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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

Page 16

by Amos, Ashley

  He flew up the stairs of his huge plantation style home, and entered quietly. Several of the girls were drinking wine and giggling in the sitting room, and two of them were dancing sensuously. He could still sense Vera crying in the basement, and he really didn’t care to join the party going on upstairs. Despite this, he sat down on the couch while Leena came to pour him some wine. He had fed upon a random hitchhiker on the way home, and had thrown the body into a ravine. He still enjoyed good wine after a kill. The girls came over to him, and although he wanted to push them away, he didn’t. His manhood was already on the alert.

  The two girls dancing, Lora and Layla, began to slowly strip for their Master. Despite his general feelings of apathy and boredom, his needs overrode the need to tell the girls to leave him alone. The other three were already writhing on him, but he asked them to back up. “Go get Vera.”

  One of the girls left the sitting room, and went to get the crying girl. She tried to calm her down (they all knew that the Master couldn’t stand crying and sobbing), and she was able to at least get her cleaned up a little and to take several deep breaths. Vera was soon standing in front of Vincent. He was naked, and his rock hard cock stood at attention. “Sit on it,” he commanded Vera. She slowly and reluctantly stripped, and then she began to straddle him. He pushed her down hard, taking her breath away.

  Vincent began to pump hard, in a frenzied way that only vampires are capable of. It felt as though he was sawing Vera in half. She whimpered, but her discomfort did nothing to stop him. He pumped until he was satisfied, shooting a huge load into her womanhood.

  Dawn was approaching, so he ordered the girls to go to bed as he went down to the basement to get into his coffin. Selena was still on his mind, and jealousy was beginning to consume him, just as it had in that long ago village in Greece. He began to make plans before he slept, and he knew that Aron would eventually sense this and begin to make his own plans to counterattack. Vincent didn’t care; this time he was determined to win. He would win Selena, and she would be his queen. He would get rid of all of his silly girls, or maybe he would just keep them for bloodletting and to amuse himself and his new queen. He would begin to work out harder, and he would make sure that all of his powers were at their strongest. Aron wouldn’t stand a chance. He was so sure of himself, so smug. Vincent didn’t realize that this was just his jealously talking; Aron was quite an upstanding man and vampire both. However, Vincent would never see things clearly when it came to Aron. He hated him with every fiber of his being, and he wanted his lover. He would stop at nothing to get her.

  Chapter 8: Night Out at Fangs

  Selena and Aron stirred at the same time, as usual. They got out of their coffins, and kissed passionately. They journeyed up to Aron’s magnificent bedroom and made love with a frenzy. It was as if they were running out of time to touch each other. They then journeyed to the forest and had their evening meal of small animals. Aron let Selena wander through the forest again with her new eyes.

  “Let’s go out, “Aron said. “Really?” “Of course, anything for my beautiful love.” He didn’t want her to get bored, or to think that he was trying to cramp her lifestyle. “But we have to make sure that I go home for a bit tomorrow, and I have to write. My publisher is going to kill me if I don’t get busy.” “Sure, my darling.”

  The couple went to get dressed for a night out at Fangs. When they arrived, Selena realized the meaning behind the name of the club. She also suddenly realized what Vincent was. She couldn’t believe that she had been in such a position, and that she could have possibly made a grave mistake and not have ended up with Aron.

  The club looked amazing. She was very glad that vampires could still drink alcohol. They ordered champagne, and Aron was escorted back to his usual VIP area. It was surprisingly right beside Vincent’s area. “I want to talk to you about Vincent.”

  Suddenly, Selena was very nervous, and she wasn’t sure why. “Don’t worry, my dear. You are not in any trouble. This is just a warning. Remember how I told you that Vincent will stop at nothing to get what he wants? Well, I am going to have to be on the lookout for him, as he has set his sights on you. We will have to be vigilant on our travels, and it may come down to me actually battling him.” “Oh no! Is this my fault?” “No, no…. I am just making you aware. And Vincent and I go back many hundreds of years. This will not be the first feud between us, but I intend for it to be the last.”

