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Escape Velocity (The Black Star Chronicles Book 1)

Page 17

by E. P. Wyck

  The three Triumvirs of the Triumvirate Maximus gathered in their conference room. Attor, Kyneska and Eve met to discuss the gendercide and what they needed to do to end it.

  “I am glad we’re having this meeting,” Attor said.

  “Are you?” Eve questioned.

  “Of course. My constituents need a resolution. And in case you haven’t noticed I am a male and they’re after my gender,” Attor said.

  “What about you, Eve?” Kyneska asked.

  “I lost my husband to it. I think you know my position,” Eve said.

  “Let’s hear your official position, not your personal one,” Kyneska said.

  “Well, I believe they’re breaking the law, and we should deal with that. I don’t think we should reward them for it. As it stands, the media is all but whipping them into a frenzy. What have we done to stop this?” Eve said.

  “You’re right. We’re all but compliant in this based on what you’ve said,” Kyneska said.

  “Not hardly, we’ve been on the record several times. Our law enforcement officers stop gendercide attacks and keep people safe,” Attor said.

  “But didn’t you say, that they also turn a blind eye to their friends or family?” Eve asked.

  “I mean, I think I said I wouldn’t blame them if they did. Would you lock up your own daughter?” Attor asked, “Oh wait, she is still free and if anything, she is being rewarded by being sent across the galaxy.”

  “You’re saying that’s the same thing as allowing our police to let people off?” Eve said, “I mean how is that the same thing? She only ever killed in self-defense. There is no evidence to the contrary.”

  “That is true, officially, however, we know that isn’t the case. Besides she doesn’t even talk to you. Why would you protect her?” Kyneska said.

  “Because she is my daughter. You wouldn’t know about that,” Eve said.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Attor asked.

  “She’s not a mother; she doesn’t know what I feel. You can sympathize with it, but until you have your own, you can’t empathize with it,” Eve said.

  “I still don’t see the relevance,” Attor said.

  “That’s the problem. People love their families. They’re not just going to turn on them,” Kyneska said.

  “I think you’re wrong, though,” Attor said.

  “Why?” asked Eve.

  “Because people already are. I know of several pacts that Cherubim and Seraphim agreed to in order to kill each other’s families. Why do you think murder rates are going up so much?” Attor said.

  “You really think that is true?” Eve asked. “I thought that was only a rumor.”

  “No, I believe it. I know because an assistant of mine didn’t show up and I looked into it. Turned out that is how they died. His wife got a Cherubim to kill him. In turn, she killed that family’s males,” Attor said.

  “This is madness. I can’t believe we’re letting our society devolve into this. Why did this even happen?” Kyneska said.

  “Well, I have a theory,” Eve said.

  “Let's hear it then,” Attor said.

  “I think somebody in senior government leadership is instigating it,” Eve said.

  “No way. We’d know,” Attor said.

  “I agree. This is impossible. It’s not like I said, 'Hey ladies, why don’t you go kill everybody to stop any more death and loss?' That’s just crazy,” Kyneska said.

  “I think that is exactly what happened. Whoever may have done this probably had genuine intentions, but their methods are all wrong. Maybe they wanted to get back at me for uniting the tribes,” Eve said.

  “Are you kidding me?” Attor said. “Because I don’t know if I should laugh at the joke or consider to have you recuse yourself from this Triumvirate.”

  “Why would I recuse myself? I am tethered to both Ascendants and Razians. My daughter is half of each, and I married a Razian man. I am the leader of the United people. They look to me. If anything, I am the only person fit to govern all Empyreans,” Eve said.

  “Are you kidding me? I shouldn’t have to ask that question twice. I am done with this. You're clearly delusional,” Attor stood and walked out.

  “Sorry Eve, I may have to see it from his side this time. You can’t believe that everybody would choose to follow you when they generally feel you’re the one who abandoned them. Maybe those United people feel that way, but we don’t.” Kyneska said.

