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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 55

by Lauren Wood

  “You are great with them Kendra. You are going to be a great mother someday.”

  I doubted it, but I just smiled and nodded because it wasn’t meant to be said anything else. There was a reason that I chose this line of work, but I wasn’t going to tell Dennis about it. It wasn’t the right time and certainly not the right place, if it ever would be right. It certainly wasn’t now.

  “You did pretty well too Dennis. I saw the look in your eyes when you saw Jessica’s face. I am glad you didn’t go into the house like I know you wanted to.”

  “I think you know me too well, though I am not going to say that something won’t happen to him eventually. Karma has a way of coming back to a person. Sometimes it can be helped along.”

  I liked the idea of it, but I told myself not to encourage him at all. He always had a temper, but his silent rage was even scarier. I had to get him on another subject so I suggested that he pour some wine. I looked at the PPV movies to see if there was anything good. I asked him about a couple of them and he just shrugged. “I never have time for movies or anything like that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I just work too much I guess.”

  I patted the seat next to me and told he had time now. “No one has that much ‘work’ to do. Don’t you think you have made enough money for one night?”

  He wanted to say no, I could see it in his face, but there was that other side that wanted to watch the movie. So I let him pick one and sat down with some wine. It had been a while since I had sat and watched a movie with Dennis and it was nice. It reminded me of simpler times that I desperately wanted to get back to. At least right this moment, I wanted to forget about all of the drama of the day and relax.

  Soon I was leaned against his shoulder and he was rubbing my leg. It wasn’t sexual, just a soft rub that made me feel warm inside, safe. That was a feeling that I felt a lot with Dennis and it was the one thing that I missed more than anything else.

  “I miss this Kendra.”

  I smiled and snuggled a little deeper into his warmth. I was just thinking the same thing, but I wasn’t going to say it out loud. He already had too much hold on me and I didn’t want to give him anymore.

  His hand moved up my side as I shifted. He rubbed from my knee, up my thigh and then around my sides and torso. It brought a shiver to me. Goosebumps covered my flesh and the longer he rubbed me, the more I moved to give him more access. At one point I was practically laying in his lap. It just felt so good and I never wanted it to end. I wanted to feel like this forever, even though I knew it wasn’t a possibility.

  I went to move and noticed that he was rock hard. I sidetracked myself with the bulge in his pants and I can’t say that I ever wanted to let go of that feeling. He felt good to me and for some reason I decided that it was my turn to rub him a little. I could have started at his chest, the part of him that I loved the most, but his manhood was so hard, aching for me to touch it that I couldn’t resist. I had forgotten the state I had left him in.

  Dennis jumped when I first touched him. He apologized like he had somehow did it himself, but when he looked down at me and I smiled at him, Dennis seemed to get that it was my idea to do this, not his. His grin was hard to ignore and it spurred me on even more than before. I loved being naughty with him, always had.

  I went to my knees beside him, bending over so that I could take him into my mouth. He was hard to ignore when his touch started moving in between my legs. I was already wet and I moved away so that I could take him into my mouth. I closed my lips around his hard shaft and I was given that sound of pleasure from him that I loved so much.

  It took a minute for him to start touching me again. Dennis was too caught up in his own pleasure to stop me or distract me, but once he got his wits about him, I knew that I was in for it.

  Dennis ripped my pants off when it frustrated him not coming off as quickly as he wanted and I knew that once he got his hands on me I was done for. Starting to slide up and down on his shaft, I heard his growl and I loved the sound of it. It sounded like he was going to lose it in my mouth, so I moved faster, trying to pleasure him before his fingers touched my core. Once that happen, I was done.

  I jerked as two fingers thrust inside of me quickly and Dennis muffled my moan with a quick push in between my lips. I whimpered and then he was able to go even deeper. There was nothing I could do to stop it as he started to plunge into me from both ends. I had to pull away from his pulsing cock because I could barely breathe and I needed to cry out as a wave of pleasure swept over me. It took me by surprise and it took my breath away.

  “I need you Dennis.”

  He grinned at me and pulled me up on top of him. Everything that I said was gone from my mind. All I could think about was the thickness next to me as I lowered myself down on to him. I made a sound as he entered me because it just felt so good. He was perfect and there was a moment when he first entered me that it all felt perfect. I didn’t want the feeling to end, ever. I just wanted him to be inside of me forever.

  Moving slowly, I could feel a slow tension starting inside of me. He was holding my hips, holding me against him so that I was moving down on top of him faster and harder than I could manage by myself. I wanted more and when I was close to orgasm, he held me up a little bit above him, slamming in from below.

  I came, a blissful feeling that came over me. I was lost in his touch and his lips were there to silence the begging that was coming out of me. Did he know how perfect he was? He felt so good inside of me that I never wanted it to end. Though after several orgasms, my body and strength were gone. I wanted to pass out from the pleasure, but he wouldn’t let me. Dennis didn’t let up and all I could do was take what was given to me. It was too much, like always. Everything Dennis did was so much more than it should have been. I was overwhelmed, as I had been since the first time. When I felt him blast inside of me, it was pleasurable, as much as it was a relief. Dennis always seemed to know exactly what it is that I needed and at this minute, I just needed him.

