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Origin: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams 1.5)

Page 3

by Dee Benson

The king mumbled some incomprehensible words, his eyes going out of focus.

  Prince Dresden cringed. It was better that his father die than become a babbling madman.

  "You were commanding us regarding the new King," Larry prompted.

  "Oh, yes," the king said, his eyes suddenly becoming alert. "My successor…"

  He choked again, and then his eyes went blank.

  Darius looked at the doctors frantically.

  One of them felt the king's neck for a pulse and then shook his head.

  "No, papa," Darius cried. "Please wake up."

  The king's body jerked. His eyes came into focus. "Darius," he gasped. He looked at Larry. "Darius is my successor."

  Everybody gasped. Prince Dresden frowned.

  The king pointed feebly to Dresden. "Not Dresden." His eyes fluttered shut. "Darius. Not Dresden."

  "Are you sure, my king?" Larry asked.

  There was no response.

  This time, the physicians sprang into action to try to bring him back to life, even if only for a few moments so that he could reverse what he had just said.

  Prince Dresden looked at Darius. He looked shocked, but Prince Dresden wasn't sure whether to believe that this announcement had come as a surprise to him.

  Since the king had become ill last year, Darius had been by his side every spare moment, overseeing his treatment and trying to keep him entertained and in a good mood. Maybe he'd done that on purpose. Maybe all along, what he'd really been after was the throne. Could that be the reason he'd been so helpful?

  "I know what you're thinking," Darius said.

  "What am I thinking?" Prince Dresden asked.

  "That I somehow influenced him to make this decision."

  Prince Dresden was quiet. He'd found it useful, over the years, to stay quiet and allow his adversary to continue to speak. That way, his enemy would soon say something to implicate himself.

  "I'm not the firstborn so I have never desired to be king. It was never my birth right. In fact, I have always relished the fact that I had more freedom than you did because you were the heir to the throne."

  Prince Dresden knew that was true, but he'd be a fool to accept that Darius had never even once wished he were the firstborn and the heir to the throne.

  "He's gone," one of the physicians said.

  Prince Dresden turned to look at him.

  "He's dead," the physician confirmed.

  Larry bowed his head. "Then we must crown Prince Darius immediately."

  "What?" Prince Dresden asked.

  The room went deathly silent.

  "Y-you heard the king's words," Larry said.

  "They were the words of delirious, dying man." Prince Dresden looked at José and Philip. Why weren't they saying anything? Surely they didn't believe the king's words were binding.

  "I don't believe he was delirious," Larry said. "He seemed quite lucid. I believe we must honor his wishes."

  "If we do not honor the precept of birth order, then we must honor the forces." Prince Dresden snapped. He shot a ball of fire from his hands. It whizzed across the room and into the fireplace and set the unlit embers ablaze. "If Darius cannot do likewise then the forces have not chosen him to be king."

  Everyone looked at Darius.

  Darius looked taken aback. "What?"

  "Are you a Firemaster?" Larry asked him.

  "You all know I'm not."

  "Try," Larry said. "Maybe your father chose you because he knows something we don't. Maybe the forces have chosen you."

  Darius shrugged. He looked at Prince Dresden. "How do you do it? Just flick your hand?"

  Prince Dresden couldn't believe Darius was making light of the situation, or that he was even going to attempt to manifest Firemaster powers. That meant he did want the throne, despite what he'd just said to the contrary.

  Darius waved his right hand. Nothing happened. He waved both hands. No fire.

  Of course. His power was light generation and manipulation—which was totally useless as far as Prince Dresden was concerned since electricity meant Supers no longer had to depend on those with light powers. Darius wasn't a Firemaster.

  Prince Dresden snorted. He looked at Larry. "You will crown me immediately, ahead of my official coronation on Sunday." He looked at the courtiers. "Prepare a press release, and invite the media to come and witness my crowning. I will be ready within an hour."

  Nobody moved.

  Anger sparked in Prince Dresden's chest. "Did you hear me?"

