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Hollywood Bound

Page 8

by Morticia Knight

  Jack whimpered.

  “Please, Nick.”

  Nick grabbed a fistful of Jack’s hair, and Jack’s eyes flew open.

  “You’ll do what I say or I’ll leave you here tied up all night with no release.”

  Jack nodded, a fearful look on his face, and Nick felt a little bad. But he knew from playing with himself that if he drew it out, the orgasm would be so much better. He wanted Jack to know what that was like. Nick was also getting turned on by being in control, and he could tell even before from Jack’s reactions that he liked being dominated.

  This time, Nick gently caressed and teased the underside of Jack’s nut sacs. He watched, transfixed by the lean young man’s sinewy muscles as they twitched and worked under his skin, Jack seemingly anxious to put his exposed dick into anything just to find some relief. After playing with him some more, Nick knelt down at the bottom of the bed by Jack’s feet. He licked Jack’s soles, tickling the arch with his tongue.

  “Jesus, Nick, where’d you come up with all this stuff? You’re drivin’ me mad.”

  “Shhh, Jacky. Don’t make me gag you too. Just feel what I’m doin’.”

  Nick took one of Jack’s toes into his mouth, and sucked on it like a piece of hard candy. He did each one individually, then began to travel up Jack’s legs, liberally sprinkling kisses along the way alternating with little nips of Jack’s flesh. Nick could only imagine how on fire every nerve in Jack’s body must be. He was careful to avoid Jack’s groin area, but couldn’t resist licking the sensitive crease where his pelvis joined with the top of his thigh. Nick continued up Jack’s torso, stopping to scrape his teeth over his taut nipples. At last he reached Jack’s throat, and kissed him unrelentingly there, careful not to allow his hands to touch him at all.

  Jack’s response was more than he could have hoped for. His head thrashed and he twisted in his bonds. He alternated with cries of mercy and blissful groans.

  Nick decided to put him out of his misery.

  “Okay, Jacky boy, you’ve done real good. You can come now.”

  Nick grabbed Jack by the root, and sucked him in. He furiously licked and ate him, yanking him off at the same time. In less than a minute Jack yelled out so loud, Nick was afraid it would bring the police. He slapped one hand down on Jack’s face to stifle his cries, but didn’t let go of his cock with the other. Jack came violently in Nick’s mouth, gushing over and over again. At last he stopped, his dick still jerking at the slightest movement or touch as Nick let him go.

  Jack gasped for air, a flush to his chest and face quite visible, beads of sweat pouring down the sides of his body.

  Nick sat up on his knees and drew closer to Jack so that he could see into his eyes. He brushed the damp pieces of hair back from his forehead, and caressed his head gently, stroking him over and over.

  “You like that?”

  “Geez, Nick. It was unreal—so fantastic. You are…oh God, Nick, I love you so much…”

  Nick clenched his jaw.

  I shouldn’t feel this uncomfortable when he talks like that. He’s just being himself.

  “There, there. Let’s get you untied, and we can nap a bit. You must be tuckered out.”

  “Will you hold me, Nick? Please?”

  “Yeah, Jacky boy. I’ll hold you.”

  Chapter Nine

  It was a new day, and they had a new set of problems. Nick sat on the toilet counting what was left of their cash. He put twenty aside for the dungarees and shirts, and another twenty to cover an additional week’s rent. That left twenty-four dollars for food and such, and the ten that Jack still had for emergencies.

  That’s not too bad. We can last if we get jobs in a week or so. Plus, we might get good news right away from Global.

  Typically, it would take at least a week, sometimes two, after you got work before the first money came in, so he had to think ahead.

  “Nick, come on!” Jack was pounding on the door. “I gotta pee!”

  “Okay, okay!”

  He’d gone into the bathroom to count the money because he didn’t want Jack asking too many questions. He had a tendency to worry easily, and Nick was just trying to protect him as always. He took the twenty bucks for the clothes and put that into his shirt pocket, and added another three dollars for smokes, a newspaper and some food for the next couple of days. The rest he rolled up and stuffed back into his sock for safekeeping.