  I moved off of him slowly, hearing the growl when I pulled off of him completely. I already felt the loss that I hadn’t ever felt before. There was a big part of me that wanted to get back on top of him, even though my insides told me that I had had enough. It was hard to say how it all made me feel. He knew me too well, knew my body too well and it was hard for me to walk away from that.

  Dennis moved to the bed and pulled the covers back. He took off the rest of his clothes and lay down on the left side. I didn’t ask him what he was doing, I just got into the bed next to him and tried my best to chill out and let my heart go back down to normal. He pulled me into his arms and I lay on his chest, listening to his own heart do the same thing. Did he realize how complete I felt at this very moment? Did he feel the same way or was I lost to my own devices?

  “I love you Kendra.”

  The words sat in the air for what felt like forever. I didn’t know what to say and something held me back from saying the same thing back to him. I just wanted him too badly and everything about Dennis made me want more. It was a shame that so much time had passed. I still wondered what would have happened, how would my life have been different if I would have made a different decision so long ago? If I would have went with him?

  Would I make the same decision again, if it was afforded to me?

  Chapter 18


  The rest of the trip in Florida was one that I don’t think I will ever forget. We took the next day and instead of taking Jessica and Sarah back to Link, we decided to spend the day out. It was strange to be in such a situation. I hadn’t spent the day with a woman in years, unless I counted my secretary Peggy. It was not something that I would have thought I would have enjoyed, but I did.

  The season was right to pick oranges and we spent the morning doing that. I of course had never done such a thing, I don’t even remember seeing an orange tree in all of my years, but the orchard was fun. I know that it was because of who was th
ere with me, but there was a big part of it that I didn’t understand. While we had time alone for a while after the girls were dropped off, Kendra didn’t invite me up. We had spent the last two days together and I wanted the invite into the apartment, but instead I got a kiss on the cheek and a goodbye, with a promise to talk soon.

  Talk soon? What the hell was I supposed to do with that? It occurred to me that this was too casual. I was the king of casual, had been for a long time. I was like that before her and after her, but I couldn’t be casual with Kendra. We had never been able to be that way and nothing had changed. It was because I didn’t want it to be all up in the air. She had to know how I felt. How I really felt so that we could move to the next stage. The idea had once terrified me, but not now, not with her. With her I knew that everything was going to be okay. All I had to do was to make sure that we were on the same page or more specifically that she was with me. I knew what I wanted. Kendra may need some help in that area.

  I went home and fixed my work schedule with Peggy through the week. A few things had to be changed around, but I made sure that the weekend was going to be open. I was going to take her away and make her forget about everything but us. Then she would see how great we were together. I no longer needed the convincing. I knew that it was going to work perfectly. It was us after all.


  After getting Kendra to agree to take the weekend off and go with me, there was a lot of press about our time upstate. Since becoming deemed most eligible bachelor in the city, pictures were constantly being taken of me. I didn’t keep up with all of it. I didn’t keep up with it until Kendra called me upset. She had a meeting with her boss later in the day about it. There were questions as to why we flew and why the girls were not brought back immediately. The argument had been reported as well and like Kendra had feared, the father was trying to make it like it was the girl’s fault.

  I hated that my life and status had influenced hers in such a negative way. The job meant a lot to her and I worried that she wouldn’t want to be seen anymore with me. My life was not my own half of the time and things like this was part of it. I wanted fame in football, but I got instead a scandalous love life that Kendra was now getting dragged into. I couldn’t say that I felt very good about it all because I really didn’t.

  When I picked her up Friday, I was first surprised that she came, but that she was so calm about everything. Since the incident, she had been put on paid leave. I didn’t know if that meant she had lost her job or not. When I asked about it, Kendra told me that she didn’t want to talk about it.

  “I know how much that job means to you Kendra. I thought you would want to talk about it.”

  “I just want to have a good weekend. I have been dealing with all of the red tape this week. I need some time away from it all. There isn’t much I can do besides worry about it anyways. Whatever is supposed to happen, will.”

  “I don’t know how you can be so calm about everything. I would be a wreck. I have been a wreck worried that you are going to get in trouble.” I couldn’t believe that my fears had been reassured and were true. That was the hardest thing to get through in my head. How was this all going to work now? Did she blame me and more importantly, was there anything that I could do or would that just make it worse?

  “I learned a long time ago that sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. When I lost you, I knew that there was really nothing I could do, so I had to let it go eventually or it would have eaten me up inside.”

  “I didn’t know that it affected you like that. I guess I didn’t do a whole lot of thinking before I left. I was mad that you didn’t want to come with me.”

  “It’s fine. We were both so young. You don’t find your soulmate when you are in high school. It is just a myth.”

  “I found mine.”