  The two enjoyed their champagne, but Selena was having trouble relaxing. She drank a little too much, and she was finally ready to dance. “Come dance with me lover!” She pulled Aron to the dance floor. As she moved her sensuous curves in a most seductive manner, Aron sent out telepathic warnings to the other vampires in the club. Male and female alike were checking out his woman. They backed off, although some still stole looks every now and then. Selena was mesmerizing.

  They had a bit more champagne and began to kiss with wild abandon on the VIP couch. “I think that we need to go home my love, “Aron said. Selena agreed, and the two exited Fangs. They got into his stretch limo, and his mute driver drove them back to the mansion.

  “I know that you are used to living alone, and that you are an independent woman. However, I would really like you to move in with me.” “That is a lot to take in,” Selena said. “But I want to be with you every waking moment. I will have to take care of several things.” “Of course, my love.”

  After the couple arrived back at the mansion, they made love with even more abandon than they had earlier in the evening. It was rough and sweaty, and Aron knew that he wanted to make Selena his wife. Moving in was only the first step. They drank blood in champagne flutes from the supply that Aron kept in his refrigerator. He had the most loyal and discreet employees available; they kept all of his secrets and were glad to do so. They were well paid, and he even provided benefits.

  “Will we ever see the sun again?” Selena wondered aloud. “My dear, there are ways for that to happen, but it involves much magic and many elaborate steps. I will give you a book that will tell you more.” “Do you want me to have my driver go get your laptop and notes?” “Yes, that would be great.”

  When the driver arrived back with Selena’s writing tools, she began to set up an area at the extra desk in Aron’s office. “I will have my construction team turn one of the extra rooms into your very own office. Go ahead and write. I will see you in a couple of hours.” Aron exited the office, and Selena began to type as if her life depended on it.

  She quickly realized that she could type inhumanly fast, and her thoughts were more organized and flowed more easily than before she became a vampire. She was able to remember things to put into her autobiography in the exact order in which they happened. She could also remember more details as if she was watching them on a TV screen. It was good to be writing again, and she couldn’t imagine how much she would be able to accomplish with her newfound powers.

  Selena wrote for nearly two hours, and she was amazed that she had finished her autobiography. Although it was supposed to only be a final draft, she was confident that Sara would be able to use this as the final copy ready to print. This was incredible! She would also be able to write all of the fiction stories that she had started, as well as the ones that she still had in her mind. And the best part was – she would not get them all mixed up! Oh, the wonders of being a fledgling vampire!

  Soon it was time to wrap up her work, and she set her manuscript to print. She walked down to the basement. She and Aron kissed, and then they retired as the dawn approached.

  Chapter 9: Vincent’s Plan

  Vincent was planning his attack. He never did things in a gentlemanly way. He had thus far shielded his thoughts and presence pretty well from Aron, but he could not do so much longer. Aron was starting to sense him, and this would give him the opportunity to prepare for the attack. Vincent didn’t want this. He wanted to have all of the advantages possible in executing his attack. He wanted Selena more than ever now. He had been
ignoring his consorts for the most part. They were getting worried. He had promised to take care of them, but his indifference was concerning.

  Vincent decided to go to Fangs for the evening. He called ahead to make sure that his usual VIP spot was available. “Of course, Mr. Galante,” the manager replied. He got into his limo and told the driver where to go.

  When Vincent walked in, the atmosphere changed. Many women flocked to him, waiting with bated breath to be asked back to the VIP lounge with him. The males, including the vampires, all seemed to retreat into themselves. They didn’t appear to want to engage with him in any capacity. He sat down on the reserved couch and ordered his usual champagne. He had invited a few girls back, but he was really not interested in them. Selena was consuming his thoughts. He was also mentally going over his attack tactics against Aron.

