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Origin: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams 1.5)

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by Dee Benson

  "Hey, I don't make the rules, honey. Neither am I sad that you have broken them. In fact, I find rule breaking an endearing quality in ladies."

  "I'm not breaking any rules. I've never heard of aristocrat ladies not being allowed to wear bikinis in public."

  "But they are to keep their virtue. I assumed that anything that may be deemed provocative, or not in line with keeping their virtue, would be prohibited." Prince Dresden smiled, his gaze raking over her body again. "However, like I have already said, I have no problem with you appearing in a bikini."

  And why should he have a problem? She didn't belong to him. Nevertheless, Katie kept her mouth shut.

  "I'm sure you're aware that I will be king soon," Prince Dresden said. "My father is unwell, and his condition is deteriorating."

  Katie noted that he seemed excited rather than saddened by his father's condition.

  "He is unable to carry out his duties," Prince Dresden continued. "As a result, he has decided to coronate his successor this weekend."

  Katie was surprised. "Really?"

  "Yes. An announcement will be made on the news this evening."

  Katie could only stare at him. The implications of this information hit her like a sledgehammer in the chest.

  "Once I am king, I will be expected to marry right away." Prince Dresden's blue eyes seemed to sparkle. "I have already submitted the list of young women that I would like to attend my selection ceremony."

  Despite the blazing heat, Katie instantly went cold all over. She'd known that Prince Dresden was interested in her, but she'd thought that marriage was still a long way off. Yes, her dad had the list of suitors, but she'd been planning to reject Prince Dresden, and every other suitor, until she'd had the chance to work and establish herself in a career after college.

  Prince Dresden must have mistaken the reason for her gaping and silence, because he was smiling widely. "I am thinking of selecting three women to begin with. They will all be concubines until one of them proves that she is worthy of becoming my queen. I will select one of them as queen within three years. But the other two will be allowed to remain my concubines."

  Katie had never heard anything more repulsive. She didn't want to be his wife or one of his concubines.

  He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. Her skin crawled when he kissed her hand. "What are you doing for Valentine's Day?" he asked.

  Katie tried to tug her hand away, but he held on to it. "I'm not allowed to go on dates, as you very well know."

  He trailed kisses down her arm.

  Katie felt a shiver work down her spine, but not in a good way.

  He kissed her shoulder and then trailed kisses down her neck. "You will be one of my selections," he whispered. "So you can date me." He swooped in to kiss her on the lips.

  Katie turned her head. She tried to push him away, but he was too strong. If she used her remote touch, she'd be able to break free. Her remote touch was a lot more powerful than her physical strength. But even if she broke free, she couldn't get away from him unless he put out the fire around them.

  "What do you say?" he asked.

  Katie couldn't believe he had to ask. She was trying to break away from him. Didn't that give him his answer, loud and clear? "I'm not allowed to date, and please don't kiss me."

  When she was chosen as someone's bride, a Super with mental powers would check to see whether she was a virgin, and whether she has kissed anybody. If she had, that could stop the marriage, unless her suitor was willing to forgive it.

  "I didn't kiss you on the lips," Prince Dresden said. "They're only concerned about kisses on the lips. But even if I were to kiss you on the lips, it would be okay, because you're going to be mine anyway."

  Many aristocrat men were pretty chauvinistic, but most asked the girl they were interested in whether she wanted them and felt the same way. Usually, if she didn't, they would leave her be. Obviously, Prince Dresden was not of that inclination. Or maybe he considered himself such a catch that it didn't occur to him that she might not be interested.

  She was wondering what to do when, suddenly, her skin began to glow blue.


  He'd put a force field around her. That meant she'd be able to walk through the fire and get away from Prince Dresden.

  She looked at the hand he had on her arm. Using her remote touch, she punched his hand. He released her with a gasp.

  Katie turned and stepped through the fire before he could recover. She felt intensely warm, but the force field meant she wasn't burned.