  She smiled and looked away. Kendra didn’t even ask where we were going, just that she was happy to put the city behind her.

  “You always did say the sweetest things Dennis.”

  “And you always talk like it is just words. I mean what I say Kendra and the more time I spend with you the more I realize what a mistake I made. If I could go back and change one thing, it would be that.”

  “There is nothing to go back and change. A lot has happened since then that was supposed to happen. You were supposed to take over your father’s business. I was supposed to get my license in social work and move to the city. That was wat was supposed to happen, so we shouldn’t regret anything. It all happened for a reason.”

  “I don’t want to see it that way. I think about what could have been different if I had stayed. I knew that I wasn’t going to make it playing ball. It was a silly dream and it kept me from you. I can’t think of anything good that came out of it.”

  She just scoffed, telling me that from what she had read, there were many good points in my life. “They are all over the paper. I just never thought I would be one of them.”

  “That was the best day of my life. Just being with you again is better than doing anything, anywhere with anyone else. Can’t you see that?”

  I made her turn to me because I wanted her to look into my eyes and to really believe and understand what I was saying. Maybe I wasn’t saying it to well as it sounded in my head. In my head, it all made perfect sense.

  “I see that you are looking at me like you need a kiss.”

  Kendra moved to kiss me and I wondered while she was doing it if that was her way of shutting me up. I had done it myself in the past to her and it really did work well. After a moment I couldn’t think anymore and I had a feeling that it worked rather well for her too.

  She pulled away and smiled at me innocently. I knew then that she had done that exact thing for a reason.

  “I just want to know that you are mine, Kendra and that no matter what. We don’t let this ever change. I don’t want to live without you in my life. We both have done it, but I am always better with you beside me.”

  “I have always been yours Dennis. You know that.”

  I pulled her to me and partially on my lap. It was all that I needed to hear, it really was. As long as I was going to have Kendra in my life, nothing else really mattered. I wanted her to know that I loved her and the best way was for me to show her. She had said more than once that words were just words. She wanted actions.

  The car stopped and neither one of us realized it until the driver was opening the back door for us. I waited for her to climb off of my lap and get out before I got out as well. We were back at the air strip and I asked her then, where did she want to go. I had no idea where that would be, but I wasn’t expecting what she said.

  “How about we go to Egypt?”

  I looked at her a little strange. “Why there?”

  Kendra shrugged her shoulders like why not. “Does there have to be a reason? I want to see the pyramids. Always have, but I never figured I would be able to. You wouldn’t believe what flights run out that way. Then you have to travel with a man because of all of the rules over there. I just think that would be the perfect place to go.”

  I wasn’t going to argue with her reasoning. I would have never guessed there, but like everything else, Kendra has always been different. I think if she would have told me that she wanted to go to Paris or somewhere like that, than I would have wondered. But no, Kendra wanted Egypt so that was where we were going. When I first got the idea, I was going to pick the place, make it romantic, plan everything, but Kendra lived on the fly and I wanted her to be happy. I am glad that I asked her because there is no way that I would have ever picked such a place like that.

  The weekend was everything I had hoped for and more. At the end of the day, all I really wanted was to make sure that Kendra was happy. She didn’t make any promises, something she seemed reluctant to do, but she did tell me that she loved me again. I don’t know why, but the very words cut at my core. I never wanted it to end, but reality set back in and we had to go back to Miami. This time though, I was bound and
determined to make sure that we didn’t backtrack again. It was going to be different because now we were together and I wasn’t ever going to lose her again. Kendra was mine and she was always going to be mine.


  One year later


  “You know that I don’t like surprises Dennis.”

  “Trust me Kendra, my love. You are going to like this one.”

  I wasn’t so sure. I had a lot to do at home with the baby coming in only a couple of months. I wanted nothing more than to stay home and get ready. The nursery was almost complete, but I still felt like there was so much to do. Every time Dennis had a surprise, it was a big one and I wasn’t sure what it could be this time. With that man, I really never could tell.

  “Give me a hint.”

  “Well it has something to do with your old job at Link.”

  I frowned from the reminder. I didn’t want to think about Link because after several months on leave, I realized that I wasn’t expected to come back. While they wouldn’t and didn’t fire me, they just kept it all up in the air long enough that I just gave up on the whole thing. It killed me to even think about it so I couldn’t believe that he was bringing such a thing up to me.

  “What in the world does Link have to do with anything? You know that I don’t work there anymore. They pushed me out months and months ago.” I was thankful that I found out I was pregnant about the same time. It was something that I didn’t think was ever going to happen, but it did and I was elated. But now as he brought it up, I realized how much I missed that part of my life. I missed working with the kids and after everything I still wish I could go back into the field. It was up in the air if I would be able to and I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to face all of the ridicule.

  “Calm down Kendra. Don’t get all worked up. You know that it is not good for the baby. This is a good thing. But it is about Link and I guess I should have just told you to open the door because we are here. You know I am not very good at this. I talk to you better when we are both naked.


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