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Lucas: #3 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas)

Page 4

by Madison Stevens

  Her mouth formed a perfect O as her eyes widened with shock.

  Lucas could feel her pulse thump hard against her neck, and he ached to place small kisses there until she cried out his name for more, but tonight wasn’t the time for that.

  He sighed loudly and let his hands come back to the steering wheel. When he placed the truck into drive, he somewhat expected she might move back to her seat, but Taylor stayed next to him. Her thigh brushed his own as they bumped down the dusty dirt road.

  More minutes passed, and a small light appeared in the distance. His keen eyes easily found the ranch sign.

  When he started to pull in front, Taylor placed a hand on his thigh.

  “Not out front,” she said. “My dad will just worry. Pull up to my door.”

  He swallowed hard as the heat from her hand started to heat other parts of him as well.

  Lucas followed the path to the back of the house and down a small road. This was a part of the ranch he’d never seen before. In fact, he always just assumed she lived in the big house and not in a totally separate area.

  Although, maybe that was a good thing. Knowing she was out there all alone only made him want to come out and keep her company.

  They stopped just outside the small house.

  “It was the ranch hand’s at one point, but when I got married…” she began.

  Her words died off, and she stared at the house, a little sad. He watched as she shook herself.

  “Anyways, it’s all mine now,” she continued.

  Lucas turned off the truck and smiled at her.

  “Having something that’s all yours isn’t a bad thing,” he said. “It’s not something I could say for most my life.”

  With the Horatius Group, nothing had been his. In fact, he couldn’t remember anything from his life prior to them. All memories from his life before were gone. Even his past wasn’t his anymore.

  But with the other hybrids, he had a life. A place that was his and his own possessions. He wasn’t a tool anymore. He was a man.

  She stared at him for a moment, like she was trying to figure him out all at once. Her stare set his nerves on end and made him squirm in his seat. Unable to stand the intensity of it, Lucas opened the door. He was surprised to find Taylor had slid out on his side behind him.

  They walked quietly to the porch. He watched as she unlocked the door. Taylor turned to stare at him again, head tilted just slightly to the side.

  “There’s something about you,” she said as she stared up at him. “Sometimes I feel like I’m seeing the real you, and others…” She shook her head.

  She looked so vulnerable in the moonlight. Lucas reached out and cupped the side of her face. She leaned into the touch.

  “I just don’t want to make another mistake,” she whispered with her eyes closed.

  Lucas leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He let her warmth linger there for just a moment.

  When he pulled back, she was staring back up at him again.

  “My feelings for you are real,” he said without even an ounce of doubt. “I know it seems sudden, or that we don’t know each other well, but if there’s one thing I know, it’s that these feelings are real.” He ran a hand through his hair. “There are parts of my past I just don’t talk about.” He shrugged. “Just like you, I experienced things I just want to leave behind.”

  She worried her bottom lip, and he fought the urge to lean down and nibble it for her.

  “Soon you’ll know everything though,” he said and stepped a little closer. “I promise. If that’s what you need from me, I’ll do that.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” she said and pulled her head from his hand.

  With both hands this time, Lucas cupped her face. He stared down at her with all the passion he was holding in check.

  “I’m not backing down,” he said with force. “I’ll move at whatever pace you want, but I’m not running away.”

  His mouth crashed down against her, and this time he had to force himself away.

  Lucas took a step back as she struggled to catch her breath again.

  He could hear a car turn into the drive and knew his ride would be there any moment.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven,” he said quickly and bounded off the porch stairs before she could respond.


  Lucas jumped into the car and grinned back at her.

  “It’s a date.”

  Chapter Six

  Taylor cracked her eyes open. The act of waking up made her brain feel like it was in a vice. Sunlight poured into the room, the rays like little daggers only making her head thump even more. Damn Sun. Even it was against her.

  She groaned loudly and rolled over to glance at the clock. Ten. It had been years since she’d slept in like this. There was always some animal to feed on the ranch or something to be fixed. Fortunately, she had set up the day to be an easy one since she knew her father would be taking over the morning chores. After all, she was supposed to be at Courtney’s.

  Heat spread across her face when Taylor remembered why she hadn’t stayed with her friend. She closed her eyes and rolled back onto the bed. The skin on her arm was cool to the touch when she placed it over her eyes, offering a small relief from her suffering.


  Everything about the man called to her.

  He’d excited her before, but now she felt a dull ache down low when his handsome face invaded her mind. She’d wanted him last night despite her words otherwise. And if he had pushed a little more, she might have invited him in. And then invited him to do a lot more.

  Taylor ran her fingers over her still sensitive lips before sucking in a breath.

  Was that what she really wanted? It was hard to deny the explosive chemistry they shared.

  From day one, she had been drawn to him, and she was certain they would do well in the sheets. Better than just well.

  It was what happened outside of the sheets that bothered her. Sex was fun, but it was only a part of a relationship, and she wasn’t willing to have a one-night stand, even with someone as hot as Lucas.