  Larry cleared his throat. "We did, but—"

  "But nothing. I am now your king. Do as I have commanded you."

  Larry bowed his head. "Bylaw 7-2-8 says that in the rare occasion that the firstborn and Firemaster is unable to assume the throne due to disability or another shortcoming, the king has the right to choose another successor. The king's command will be upheld if there is a sign of agreement from the forces."

  "If the forces agreed they would make Darius a Firemaster. Besides, I am not disabled."

  "Forgive me, sir," Larry said, his head still bowed. "But maybe your father saw another shortcoming in you."

  Prince Dresden roared and fire rushed from his mouth.

  A rush of water met it in mid-air, before it hit Larry.

  Prince Dresden was shocked. He stopped the flow of fire. Darius was holding up his hands, his eyes squeezed shut. Water rushed from his hands with the force of a powerful jet.

  Everyone gasped.

  "Darius!" one of the courtiers said, nudging him. "Stop. You're flooding the room."

  Indeed, he was. There was already an inch of water on the floor. Prince Dresden's shirt was soaked through too, as were the shirts of those standing nearby.

  Darius opened his eyes. They widened with shock when he realized what he was doing. "How do I stop?" he yelled.

  "Relax," one of the courtiers said. "And stop it the same way you stop yourself from beaming light."

  The water stopped flowing and Darius lowered his hands. He still looked shell-shocked.

  Larry stood taller. "I believe that is the sign from the forces," he said quietly.

  Darius' jaw dropped. "S-so, I'm the ch-chosen one?"

  Larry said nothing.

  Darius looked at Prince Dresden.

  Prince Dresden roared again. This time, no fire shot from his mouth.

  Darius' eyes widened. "Have you lost your Firemaster powers?"

  "Of course not. I cannot manifest them while soaked with water. I have to dry off." He glared at Larry. "There is a wide variety of water powers, and many Supers possess them. It is not a sign that Darius is the chosen one."

  José, who was an interpreter of the law, stepped forward. "He has not had water powers from birth. This is a sudden manifestation that I believe is a sign."

  "The logical sign would be for the forces to give him Firemaster powers," Prince Dresden yelled. "Not water powers."

  "Isn't it obvious?" Philip asked, stepping forward. The hem of his long robe was soaked with water. "Water triumphs over fire. The message they are sending us is clear. Prince Darius is to be king, and he is to rule differently from how Firemasters have ruled in the past."

  Prince Dresden whipped off his shirt. With the soaked shirt out of the way he felt his fire power revive. "No!" he yelled. Fire shot from his mouth, accompanying the shout. "I am a Firemaster."

  Everyone in the room vanished.

  Prince Dresden jumped. Then he relaxed. José had teleportation powers. He must have whisked everyone away before Prince Dresden killed them all with his fire.

  Prince Dresden paused.

  That was exactly what he was going to do. Kill them all. Including Darius, the pathetic imposter.

  He would kill everyone who dared to stand between him and the throne.

  Chapter 3

  IT WASN'T OFTEN THAT what had taken place in the king's bedroom became headline news—except for the births of his two sons, which one must assume had been a result of something that had taken place
in the king's bedroom.

  "Is it wrong of me to be relieved that Prince Dresden is not going to be king?" Katie asked Michael and Brett over coffee the next morning in one of the campus cafeterias.

  "Depends on why you're relieved," Brett replied. "I feel sorry for him."

  "Well, it means Prince Dresden won't need to get married as a matter of urgency." Now that the king was dead, the next king would be crowned. The official ceremony would take place on Sunday. The day before, the king would hold a selection ceremony and his queen, if he chose one, would be presented during the coronation. If he didn't choose a queen, he would at least choose a concubine or two. They would be shown during the ceremony.

  Katie sighed. "I'm so glad I won't be put in the awkward position of attending a selection ceremony on Saturday."

  "Unless Prince Darius spots you and decides he likes the look of you," Brett quipped.

  Katie stared at him in horror.