  He opened the door and laughed so hard he about doubled over. Jack was dancing around and clutching his dick with the goofiest look on his face.

  “Damn, Jack. Get in there before you hurt yourself.”

  Nick was still wiping tears from his eyes when Jack re-emerged.

  “S’not funny. What took you so long?”

  “Hey—a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

  Jack had an odd expression on his face, but he was usually moping around about something or another. He was just too sensitive. That was why it was good that Nick was there to take care of him.

  Nick combed his hair in the small mirror that hung above the oak dresser across from the bed. He double-checked to make sure that his face was shaved clean, and he rolled up his sleeves to not only combat the heat, but to hide the frayed cuffs. Satisfied, he set the comb down on the dresser and looked over at Jack sitting behind him on the edge of the bed.

  He looked up at Nick, his sweet eyes shaded by a hint of melancholy.

  “Do you love me, Nick?”

  Oh Jesus.

  “If I didn’t, would I go to all this trouble to bring us here—to take care of you?”

  “I know, but…you just never say how you feel about me. Sometimes I wonder if someday you’ll just get tired of me or something.”

  Fuck. Why now?

  Nick sat next to Jack, and put his arm around his shoulder, giving him a few little jostles.

  “Come on, Jacky boy. You’re my man, and that’s all that matters between us. We don’t need none of that sugary stuff to prove how we feel. Didn’t I give you a real good time last night?”

  Jack nodded, but he wouldn’t meet Nick’s eyes.

  “Now we gotta go out there and get us some jobs today.”

  Jack turned to look at Nick.

  “Are we in trouble? Is the money running out?”

  “Jee-zus!” Nick jumped up in a fury. “What is it with you and the money all the time? Just shut up about it. You don’t think I know what I’m doin’? You think you can do better? Huh?”

  Jack’s lower lip started trembling and somehow that made Nick even more furious.

  “Goddammit, Jack. Everything’s okay. I just need you to quit moonin’ around me all the time and start takin’ things more seriously. It’s time to get ready to take over Hollywood.”

  He poked Jack a little, trying to get him to smile. Nick was finally able to get a feeble one out of him but that was it. Nick sighed. He didn’t have time for this nonsense. All he was trying to do was protect him. He wished Jack could see that.

  “All right, come on. We’ll go grab some doughnuts and coffee at that little place on Sunset we saw when we got here, then we’ll visit the handyman shop and pick up some overalls. We’ll be just like those lunks we saw at the café—only better. Right, Jacky boy?”

  Nick elbowed him playfully like always, and Jack seemed to brighten a little.

  “Sure, Nick. I don’t mean to be a bother.”

  Nick’s heart tightened.

  Why am I such a jerk?

  “C’mere, Jacky.”

  He yanked Jack up by his shirt sleeve, and pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. It felt as if Jack were clinging to him like a life raft. Nick ruffled his hair a little and kissed the top of his head. He let him go.

  “It’s a big day, Jack. Our first day looking for work in Hollywood. Let’s make it count.”

  * * * *

  It had been five days in the motel, and the studio had told them to come back in a week on the very first day they had tried to
get jobs. Two more days and they could try again. They said something about waiting for a green light on a new production, then they would need some extra guys, but no guarantees on anything permanent. Nick had told Jack they should be patient, that their entire reason for coming to California had been to get work in moving pictures. They had looked around for odd jobs, but they were finding out that there definitely seemed to be a clique system out there, where it was more who you knew versus what you could do. That had been true back home as well, but Nick had been the one who had known someone then, with his uncle. It was starting to feel as if they were still in New York where everyone else had money to go to gin joints, grab a taxi, buy a spiffy new jacket or fancy spats. They were back to the daily cheese sandwich with a side of smokes. And every day that went by without a job offer, Nick got more antsy.

