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Escape Velocity (The Black Star Chronicles Book 1)

Page 18

by E. P. Wyck

  Kali thought for a moment before she said, “We can’t risk it. Fire, and that’s an order!”

  Nova got up from her station and stood beside Kali, “You can pick a different path. Maybe those people know something. Maybe we can get intel from them. I don’t want to see you become this.”

  “Become what?” Kali asked.

  “Death,” Nova said.

  “Gunnery, cease fire!” Kali ordered. “Hail them, Nova.”

  Nova returned to her station and initiated the call to the other ship. “They’re on, Commander,” Nova said.

  “I demand your unconditional surrender,” Kali said.

  “You shall have it. What are your orders, Commander?”

  “I expect that you power down the ship. I want everyone aboard to secure any weapons in the armory and prepare for boarding. If you do not comply, we will destroy your ship,” Kali said.

  “Understood. Dawnslayer standing down.”

  Kali nodded, and Nova cut the call. “What now, Commander? We don’t have the people to board them. We’re coupled to a buddy and half of the passengers are noncombatants.”

  “You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know,” Kali said.

  Chapter 36

  Kali and Novalie walked into the Commander’s Conference Room. Aleksandra, Bruce, and various other senior people aboard the Dawnbreaker had already gathered there.

  “Take your seats please,” Kali said. They all sat. She remained standing and continued, “By now you know we’ve crippled the Dawnslayer and we must board and clear the ship.”

  “Which is impossible, Commander,” someone said.

  “And you are?” Kali asked.

  “I am Elyne. Anti-incursion is my department. The incursion team leader is dead. I could replace him. However, I have no people.”

  “We aren’t without other Razians,” Nova reminded.

  “Still, that ship’s crew has had seven months to prepare. Obviously, they knew this moment would come. They hailed us immediately after going subliminal,” Elyne said.

  “I am grateful you were able to stop that from happening here,” Nova said.

  Kali nodded but dismissed her compliment. “What do you suggest, Aleksandra? You know this ship better than anyone.”

  “I think we need to look intact. They have to believe we didn’t have a single issue during superluminal travel. It could cause them to try and tip the scales back in their favor,” she said.

  Aleksandra continued after a pause, “I think you and I should be the face of the boarding operation. I can say you had orders from the TriMax. Make it look like business as usual.”

  Kali said, “What do we do with their people? Based on what they said, they’re all gendercide fanatics.”

  “Make them prisoners. I suggest putting leadership in the brig. From there we put the rest in a single berthing. It isn’t like we have the crew to fill the ship at this point,” Aleksandra said.

  “We need to scavenge their ship too. Take what food, supplies, and anything else they may have,” someone said.

  “We’re not going to abandon that ship, are we?” another asked.

  “Well, it isn’t exactly superluminal safe, is it?”

  “I guess not. but I am pretty sure the TriMax is going to lose it if we report it lost or left behind.”

  “Let me worry about that,” Kali said.

  “So, Commander,” Aleksandra said, “what are your orders?”

  “Ok. I want every person we have to get into some kind of body armor. I want them to wear face masks or helmets that cover their faces. We keep the stasis crisis quiet, and they don’t enter our medical facility or cargo hold,” Kali said.

  “So, your research crew is going to pretend to be boarding crew?”

  “Yes. I have to go convince them that is a good idea,” Kali said.

  “Good luck,” Aleksandra said.

  “Thanks, I’ll need it. Aleks, you’re in charge of getting everyone ready for the boarding operation. Nova, you’re with me,” Kali said, turning and walking out.

  Nova followed close behind. She jogged a few steps to catch up. “Why am I with you?” Nova asked.

  “Because I need them to see me as in charge of this ship. They only see me as Ryn’s pet project,” Kali said.

  “Well, that can’t be true,” Nova said.

  “It is. I was ordered to protect him by my mother. I tried to only escort him to and from work. Then I may have done something that ended up getting some emergency responders injured. So, I had to be at his side at all times,” Kali said.

  “That sounds, interesting,” Nova said.

