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Hollywood Bound

Page 7

by Morticia Knight

  “Yeah. We’ll get a couple maps, and then you and I are gonna pick which studio we want to work at, and move to that part of town. Sound good?”

  “Yeah Nick. It sounds real good.”

  Jack beamed a smile up at him.

  At least the kid hasn’t lost all faith in me. Yet.

  Chapter Eight

  After randomly picking the East Hollywood area, they decided on one of the two studios there. The one they chose was a little newer than the others, so Nick figured that there wouldn’t be as much prejudice against hiring newcomers. The studio was called Global Pictures, and they had already produced an impressive array of movies that included slapstick comedies, adventures and romances.

  The area they were choosing to call home had several options for housing. They found a place on one of the side streets just across from the southern wall of the studio for the same amount they used to pay in New York—twenty dollars a week. It wasn’t much bigger than where they used to be, but it was cleaner, had nice curtains and some furnishings, and was only on the second floor. It also had a newer-looking double bed. The man who checked them in didn’t look twice when Nick rented it for him and Jack. He had the feeling that if they got in with the right crowd, the whole gay thing might not be that big of a deal.

  The first thing they had done was take a shower. It was a small tiled cubicle—really only enough for one—but Nick had revelled in the opportunity to get really clean for the first time in a while. He ran it lukewarm so that he and Jack could cool off, then stay in the water and enjoy each other’s bodies for a time. They used the last of their soap on one another, sliding it up their butt cracks, lathering up their dicks and rubbing it across their shoulders and backs, embracing each other as they did. Nick felt better about their situation than he had earlier, and after finishing their shower, he had told Jack to wait for him whilst he picked up some more supplies. There was a little drugstore at the corner of Sunset, a couple of blocks north of where they were, and he’d grabbed some essential items. Toothpaste, soap, shaving cream—and some petroleum jelly. It had occurred to him that this would be the perfect solution when he fucked Jack later. For Nick, penetrating Jack was going to be his celebration for arriving in Hollywood.

  He was toying with another idea too. He loved the look of rapture on Jack’s face when he held him down by his wrists, but it was difficult to manoeuvre around when he had to keep a grip on him. What if he used something to tie him up? Then he could control Jack completely. He could tease him, ravish him and bring him to release over and over. Even though Jack had fooled around before him, it wasn’t like this. Nick would take his virginity tonight. Nick would claim him as his own.

  “Do you have any rope or somethin’ like that?”

  The old man behind the register looked up from the paper he was reading.

  “Nah. You’ll have to go to Henry’s a couple doors down. He’s got a handyman shop, sells all sorta things like that.”

  “Thank you. I’m much obliged.”

  Nick paid for the items, and headed towards the shop, his heart thumping with excitement. He felt a little dirty that he was actually buying grease so he could fuck Jack in the ass, and that he wanted to tie him down whilst he did it. It was if all those years not caring about or having sex had built up so that now he wanted it all the time, and he needed it to be increasingly raunchy.

  He entered the store, his eyes adjusting from the bright sunshine outside, and the first thing he spotted was a rack with dungarees on it—just like the guys were wearing at the café. He fingered them and felt a twinge of guilt. Here he was about to spend their hard-earned money on rope for sex games, when what he should be doing was buying them something decent to wear so that they could get a job.

  He checked the price tag. Eight dollars. That would be sixteen dollars for the both of them—almost as much as a week’s rent.

  It ain’t fair.

  They would also need new shirts to wear with the overalls, which would probably take them to an even twenty. With the twenty for the rent, their supplies, the morning meal…their money was almost half gone. He sighed.

  “Can I help you, son?”

  Nick looked up, shaken from his pondering. His dick won out.

  “How much for an eight-foot length of rope cut in four pieces?”

  * * * *

  Jack relaxed on the comfortable mattress, his arms behind his head. It was still unmercifully hot, but the shower had cooled him off, and the late afternoon breeze was blowing through the open window. The bed was situated in the corner of the room, and the window was in the middle of the wall. Any buggering they did could happen without prying eyes.