  “I don’t get it. What is so wrong with finding and being with the person you love?” Eve said.

  “Nothing provided they’re the same as you,” Kyneska said.

  “The same as me?” Eve asked. “What sense does that make? We’re supposed to breed for the best possible genetic future. If we all breed at the same level how are we advancing?”

  “Where is there left to go?” Kyneska said, “We already live forever. We already killed every other sentient species on the planet. We’ve conquered this world and many others. I don’t see the point. I think we just maintain from here.”

  “I disagree. We have so many advances to make. For example, we still succumb to significant injury. We can’t survive in space without atmosphere, food, water...” Eve said.

  “These are good points, but that’s why we have technology. I am sorry, but this conversation is over. Good luck getting Attor to ever vote with you again,” Kyneska said. She got up and walked out.

  Eve sat in the room shaking her head. She felt even more than before Kyneska and Attor may be hiding something. She wondered how the gendercide could permeate the society without help from the top?

  She wondered why she didn’t think of it herself before Lawrence brought this to her attention. She’d need to get her affairs in order. She may have to run at a moment’s notice.

  Chapter 35

  “What do you mean you need our help? You're the Commander. You go do what you need to do, Commander. You made that perfectly clear earlier,” Aleksandra said.

  “I have used the sonic submission device in the interrogation rooms in the brig to press for information. I don’t think it had the desired effect,” Kali said.

  “You tortured my crew?” Aleksandra said, “I’ll kill you. I promise if you hurt any of them I will kill you!”

  “Are you done?” Nova said, looking at Aleksandra.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Aleksandra said.

  “You’re looking at her like she’s your next meal. She is the Commander of this ship. She is your only hope for ensuring the safety of the crew,” Nova said.

  “She’s tortured her crew. She’s not the Commander anymore. They won’t follow her. They’ll mutiny. Just you watch,” Aleksandra said.

  “That’s why I need your help. We have to keep the crew together. I have a feeling whoever set that explosion isn’t done,” Kali said.

  “Why do you feel that way?” Nova asked.

  “Because males still walk through the halls. They had it rigged to kill all of the males in a single go. I am pretty sure the person we found in the gym was murdered. I think that will be the first of many,” Kali said.

  “This is crazy. You’re saying my crew supports the gendercide?” Aleksandra asked.

  “Yes, I am saying that,” Kali said.

  “How would this be possible?” Aleksandra asked.

  “Think about it. Have you lost anybody recently?” Kali asked, “Turnover, freak accident, outright murder?”

  “Actually, yes. I would think over the past three years, or so about eight or nine percent of the crew has changed. Mostly to female newcomers,” Aleksandra said.

  “So it’s possible, they’ve slowly infiltrated your ship. Over time they could have recruited from within. If I am right, this goes all the way to the TriMax,” Kali said.

  “Your mother wouldn’t stand for it. They killed her husband,” Nova said.

  “I don’t think she knows. She keeps telling me to leave Kyneska out of it. I think it is true that she is behind it but
nobody believes me. Imagine if it is true and she knows I am going to be on this ship,” Kali said.

  “She would probably try to have you killed. You were supposed to be in stasis. They sabotaged that. You were in the room when the explosion happened,” Nova said. “They are trying to kill you.”

  “Well, they succeeded,” Kali said.

  Aleksandra raised an eyebrow.

  Nova said, “What do you mean? They killed you? You’re here now. Not possible.”

  “It is. I have some new medical tech that puts me back together. Trust me, it works. It sucks getting injured still. I don’t think they know about it, but I trust you will keep this a secret,” Kali said.

  “Of course,” Nova said.

  Kali looked to Aleksandra who remained silent, “What?” She said after an awkward pause.

  “You promise?” Kali said.

  “Oh, fine. I promise,” Aleksandra said. “So, what is your plan?”

  “I need to put males and females together and assign them as teams. This way we can determine what female may be killing,” Kali said.

