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Lucas: #3 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas)

Page 3

by Madison Stevens

  As the new arrivals sat down, the chicken wings appeared along with three frosty mugs.

  Jenna smiled at the waitress. “Actually, could I get a Shirley Temple?”

  All eyes at the table turned to her in an instant.

  “Anything you wanna share?” Nyx grinned at her.

  “Well,” Jenna said and smiled brightly at the group, her glasses slightly fogging up. “Rem and I are expecting.”

  The table erupted into a million questions.

  “How far along?”

  “Boy or girl?”

  Jenna laughed a little.

  “I’m only a month, if that,” she said. “We haven’t seen a doctor yet. Rem is still looking for one. One that we can trust.”

  Taylor frowned a little. Dr. Castor had been the go-to for just about all the new moms in the area. Someone must have recommended him already.

  “You’re not going to see Doc Castor? Everyone raves about him. I don’t think I’ve heard a single bad thing said about him.”

  “I’ve nothing against him.” Jenna shook her head. “I’ve got some unique medical conditions that require a specialist.”

  Nyx and Lara exchanged a look. Something was going on, but she wasn’t going to pry. Jenna’s medical issues weren’t her business. If she wanted Taylor to know, she’d tell her when she was ready.

  A loud laugh pulled her attention away from her friend. Taylor felt her stomach drop down to her toes.

  No. She definitely didn’t want to deal with Dave tonight.

  He looked just like he had when she’d seen him last year. Dark five-o’clock shadow over his face, only this time he had dark circles under his eyes, likely from too much time partying. She’d heard tales about how Dave liked to party and was glad she had gotten out when she did before he could mess her life up even more.

  His eyes cut over to her, and he offered a sort of half-cocked smile. Like she still wanted him in some way. All she wanted was to get more beer for more of a buzz.

  “Taylor?” Courtney asked. She had followed Taylor’s line of vision. Her eyes were now filled with concern.

  Taylor stood and grabbed the pitcher from the table.

  “I need another beer,” she said before making her way through the crowd to the bar.

  People choked the place. Friday nights were always crazy at Joe’s.

  She placed the pitcher on the bar and waited for Joe to see her.

  “More?” he asked.

  She nodded. “And a shot of whiskey.”

  Joe raised a brow, but something caught his eye just over her shoulder, and she knew he had seen Dave. The look of pity on his face was enough for her to tell without even looking.

  He poured the whiskey and placed two shot glasses in front of her.

  “On the house,” he said quietly. It was a small relief knowing that at least some people in town didn’t buy into the crap spewed out by Doris.

  Taylor gave Joe a small smile and downed the first shot while he turned to help another customer. She placed the glass upside down and picked up the next one.

  “Pretty woman like you shouldn’t be drinking alone,” a smooth voice said from just behind her.

  She slammed back the next shot and turned in her seat to deal with the creep.

  “Fuck off, ass—”

  Stunned, the words died in her throat as her gaze took in a very muscled chest. The muscles were clearly outlined by the black t-shirt that was almost too tight for the man’s large frame. She let her eyes follow the thick lines in front of her. Her eyes roved up his body until she was staring Lucas directly in the face.

  Where did a guy like him buy his clothes? The tall and muscled store?

  Her mouth ran dry as Taylor waited for her brain to catch up with her eyes. She licked her lips and tried to think of something other than the massive man in front of her. Not wanting to be rude, she forced herself to stare into his eyes.

  She frowned a little. For the first time since meeting him, he wasn’t wearing sunglasses yet she couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. She had just been certain his eyes would be some amazing color. Instead, deep brown eyes confronted her. There wasn’t a thing about them that matched the rest of him.

  “It’s a girls’ night,” she said, finally finding some words.

  Lucas gave a sly, lopsided smile. Her heart fluttered.

  “I know,” he said quietly.

  Something in the way he said it heated her insides. Her nipples tightened.

  “I was just getting a pitcher of beer,” she said and turned back around to wait for Joe.

  Anything to keep from having to look at Lucas.

  He leaned in next to her ear. His soft breath stirred the hair there. For a moment, she thought he might kiss her. His face was so close to her own, and she could feel his strength at her back.

  “Another shot for the lady and cola,” he said as Joe stopped in front of them.

  Taylor turned to look at Lucas, their faces just inches from one another.

  “Are you drinking?” she asked, trying to push away her body’s screaming need for the man.

  Lucas shook his head and smiled at her. “Not tonight,” he said, leaning in slightly. He winked and dropped his voice a little lower. “I like to be in control.”

  Taylor took in a shaky breath as heat flooded her. Her body responded to everything he said, like his words were touching her soul. She swallowed hard and turned back to the bar.

  “I bet,” she mumbled before downing the shot in front of her. She needed a lot more liquid courage at this point.

  From the corner of her eye, she could have sworn she saw him smirk as if he’d heard her but shook it off. The place was far too noisy to hear someone mutter.

  “Dance with me,” Lucas said. His voice was low and his face close to her own. “It’ll be fun.”

  “The, uh, pitcher,” Taylor said as she stood with it in her hands. “I should get this to the table.”