  “Oh, that isn’t all,” Kali said. “From there I moved in with his family and drove him to and from work. One of their own, a Cherubim, was killed by gendercide fanatics, and then I was basically put in his place.”

  “Well then. I am sure if this Ryn trusts you they do too,” Nova said.

  “Maybe but I don’t think they see me as an authority figure. Especially since I’ve subverted authority for decades,” Kali said.

  “Well, I think you assert yourself well. Just do that,” Nova said.

  “I have no balance, though. I am either like this, nice and personable or a raving lunatic,” Kali said.

  “Yeah, you’re a bit bipolar, I noticed too,” Nova said.

  “Oh gee, thanks, friend,” Kali said.

  “You’re welcome,” Nova said with a smirk as they walked into the quarters assigned to the research team.

  “Lia, it’s good to see you. Where is Ryn?” Kali said.

  “I haven’t seen him,” Lia said.

  “Do you know who his buddy is?” Kali asked.

  “He said it was Nikon and they left half an hour ago,” Lia said.

  “That’s not possible. It was supposed to a male and female together,” Kali said.

  “Well I thought so too, but they both said something like 'there's an uneven number' and they are each other's, buddies,” Lia explained.

  “Do you know where they went?” Nova asked.

  “No,” Lia said. “Why?”

  “Long story. We have to find them,” Kali said. Her and Nova turned and walked out.

  “Where do you think he went?” Nova asked.

  “I have no idea,” Kali said. “Let’s start in medical.”

  “Ok,” Nova said. They walked to medical, and when they got there, they asked if anybody had seen Ryn.

  “No, Commander,” a medic said. “We’ve had our hands full with the aftermath of the explosion. It is possible he came by without anyone noticing.”

  “Thank you,” Kali said. “Try the brig?”

  “Might as well,” Nova said.

  They left medical and walked to the brig. When they arrived at the brig, the security team worked on preparing weapons and armor for everyone.

  “Has anybody seen Ryn?” Kali asked.

  “That’s the scientist guy?” a guard asked.

  “Yes, the head scientist guy,” Kali said.

  “I haven’t seen him. I don’t think he’d come here. Looks like a squeamish one to me.”

  “Hardly. I’ve seen him risk his life. He is anything but squeamish,” Kali said.

  “Sure fooled me,” he said.

  “Let’s go, Nova,” Kali said, and they walked out. She headed down the hall and Nova stopped her.

  “Where are we going, Kali?” Nova asked.

  “I don’t know. I need to find him. He is the one person I am actually supposed to protect, and I can’t find him. What am I going to do if he ends up dead?” Kali said.

  “He’s not going to end up dead, Kali,” Nova said.

  “How do you know that?” Kali asked.

  “I don’t, but I know it is very unlikely.”

  “You’re right. I mean, it isn’t like he can go too far,” Kali said.

  “Precisely. We should probably start getting ready to conduct the boarding operation.”

  “Let’s do it. Ryn will be ok,
” Kali said, trying to fool herself into believing it.

  _ _ _

  Bruce organized issuing body armor and weapons to the crew. Aleksandra assisted with preparing for the boarding operation. In the meantime, Kali continued to monitor the crew for any signs of gendercide fanatics as well as Ryn.

  Kali worried about Ryn but knew she had to focus on the task at hand. The Dawnbreaker’s sensors indicated that the Dawnslayer had prepared for the boarding by Dawnbreaker’s crew.

  “Commander,” Bruce said.

  “Yes,” Kali said.

  “We’re ready.”

  “Good. Get everybody to the airlocks. I will get us in place to dock with them,” Kali said. She started flying towards the ship and said, “Nova, hail the Dawnslayer.”

  “Yes, Commander,” Nova said, “…and they’re on.”

  “Dawnslayer, we’re on approach to dock. Ensure you don’t change course. Accept the lock and permit us access,” Kali ordered.

  “Understood, Dawnbreaker.”

  Kali didn’t terminate the call. She needed the open line in case something went wrong. She flew the ship alongside the Dawnslayer and aligned the airlocks to dock.