  "What? You're hot," he told her. "If you don't want powerful men that you're not interested in adding you to their selection list, keep a low profile."

  "I'll do just that," Katie said. She'd lay low until after the coronation.

  "Why are you so insistent on not marrying into the royal family?" Michael asked.

  "You mean apart from the fact that they have concubines in addition to their wife?"

  "Oh." Michael nodded. "Got it."

  "Also, my parents' marriage was loveless," Katie told them. Although they were her closest friends, she didn't talk much about her parents. However, she'd bet that Brett had gathered as much since he'd come over a lot during their high school years.

  "Really?" Michael asked.

  "Yeah. They married because of their status. They were both aristocrats. But it didn't work out. When my mom died, Dad didn't even seem moved. In fact, he seemed relieved. I don't want that kind of marriage."

  Michael's cell phone buzzed. He snatched it up from the table.

  "Is it Sheila Jones?" Brett asked, teasing.

  Katie frowned. She quickly stopped when Michael looked up.

  "No. It's a summons to the barracks."

  Katie felt her blood run cold. Prince Dresden wouldn't try to fight the decision of his father and the forces, would he?

  "A summons from our new king?" Brett asked. "Or from Prince Dresden."

  "Prince Dresden."

  "Are you going?" Katie asked.

  "I have to. He's our commander."

  "But if he asks you to commit treason…" Katie began. She stopped. Prince Dresden wouldn't do that. She hoped.

  "Maybe it's just an announcement," Brett said. "Maybe our new king has chosen a new Commander of the Armies."

  Michael rose to his feet. "I hope so. But I suspect trouble."

  WHEN MICHAEL GOT TO the barracks, he was directed, by the officials, to the vast training ground at the rear of the building.

  He was shocked when he reached the training ground and saw thousands of soldiers arrayed in rank, all dressed for battle. Absolute silence filled the air.

  A stage had been erected at the front of the field. Prince Dresden stood at a podium, dressed in his combat Super suit. He looked formidable. The generals stood behind him.

  Michael stripped off his shirt and jeans to reveal his combat Super suit. Then he hurried to the stage to take his place among the generals. Soldiers saluted him as he passed. He was the youngest general but he'd easily gained the respect of not only the soldiers but his fellow generals. He'd gone above and beyond in proving his competence and dedication.

  He climbed onto the stage. He was about to take his position when he noticed the look in Prince Dresden's eyes. He stopped.

  Prince Dresden was looking at him.

  Michael crossed the stage and bowed his head as he approached him. At college, he merely gave him casual salutes, but here, the utmost respect was required. Prince Dresden was a ruthless leader. He'd been Commander of the Armies since the age of sixteen and had led the Super army in overcoming attacks from numerous Netherling governments.

  Michael stopped a step away from him and saluted. "May I speak to you, sir?"

  Prince Dresden's blue eyes were crackling with anger.

  Michael held his salute.

  Prince Dresden glared at him for a moment, probably contemplating blasting fire at him and killing him. Then, he stepped away from the podium.

  "Thank you, sir," Michael whispered.

  Prince Dresden said nothing. He walked to the stage steps. Michael followed, marching, holding his salute.

  Once they were off the stage, Michael grabbed his arm and hurried him around the back of the stage. "Tell me this isn't what I think it is."

  Prince Dresden shrugged Michael's hand off his arm. "How dare you."

  "I speak humbly, my Prince—"

  "King!" Prince Dresden yelled. "In case you haven't heard, my father died last night, and I am now King!"

  Michael bowed his head. "May I enquire as to the purpose of you summoning the army?"

  "We are going to fight those who seek to usurp the throne from me."

  Michael's heart dove for his feet. Prince Dresden wanted to lead them in an act of treason. The army would obey. None of them dared question their commander.

  "I will kill anybody who stands in my way. I will kill the whole nation if I have to." Prince Dresden turned and stomped back towards the stage. Michael followed, marching and saluting, having no other choice.

  Back on the stage, Michael took his position among the generals.