  Lucas placed a warm hand at her back and guided her through the crowd. His thumb made maddening circles through the thin material of her shirt.

  He towered over her, protecting her from the drunken yahoos around them. When they reached the table, he took the pitcher from her hand and placed it on the table.

  She could see her friends staring open-mouthed at her. Nyx glared openly at the girls’ night intruder.

  “Taylor,” Lucas said in her ear. The deep rumble of his voice reached down to her very center. “Dance with me.”

  She opened her mouth to say something to her friends but closed it and followed Lucas to the dance floor.

  Lucas sighed when they reached the dance floor, and Taylor pressed her soft body against his. He was glad a slow country song played over the speakers. It wasn’t one that he’d ever heard, but it didn’t really matter much as long as he got to hold her in his arms.

  It took a moment for Taylor to relax. Her body tensed as his hands snaked around her waist to her back and played with the exposed skin there.

  Oh, how he’d wanted this. Wanted her.

  She let out a loud breath before leaning into him. Taylor placed her palm against his chest while the other slipped around his neck. Her cold fingers played with hair at the base of his neck. His cock hardened in response.

  Taylor looked up at him for a moment before she gave a small smile and placed her cheek on his chest next to her hand. Everything felt so natural, so right.

  They moved in time to the music, enjoying the way their bodies fit perfectly together. The world around them faded into the distance.

  “I don’t even know what I’m doing,” she whispered.

  Lucas gave a little chuckle. “I thought we were dancing.”

  Taylor raised her head to look at him again, her blue eyes stormy with desire.

  “Is that all we’re doing?”

  Lucas pulled her tightly against his body, desperate for her to feel just what she was doing to him. Her eyes widened in surprise.

  Her swee
t cherry scent wafted to his nose, only setting him more on fire with need. Everything was working out like he’d hoped. He wouldn’t even need words to convince her they belonged together.

  Lucas opened his mouth to tell her just that when a man stepped into view. The stench of the man set his teeth on edge and pissed him off. The faint possessive smirk on the man’s face only irritated him more.

  “Good to see you, Taylor,” the man said.

  Her body stiffened in his arms, and Lucas protectively laced his arms tighter around her. She turned to look at the other man.

  “Dave,” she said with disdain.

  Dave smiled widely at her tone, almost as if pissing her off were some sort of secret game. His gaze slid over to Lucas, and they sized each other up.

  Without a doubt, Lucas was larger in all ways. Dave sneered at him and then returned his attention to Taylor.

  “On a date?” Dave raised a brow.

  “N—” Taylor began.

  “Yes,” Lucas said quickly.

  The other man brought his rigid face back to his.

  “Look, pal,” Dave said and placed a hand on Taylor’s arm. “Why don’t you let my wife and I talk?”

  Wife? No. It couldn’t be. He’d never even seen this douchebag before. He wasn’t acting like a husband, not respecting and cherishing his woman.

  Dave pulled a little on her arm.

  Anger washed through Lucas over seeing another man be so rough with his woman, his Vestal. A deep rumble filled his chest. He didn’t care who this Dave asshole was. If he didn’t knock it off, Lucas would show him the meaning of respect.

  Taylor looked up to him, questions burning in her eyes.

  “Dave,” Taylor said. She turned back toward Dave and pulled her arm from his grasp, stepping closer to Lucas. “I’m not your wife. That’s kind of how divorce works, remember?”

  The man ran a hand through his hair and frowned.

  “Not if you keep this up,” he mumbled and glanced back to where the woman he had come in with was sitting with his friends. “Maybe we should talk later.”

  He glanced over to where Lucas was standing and then gave a small smirk. His hand snaked out to run a finger along Taylor’s cheek to sweep a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  Lucas knew his rumble had grown at the contact. His hold on Taylor tightened a little as Dave walked away. She couldn’t go after the other man, not now.

  “Outside,” he said quietly.

  Chapter Five

  They stepped out of the warm and loud bar into the cool night. Her head still thumped to a rhythm despite the lack of music, and Taylor knew the whiskey had gone to her head. Like many things, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

  Not wanting to be heard, Taylor stepped around the corner into the shadows of the building. She opened her mouth to confront Lucas but was shocked to have his hungry mouth pressed to her own, his tongue pushing.

  Despite herself, Taylor groaned against his demanding mouth. He pushed her back against the wall and pressed himself firmly between her legs. His thick length nestled against her wet heat. She’d never burned for a man like this before in her entire life. Certainly not her ex.

  She pulled her mouth from Lucas to suck in some of the night air, desperate to make some sense of what exactly was going on and why this man had such a hold over her.

  The moment she pulled back, his hot mouth trailed soft kisses along her jaw and down to her neck. The rough stubble from his face grazed the tender skin there and only excited her more.

  Taylor’s nipples hardened under her tank. She moaned loudly when his palms grazed their sides. Desperate to feel him against her, Taylor arched her back and pressed herself deeper into his embrace.

  His mouth moved back over her own, and this time she opened her lips under his guidance. A deep rumble came from his chest as his tongue delved into her mouth, exploring every aspect of her that he could.

  Taylor wound her hands against the back of his neck, gripping the hair there to pull him closer still. Desire washed over her.