  Jack was anxious. He couldn’t wait for Nick to get back from his errands. The groping in the shower had only teased him, and now he was more than ready to do something about it. They had a bed with some actual space to move around on for the first time, he felt fresh and clean, and he hoped Nick was as excited as he was to do what had only been hinted at on the train.

  Very few words were ever exchanged between them about what they did to each other. Jack didn’t really believe that Nick was shy, but that maybe he thought it wasn’t manly to discuss romantic things. Jack knew everyone was different when it came to that. He’d seen how some of the girls in the shows would moon after a musician or actor, and they would either be just as mushy as they were, or act stand-offish. Yet both types got married or were together as a couple.

  Thinking about that part made Jack sad. Sure, they might be able to live together in Hollywood, but there would never be any promises or vows—they would never be joined together in marriage. He pushed those thoughts away as soon as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He was only wearing his boxer undergarment, and nothing else. The key turned in the lock, and Nick entered the room, carrying a large paper bag.

  Nick made a low whistle.

  “I’m glad you didn’t get dressed.”

  Jack leaned up one side, propping himself on one elbow.

  “Whatcha got there, Nick?”

  Nick turned away quickly, and set the bag down on the small efficiency kitchen counter. He pulled out two Coca-Colas, popped them open with his pocket knife, then handed one to Jack, and took a long swig on the other.

  “Sorry they aren’t colder, that heat knocks the chill out of everythin’ in minutes.”

  “That’s okay, Nick. Thanks for gettin’ ’em.”

  Nick smiled at him a little wistfully, and Jack wondered what was going on in his head. That was typical of Nick—the same way he was about their playing around—but he wished Nick would talk to him more. It made him feel insecure sometimes. The whole Penelope thing hadn’t been mentioned once since they’d left Philly, and Jack was terrified to even bring it up. He was hoping that by not speaking about it, Nick would just forget she ever existed.

  Nick rolled the top down on the rest of the items in the bag, and headed to the bathroom. Jack heard the shower turn on again, but it only lasted a minute. Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed finishing his last gulp of soda, when Nick returned to the room. He still had the rolled-up bag, but it looked as though some of the stuff had been taken out of it. He was using his other hand to hold onto the towel around his waist. The rest of him was naked. Jack looked down a little, and saw Nick’s erection pushing at the front of the towel. He licked his lips. It was too late to do any job-hunting, so they had the rest of the day to enjoy however they wanted.

  “Lie down, Jacky boy, and do what I say.”

  He didn’t know why, but the tone of Nick’s low commanding voice made him instantly hard. Something about pleasing Nick, and being ravished by him—even if it was forceful—made Jack very excited. He did what he was told. Nick approached him and let the towel drop. His shaft pointed towards the sky, and Jack was sure that tonight would be when he would know what it felt like when it was stuffed inside him. His breathing accelerated, and his dick was more than ready for anything that might happen next.

  Nick put the bag on the floor next to the bed. It crinkled as Nick unrolled it. At this point, he was dying of curiosity.

  Why is he being so mysterious about that bag?

  Nick pulled out some rope, and Jack was really confused. He couldn’t imagine what Nick was doing. Was he going to try to teach him some knots to get ready for their job hunt? But why would he be doing that lying naked on the bed?

  Nick still didn’t say anything. He took one of the pieces, looped it in half, and grabbed Jack’s wrist. He wrapped the halved rope around him, and pulled his wrist against the metal bars of the headboard. He ran the two end parts through the loop, and tied them securely to the slat.

  “Hey! What’s this…?”

  “Shhh, Jacky boy. You trust me? You know I won’t hurt you, right?”


  Jack’s voice felt very small. He wasn’t so sure if he was going to like this. He’d never heard of anyone—men or women—getting tied up for sex. It seemed…weird.

  Nick bent over Jack, and firmly kissed his mouth. When he broke the kiss, he took Jack’s other wrist that was on the inside of the bed, and tied it to the headboard in the same way. Jack tugged a little on the ropes, and saw that he was held fast. If Nick did something to him he didn’t like, there would be no escaping. He shook a little—yet—he was still as hard as a rock. It made no sense.