  Prince Dresden tapped on the microphone at the podium to make sure it was switched on. "Thank all you for getting here so quickly on such short notice," he said. His voice boomed all over the field. "We will commence training today."

  Michael wanted to go and grab him by the neck and shake him. He would if he thought it would bring him to his senses, but he knew it wouldn't. He would only get himself killed.

  The army had a training schedule. Right now, they were on a downtime. Training was to recommence next month. No doubt, the fact that Prince Dresden wanted them to start training immediately would send a clear message to the army if they hadn't already worked it out. They were being mobilized to fight their new king.

  "I have a meeting this evening with the kingmakers," Prince Dresden said. "If the outcome of that meeting is satisfactory, our emergency training will be halted and you will all return home. If the outcome of the meeting is not satisfactory, you will receive new orders."

  Just then, Michael noticed the group of journalists gathered at one end of the field with their cameras and video recording equipment. Prince Dresden must have summoned them. He was making his position clear to the nation.

  Michael found himself in a similar dilemma to that expressed by Katie earlier. He felt sorry for Prince Dresden, but he agreed with the choice of the late king and the forces.


  Watching her talk about her relief over Prince Dresden no longer needing a selection ceremony as a matter of urgency had warmed his soul. However, her relief may have been premature. Prince Dresden wasn't going down without a fight.

  Michael looked at the sea of young soldiers that stretched throughout the field as far as his eyes could see. They were in an untenable position.

  If they refused to fight, their commander would kill them.

  And if they fought and failed, the new king would put them all to death.

  Who am I kidding? We're not going to fail.

  The new king had no way of defending himself against Prince Dresden and the whole army.

  Chapter 4

  MICHAEL DIDN'T RETURN TO college all day. Katie had a bad feeling about it. When her classical thought professor stopped the class in order to tune in to a news report of Prince Dresden addressing the army, everyone watched with bated breath.

  Katie's heart sank as they all listened to his words. There was Michael on the stage behind him, among the generals, looking all hot and dangerous.

  She hoped King Darius
wouldn't assume everybody on that stage, and the whole army, were his enemies. They had no choice but to accept their commander's summons.

  "What an interesting turn of events," the Professor remarked when Prince Dresden finished.

  'Interesting' wasn't quite what Katie would call it. If Prince Dresden and his brother couldn't work this out, it would almost certainly mean a civil war. She was old enough to remember the last one. It had ended when she was six years old. Some citizens had gotten tired of being ruled by a monarchy, and had wanted to move to a presidential system. The traditionalists had been in staunch opposition. The war had been long and bloody.

  The professor and all her classmates were still discussing Prince Dresden's actions when the professor received another alert on his cell phone to tune in for an announcement from King Darius.

  No doubt the fact that Prince Darius was already being called King Darius would aggravate Prince Dresden to no end.

  The professor switched on the TV again. King Darius' face filled the screen. He wasn't as handsome as his elder brother. However, with his dirty blond hair and penetrating, brown eyes, he was very easy on the eyes. He wore his hair close-cropped unlike Prince Dresden, who wore his pretty long—Katie suspected in order to give himself a Messiah-like appearance. He also struck Katie as a lot more humble than his elder brother. It wasn't hard to fathom why he'd been chosen to rule instead of his brother.

  "I issue a stern warning to all who seek to overturn the will of my father," King Darius said. He sounded nowhere near as authoritative as Prince Dresden, but of course it was Dresden who'd gotten all the coaching and preparation to become king, while he must not have been prepared for the role in any way.

  "The will of my father has been validated by the forces," King Darius continued. The camera cut away from the close view of his face, to show that he was standing before a field of thousands of Supers wearing combat gear. "I will forgive those in opposition if they halt their treasonous activities immediately. If not, they must be advised that I have mobilized an army too, and that this is now the state-recognized army."

  Katie couldn't believe her ears or her eyes. How had he gotten together an army so quickly? They must be largely untrained people. They'd be no match for Prince Dresden's troops.


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