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Soul Song: A Witch & Shifter Romance

Page 17

by Amos, Ashley

  Aron felt Vincent before he saw him. How had he managed to find them this quickly? His powers must have magnified quite a bit since their last feud. He shot him a warning look, and sent him a thought, “Do not ruin this for her. I will talk with you after the signing.”

  There were so many people that it took over an hour for Selena to sign all of the books. She was gracious and friendly, even when her hand started cramping. She wrote personal greetings in every fan’s book, and she signed her name with a flourish. This was the best reading and signing that she had had. Her life was so perfect now. After the signing, she posed for pictures for the New York Times, and also with some fans. She posed with Aron as well. They were asked by a reporter if any wedding bells were in the near future. Selena blushed, and Aron adeptly handled the queries. “Perhaps,” he said with a winning smile. The two vampires were preternaturally mesmerizing.

  When the pictures were all taken, Selena was exhausted; this rarely happened to vampires. Aron and she rode in a limo and drank champagne on the way back to the hotel. Vincent was following closely behind.

  “You rest and recharge in the hot tub, darling. I have some business to attend to in the business lounge.” Selena gladly shed her beautiful gown and placed her gorgeous, round body with her massive breasts into the soothing hot water. Aron kissed her and exited to the lobby.

  Vincent was waiting on a couch. The animosity between the two was palpable. Aron was determined to make this quick and easy. “Well, I see that you are once again ignoring the unspoken laws of the vampire. You are coveting and chasing another vampire’s property. I don’t think that you will ever change Vincent.” “You know that I get what I want, no matter what. History will repeat itself tonight, although I will destroy you forever.” “Dream on Galante.”

  The two vampire rivals walked out of the hotel leisurely as if they were just regular humans going out for dinner. When they got outside, they flew up to the rooftop of the huge hotel in a flash so fast that they human eye could not detect them. They met on the roof and stared menacingly at each other. They flew up a bit at the same time, then rushed violently towards each other. Vincent was able to knock Aron down onto the rooftop. He landed with a thud. After gathering himself back up, he put his invisible energy field around himself. This made him momentarily invisible to Vincent’s vision. This time, he rushed at Vincent, startling him and knocking the wind out of him before he fell to the roof harder than Aron had. Something or someone was coming. Both vampires stopped for a moment, as they sensed the presence flying upwards towards the roof. It was Selena.

  “What the hell are you two doing?!” she exclaimed with fear and anger. “I can’t relax for a little while without getting alarm signals from the both of you. Are you still fighting after all of these years? I will not stand for it. My life is wonderful now, and it is going to stay that way. And Aron, how could you sneak off like that under the pretense of business? I trusted you.” Both of the male vampires were speechless. They stared at each other and looked back at Selena. Vincent was once again struck by her beauty, especially that voluptuous body. Aron explained why they were feuding. “He intends to kill me my love, so that he can take you from me and keep you forever as his slave. This must be done.”

  “This is ridiculous! No one can take me against my will! I love Aron, and Vincent, that will never change. But fine, if you must continue, go ahead. However, I stay. If this fight is over me, then I want to see the results.” The male vampires nodded and then looked back at each other. It was something that must be done, as Aron had said. This was an ages old feud that had to end sometime. And Aron would never let his one true love be stolen from him right under his nose. The vampires flew up into the air again as Selena watched.

  They rushed at each other, this time knocking each other back to the rooftop. They were both sufficiently stunned as to have to shake their heads and wait a couple of minutes to gain composure. Their strength was immeasurable, as they were both thousands of years old. A vampire’s powers grow exponentially the longer that they are alive. They are capable of great feats, including physical, mental, and magical. The men continued to rush at each other, knocking each other down one after the other. It looked as if there would be no resolution to this fight.

  Aron threw Vincent into the wall across from him. Vincent was stunned for the longest amount of time yet, and it appeared he would not recover. However, Aron wanted to end him, not just injure him. Before he could rush into him again, Vincent raised his hand. “Let’s continue this tomorrow. I am weak, and I must take sustenance.” This meant that he was going to prey upon a New Yorker human for his nightly bloodletting. “Fine,” Aron said. “I will finish you tomorrow.” “We’ll see about that.” Vincent flew off into the night.

  Aron wasn’t sure why he was allowing Vincent to escape. He could have pulverized him while he was down. It was something about Selena being there and watching. He was almost ashamed. She was no longer looking in his direction, and she flew off of the rooftop before he could come over to her.

  Chapter 12: Selena’s Anger

  Selena wasn’t speaking to Aron. He could not get it through her head that Vincent was extremely dangerous, and that he had to be stopped. He would never quit, and their lives would be constantly interrupted. If Aron wasn’t vigilant, Vincent might be able to annihilate him. Selena would then be devastated, and she would have to live with a monster for eternity.

  Until the feud was continued, she was ignoring him as she typed away on her laptop. The fiction story that she was presently working on was coming along nicely. It was about a clan of wolves and the humans that sought to destroy them. Little did Selena know, there were Werewolves. It had just never come up in conversation, so Aron had never said anything about them.

