than this.

  What had he been thinking? Or had he thought at all?

  Hell, it was damn hard to think about anything other than burying himself in her.

  He shouldn’t.

  Logan turned his head and kissed her inner thigh.

  Things had to slow down. He’d do that, let her have the bathroom and tomorrow or another day they could talk about this.

  He pushed up on rubbery legs and grit his teeth. His dick wasn’t getting the message, that was for damn sure.

  Kelsey reached out and grabbed the front of his shirt. He was off-balance enough she was easily able to pull him over her. Who was he kidding? No part of him wanted to be away from her. If he was honest with himself, he wanted to throw her on the bed and keep her there.

  Who was he?

  When had he ever treated a woman like that?

  Kelsey kissed him and his thoughts ceased. Her lips moved eagerly against his. Her legs and arms wrapped around him. Her kiss was hungry. Demanding more.

  Logan pushed up off her, inhaling deeply. Kelsey’s hold on his shoulders didn’t lessen, so he pulled her up with him.

  “Kelsey?” He licked his lips, still tasting her.

  Her hands slid down his shoulders to his chest. She flattened her palms against him, all the while smiling to herself.

  “Aren’t you full of surprises?” she purred.

  “Would you like to use the bathroom now?” He wasn’t sure what his best move was. He knew what he wanted, and that wasn’t necessarily the best thing.

  “Need a shower?” she asked.

  The image of her all wet with soap hiding
her nipples filled his mind.

  “Fuck,” he muttered and pulled away from her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  Logan squeezed his eyes shut. “You’re going to kill me for saying this—”

  “Then don’t say it.”

  He chuckled. Those words were so perfectly Kelsey.

  “Logan.” She infused that one word with a mix of annoyance and purpose.

  He opened his eyes in time to watch her drop her blouse onto the floor.

  She sat there on the vanity in her demure panties and matching bra. It was a far cry from the black, edgy look he’d always assumed would fit her better. And yet, this here? It was perfect. Because Kelsey liked to give the world this tough face, all the while hiding a huge heart. He’d seen her comfort victims and their own team before. She cared more than she let on, and he saw that.

  “Are you really going to tell me you don’t want me right now?” she asked.

  He chuckled, but it was a strained sound. “Oh, I want you. I just don’t want to rush things.”

  “So after all this, you’re going to be totally fine knowing I’m on this side of the door masturbating? Thinking about you?”

  “But you...?” He opened and closed his mouth.

  She had come.

  Hadn’t she?

  He’d thought so, but...

  Kelsey’s sensual laugh reverberated off the tile. “Oh, I came. I’m not the kind of girl who’d fake it for your ego. But, it wasn’t enough.”

  She slid off the vanity to her feet. It seemed impossible that she was just five feet tall, because it felt as though she sucked up all the air in the room.

  She reached out and hooked her fingers in the buttons of his shirt. Her quick little fingers slid the discs through before he could stop her or even form a reply. She pressed a kiss to the newly exposed skin. His dick twitched and he grit his teeth.

  He should do better. And yet this was where they were.

  Truth was, he wouldn’t deal well with knowing what she’d be doing beyond those closed doors. So who was he kidding?

  Logan bent and picked her up with one arm. Her weight was so slight. How was it she could take up a room when he could easily lift her with one damn arm?

  Kelsey wrapped her legs around him and kissed the corner of his mouth.

  They needed the bed. Now.

  “Condoms in the drawer,” she said, and pointed.

  He paused and opened a partially open vanity drawer. Sure enough, there was a box of unopened condoms.

  Logan grabbed them and carried Kelsey into his bedroom. His control was fraying in the face of his need for her. He dropped her onto the bed and she fell back, smiling at him. Somehow she’d transformed from the prickly woman he was familiar with to this goddess.

  “Lose the shirt. Please?”

  “Only because you asked nicely.”

  He reached behind his head and pulled the button down off. He didn’t have the patience for things like buttons right now.

  Logan paused as Kelsey came into view. She’d shrugged both bra straps off her shoulders and the band sagged around her. He barely remembered to breathe as she pulled the bra away from her, revealing her perfect breasts.

  She glanced back at him and frowned. “Shirt. Now.”

  He dropped the shirt on the ground and put a knee on the bed.

  Her gaze narrowed. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

  Logan ignored her complaint. He bent and kissed her ankle, then her knee. She lay back, and he continued the trail, pressing his lips to her ribs then the dip between her breasts up to her collar bone.

  “Tease,” she whispered.

  He braced himself over her. “When have you known me to tease?”

  “What I meant to say was my nipples need attention.”

  Fucking hell.

  She was going to kill him.

  Logan was past the point of restraint. He bent his head and licked one breast while cupping the other. Kelsey groaned and shoved her fingers into his hair. She moaned and her legs shifted as he worshiped one nipple then the other.

  “Logan,” she groaned.

  He understood the need lacing her voice.

  Damn, but he was so hard.

  Her hands grasped the front of his slacks and pulled.