  Michael and Brett were standing just outside Dresden's wall of fire. So, they'd decided to stick around.

  Katie was about to thank Michael, when the wall of fire petered out and Prince Dresden emerged. His blue eyes were cold.

  Michael saluted him immediately, back straight, chest puffed out.

  Katie offered Prince Dresden a small smile. But he wasn't looking at her. His gaze was on Michael.

  "You covered her with a force field so that she could walk away from me?" he asked.

  "I apologize, sir," Michael said, still saluting. "It was done in good humour, sir."

  Just then, a group of bikini-clad girls ran over and surrounded Prince Dresden, practically knocking Katie out of the way.

  "Our team is playing volleyball next," Jemima Little purred, taking Prince Dresden's hand. "Will you come and make fireballs for us whenever we score?"

  "Marcus has offered to do lasers for us," Sheila Jones said, "but we'd much rather have your fire."

  The ice in Prince Dresden's eyes melted away as his gaze roved over each of the girls. "What do I get in return?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

  Rosa Wendell raked a hand through her long, blond hair. "It depends on just how good your fireballs are today."

  The other girls giggled.

  Since they were obviously forgotten, Katie took Michael's hand and hurried him away. Brett followed.

  "Are you okay?" Michael asked.

  "Yes. Thanks."

  "He tried to kiss you again?" Brett asked.

  Katie nodded. She told them everything he'd said. The blood seemed to drain from Michael's face. He stopped walking. She figured the thought of Prince Dresden becoming king so soon was scary for him too, since he was one of Prince Dresden's army generals. It would mean even more serious duties for him.

  She sighed. "There are a million girls who would happily marry Prince Dresden, or become one of his concubines. So why does he insist on me? I really hope he was just joking."

  Michael was watching her intently. Then he looked down at their hands. Katie realized she was still holding his hand. She released it immediately. Heat rushed into her cheeks. She looked at Brett. He was smirking.

  Chapter 2

  MICHAEL DIDN'T KNOW WHY he'd helped Katie get away from Prince Dresden. Why he'd allowed jealousy to overwhelm him in that moment.

  Katie was never going to be his. If she wasn't interested in somebody as impressive and powerful as Prince Dresden, she would never be interested in him.

  Why couldn't he just stop being stupid and fall in love with somebody in his league, rather than crushing on someone with whom it was never going to happen? He was the lowest of the low in Super society, while Katie was from an aristocrat family.

  Sure, he'd done well for himself and proven himself, even making it into the army. But he was still firmly of the lowest class. The only reason he'd made it into the elite Temsah College was because of a special scheme whereby they were required to grant admission to a percentage of non-elites.

  His skin, still much paler than the average Super despite living here for over ten years now, gave him away as a Netherling who'd activated rather than a Super by birth. He was a lot darker now, after living in the Super Land for so long. But he'd never be as dark as the full-blooded Supers.

  Katie tucked her hair behind her ears. "You know what? I think I'll head home now."

  Her blue eyes were troubled. Michael wanted to
reach out and take her in his arms, tell her everything would be okay. But everything wouldn't be okay. If Prince Dresden wanted her, she would have to marry him. "I'll take you," he told her.

  Katie shook her head. "No, you stay and have fun."

  "I don't mind." The three of them had come in Michael's car. Michael looked at Brett. "Are you coming, or do you want to stay?"

  Brett shrugged. "I'll leave if you guys are leaving."

  Katie went to get her beach bag. Michael watched her go, something tightening in his gut as he watched the slight sway of her hips as she walked. That bright yellow bikini was lethal on her. It was why he'd kept his distance, preferring to walk by the water. The last thing he wanted to do was ogle her, and have her work out how he felt about her.

  When she returned, he took her bag from her and carried it as they walked to the parking lot. He was silent as he drove, while Brett and Katie talked about Prince Dresden's revelation about his imminent coronation.