  “Dawnbreaker making contact in 3, 2, 1, and contact,” Kali said, “Locking docking mechanisms. Prepare to establish airlock.”

  “Docking procedure complete, airlock established. You are cleared to board, Dawnbreaker.”

  “Good, copy. Dawnbreaker out,” Kali said. “Let’s go, Nova.”

  “Who’s going to stay here and keep communication open?” Nova asked.

  “I am not concerned about that,” Kali said.

  “What if something happens?” Nova asked.

  “That’d be bad seeing as I am counting on nothing happening,” Kali said. She exited the bridge and headed for the airlock.

  “What do you expect when we get over there?” Nova asked.

  “Honestly, I have no idea.” Kali said. “However, if they aren’t properly surrendering they’ll have me to deal with, and I am not messing around.”

  “Oh, is it bad of me to want them to provoke you?” Nova said.

  “Maybe, but just a little,” Kali said smiling.

  “Good, I could use some stress relief after the week I’ve had,” Nova said.

  Kali and Nova continued the rest of the way in silence. They arrived to find the entire crew in head to toe armor. Only a few of them showed their faces.

  “I want everybody but Aleksandra and me to wear a mask or helmet,” Kali ordered to the few holdouts. They complied, and she approached Aleksandra, “Are you ready?”

  “Of course, Commander,” Aleksandra said. “I’ve waited for something exciting for at least the past seven months. Let’s hope they don’t disappoint.”

  “As much as I may agree with you, let's hope they cooperate. Close quarter fighting in that ship will result in heavy casualties on both sides,” Kali said.

  “You’re right, Commander, forgive me,” Aleksandra said.

  “Nothing to forgive,” Kali said.

  She activated the airlock and walked onto the other ship. As requested the presumptive commander of the ship, Ori, waited for their arrival.

  “Welcome aboard the Dawnslayer, Commander,” Ori said.

  Kali said, “Thank you.”

  “Oh, not you, her,” Ori said pointing to Aleksandra.

  “I am not the Commander of the Dawnbreaker. I thought that was clear when she outmatched you in even combat,” Aleksandra said.

  “Well then, welcome aboard, Commander,” Ori said to Kali.

  “Shall we?” Kali said.

  “Of course,” Ori said.

  “You’ve instructed your crew to surrender and follow all of our orders?” Kali asked.

  “Yes, Commander,” Ori said.

  “Good. Bruce, take her into custody and place her in the brig of the Dawnbreaker,” Kali said.

  “That’s not part of the agreement!” Ori said.

  “We agreed not to kill you. You still must answer for your crimes. You subverted a ship of the Razian Nation. You murdered. You attacked a Razian ship. You attacked an envoy of the Triumvirate Maximus. Should I go on?” Kali said.

  Aleksandra raised an eyebrow and said, “Well done, little bird. Even I am ready to be taken into custody, and I didn’t do anything.”

  “You realize the punishment for the crimes you accuse me of his death, right?” Ori said.

  “Of course. However, if you value your life and want to enjoy it for a few more days, or months, then I suggest you go to my brig and remain there until such a time as I can present you to the Triumvirate Maximus to stand trial,” Kali said.

  “And if I don’t?” Ori asked.

  “I’ll kill you where you stand. Then I’ll disembark and detach the Dawnbreaker and finish the job I started. I am not going to risk the lives of those in my charge to clear this ship room by room,” Kali said.

  “You don’t have what it takes to kill my crew or me!” Ori shouted at her.

  “Try me. Your people are going to consume valuable resources that I’d rather put to use sustaining my loyal crew. It’d be far easier explaining that gendercide fanatics infiltrated a ship and were eliminated than to keep you alive for trial,” Kali said.

  “You’re a piece of work. The child of a Razian and an Ascendant. If you weren’t so little you might actually be threatening,” Ori said.

  “What is it going to be, Ori?” Kali asked.

  “I am thinking,” she said.

  “You have three seconds. Ok, I lied. Tell me now or I pick death for you and your crew right now,” Kali said.