  Nick was looking Jack over as if he were a big, juicy steak. He placed his hands on Jack’s torso, and lightly caressed him, tracing a pattern of circles on his body, kneading his upper arms, then down to his thighs. It was very soothing and erotic—similar to what they had been doing in the shower, except Nick was the only one doing the touching this time. Jack’s inclination was to reach for Nick and reciprocate, but the ropes wouldn’t let him. It was frustrating and thrilling at the same time. He kept pulling on the bonds unthinkingly, but he was trapped.

  Nick continued stroking him, the touches becoming stronger, more aggressive. Jack moaned. Nick massaged every part of his body, yet he never went near his cock. It was maddening.

  “Please, Nick…” Jack whimpered.

  Nick was silent, but he directed Jack by gripping his ankles and pushing them back, until Jack bent his knees. Jack saw Nick reach down by the bed, and heard the crinkling of the bag. He pulled a little glass jar out, and unscrewed the top. Jack watched as Nick scooped out what looked like some type of clear paste. Nick rubbed some on his dick, then never taking his eyes off Jack’s face, reached between his rear cheeks. He smeared the rest there, carefully working some into Jack’s asshole. This time when Nick probed in and out of him, he was immediately able to use two fingers. He dug in deeper than he ever had before, and it was heavenly. Despite the feeling of fullness whenever Nick hit the end of his insides, Jack wanted more.

  “Oh yes, Nick.”

  Nick carefully slid a third digit in, and Jack was grateful for the added slickness that Nick had used from the jar. Another finger was added, and Jack arched his hips off the mattress. He wriggled his butt around on Nick’s hand, wanting to feel every bit of what was being done to him. He yanked on the ties helplessly, and clenched his anal passage around the glorious fingers inside him. Cum leaked from his penis, and there was a stray thought that he wanted Nick to always tie him up from now on.

  Nick pulled out of Jack, and he exhaled his disappointment. But it didn’t last long. Nick climbed up onto the bed, and positioned himself between Jack’s legs.

  This is it. This is what I’ve wanted. Now he’ll lie with me like he would a woman.

  Jack was aware of a soft, yet unresisting nudge against his hole. There was a sharp thrust, and he was stretched more than he’d ever been. He inhaled and held his breath. He could tell that Nick wasn’t all the way in, and Jack was scared that he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  “Are you okay, Jacky?”

  “I think so.”

  “You want me to stop?”

  Jack considered this. He wasn’t in pain, but he felt a burning from the intrusion in his ass. But he was also still very horny, which he couldn’t figure out. More than anything, though, he wanted Nick to join with him. He wanted to feel it, and he wanted the bond.

  “No. Don’t stop.”

  Nick pushed harder, and Jack cried out a little. This time he knew Nick was all the way in. He could feel Nick’s balls against his cheeks, and Nick leaned over him, kissing him deeply. There was a little moisture in his eyes from the strain on his insides, but he was glad that Nick had driven all the way into him. They were like one person now, and in that moment, he wished his hands were free so that he could wrap them around Nick’s neck.

  Nick continued to kiss Jack, entwining his tongue with Jack’s in a furious dance. Jack could feel Nick’s lust. It mirrored his own. They were no longer fumbling with each other on a railcar, hesitantly trying new things, learning one another. They were fucking.

  The press of Nick’s body against Jack’s dick was its own torture. There was just enough rubbing of his tip to keep him in a high state of arousal. Nick still hadn’t moved inside Jack, as though he were allowing him to adjust to his size. But as the plundering of his mouth grew more intense, Nick grabbed Jack on either side of his head, twined his fingers in Jack’s hair, and held him down. Nick gently slicked in and out of Jack’s ass and Jack groaned into Nick’s mouth. The pressure against that spot inside him built deliciously, and Nick increased his speed—his thrusts not as gentle now. Still, Nick kept his lips clamped firmly on Jack’s mouth, and he slammed his cock into Jack’s ass with ever-increasing force.