  Also, she knew so little about him, and he’d been so reluctant to share anything with her. Anything real anyway. Even with his recent promise, he was still holding back. He could be a serial killer for all she knew.

  A gorgeous, hunky serial killer.

  Even Nyx kept her home and past a secret. It wasn’t that they couldn’t have their family secrets, everyone did, but this felt different. Like she ought to know. Like it was something super-important.

  Taylor had tried so hard to shake off the thought. Before it wasn’t her business. Just because she made out with Lucas the night before still didn’t make his past her business.

  She wasn’t in a relationship with Lucas. There was no reason he should tell her whatever it was that he was hiding. And yet she still felt the pull, as if they were connected by some invisible thread. It was as compelling as it was annoying.

  Not wanting to dwell on the mystery any longer, Taylor sat up in bed. A wave of nausea passed over her. She waited for it to subside before getting to her feet.

  Actions had consequences. Getting drunk last night hadn’t been the best decision. Dave was an asshole she wanted to forget, but he wasn’t the one that was going to suffer from the hangover.

  It’s like he was pulling yet another one over on her. The bastard was probably at home laughing about her. She doubted she was lucky Dave was also suffering a hangover.

  Taylor made her way out of the bedroom and to the bathroom, which was off the living room. It was annoying not having a bathroom directly off the bedroom, but it was an old house, and there just wasn’t room to add one unless she wanted to lose closet space.

  There was no way that was going to happen. Although she might not have been much of a girly-girl, it didn’t mean she didn’t like clothes. And until some future genius came up with something better, clothes took up space.

It was time for a little relief. She pulled out a packet of antacids and let them fizz in a small amount of water. In one swig, she downed the meds.

  They started to work instantly on her stomach, settling whatever was still left over from last night. She could only hope they acted as quickly with her head. Otherwise, it was going to be a long day.

  Despite it being a light day around the ranch, there was always work to do. Today was delivery day.

  Her stomach churned again but for a totally different reason. Seeing all the people who talked about her family behind their back was the last thing she wanted to deal with, even if her head wasn’t throbbing.

  She sighed. Not that it really mattered. She’d do what she had to in order to keep the ranch. There was no way she’d let her father down, not after how hard he’d worked.

  Not wanting to waste any more time, she flipped on the shower. Better to wash off last night and get her day started.

  Chapter Seven

  Lucas whistled as he made his way to the daily meeting. Maybe last night hadn’t gone exactly how he had hoped, but he’d made progress with Taylor. That was something at least, certainly something more than the day before.

  He stepped into the meeting house. Nero greeted him with a frown.

  Lucas only smiled a little wider. “I told you she wouldn’t be happy,” he said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

  Nero huffed loudly and turned away from him in his seat at the table. “Fuck off.”

  Lucas gave another laugh and made his way over to Sergius.

  The quiet man turned his stern gaze over to him. “You’re wearing the contacts again,” he said bluntly. “I hate them.”

  Lucas nodded. He hated the damned things, too, but it was the best way for him to be able to go into town without raising too many suspicions.

  “I’ve got a date with Taylor,” he said, sitting next to the long table dominating the center of the room.

  Nyx gave a loud snort as she took the seat beside Nero, her bonded. “And does she know about this date?”

  Lucas felt his smile falter a little. It had crossed his mind that she might not remember what he’d said to her. What they had shared. He believed it was real, but how much of that was wishful thinking on his part or simple, desperate desire?

  He shook himself. She wanted him. There was no mistaking the scent of her in the air and her desire. Taylor wouldn’t forget. She wasn’t just some random woman, after all. She was his Vestal, even if she didn’t realize it yet.

  “What’s a date?” Marcus asked.

  Nyx rolled her eyes and stared at the younger man.

  “Don’t you watch any TV? How are you going to fit in with society if you don’t learn the customs of the people around us?”

  Marcus narrowed his eyes as his dark brow furrowed in irritation.

  “I don’t like that box,” he said. “People look too real, and I don’t understand them half the time.”

  Nyx sighed loudly. “You need to try harder, or you’re going to hold us back with progress.”

  Marcus pressed his lips into a thin line on his face. A bit of red tinted his cheeks.

  “And why would I want to fit in with those humans? We’re better than them. Following their customs and ways demeans us. They aren’t like us and never will be,” he said with disgust. “I will not try to be less than what I am.”

  Rem stepped up to the table. Their great leader was always listening and watching. He’d saved them from imprisonment and death.

  “Then you might as well turn us all over to the Horatius Group,” Rem said and took a seat at the head of the table. “If your fucking pride means so much. I guarantee you, the Group knows you’re different than a human, and the Group will treat you accordingly.”

  Silence filled the room.

  No one casually spoke about the Horatius Group besides Rem. Lucas partially suspected it was because Rem was the only one with the balls to do so.