  “What if they don’t follow the policy?” Nova asked.

  “They’ll end up dead,” Kali said.

  “Again, you’re not killing my crew,” Aleksandra said.

  “They’re going to kill each other. I won’t have to. We have to hope this works. I can’t think of anything else, can you?” Kali asked.

  “No,” Nova said.

  “Me neither,” said Aleksandra.

  “So, I need to know who are the newest members of the crew. We should put them together. I’d say this way we preserve seniority in the event someone ends up hurt or dead,” Kali said.

  “That makes sense. I can get you a list. You should really consider not going insane on people. You may actually end up being a very successful Seraphim. You’re well-bred that’s for sure,” Aleksandra said.

  “Thanks, I think,” Kali said.

  _ _ _

  With the buddy team rosters complete, Kali ordered everybody to gather into a single location for assignment. The security team released the females from the brig. They escorted the females who stayed in sequestration after stasis to join the others.

  Eventually, with everyone gathered, Kali took her place in front of them. “I have spoken with Aleksandra, and she agrees with me. We are going to institute a buddy policy.”

  Kali paused, gauging the crowd. She didn’t discern anything useful and continued, “Every male and female will be paired together for their safety. You will all travel together. I don’t care what time it is you will be together always. Work together, relax together, groom together.”

  “What if we work in different places?”

  “We’ve accounted for that. There is some overlap, and we’re going to have come up with new rosters to ensure that every station will be covered. With the loss of the stasis chambers…”

  Someone cut in, “Those people are definitely dead?”

  “I am sorry to inform you they are indeed deceased,” Kali said.

  Gasps cascaded through the room, and several people cried silently. People hugged each other for comfort, and eventually, Kali decided she needed to continue.

  “I am sorry for your loss everyone. I truly am. With that being said, we’re moments away from going subluminal. We are going to need to start preparing the research crew to assume command of their equipment and start their experiment,” Kali said.

  She turned the floor over to Bruce who called out all the buddy assignments. He concluded by reminding everybody that if you’re seen without your buddy, you and your buddy will spend time in the brig. Plus, pay a fine.

  “Thank you, Bruce. Let’s get to work everybody. I need everybody ready to go subluminal,” Kali said.

  _ _ _

  Kali and the rest of the bridge staff took their places on the bridge and prepared to go subluminal. She walked through the standard checks with each station.

  “Communication, are you ready to receive any bursts in the area?” Kali asked.

  “Yes, Commander,” Novalie responded.

  “Sensors, do you have anything?” Kali asked.

  “No, Commander just the usual,” they said.

  “Gunnery, are you ready in case the area is hostile?” Kali said.

  “Are we expecting trouble commander?”

  “Nope, but we want to be ready in case,” Kali said.

  “Copy, Commander. Gunnery ready.”

  “Navigation, are you ready to plot a course to our final destination to rendezvous with the other ships?” Kali said.

  “Yes, Commander,” they said.

  “Helm, prepare to come out of superluminal travel,” Kali ordered.

  “Yes, Commander.”

  The helmswoman watched the timer countdown and upon it reaching zero she said, “Automatic sequence for subluminal initiated.”

  The stations on the bridge came to life. They checked their sensors, scanned for hostiles, listened for communications, and more.

  “Commander, incoming for you from the other destroyer,” Nova said.

  “Put it up,” Kali said.

  “Dawnbreaker this is…” The woman on the other end stopped, “Wait, where is Aleksandra?”

  “She’s no longer in command,” Kali said.


  “Because we’ve been attacked, from within,” Kali said.

  Nova muted their side of the chat, “Commander, that’s not their commander. I think they’ve been mutinied or worse.”

  Kali nodded, and Nova unmuted the chat, “So where is the commander of your ship?”

  “So, you’ve figured it out? We’ve been sent to destroy you. We have killed all males aboard and any females not willing to join our cause. Prepared to be boarded.”