  She ordered wine from room service, and took a break by sitting in the hot tub while sipping the expensive Merlot. Aron could barely stand it. His future wife was so beautiful and sexy, and her curvy body was covered in droplets of water, and her pale skin was splotchy from the hot water. His manhood was standing at attention, and he had no idea how he was going to approach her to try to make up and make love to her. She was the only woman who had ever made him confused and flustered and doubting as to what move to make next.

  Soon, dawn was approaching. Aron closed the blackout drapes, and the two retired into slumber, neither speaking nor kissing each other goodnight.

  When night came again, Selena continued to write while looking beautiful in a pure red gown of silk. Aron had attempted to apologize, bring her gifts, and even tried to glamour her in an attempt to get her to forgive him. Nothing would work. Soon it would be time to fight Vincent again. He decided he wouldn’t even bring it up to Selena. He went down to the dining hall and had some wine alone. All of the women, even those who were married, could not keep their eyes off of him. Not only was he extremely handsome, he was absolutely magnetizing. However, he didn’t notice any of them. He only had eyes for Selena, and right now, the only thing on his mind was how to make up with her.

  He had a few glasses of wine and just sat, thinking and wondering. He was to meet Vincent on the rooftop in about half an hour. This was it – the feud to end all feuds. He must defeat him; he didn’t even care that he might be destroyed, he only cared that Selena remained his and that she would not end up with Vincent Galante forever. Soon, it was time to go to the rooftop.

  Selena was no longer writing; she was sitting looking out the window at the wonderful view of New York City at night. The cars and lights were beautiful; the lights strung together like stars in their own galaxy, and the cars stopped and started in the traffic in the way that only happens in NYC. However, she was miserable. She didn’t think that Aron would lose, but she couldn’t bear the thought of that possibly happening. She wanted him to hold her and kiss her, but she just couldn’t let that happen right now. She knew that Vincent was at fault as well, but she really thought that the whole “Let’s have a duel” thing was outdated and very silly
. They were like gunslingers in the Old West, fighting over a girl. At the same time, she could see how it was necessary. Vincent would never stop; she knew that now. And she didn’t want to end up with him by any stretch of the imagination. She only wanted to be with Aron.

  This fight better happen soon; she had to travel to Boston tomorrow for the next book reading and signing. She continued to write. There was a knock at the door. She opened it with trepidation, but it was just the waiter bringing champagne from room service. She locked the door behind him. She made sure that she had her steel mind wall up, and she also remembered to put her energy shield on. She definitely did not want Vincent attempting to access her thoughts or to attempt to control her in any way.

  Selena walked to the huge mirror in the suite’s bedroom. She looked at herself; perhaps she was worth the fight. She was a strong, loving, intelligent woman. And she also had a slamming body. Her red hair streamed over her pale shoulders; her hair matched the red gown. Her ample breasts were pushed up in an incredibly enticing way. The gown fit her curves just right, and her green eyes shone with a light that only a vampire’s eyes could shine with. In that moment, she forgave Aron. She saw herself as he saw her – with love and admiration and desire. She knew that he would protect her at all costs, and that this battle was necessary. She sat down to write a little more.

  Chapter 13: The Fight To Death

  Vincent and Aron met on the rooftop. “OK, we start on three,” said Aron. “We each stand at opposite walls facing each other.” Vincent agreed. Aron was just beginning to start the count when he stopped as he heard something. “Wait! I’m here.” It was Selena. She had not been able to concentrate on her writing, and she knew that she needed to be there for her Master. Vincent said “Say goodbye to your Master, and hello to your new one. This will all be over in a few minutes.” Selena shot him a piercing, nasty look. She then ran to Aron. “I love you. I’m sorry. I know that you are only trying to take care of me.” They kissed passionately.

  Vincent cleared his throat. Selena and Aron broke their kiss. “You will perform the countdown my dear. Count to three, then we start.” “1, 2, 3!” The vampires flew at each other with incredible force. Selena could still see them with her vampire eyes, but it was still amazing. They moved at lightning speed, and the strength involved in each swoop was massive. They were both knocked down. They each attempted to catch their breath before the other. Suddenly, they were both up.

  Vincent flew with all of his might at Aron before Aron could fly at him. Aron was not only out of breath, there was also a large slash across his chest which had gone through his shirt to cut the skin. Selena wanted to run to him, but he was flying at Vincent before she could even get her bearings and move. This time, Aron slashed Vincent across his neck and shoulder. The blood poured from his neck like a gushing flood. Aron took the opportunity to rush at him again. He slashed the other side from Vincent’s face down to his shoulder. More blood rushed out.