  “How can you say that?” Marcus yelled. He pushed back his chair in anger. “I would never turn our people over to those animals!”

  Rem held the young man with a piercing stare.

  “If you bring their attention on us before we are ready for war, it is just as good as handing us all over. We’ll all end up their slaves and experimental tools. Or if we’re lucky, they’ll kill us all and save us the suffering.”

  Marcus opened his mouth to protest but couldn’t seem to find the words. He sat down hard in his chair and glared at Rem.

  His expression unfazed, Rem looked around the table.

  He’d been increasing the number of men that could be included in the strategy and planning talks. It was a slow process, but Jenna’s uncle, Major Carter, had been working with the hybrids having the most problems. The only way they’d survive was to work together, after all.

  Marcus should still have been training with Major Carter, but his tracking ability was like none they had ever seen. If they could only get him to stop being an ass for five minutes, they might have the opportunity to learn to appreciate him as a team member, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen anytime soon.

  “Right,” Rem said and cleared his throat. “It’s been quiet recently. Nothing is pinging our radar related to the Horatius Group, at least nothing that we’re dealing with.”

  Lucas gave a shallow nod, as did several others gathered at the table. They all knew the hybrids at Luna Lodge had recently started searching for more like them, but no one among Lucas and his people expected to find more.

  They were unique even among the hybrids. Their tattoos and electric blue eyes suggested as such.

  “We’ve heard nothing else from the Azilians,” Rem said and nodded over to Nero. “Despite the recent encounters we’ve had with them, they still haven’t bothered to make their intentions known.”

  Lucas thought that over. He didn’t really consider himself much of a strategy guy like Rem, but he still thought it was strange the Azilian cultists hadn’t even stepped onto the hybrids’ land for a peek since Nero and Nyx infiltrated their underground facility.

  Their strange leader was up to something, and her true nature was still unclear. Hybrid? Something mystical? Who the hell knew?

  The only thing anyone could be sure of was that the Azilians were definitely up to something, and when they finally made their move, danger would come with it.

  Given that they appeared to be keeping Vestals in their facility, they probably knew more about the hybrids than the hybrids knew about them.

  “I want everyone on full alert at all times,” Rem said.

  “Why don’t we just confront the Azilians?” Marcus asked, his own irritation forgotten for the moment. “When our people have dealt with them, they were depending on humans. Whatever their leader may be, most of them seem inferior to her.”

  Rem shook his head, his face tight with worry. “We aren’t ready to take on a group like them. They are well-organized and established in the area. We start causing trouble and get noticed, we’re just going to end up in the same mess the Luna hybrids are in, having to fight wars on multiple fronts.”

  Being exposed to the world had made things far more difficult for the Luna hybrids. If they weren’t being attacked by the Horatius Group, then it was everyday ignorant humans out to get them.

  As far as Lucas was concerned, his group of hybrids should stay hidden as long as possible.

  “We’re still establishing our security,” Rem said and scrubbed a hand over his face. “But there is still so much to do. For now, we stay out of the Azilians’ way and learn as much as we can. Knowledge could be the key here.” He nodded to Sergius. “I want you to continue your investigation.”

  Lucas turned to his friend and frowned. He’d wondered where the other hybrid had been stationed, but he didn’t realize he’d been on a special mission for their leader.

  “Lucas, Nero and Nyx head into town for more supplies,” Rem said.

  They had been making runs to tow
n just about every day gathering supplies, but not enough to bring suspicion. Preparing for the unknown was proving harder than any of them thought might happen, but Rem always seemed to have a back-up plan for his back-up plan of their main plan, so they knew they were in good hands.

  Besides, if he freed them from the Group, he could protect them here. Lucas knew he wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

  “Everyone else, back to work,” Rem continued. “We don’t have many months before winter hits, and by that point, we need to be as self-sufficient as we can be.”

  The hybrids around the room nodded their understanding and started to file out with their jobs in mind.

  Lucas turned to Sergius.

  “Special assignment?” he asked and raised a brow.

  Sergius gave a little sigh. The large man wasn’t known to say much, but they had always had a good relationship. Or at least Lucas thought they did.

  “I’m creating a map,” he said quietly. “Although we have the cameras and drones, it’s not enough. We need to know every square inch of our land and the lands outside of ours.”

  Lucas stared at him in surprise. Going into the neighboring areas could be dangerous, considering who they were and some of their neighbors.

  “It’s tedious work, but I’m good at this,” he said quietly.

  Lucas nodded. It did make sense to have a map of the land, but he still didn’t really get the secrecy. But then, maybe a good strategy was that each man only knew a part of the bigger picture.

  He glanced over to Rem. The man had repeatedly proven to be a shrewd leader. This was likely just another instance of that.

  “I hear things went well for at least one of you last night,” Sergius said, changing the subject to something far more agreeable.

  Lucas grinned at his friend. “I’m seeing her tonight.”

  Sergius stared at him for a moment before getting to his feet.


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