  Katie lived in a mansion on the outskirts of town. It was a thirty-minute drive. When they arrived, Katie thanked him and then got out of the car. Michael watched her walk through the tall, iron gates, her shoulders slumped, and her long, blond hair fluttering behind her.

  "When are you going to make your move, man?" Brett asked.

  Michael shook his head as he drove away. "There's no point."

  She was going to marry Prince Dresden. And since Michael served the royal family, he would have a front row seat to their marriage. If Katie knew how he felt about her, it would ruin their friendship and make things extremely awkward. It was best if she never found out.

  "Are you doing anything for Valentine's Day?" Brett asked.

  "I was thinking of asking Sheila Jones out." Sheila was cute, and Michael needed to get his focus off Katie.

  "Well, since Katie might have to get married soon, I was thinking the three of us should go out together. She deserves to have some fun before she's forced into marrying someone she doesn't love."

  "I doubt she'll agree to go out with us." Katie could get into trouble if she was seen dining with a man, especially if it looked like a date. If it was Valentine's night, people would assume it was a date.

  "She's already agreed."


  "Yes. There'll be three of us. It can hardly be construed as a date if there are two men present."

  "I don't know. They might think we have some kind of kinky three-way arrangement."

  Brett shot him a look. "Keep your filthy fantasies to yourself."

  Michael chuckled as he merged onto the expressway back into town.

  NIGHT WAS FALLING AS Prince Dresden rushed into Islington Palace. He'd been summoned from his penthouse apartment on the bay by Larry Tate, the king's personal assistant.

  Larry met him in the foyer. "Your Highness, we must hurry."

  "What is it?" Prince Dresden asked.

  "Your father. He has taken a sharp turn for the worse."

  "Again?" Prince Dresden had been informed that his father's state had deteriorated two days ago. "I thought the doctors started him on a new course of treatment."

  "They did, but it is having no impact. The king has been delirious for most of today."

  Prince Dresden pushed through the double doors that led to the living quarters of the palace. He raced up the spiral staircase and into his father's wing of the house. The palace had four wings.

  Growing up, he'd had a whole wing to himself, as had his younger brother. Sadly, so had his mother. He hadn't thought anything of his mother, the queen, not only having a room to herself, but living in a whole separate wing from her husband, until he started going to the homes of friends from school and realizing that their parents shared a bedroom.

  Each one of them, without exception, had found it odd that his parents didn't share a bedroom, or at least stay in the same wing.

  Well, I guess, most couples would have separate wings if they could, Desmond, his best friend, had said quickly, probably noting that Prince Dresden didn't appreciate the way they were all talking about his parents. But Prince Dresden had known he was only saying that to placate him. Desmond and many of his friends were wealthy and lived in mansions with numerous wings, yet their parents didn't opt to have separate wings.

  His parents' marriage had been stormy. For many years, Prince Dresden couldn't, for the life of him, see why. But since last year, when his father became ill and his mother left, abandoning them all, he'd begun to think about marriage more in anticipation of becoming king sooner than he'd originally thought.

  He'd thought deeply about why his parents' marriage was such a shambles. He had come to the conclusion that it was because his mother was from a lower class. His father had refused to marry any of the women that his parents had tried to steer him towards. Neither had he been interested in any of the women in the upper class stratum.

  He'd met the woman he wanted to marry at a charity function. She'd been the spokesperson for a charity that campaigned against social injustice. Her speech had been passionate and fiery. She'd been the only speaker that day to receive a standing ovation.

  Dad married for love. Prince Dresden wasn't going to make the same mistake.

  He was going to marry someone of the same background. An aristocrat lady. Katie was perfect. She was of a similar background, and so beautiful she made his head spin. Today, in her bikini, she'd been blindingly hot.

  Their marriage would work out. He'd already decided that she was the one he would marry, but if he'd learned anything from his aggressive dating throughout high school and college it was that you had to keep a woman on her toes. Selecting two other concubines besides her would keep her on her toes.