  “Not happening. You’re going to surrender, or we will destroy your ship. That’s the only time I will warn you,” Kali said.

  “We’re two of the same hulls. That's a terrible proposal.”

  “You have thirty seconds to decide,” Kali said.

  “You’re bluffing. I don’t believe you.”

  “Shields to full. Gunnery, load nuclear torpedoes in all bays. Helm, adjust course and put our starboard side to them. Still think I am bluffing?”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Nova, cut the call. Gunnery, fire all starboard torpedoes. Open fire on them. Keep the cargo safe,” Kali ordered.

  “Torpedoes away! Firing all guns.”

  “Reload those torpedoes. I need us in front of the cargo train. Let's go, helm, get us moving!” Kali ordered.

  “They’re firing back, Commander. Torpedoes incoming!”

  “Gunnery, focus on the torpedoes!” Kali ordered.


  “Helm, how much longer to cover that cargo train?” Kali asked.

  “Thirty seconds. They’re flying away as well.”

  “Nova, open a line to the cargo train,” Kali ordered

  “Yes, Commander,” Nova said. A few seconds later she said, “Transport for you, Commander.”

  “This is the Dawnbreaker. The other destroyer has been taken during superluminal travel. We’re attempting to defend you.”

  “This is ludicrous. We were supposed to be on the same side, what is happening?”

  “I don’t have time to explain. I need to you jump to the location I am sending you. It’s not far, but it’ll get you to safety,” Kali said.

  “Understood, Commander. Awaiting instruction.”

  “Dawnbreaker out,” Kali said. Nova cut the call without being asked. “Navigation, get me a destination for the transport. I need like 30 light minutes away preferably behind something solid,” Kali said.

  The navigation operator worked on a place for the transport to jump. He finally said, “Commander, I found a gas giant 81 light minutes away.”

  “Get that to Nova and send it right away!” Kali ordered.

  “Copy, Commander,” they both said.

“Commander, we’re taking heavy damage to our shields. What do you want us to do?”

  “Helm, rotate and show them our port side. Gunnery, fire the nuclear torpedoes from the port side when you have a firing solution. Keep hitting them with everything we have.”

  “Commander, we’re going to take a torpedo!” Gunnery yelled.

  “Oh no, we’re not! Helm, ahead full. Head for the black hole!” Kali ordered.

  “Yes, commander!”

  “Navigation, plot a course as close to the event horizon as possible. I want that torpedo to find its way inside that black hole,” Kali said.

  “You’re crazy!”

  “Do it!” Kali ordered.

  “I am working on it. In order to maintain escape velocity, we can’t get closer than about a million kilometers, Commander,” navigation said.

  “Helm, slow to half speed. Let the torpedo catch the gravity of the singularity,” Kali ordered.

  “You’re crazy. We’re going to get blown up before getting crushed into a black hole. No way!”

  “You’re relieved of your station. Get off of my bridge!” Kali ordered. She jumped off the commander’s chair and took the helm. She dropped the Dawnbreaker to half speed.

  “Danger close, Commander! That nuke could blow and hit us with EMP if we’re not careful!”

  “Thank you. I am well aware!” Kali said.

  “Navigation, give me a mark when we are within one point two million kilometers!” Kali ordered.

  “We’re already passed that, Commander!”

  “Where are we?”

  “One point zero seven five and closing.”

  Kali accelerated to full and flipped the Dawnbreaker end over end, flying away from the black hole. The torpedo succumbed to the gravity of the black hole and stopped following them.

  A collective sigh of relief came from the staff on the bridge. “Gunnery, fire everything we have at that destroyer!” Kali ordered.

  “Commander, they’ve taken two torpedoes and are venting across several sections. They’re limping at best. Should we offer capture?”

  “No! I said fire everything we have!” Kali ordered.

  “Kali!” Nova shouted. “You don’t have to do this. There may be friendlies aboard!”


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