  He pushed up as she got the button through the hole. Before he could do anything else, she had his boxers down and her hand wrapped around his cock.

  “Fuck.” It was his turn to groan as her warm hands caressed him.


  The box had fallen onto the bed with her. He glanced around, desperate to find the box.

  Kelsey saw it first. She grabbed the box and ripped it open. The strip of condoms fell out. Logan yanked one off and slid off the bed. He wasn’t sure he could keep from coming if she touched him again.

  He let his pants and boxers fall to the floor.

  Kelsey pushed up, looking at him.

  He rolled the condom on and gave his dick a squeeze. With any luck, he’d last long enough.

  Logan returned to the bed.

  His gaze went to the panties Kelsey was still wearing. “Now who’s overdressed?”

  She hooked her fingers in the waistband and pushed them down her hips. He reached up and grabbed them from her, pulling them down her legs in one motion.

  The moment her panties hit the floor, his control broke. An overwhelming need took over.

  Logan crawled over Kelsey. She reached for him, winding her body around his so perfectly. She fisted his cock and guided him. Her heat seared him as he pressed against her pussy. She was beyond wet and ready.

  He thrust at the same moment she drove her heels into his thighs, sending him deeper.

  Logan gasped and stilled. Kelsey’s body hugged him tightly.

  Was this going to work?

  She was such a small woman.

  Why hadn’t he thought of that?

  Kelsey’s nails raked down his back. He glanced down at her and found her head tilted up, eyes closed in an expression of pleasure.

  He pressed deeper, holding back as her body adjusted to him, until at last he was in her.

  He withdrew and thrust into her tight pussy.

  Kelsey moved with him.

  Her nails bit into his shoulder and she whimpered at the same time she drove her heel into his thigh so hard he was fairly certain it would bruise.

  Was she close? He didn’t think he’d hold out long, not with how much he wanted her.

  Logan let go, gathered her close, and thrust harder. He felt her body shudder against him. He prayed that was her release. She continued to hold on tight, their bodies as one.

  His orgasm was sudden, almost surprising him with a wave of intense pleasure. He held tight to Kelsey, burying himself in her as it washed over him.

  He rolled to his side, bringing her with him.

  Suddenly he was so very tired. It felt as though all of this stuff between them that had been weighing him down was just gone. And in its wake was a bone-deep sense of knowing that Kelsey was a woman he’d fallen in love with without realizing it. He wasn’t sure when or how or why it had happened, but he loved her.

  Logan wasn’t a man accustomed to having his decisions taken away from him. Since leaving the military, he’d had that luxury. And now, he was in love with a woman who might not even like him. Yes, they were obviously sexually compatible and had chemistry, but love needed more than this.

  Kelsey shivered in his arms.

  He pulled her closer, cradling her to his chest as they both breathed deep.

  This was going to be complicated. Kelsey seemed to excel at that. Nothing would be simple.

  “You want to use the bathroom first?” she asked.

  “No, you can,” he said.


  Why hadn’t he said something—anything—before now?

  Kelsey extracted herself from the bed. She grabbed her clothes and his heart sank. He watched her disappear into the bathro
om and knew without a doubt he wouldn’t see her again tonight.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  The moments ticked by.

  He hoped he was wrong.

  The toilet flushed.

  The tap came on and off.

  The door never opened.

  Almost a minute later, his phone dinged. He pushed up and grabbed it from the nightstand.

  The text preview said all he needed to know.

  Bathroom’s yours.

  She wasn’t even going to say thanks or good night.

  Logan tossed the phone on the pillows and stalked to the bathroom door. He yanked it open and stared across at the other door. The one that was closed.

  Kelsey was running from him.

  He hadn’t been certain earlier. Their first kiss hadn’t told him much. He’d realized that they’d both been hiding an attraction.

  But now?

  He’d looked into her eyes and seen desire. He’d seen her nervousness. He’d felt the intensity of her blush.

  Kelsey was good at pretending to be Kelsey-the-agent. But she wasn’t good at being herself. He’d seen through her self-assured, confident mask tonight to the woman she hid from the world.

  That was the woman he wanted to hold and protect. But first he’d have to convince her to let him.


  Saturday. Senator Dixon’s Home. Annapolis, Maryland.

  Kelsey was going to hell. Or some form of it. Heck, she might be there now.

  She stared at the fancy coffee machine and willed it to produce coffee faster. She’d been up with the sun after tossing and turning all night. Honestly, shouldn’t she have slept better after two orgasms?

  It wasn’t the pleasure that had kept her up, and she knew it.

  She’d freaked out, and now things were going to be awkward.

  Why had she hid? Why hadn’t she strolled her happy ass back into that man’s bedroom and crawled in bed with him like she wanted to?

  That’s right.

  Because she wanted to. Because deep down, a part of her craved that close connection her friends were finding. The only problem was that wasn’t where she was in life. Diha, Felecia and Cat, they were each exactly where they wanted to be. Settling down was a logical next step.


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