  Their sex sessions were increasing in their intensity. Jack loved everything Nick did to him, it was thrilling and different than he ever could have imagined. He loved the sense of belonging he had when Nick would take him over completely. Once in a while there were glimpses of the tenderness Jack knew that Nick possessed, yet seemed determined to never show him. If he could have everything he wished for, it would be that Nick would show more of that loving side, and that they would get some good jobs soon before Nick went completely cuckoo.


  “You okay, sweetie?”

  “Jesus Christ Jack. What did I say about that pet name shit? Huh? You’re gonna drive me fuckin’ crazy with that. You get too used to saying that and one of these days it’s gonna come flyin’ outta your mouth when we’re on the set. ‘Hey, sweetie, can you hand me that hammer, my darlin’ little kitten?’ Fuck, Jack. Don’t we have enough problems already?”

  Jack rolled over on the bed to face the wall. They had too much time on their hands, and Jack’s ass was already sore from all of the rough games they had been playing—there was no way that was an option tonight. As much as he loved it, he needed a bit of a rest. Any suggestions about walking around the city or taking the trolley to sight-see had also been shot down by Nick the purse-holder. It was either too hot, or they couldn’t afford it. They had to save their money—just in case.

  Just in case what?

  “I’m sorry, Jack, but I gotta get outta here for a bit. I’m about ready to climb the walls.”

  That’s what I’ve been trying to say all week.

  “Here, you take the last two smokes—we need more anyway. I’ll pick up some matches too while I’m out. You wanna Coca-Cola? That’d be nice, huh?”


  Jack didn’t turn over. He suddenly didn’t feel like moving at all. It felt safer and more secure to huddle in a ball.

  “Okay, kid, I mean, Jack. I’ll be back in a little while.”

  Nick patted him on the shoulder, and Jack heard the door shut behind him. What was happening? The excitement of the first few days had been heady. Not only were they finally in their dream town, but they were able to be together in the way Jack had yearned for them to be. Now he felt empty. It had nothing to do with being sorry about anything that was going on with their jobs, or how he felt about Nick. It was just Nick. He seemed unhappy and restless, and it was getting to Jack. It all came back to the same old problem. Nick wasn’t willing, or wasn’t able, to share his feelings. He held everything inside him like a deep, dark secret. No matter how many times Nick reassured him, Jack still felt unsure about himself and their situation.

  There was a loud boom outside, and Jack saw a flash of light come through the window. He jumped up off the bed and ran to see what was going on. It was just about twilight, and another boom rang out, this time even louder. He looked outside and realised that it was coming from behind the studio walls.

  A picture! They’re making a picture!

  It was too exciting. Why couldn’t he be higher up so he could see over the wall? Why wasn’t Nick here to share it with him? He couldn’t wait to tell him when he came back. Jack’s mind wandered to all of the possibilities of this mystery film. Could Douglas Fairbanks Jr. be just a stone’s throw away from him right that very second? The thought made him shiver.

  On their second day there after they’d bought their coveralls, he’d found a torn scandal sheet in the trash. It wasn’t very big, and it was all in black and white, but it had lurid stories about FW Murnau, the genius filmmaker from Germany who had made the terrifying Nosferatu. Even more titillating was a story on Erich Von Stroheim, an Austrian director who some considered a sadist. He was supposedly filming orgies that featured women being tied up and whipped. No one knew for sure, since Willy Hays, the purity czar of Hollywood—who had made sure that nothing of an immoral nature would ever be seen on film again didn’t allow such filth. All actors and actresses even had to sign morality clauses in their contracts.

  Jack was filled with curiosity about Stroheim’s films. If what they said were true, then there were other people doing the types of things he and Nick did. Would Nick want to whip him too? His cock had twitched a little at the thought, but he’d put it out of his mind.

  But there were also lighter stories involving the little tramp, Charlie Chaplin, that only hinted at improprieties. And there had been pictures of his dashing Douglas Fairbanks with the pretty Mary Pickford. Jack had cut Douglas out of the paper—leaving Mary behind—so that he could hang it on their wall. Nick had pretended that he wasn’t interested in any star gossip nonsense, but Jack had caught him peeking over his shoulder a couple of times.