  Nick tore his mouth away, arched his back and yelled out as he pumped his cum into Jack. He was getting pounded by Nick, and he no longer thought about the burning, or even the bit of soreness, he just thought about the pleasure of seeing Nick react that way about him. Jack was proud that he could do that for Nick—that he wanted to be with him. They were a real couple.

  Nick lay flat on the bed in the little space between a trussed-up Jack and the wall. His breathing was out of control. He was panting hard from the power of what he’d just experienced. He was sweating again as well, but it was a good kind of sweat this time.

  I finally did it. I fucked someone.

  He felt a little bad thinking about it that way. But the truth was that he’d never fucked anyone before because he hadn’t wanted to. Not until Jack. Now Jack was truly his, and he wanted to give him all of the enjoyment that he had experienced. He rolled over, and looked at Jack’s face. He had his eyes closed, and a slight smile on his lips.

  He hasn’t even got off yet, but he looks completely satisfied. That’s my Jacky.

  He reached down and grabbed Jack’s dick. It was semi-erect, but Nick was sure he could solve that real quick. But first, he wanted to take their game a little farther. He hopped over Jack’s prone body, and plucked the remaining rope lengths from the bag. Jack had opened his eyes as soon as Nick moved, and now he looked questioningly at him.

  Nick pulled Jack’s ankles down so that his legs were extended as far as they could go. He repeated the same procedure he had used on Jack’s wrists, and was pleased that Jack hadn’t even questioned him this time. He was allowing Nick to do whatever he desired to him. He trusted that Nick wouldn’t hurt him, and Nick never would. He loved Jack too much.

  He almost choked.

  Where did this love stuff come from?

  Nick wasn’t comfortable with any kind of overdone sentiment—that soft stuff that girls all liked. He just wanted to have someone who had his back the way he had theirs. It didn’t have to all be hearts and flowers. Nick shoved any romantic thoughts from his mind, and focused back on Jack’s dick. It was a beautiful sight. Long and slender with a full helmeted tip, and soft balls adorned with golden curls, beckoning to be suckled.

  With Jack snugly tied and splayed before him, Nick was ready to tease him. He wanted to try something else with him, see if he could take it. Jack struggled just a little against the restrai
nts, and Nick presumed that he was testing their hold. There would be no getting out of his bonds.

  “Jack,” Nick said softly. “I want you to do somethin’ for me. Actually, not do somethin’.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want, Nick, you know that. But I don’t get it. Whaddya mean not do somethin’?”

  “Don’t come until I tell you to.”


  “Just do what I say.”

  “Okay, Nick.”

  Jack closed his eyes, and Nick ever so lightly traced his fingers over Jack’s body. It was similar to what he’d done earlier, but he did it in a way so that it would feel like little wisps of thread trailing over his skin. Jack trembled. Nick knew it was from the torment of being just on the edge of pleasure, but not quite there. Nick continued his torture, moving just slightly closer to Jack’s dick each time, but never making contact. He leaned over Jack, and blew on the tip of his shaft. Jack jumped, barely able to move at all against the restraints. He wiggled his toes, clenched his fists and knotted his brow. He jutted his hips up the best he could with his limbs held fast, but he could find no relief.

  Nick blew again, and Jack gave a little cry.

  “Aw geez, Nick, you’re killin’ me.”

  Nick smiled. The ecstasy they could give one another was endless. Nick stopped taunting Jack with his fingertips, and without touching him anywhere, leaned over and took just the tip of Jack’s cock into his mouth. He leisurely tasted him, drawing out each lick as he did. Jack’s moans increased and he pulled on the ties harshly, desperately trying to pump into Nick. Nick stopped, and let go. He opened his throat and mouth as wide as he could, and lowered his head as far down Jack’s dick as possible without making contact. Then he clamped down on him, immediately sucking him hard.

  “Oh, Nick! Oh God!”

  Nick laved the underside of Jack’s penis, and he detected the tell-tale pulsing that signalled that Jack was about to come. He let go of Jack’s shaft, and sat up quickly. Jack groaned.

  “Remember. You can’t come until I tell you.”


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