  “Would you like more champagne, Mr. Galante?” “Sure, bring some more.” He wasn’t really drinking much; the order was more for the girls than for him. One girl began to dance around the small room seductively. Vincent looked at her with a complete lack of interest. That didn’t stop her; she kept right on writhing.

  Soon this would be over. Soon, he would be watching Selena dance for him, and he would never be bored again.

  Meanwhile, Aron and Selena had completed their nightly feedings, and they made love under the forest stars. This was not an uncomfortable act like it would be for a human, as vampires could levitate, among other powers. Selena was surprised to find that their lovemaking only got better each time. She was never bored, and Aron always made sure that she was taken care of first. He was truly a Master at what he did. She was glad to call him Master in all areas. She was amazed every night at her own powers, and at the way that everything continued to look wonderful and magical. Her powers were slowly becoming stronger, although they were nothing compared to Aron’s. Her capacity for reading minds was becoming progressively stronger as well. She loved that she and Aron could be in different areas of the house and easily communicate with each other through their thoughts.

  One of the most fun powers was how quickly she could now move. She moved like a human normally, but when she wanted to get somewhere really quickly, she could zoom across a space of about 500 feet like a flash of light. It was quite convenient, and she knew from Aron’s stories that the male vampires used this power often when in fights to bring in the maximum amount of force in an attack. She was hoping that he would not have to make use of this talent. She wanted nothing to spoil their perfect new life. Little did she know that at some point in the near future, that perfect life would be challenged.

  Selena went into her part of the office and began to write on one of her fiction stories. She could still not get over how quickly she could type, and how quickly her ideas were transferred from mind to keyboard. Sara had come to pick up her autobiography draft one day ago, and she had marveled at Aron’s mansion. “Wow, nice digs!” she exclaimed. “Pretty impressive.” Selena expected her to call at any time with glowing reviews about the manuscript. Aron came in to check on her. “Hey babe. How’s it going?” “Great! I’ll be finished here in a few minutes.” “Ok, do you want some wine?” “Sure.” Aron exited the study to go get a bottle from the wine cellar.

  He took the bottle into the kitchen to open it. He poured too generous glasses, and the red liquid flowing into the glasses looked like blood. Such a beautiful sight. Suddenly, he had the sense that someone was trying to get into his mind to detect his whereabouts. He immediately put up a steel shield. His maker had taught him how to do this shortly after he had turned him. It was with this action that he realized that he had not taught Selena this vital skill. He would do so tonight.

  Aron put out some probes with his strong mind tracking skills, while still leaving the steel wall up. Suddenly, he jumped back, dropping one of the wine glasses. As it came crashing to the floor, he composed himself quickly so as not to startle Selena if she came down. The being trying to get into his head was none other than Vincent Galante. So, there was to be a battle sooner than he expected. As he had known that Vincent had set his sights on Selena, this was no surprise to him; he had just hoped that it would not be so soon. He had also wanted to be better prepared.

  “Are you okay?” Selena rushed into the kitchen with an alarmed look on her face. “Yes, honey. Just a little clumsy this evening. Come to the living room with me. There is something that I must teach you.”

  Aron taught Selena how to put up the steel wall in her mind. He explained that it would feel either like a dull pain or light was intruding directly into the mind if another vampire was trying to get into her head. She was a quick learner, and he was satisfied that she could confidently and swiftly put up the barrier if needed. They drank some more wine, and he asked if she wanted to go out. “Not tonight. Let’s stay in.” She winked at him, and they made their way to the bedroom. After making love, Aron and Selena made their way to their coffins. They went to sleep, both at ease. The only thing disturbing this ease was Aron’s thoughts about Vincent. However, he knew how much his powers had grown in the past hundred years. He really wasn’t worried; he just wanted to be prepared. His thoughts were veiled, and he had made sure to barricade the doors and windows with their steel coverings. He had plans for Selena and himself tomorrow.