  Jack sighed heavily. He longed for so much all of a sudden, and felt selfish and greedy for feeling that way. He was already so fortunate to have a man like Nick, even if Nick did have a hard time sharing his feelings. And here he was, all the way on the other side of the country in Hollywood—so close to his dreams. Never could he have imagined being in this place when he’d been kicked out of the orphanage three years before. Yet he ached to be on the other side of the wall across the street, and for Nick to be by his side always. He only hoped he could have both.

  * * * *

  Nick wandered around the streets smoking his third stick from the new pack he’d just bought an hour before. Chesterfields again, but he still felt like a greedy rat bastard for going through them like this.

  I did leave the other two for Jack before I left.

  He checked his watch, and saw that he’d been gone almost two hours. The damned heat didn’t seem to relent the later the night became. He shouldn’t be out for much longer. It was already after ten o’clock, and he didn’t want to worry Jack. Plus, it probably wasn’t the best idea to be running around by himself like this, especially when he had all of their money on him.

  “Hey, Mac. Can I bum a smoke off a ya?”

  Nick turned around and saw a nice-looking gentleman leaning against the wall near an alleyway. He had a snazzy silk shirt on, unbuttoned at the top, but tucked into some nice pinstripe trousers. Nick considered him. What was a nicely dressed guy doing out here on his own in this neighbourhood?

  “Uh, sure.”

  Nick didn’t want any trouble. The man took the cigarette Nick offered, and Nick struck a match for him. The guy leaned in to light the stick, and the glow from it illuminated his dark eyes and straight, thin moustache.

  “So,” the man said, taking a strong drag. “What brings a handsome man like yourself out here on the boulevard this evening? Shouldn’t you have a swanky doll hangin’ off your arm?”

  “Nah. I’m just tryin’ to get some air. This heat is somethin’ else.”

  “Mmm. Not from around here, huh? My name’s Ricky.”

  He extended his hand. Nick paused, then took it. Ricky broke the hold first, and went back to sucking in smoke.

  “Not to be ungrateful, but these cigarettes taste like horseshit.”

  Nick started to get ruffled. But the last thing he wanted to do was to get into it with someone there on the street. He also didn’t need to lose their money by having to put up bail.

Yeah well, I ain’t one o’ the Rockefellas.”

  Ricky laughed in a sort of affected way, as if he were from some high-bred society family.

  “So true. Who is? Not me, I assure you. Now that we’ve established that your name isn’t Rockefeller, what might it be?”


  Something about this Ricky guy made him uneasy, but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Nick looked around. There didn’t seem to be another soul on the street. It was time to take his leave.

  “Well, nice to meet ya, Ricky, I gotta be on my way.”

  “Hold up there, Nick. You wouldn’t happen to be lonely, would you?”


  “You seem to be a little down on your luck.”

  Ricky eyed him up and down, and Nick was suddenly overly conscious of his frayed clothes. They were keeping all of their new stuff aside for when the job at the studio came through.

  “You know appearances are everything in this shitty town. You have to look like you already have something before they’ll give it to you.”

  Nick frowned.

  What is he going on about?

  “That don’t make no sense.”

  “Yes, well, the logic of Hollywood makes little sense to most. But I’ve been here a few years now, and I know what I need to do to get by. A man needs to have as much scratch as possible to really make it here. No matter what they have to do. But enough about that. Tonight I was left at the club by some cheap floozy who thought she could play me. She let me buy her drinks and dinner, and then she took off with some fat pig director, or so he claimed. Bitch.”

  Ricky took a final drag on the cigarette Nick had shared with him, and tossed it to the ground, stamping it with the toe of his patent leather shoe.

  Nick was more annoyed than intrigued by this stranger, but he was curious how the guy thought Nick fit into the picture.

  “So what does any of that have to do with me bein’ lonely?”

  “Well, that little slut promised me that she would suck me off, and yet my cock remains un-sucked.”

  Nick gasped, and turned around to get out of there.


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