  Prince Dresden made his way through his father's wing, Larry hot on his heels. When he eventually reached his father's bedroom, at least a dozen courtiers were standing outside the door. They were all silent.

  Prince Dresden looked over his shoulder and frowned at Larry. "He's not dead, is he?"

  Larry looked at the courtiers. "Is he?"

  The fact that Larry had to ask them was a little disturbing. That meant he thought the king could be dead.

  But it wasn't as disturbing as it was exciting.

  The courtiers shook their heads, and Prince Dresden relaxed slightly. Father was still alive. He would rather begin his reign while his father was still alive, as he'd be able to go to him for advice. But, hopefully, he wouldn't stay alive too long.

  "Let me through," Prince Dresden commanded.

  Immediately, the courtiers parted. Prince Dresden strode towards the door and opened it.

  Courtiers, guards, and physicians surrounded the king's bed, along with José and Philip, the king's right hand men. Prince Dresden hurried to the bed and pushed through the small crowd.

  His brother, Darius, was already there. His eyes were red and puffy.

  Prince Dresden looked down at their father. "Father," he gasped.

  The king's skin was ashen, his eyes glassy. The only thing that gave away that he was still alive was the ghost of a smile that crossed his features as Prince Darius took his hand. Tears fell from Prince Darius eyes.

  Prince Dresden wasn't quite sure why his brother was crying. Their father was going to die someday, somehow. It was unfortunate that he would die in his late forties, but nobody could live forever. Everybody would die at some point. Unless, of course, they were gifted with immortality by the forces. Once he was king, Prince Dresden would fund extensive research into how to get the Gifts and Graces to release the gift of immortality.

  The unnecessary show of emotion between his father and brother was beginning to make Prince Dresden feel uncomfortable. He cleared his throat. "You summoned me, sir?"

  The king nodded feebly.

  Darius immediately held his head still. "Save your strength, papa."

  "I must announce my successor," the king rasped.

  It was an effort for Prince Dresden not to sigh with impatience. Was his father's memory also beg
inning to deteriorate? "We already know that you are announcing your successor," Prince Dresden said. "An announcement will be made on the news this evening. Remember?"

  "I am dying," the king said weakly. "I will announce my successor now, before I die. I had hoped to live until the weekend and witness the coronation on Sunday, but it seems that is not the will of the forces."

  Prince Dresden smiled. "Sir, we already know who your successor is to be."

  Larry nudged Prince Dresden. "That is true, but we must still adhere to the formalities."

  José and Philip both nodded their heads.

  "Of course," Prince Dresden said quickly.

  As the firstborn, Prince Dresden would be king. Prince Dresden was also a Firemaster. All kings were to be Firemasters. He was doubly qualified. Occasionally, in the history of the royal family, the king had died without producing an heir. They'd settled the issue of who among the king's relatives would succeed him by waiting to see which of them would receive the Firemaster gift from the Gifts and Graces.

  The king squinted up at Prince Dresden. "I have some final words of encouragement for my successor, and also for the rest of you."

  Prince Dresden bowed his head. "Yes, sir."

  If the king was at death's door, that meant Prince Dresden was at the door to becoming king. Once the king died, the new king had to be crowned immediately. The nation couldn't be kingless even for a minute.

  "I command you all to honor, respect, and obey your new king," the king said. "I charge you all to give him your full support. To serve him as you have served me. To lift him up and not despise him."

  Prince Dresden almost snorted. Nobody would dare despise him. He was everything that a king should be: handsome, powerful, charismatic.

  The king seemed to choke on his own breath. Then he went stone still. Darius gasped. He glared at the physicians. "Do something!"

  The physicians all looked helpless. "There's nothing more we can do."

  The king choked again, and gasped, his whole body trembling.

  Fresh tears trickled from Darius' eyes. "Oh, papa," he said. "I thought we'd lost you."


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