  “I’ll go. Whatever. Just put me in the brig,” Ori said.

  “Bruce, take her to the brig,” Kali ordered.

  “The rest of you, get all of the provisions from this ship and start moving them into our cargo hold,” Aleksandra said. “Let’s go, move it!”

  The crew of the Dawnslayer followed Aleksandra’s order and went to move the food, medical supplies, and other salvageable items to the Dawnbreaker.

  After the hallway, had cleared Aleksandra said, “Well done, little bird. I was worried it would get messy. I think if they do cooperate we’ll have plenty of food to survive and next thing we know we’ll be out of here on our way back.”

  “I am trying, Aleks. I know I have relapses, but I really want to fix that. We can’t let the gendercide succeed. Imagine what it will tell the people on Trinity to see them apprehended and executed. I think it will change the story completely. I hope it means our males are no longer targeted,” Kali said.

  “Me too. I think you’re on to something with this. However, it may be too little too late by the time we get back,” Aleksandra said.

  “We’re not going to wait until the experiment is done. Ryn says once the gravitational field is up nothing can get in or out. So why would we need a destroyer? You’re going to resume command of the Dawnbreaker and take them back once we have the experiment set up. We can ride back in the cargo haulers,” Kali explained.

  “That’s a good idea. How long do you think it’ll take to get everything set up?” Aleksandra asked.

  “I am not sure. Ryn has all of that information. I was hoping to get ahold of him before this so I had a better timeline to give you, but he was nowhere to be found,” Kali said.

  “He’ll turn up. Don’t worry,” Aleksandra said.

  “Thanks. I sure hope so,” Kali said.

  _ _ _

  For several hours, the crew of the Dawnbreaker supervised their sister crew in removing the useful supplies and equipment from the Dawnslayer. They quickly discovered more than half of the crew of the Dawnslayer died in an intense room to room battle.

  Initially, the gendercide fanatics used covert tactics to kill one or two males aboard. Eventually, they discovered the fanatics and room to room, hallway to hallway, an all-out war began.

  Several females played both sides trying to help their male counterparts, but in the end, their collusion wit
h the males resulted in their executions. The rest of the crew, including many with severe battle wounds, left the abled-body crew to less than 25% of the original crew’s strength.

  “I had no idea how bad it got over there,” Nova said to Kali, watching the transfer of the battle-injured from hospital to hospital.

  “You have to understand, this is why I fight against the gendercide. I can’t stand these people. They are so frenzied at the thought of putting war to end that they start more wars. What sense does that even make?” Kali said.

  “Hypocrites if you ask me,” Aleksandra said.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Nova said.

  “So when they’re all on board we have to go retrieve the cargo. It’ll take us a few hours to get there and back. I was hoping we could go over your plans for us to return to Trinity,” Aleksandra said.

  “Absolutely. I need to find Ryn though. He is the expert and the whole reason I am out here. So, maybe I’ll go search for him and touch base with you in a little while,” Kali said.

  “Sounds good. I hope you find him soon because we’re almost done with this transfer, and I don’t want to wait around any longer than necessary,” Aleksandra said.

  “Me too. Nova, you want to help me look some more?” Kali said.

  “Of course,” Nova said. “See you later, Aleks.”

  The two of them walked between ships, returning to the Dawnbreaker. Kali stopped and said, “Do you think he could be hiding among our faceless to get off the ship?”

  “No, he wouldn’t do that. He needs to conduct this experiment,” Nova said.

  “I agree, just wondering out loud,” Kali said.

  They walked back towards the initial berthing given to the research crew before the segregation of the males and females. Kali hoped Ryn would return there to start gathering his things to start working.

  “No luck,” Nova said.

  “Where is he?” Kali wondered out loud.

  “Where is who?” Nikon said from behind them.

  “Don’t do that!” Nova said, jumping around startled, “You don’t startle a Razian unless you want to end up hurt.”

  “Woah, back off. I didn’t mean to,” Nikon said, waving Nova off.

  “Have you seen Ryn?” Kali asked.


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