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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 54

by Lauren Wood

  “I think my tits are dry enough Dennis.”

  He chuckled and I felt his hot breath on my sensitive earlobe. “I just want to make sure I am doing a good job.”

  “I think you have done well.” My voice hitched as his fingers rubbed on my hardened nipples. He wasn’t even trying to pretend that it was an accident anymore. There were no more games, just his touch that drove me wild.

  Another short laugh out of him before he moved down to my stomach and then the rest of my back with his hands. It wasn’t any better now that he left my tits alone and I soon realized the error of my ways. Why had I told him to move on from my nipples and breasts, when the only other places that were wet were going to be even worse on my senses? I really hadn’t thought it through. I was quickly regretting my decision whole-heartedly. Now I was wishing that I had just made him give me the towel because I was getting far too horny for my own good. I wanted him badly. I couldn’t help the need that I felt.

  When he moved down to my ass, I was told to open my legs. So that he could do it proper, but I didn’t want to. I knew if I did, there were going to be slips and I don’t know if I could take much more. Dennis had a way of making me come and I had to find a way to say no. This was my idea after all.

  He moved them for me, separating my legs so that they were nice and wide. His hand on the towel was lax, but for the first few swipes to dry me, it was just the towel. I wanted to feel his hands on me and his fingers. I tilted my ass up a little bit in the air so that he could see where he was needed the most.

  The slickness of his fingers on my core was hard to deal with. “You are so wet here Kendra. I will have to do an extra good job. It feels so slippery.”

  I bit my lip, trying to ignore what he was doing, but it was impossible to. I bent over a little, grabbing the sides of the sink. I was already giving in to his touch. He rubbed me slowly and I started to move with his hand. It didn’t take long for the build-up that I wanted to start. I pressed my lips together to stop the sound from coming out of my mouth, but I couldn’t stop the pleasure that went down my leg. I am not sure if I wanted to or not. All I knew for sure was that Dennis had won. It was impossible to tell him no. I waited for him to give me more, but to my surprise, aggravation, he then went back to the towel and moved lower to my legs.

  “You got wetter Kendra. How am I ever going to do my job if you keep making a mess like this?”

  He was trying to be funny and I was trying to catch my breath. I knew that now he was the one that was playing with me and I can’t say that I liked it all that well. My plan backfired horribly and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do now. Dennis was on his knees now, drying off the rest of my legs. He was taking his time when all I wanted him to do was touch me where I needed him most. I needed Dennis inside of me again. I was like a junkie and he was my drug.

  “Please Dennis.”

  “I am almost done Kendra. You don’t have to rush me.”

  I growled at him and he found it funny, which made me even more aggravated. As he got to my ankles, I hoped that he would move back up, but he didn’t. Instead he was backing up and admiring his work. I was dry, but parts of me were still so wet that it didn’t quite feel that way.

  “Is there anything else that you need Kendra?”

  Our eyes met in the mirror and I wanted to say yes, I needed him inside of me. He had a know-it-all grin on his face that made me pause my voicing of my needs. I didn’t need him being so damn triumphant. I figured that it would do him some good to wait a little longer. I had already gotten some satisfaction and I decided that it was going to be enough. Now he could wait as well.

  “No, I think that is all I needed, thank you Dennis. I am going to get dressed now.”

  I walked past him, one of the hardest things I had done in a while and moved out of the bathroom. I had to walk carefully so that he wouldn’t see how he had affected me so. My legs were weak and all I could think about was more.

  When I got into my bedroom, I sat down on the bed and tried to get my breath right. I was just thinking about Dennis and I almost got up to go back to him, hoping that he was still as ready as before. But then my phone rang and it was Jessica. She wanted to know when I was coming. I decided to tell her that I would be down there in half an hour, making the decision for me. If I didn’t have time to be with Dennis, it would save me from falling deeper into his web.

  I got off the phone and actually did what I said I was going to do. When I got back out, Dennis was dressed and sitting on the couch. His eyes were still stormy with need and I looked away from the swirling mass.

  “I just talked to the girls and told them that we would be down there in a few minutes. Are you ready?”

  He gave me a look telling me that he wasn’t. But I was going to enjoy that look because it was exactly how I felt about it all too. He wasn’t the only one that was struggling to maintain at the moment, so he wasn’t going to get any sympathy from me. That would lead to what we both truly wanted and all of the complications that go along with it.

  “After you, Dennis. Thanks again for doing this.”

  “Drying you off?”

  I shook my head. “That to, but I meant going with me.”

  “I will go anywhere with you Kendra, just say the word.

  Chapter 16


  The damn vixen had gotten to me and the hell if she didn’t know it. I was rather surprised when she opened the door wide naked and told me to dry her off. I had made her come. The proof was found sliding down her legs, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted more and I had thought for a moment that it was going to lead to more, but to my chagrin, it did not. Now I was stuck rock hard, sitting next to her in the car. I had to cool my ardor, because we were about to be with other people. It was bad enough that I couldn’t control myself with her. Now I had to shut it off, something I didn’t even know was possible.