  Selena wanted to cheer and run into Aron’s arms at the same time. She couldn’t wait until this was over. She normally did not pray, but tonight the prayers were flying from her lips almost as fast as the two vampires in front of her were flying at each other. Aron’s slash was bleeding, but not as badly as Vincent’s. Vincent was trying to stop the blood flow from each side of his neck, but he couldn’t keep up with it. Aron took this next opportunity to run into his partner at lightning speed again. He slashed his belly this time. He also had a secret weapon under his sleeve. As Vincent was trying to gather both his wits and his strength back, Aron went back over to his wall on the rooftop. He brought up a huge machete. Unfortunately, Vincent saw what he was doing. He was back in front of Aron in a split second, blood gushing and all. He grabbed at the air, trying to get a hold on the sword. The two fought back and forth, the blood and sweat swishing through the air in droplets that seemed strangely like mist. Aron was able to punch Vincent with an uppercut to the nose. This allowed him to get his balance and wield the sword again. Before Selena knew what was happening, Vincent’s head was lying on the pavement of the rooftop. There was blood everywhere; it seemed as if there were rushing river torrents of it. Within a minute or so, his body and head disintegrated into thin air. Just like that, he was gone.

  Selena rushed to Aron. She kissed him, then she began to lick the blood that was streaming from the gash in his chest. She quickly bit her own wrist, and then she firmly placed it against Aron’s mouth. He sucked on it until she thought he would suck the very life from her. Although she was nowhere near as powerful as Aron, her blood was infused with his powers as he was her Maker. Therefore, it contained strong healing properties that would restore his strength and heal his wound. Aron was weak, but as he sucked and then lapped at the blood flowing from Selena’s wrist, his strength and stamina were restored. She put his jacket back on him so that they could walk through the lobby without incident. Other than the rip in his shirt and the blood drying on it, it was as if nothing had ever happened. It was as if Vincent Galante had never existed.

  The couple strode through the elegant hotel lobby with confidence. They put their energy shields on; the guests and employees who were in the lobby never suspected a thing. They did not see the dried blood on the shirt as it was covered with the jacket, and Selena and Aron looked like a couple that was famous – they all felt that they had seen them somewhere before. They went into the empty elevator, and soon arrived in their suite.

  Selena began to prepare a hot bath in the huge tub surrounded by marble. She placed a clean washcloth and towel on the base of the tub. She helped Aron with his clothes; it was as if their roles were reversed. She was the strong caretaker this time. Aron was okay, but he would still be a little weak for a day or so. He got into the hot bath, and Selena bathed him gently. She then poured water over his head and chest to wash the last remnants of the fight away. “I’ll let you soak for a little while.”

  Selena called room service and asked for several bottles of champagne. They were soon delivered, and then she brought a glass to Aron. The bed had already been turned down. She drank a full glass of champagne, then slipped into a slinky white negligee. She let down her flame red hair, and she put on flame red lipstick. When Aron came out of the bath, she was waiting on the bed for him. What a vision! His blue eyes glowed as he took in the queen before him. They could finally go back to their beautiful life together; there was no longer the shadow of Vincent. There were no shadows, other than the shadows that were a part of the forests and the nights that they roamed.

  Aron placed his hand on Selena’s face. He stroked it, then he stroked her red hair. Now her green eyes glowed, and she seemed to purr with pleasure. She was melting at his touch, and he knew that tonight would be one of the most magical nights that they had ever had. They kissed with abandon and freedom, Aron smearing the blood red lipstick across her mouth and chin. He couldn’t take it anymore. It had been torture when she wasn’t talking to him or giving herself to him. He ripped the negligee from her curves with one grab. His mouth was instantly on her right nipple, and then he moved to her left. He gave both equal treatment. He ran his tongue down her stomach, and he licked her pussy with abandon. She was moaning and wiggling. This was the clincher. He really couldn’t restrain himself any longer. He climbed on top of his beautiful future bride, and then he thrust himself into her with all of his might. She cried out, not in pain, but with both surprise and pleasure. He moved into and out of her, and as their passion crested, Selena saw stars and lights. She felt as if she were on top of the world, and her Master had become one with her. She was a part of the lights of New York City. She cried out in a way that she had never before, and she knew that she would marry this vampire.

  The End

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  love at first contact

  Chapter One: Heading Towards Sol

  Her fingertips grazed the frame of the window overlooking the vast swath of darkened space outside. Looking down at her delicate, pale rose-colored hand, Zana sighed. It had been so many days at warp-speed and they still hadn’t been briefed on the mission. All she knew from her mountains of paperwork that there was a chance, a small sliver of a chance that they would be heading for the ‘Sol’ system. She scoffed at the thought.

  Having been a xeno-linguist for most of her adolescent life, Zana was fascinated with the outpouring of data from this backwater system in some of the farthest reaches of the galaxy. There was no way that her superiors would hide a mission to the Sol system from her. It was unthinkable. She was one of the few people in the entire fleet well versed in uncontacted peoples’ communications and for them to hide a mission to Sol… she shook her head, the thought scattering to the void of space. She couldn’t start questioning things like this while they were on the job. Turning away from the window, she paced towards her work station, sitting down and crossing her legs under the desk, her fins folding against her uniform, burgundy and crimson striped against the skintight fabric smooth as water. Pulling up her notes that needed filing for the day, she worked, eyes like citrine locked onto the holographic displays before her.

  “I see you have gotten back to work,” came a voice, light and cold, from behind her. “Splendid. This mission requires the utmost dedication to be executed without problem or conflict. I am glad you have disregarded your ‘sightseeing’ Darex Zana.”


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