  Chapter 10: Selena’s Book

  Selena continued to write like there was no tomorrow. The beautiful thing was – she had all of the tomorrows until forever. When she took a break, she checked her voicemails. There were two from Sara along with several urgent texts from her as well. She urged Selena to call her as soon as possible.

  Selena was nervous. Did Sara not like the book? Was it not long enough? Had she forgotten some key memories and events? Sara answered on the first ring. “Thank goodness! I’ve been calling and texting because the book is brilliant. We don’t even need any revisions. The draft is the book! I want to publish it right away!” “Oh my gosh! That’s great! I really wasn’t expecting this.” “Well, Selena, I don’t see why not. You’re a brilliant writer, and you’ve been churning out some of the best stuff I’ve seen from you ever. I’ll set up the tour as soon as I get in touch with the bookstores that you usually sign in.” “OK, thank you!”

  Now Selena was nervous again. What would Aron think of her going on tour? Would he support her, and would he come with her? Just then he walked in. “What’s up baby?” “My publisher just called. She loves the book. She wants to publish it right away.” “Well, that’s great! Congratulations!” He leaned in to kiss her. “Wait,” she put her hand up. “There’s something else. I will have to go on a book tour. Sara usually adds quite a few cities, so the tour will be busy. I may be gone for a couple of months.” “No problem babe. I want to be with you. I will come with you. You know that I support your career wholeheartedly.” “Oh! I’m so happy!” Selena jumped into his arms. She felt like a little girl on Christmas. Could life get any better?

  “I’ll get Maria to start helping you pack right away. That way you can be prepared for whenever Sara says the first date is. And you take my credit card and go get some new clothes. I should have already taken you to do that.” “Oh really?” It really was like Christmas, but even better. Selena couldn’t wait to get started. Just then, Aron swooped her up into his arms. “First, some wine and time together.”

  He carried her downstairs to the huge dining room. “You can have dinner parties in here if you would like, my dear.” “Oh Aron, that would be wonderful.” They sipped their wine and talked late into the night. They told stories of their lives, and they laughed and enjoyed themselves. “I will call the store on Lancaster where I have a personal shopper. I will tell her to expect you tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock.” “I just can’t believe all these wonderful things. I am so happy.” “That is what I live to do, my love.” Aron looked at her with his impossibly blue eyes. The love pouring from them was full and flowing freely.

  The following evening, Selena went to the shop that Aron had told her ab
out, and she picked the most exquisite and expensive clothing for her book tour. The items would last a lifetime. She added them to the piles for Maria to pack. She swirled around in the mansion like a beautiful goddess in flowing gowns of the most delicate gossamer-like materials. New York was the first city booked for the tour. They would leave in two days. Selena had somehow convinced Sara to book all of the signings for evening. There were no day stops on the tour.

  Selena and Aron flew out to New York on his personal jet on a clear night. They reached the Hilton at about 10 PM. Their bags were carried to the room by a bellhop, whom Aron tipped generously. This luxurious life was more than Selena had ever dreamed of. She had had a comfortable life before Aron, but it was nothing like this. They relaxed in the room’s hot tub with some fabulous vintage wine. Selena’s first signing was the following evening. She was both nervous and excited.

  Chapter 11: The First Encounter

  Dressed in a beautiful teal couture gown, Selena had never looked lovelier. Her flame red hair was pinned up, and this showed off her long, pale neck to perfection. Dewdrop topaz earrings and a matching necklace adorned her exquisite skin. Aron couldn’t believe his luck. However, he had made sure to get Selena to promise to put up her mind shield, and he had his up as well. He had also placed a protective energy cloak around them both to conceal their location, although he knew that this would not hold Vincent off forever.

  When they arrived at the bookstore, there was already a line headed down the block with people waiting to listen to Selena read and to get their books signed. The crowd gasped when they saw her, and she stopped to go ahead and sign a few books as she walked in. She began her reading, and the crowd listened, enraptured.


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