  Jessica and Sarah were waiting for us when we got there. The two teens were nice enough, but they were far more impressed with the car and having a driver than anything else. I watched Kendra’s face light up when they got in and I started to understand a little better how much she liked her job. She loved the girls, I could see it in her eyes and I again wondered why she hadn’t had children of her own. Kendra would make a great mother. Then again, why was I thinking along those lines? Never before and I knew that it was Kendra that made me think of such domestic things that likely would have bored me in the past.

  “So girls we aren’t going to be driving upstate.”

  Their smiles vanished and I felt bad all of a sudden. Kendra was of course just playing with them and the smiles returned as soon as she told them that I was nice enough to let them use my plane.

  “You have a plane?”

  I nodded my head and I could tell that they were impressed. I was already getting the eye from them, so I was glad that I was able to impress someone, although it was always Kendra that I wanted to look at me that way. It took a whole lot more to get Kendra looking at me that way. She took more to be impressed.

  “So are you rich or something?”

  Kendra broke in, telling Jessica that it wasn’t polite to ask me such a thing. She was always so concerned with manners.

  “Yes, you could say that.”

  Kendra told them who I was and again I got that look like I must be special. I liked the idea of it all, but Kendra just shook her head and looked out the window. I had a feeling that she wasn’t as worried about it as the girls were.

  The ride to the private airstrip didn’t take long at all. The two teens ran ahead to check out the plane, while me and Kendra grabbed out bags and theirs out of the back.

  “They are sweet kids.”

  She smiled and agreed. “Aren’t they?”

  “I can see why you do what you do.”

  Her smile softened and she looked up at me. “I know that you don’t like what I do, but I am making a difference. It was what I always wanted. I never want anyone to have th
e same childhood as me. There is a lot of help for young kids, but once they get to teens, it seems like society gives up on them, but it is now that they need good guidance more than ever.

  “They are lucky to have you Kendra.”

  Kendra blushed and I could tell that she was embarrassed by my praise. She wasn’t embarrassed that I had just dried every inch of her an hour before, but now she was turning a special shade of pink. What a strange woman indeed. Kendra didn’t seem to have any problem getting me all wired up and then letting me simmer.

  “Thanks again for doing this Dennis. I really appreciate it.”

  I wanted to ask her if I would get a reward, but then I figured that I would get it one way or another. She had practically begged for it earlier and if I would have not given her the option sooner, I know that I could have had her in the bathroom. As we got in the plane, I figured that it wouldn’t hurt to wait a little longer. Even if I thought I might explode from it.


  When we got to our destination, I had another car waiting for us and the girls were talking excitedly. Apparently Jessica hadn’t seen her family in several months and she was looking forward to the visit. I could feel the anticipation in both of them. I don’t know if it was because they were happy to be out of that place they lived, but Jessica in particular seemed quite nervous. I wanted to ask questions, but instead I just sat back and let Kendra talk to her.

  She was trying to help her calm down and telling her that it was all going to be okay. The girl hugged Kendra and I could tell that the feelings I saw in Kendra’s eyes was reflected back to her. She was happy, but scared. Kendra made her feel better and when we got to the girl’s house, all of her tears were dry and she seemed ready to face the day. I wanted to know the back story, but I knew I was going to have to wait. There was really no telling what I had witnessed, but I knew that it was substantial. It made me look at Kendra in a new way as well.

  “Do you want me to stay out here?”

  Kendra smiled and nodded her head. “I am going to leave them here for a bit. I just need to go in and make sure everything is going okay first. We can go somewhere after that, just not too far. I want to be here in case anything happens. She has had bad experiences with them in the past.”

  I just agreed, not really knowing how to help or what to say. I was out of my element. I could make billions of dollars, but when it comes to emotions and kids, I was out of my league. Kendra didn’t seem to be though. She was calm and listened to all of her worries and reassured her. When they left the car, I was worried about the two of them, as well as Kendra. What sort of problems had she had here? Should I worry about Kendra being in there by herself?

  It didn’t take too long for her to come back out. It was about twenty minutes later.

  “Sorry that took so long. I wanted to make sure that everything was okay and that they had my number in case anything happens.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t that long at all. I got a little work done, so I can’t complain.”

  Kendra smiled at me. “Thanks for being so understanding about everything Dennis. You have really been great today. We have some time, is there anything that you want to do? There has to be a restaurant around here somewhere. I am starving. Then maybe we can check into the hotel. I don’t know what else there is to do around here.”

  Food sounded good and the hotel sounded better. If it was a different time, I would have suggested the hotel and then room service, but once again I didn’t want to go there right now. It didn’t seem like the right time at all for that. I didn’t want to seem like that was all I was thinking about, even though it was the only thing that was on my mind at the moment. I could still see her naked in my mind, standing in the bathroom. I don’t think I was ever going to get the sight of her then out of my head. She was just so beautiful.

  “Whatever you want to do.”