  Not simple desire, but complete need, like he’d been made for her and she for him.

  She felt more than heard the predatory growl that rumbled through him. The primal, raw sound pulled at something deep inside her.

  Excited, Taylor brought her leg up around his hip and ground herself hard against his erection.

  She gasped against his mouth when his hands found their way down to her ass and pulled her roughly against him, rubbing her up and down his hard length.

  Lucas pulled his mouth away from hers, and he stared down at her as she slid up and down his length, his eyes hooded with desire.

  “Fuck, Taylor,” he grunted as she ran her fingers into his hair and pulled his mouth back to her own.

  She needed him, needed to feel him moving inside her until she came. He was like a missing piece to a puzzle she never knew was incomplete.

  She sped up, moving against him, her body seeking the release she desperately craved.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly nearby, and she halted, a heat of a different kind now rising: embarrassment.

  Lucas opened his eyes and let them land on Rem who stood nearby. He’d sensed his approach but found it difficult to detach himself from Taylor when he finally got her where he wanted her.

  “Well, it looks like girls’ night is over,” Rem said with a grin.

  He silently cursed his leader as Taylor slipped away from him, now fully aware of the other man.

  “Oh, I, uh, we….” Taylor fumbled with her words, a deep blush spreading across her face.

  Lucas took her hand before she could put too much room between them.

  Rem nodded toward the door. Two huge shapes appeared, revealing themselves as Magnus and Nero peering around the corner.

  “They’re inside,” Lucas said and gave a little smile. “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to see you.”

  Rem grinned back. His white teeth gleamed in his mouth under the pale moonlight. “I’m sure they will.”

  Lucas leaned toward Magnus before he stepped away. “Meet at the ranch?”

  Magnus looked between Lucas and Taylor.

  Lucas shrugged. Someone had to drive her truck home, and she obviously was in no condition to drive. He didn’t finally connect with his woman just so she could wrap her truck around a tree.

  Magnus gave him a quick nod and headed into Joe’s.

  “I’m staying with Courtney tonight,” Taylor said quietly.

  Lucas turned to look at her and frowned. “I’d feel much better if I were dropping you off.”

  Taylor sighed loudly. The whiskey was hitting her a little harder than she expected.

  “Fine,” she said and leaned into him. “Don’t get any funny ideas. We’re not doing it.”

  He might have laughed if it weren’t for his burning desire to do exactly that. When they were exploring each other, he’d almost been overwhelmed by her. Now that some of the blood, which had previously been focused on lower extremities, was flowing a little better, he knew that tonight wouldn’t be comfortable.

  He’d come this far and waited this long. He could wait a little longer. They would be together, but he’d wait for her to come to him.

  Lucas grunted in annoyance. It didn’t mean he had to like it though.

  They walked over to her truck, and he held out his hand for her keys.

  She placed them softly in his palm and stepped over to the passenger side. Before she could open it herself, Lucas had the door open and easily lifted her into the seat. She stared, somewhat flustered with his actions.

  Lucas cocked a brow at her, a small grin appearing on his face. It might be that nothing would happen that night, but it certainly didn’t mean he had to make it easy for her.

  He walked around to the other side of the vehicle and stepped in. He turned the keys, and the engine roared to life instantly.

  “Shouldn’t I tell them goodnight?” she asked as she stared at the bar.
br />   “Do you really want to go back in?”

  Taylor turned. Her soft strawberry hair seemed to float around her in the moonlight.

  She shook her head. “Not really.”

  Lucas put the truck into drive and pulled away.

  “Then you don’t need to.” He glanced over at her worried expression. “It’s fine,” he said and gave a reassuring smile. “Three of them are going to be so mad they won’t have time to think about that you didn’t say goodbye, and Magnus will make sure Courtney gets home safe.”

  She gave a little nod and stared out the dark window as the small town drifted off into the distance.

  There were few lights out this way. It was mostly pitch black, parted only by the lights on the truck.

  Lucas rolled down the window and took his time driving along the dark path, enjoying the silence with her. There was more than one way to be with a woman. It was something he could get used to if he allowed himself.

  “I’m sorry about Dave,” she said after some time.

  Lucas was surprised to her mention the man. He’d nearly forgotten him the moment they pulled away. He didn’t care about her ex. He only cared about her.

  “I wasn’t going to start a fight,” she continued on. “You didn’t have to pull me outside. I can handle him.”

  His mouth dropped open in shock. That was what she thought? That he was worried she might get into a fight with her ex?

  Lucas pulled over to the side of the road and put the truck in park.

  In one swift move, he slid her over to his side of the truck and crushed his mouth against hers in a ravenous kiss. His tongue slipped into her mouth and caressed hers there. She moaned loudly, and he gave a small smirk at the desired result.

  He slowed his pace and pulled back from her. Lucas could see in the dim light her lips were red from his passion.

  Cradling her face, he stared deeply into her blue eyes.

  “We didn’t leave because you might do something,” he said. A low rumble came from his chest as he spoke, but he knew there was nothing he could do to hide his feelings. “We left because I might do something. I didn’t like the way that prick was treating you.”


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