  “I want to get something to eat. I never was one of the girls that could starve herself. You should know that.”

  I chuckled. She was tiny and always had been. I had also seen her out eat me a couple of times and it was surprising. I used to wonder where it all went. Now I knew that it went to the soft curves of her hips and the breasts that were still a little bigger than the rest of her. On occasion, she looked like she was going to topple over completely.

  “I know, I remember. That is why I brought food the other day. I thought that it would get me a little better reaction.”

  “Well you picked a bad day is all that is. I had a lot going on and you popping up like that was not something that I had a plan for.”

  I didn’t like to think about going over there and seeing another man there. It hadn’t sat well with me then and even though I know he left and nothing happened, it didn’t matter. I still didn’t like another man around her. If I had it my way, she wouldn’t have any other men around her at all. I wanted her to be mine and it was the first time that I was actually trying to figure out how I was going to make it happen. Only one thought kept popping up in my head as a sure-fire.

  “I did call but you were ignoring me.”

  Kendra looked away as we made our way to the restaurant. She was having a full day and I don’t think that I was going to make it any easier asking her all kinds of questions.

  We didn’t say much as we drove to the restaurant. Kendra’s mind was elsewhere and while I liked to think that she was thinking about earlier, I knew that it was much more likely that she was thinking about the two teens we had dropped off not too long ago. She was like a worried mother and I wanted to take her mind off of everything for a while.

  “Thank you for inviting me Kendra.”

  “Thanks for coming. It has been good to not have to drive up alone. I know that Jessica is happy to have Sarah with her for support. They have gotten really close, which they both need.”

  I was amazed at how much she cared and understood people. Now if I could just understand her as well as she seemed to understand me. Then it would be a lot easier to know what to do next. But that wasn’t going to happen, so I was just going to have to guess like I imagined most other men in my position did.

  We got to the restaurant and I helped her out of the car. She didn’t wait for me, but I was quicker than her. I found a great Italian place in town that I hoped she liked. It had good reviews, but it was the dark lighting that I was looking forward to as we walked in. We needed some time alone and I was hoping that I could convince her of how right we were together. When she said that we came from two different worlds, she was right of course, but that didn’t mean that I was going to let it get to me. I wasn’t going to let it change anything or keep me from who I loved. It was clear to me now how much I loved her. I would do anything for Kendra and the realization took my breath away.

  “Are you okay Dennis?”

  “Yeah, just got to thinking about something.”

  “Well don’t think too hard, you are going to give yourself wrinkles.”

  I stopped frowning, but I was still thinking about my last thought. Had it been there the whole time and I hadn’t seen it? Or was that the reason I left in the first place, because I knew that if I had stayed I would have fallen even harder?

  Chapter 17


  We booked the hotel room, three in all and me and Dennis were going to relax for a little bit when I got a call to come get them. Jessica was upset and I was worried that things hadn’t gone as well as we had both hoped they would. Instead of getting long, Jessica had gotten into it with her father and I was worried. Dennis was quick to help take me back, but he didn’t understand why I was so upset.

  When we got there and I saw her sitting outside with Sarah on the porch, I saw her face and knew that it had gone very badly. What happened was unclear, but I wanted to call the police. She had a mark on her eye and blood at the corner of her mouth. Something bad had definitely happened and I felt horrible.

  Jessica didn’t want to talk about it though. She was afraid that
they would lie on her and she would be the one arrested. I kicked myself for not staying with her because she was right. It was very much something that could happen. The cops rarely believed the child and since it was their word against the two girls, I had a feeling that she was probably more right than I would have liked to have imagined. It was a shame that she was treated this way, but I reminded her that she was almost sixteen and was already in the process of doing what needed to be done to get herself deemed an adult in the state’s eyes. It was never the best route in general, but for some like Jessica it was all there was.

  We made our way back to the hotel. Everyone was quiet and I think we all felt a bit of defeat. It wasn’t anything that she did wrong, just that she was born into the wrong family with the wrong parents. I got them settled down and Dennis ordered everyone room service. He didn’t say much, but Dennis just being there was enough. He had a calming effect on them and I was thankful for that.

  “Well you girls just relax and enjoy the room. I am going to go take a shower. If you need anything, I will be next door, okay?”

  Jessica and Sarah both nodded their heads. I felt bad for what they had gone through and I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain it all when I got them back, but for now everything was going to be okay. I went back to my room and was about to get into the shower when I heard a knock at the door. I thought it was Jessica, but it was Dennis. I let him in.

  “I brought wine.”

  I smiled at hm. I needed that and by the looks of him, he did as well.

  “A bit more than you bargained for, huh?”

  He shrugged and told me that everything was fine. “It seems like you had a rougher day then they did.”

  “Well Jessica is playing tough because Sarah is with her, but I know that she is hurt. Her father has been the reason for all of her troubles and I am afraid the only thing that is going to help is when she moves out. I just don’t understand her mother, but I guess I never will. How could she let that happen to her daughter? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


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