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Wrench: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Inked Hunters MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 1)

Page 13

by Sophia Gray

  “Shit, baby, baby, ugh!” she cried out, clutching the bedsheets underneath her body just to have something to hold onto.

  She felt energy start building between her legs, the heat growing faster and faster. Arsen must have sensed that it was happening, as he quickly pulled off of her clit, causing her to groan in impatience. But she knew what he was doing. He used to do this sometimes when they fucked years ago, building her up, up, up, only to let her crash down so that her orgasm would be cumulative, combining all the potential energy into one giant explosion.

  Sweat started to bead around Maya’s hairline, under her arms, and beneath her knees, probably seeping into the mattress under their bodies, but she didn’t care. She’d never felt more beautiful than she had in this moment, spread out beneath Arsen, totally vulnerable to his touch. He could do whatever he wanted with her, but she trusted him only to give her pleasure. He started nibbling a little at her lips, taking her labia into his mouth for a few seconds before letting them go, teasing her so much that she started whining like a dog being denied a treat.

  Arsen laughed joyously and stuck his fingers deeper inside of her, causing Maya to cry out louder than before, shoving her hips down to get more of his fingers inside of her cunt.

  “You’re so good for me, you’re so good,” Arsen murmured, licking a warm line up the center of her vulva, right in between her dripping lips. “You’re my good girl.”

  “I…” Maya trailed off, her mouth going suddenly as dry as a desert.

  Arsen froze, apparently sensing that she’d gone stiff. He slowly, gently pulled his fingers out of her. “What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, leaning up her body so that he hovered above her face.

  At first, Maya didn’t want to verbalize the answer. It was too horrible, too gross, too sick. But for some reason, staring up into Arsen’s wide, worried eyes, she felt brave enough to say it, if only just this once.

  “It’s just…he used to call me that. The kidnapper, when I was tied up in the basement,” she said, trying to sound as casual and calm as possible. Honestly, she couldn’t believe that after all their years together this never came up, but it hadn’t. She’d never told him that detail of her captivity before. She cleared her throat and spoke again, her voice only shaking a little bit. “He called me his good girl.”

  “Oh,” Arsen said, all of the color in his face suddenly fading away in less than a second. “Okay. I’m sorry, baby. I won’t call you that again.”

  “No, no, it’s okay. I think…I think you should say it. Maybe it’ll help,” she said with a shrug.

  “You mean it might help you associate that phrase with something other than him?” Arsen asked.

  “Yeah, I mean, it might, anyway. It’s worth a shot,” Maya said.

  “Okay, I’ll give it a try,” Arsen said, sinking back down her body. He didn’t jump right back into the oral sex, though. Instead, he rubbed at her thigh muscles, applying pressure until some of the tension that had appeared a minute earlier seeped back away into nothingness.

  Maya sighed deeply, training her breathing so that the rest of her body followed suit, sinking deeper into the mattress under Arsen’s careful, caring touch.

  Arsen began pressing soft, closed-mouth kisses to her cunt, starting at the bottom and working his way up to the most sensitive spot at the top. “What a good girl. What a sweet girl,” he murmured, letting his tongue briefly brush against her still-throbbing clit. “What a fucking angel,” he muttered as he pressed his mouth more firmly against that spot, causing all of her nerve endings to spring back to life.

  “Ugh, yes, please,” she murmured, twirling her hips around in circles to get more of his mouth on her vulva. She felt herself get even wetter, if that was possible, as Arsen’s tongue began licking more insistently at the top of her cunt, making her feel tingles that traveled all the way up her spine.

  Arsen finally closed his mouth around her clit again, licking it up and down, again and again and again, practically jacking her clit off with his tongue. “Oh, oh, shit!” she cried out, shoving her hips down to get more of Arsen’s mouth around the top of her vulva. At the same time, Arsen’s fingers returned to her hole, slipping inside with ease.

  “Oh, God,” Maya sighed out, panting harder for air as Arsen’s tongue went faster over her clit, his fingers going deeper inside of her. “So deep,” she groaned, and Arsen must have taken that as his signal to begin fucking her with his fingers, as he started thrusting them in and out, in and out, to the rhythm of his tongue moving over her clit. After another minute of this, Arsen’s motions sped up, and Maya couldn’t take it anymore. She had to reach down with her hands to tangle her fingers into Arsen’s hair, press his face harder into her cunt. He muttered something into her pussy, but Maya couldn’t make it out. It didn’t matter, though. She felt like she knew exactly what he was thinking, exactly what he was feeling. She felt like his blood was running through her veins, coursing straight to her heart.

  Maya thrusted her hips up and down, up and down, creating friction that had her moaning out louder than before, so loud that she was almost embarrassed by it. Arsen flattened his tongue over her clit, rubbing down on it harder while his fingers began to move even faster, rapidly pumping in and out of her. Maya felt several things all at once. The tingling in her cunt grew more and more powerful, transforming into a buzzing sensation that climbed its way up and down her body, setting her skin ablaze like a forest fire that just spread and spread and spread from one inch of her flesh to another. At the same time, Maya felt like there was a hot little burning star in between her legs that just grew and grew and grew with each thrust of Arsen’s tongue against her sensitive nub. It was like there was a great big sun inside of her, ready to explode and create an entirely new galaxy out of its matter. And then there was her heart, which had evidently traveled down to her cunt, if the feeling of her pulse was any indication, pounding in the center of her pussy like endless thunder. All of these sensations just became more and more powerful as Arsen began to suck on her clit, applying pressure that had Maya twist her torso around and scratch harder at the bedsheets and cry out, “Mmmmgh, unnnh, baby, yes.” And then…

  His mouth pulled back again, leaving her cold and helpless as she groaned in impatience. “Fuck,” Maya muttered, her sweaty head collapsing against the pillow again in disappointment.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Arsen whispered, slowly thrusting his fingers inside of her while he used his free hand to trace his nails down the sensitive flesh of her thigh. “I’ll get you there.”

  “Please, please, yes,” she begged, practically on the edge of sobbing at this point. She needed to come like she needed to breathe. She needed to shatter apart in a million pieces and feel herself slowly reassemble again. She needed to be destroyed and remade. Only Arsen could do that, with his glorious fingers and lips and tongue.

  Arsen began rotating his fingers around inside of her, moving them in circles while still pumping them in and out of her vagina. Maya began to thrust her hips down against his hand again, encouraging him deeper, gasping when he found the right spot inside of her. “There, there, that’s good, that’s good, baby, there,” she rambled, jerking her hips down to cause his fingers to brush up against the right nerve ending inside of her.

  “Here?” Arsen asked, curving his finger, making Maya’s spine bend at a ridiculous angle, her mouth falling open as a silent scream left her throat.

  “Unnngh, unnngh, yeah, please,” she mumbled as the ability to speak returned to her, thrusting her ass down harder to create more friction.

  Arsen leaned in and licked the inside of her left thigh before biting down. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured into her skin as he mouthed at her upper thighs. The next moment, he began licking around his fingers, groaning as he tasted the wetness seeping out of her hole. “Such a sweet girl.”

  “Please lick me,” Maya begged, bouncing her hips up and down on the mattress, attempting to fuck his face with her cunt. “Please l
ick my cunt, please.”

  Arsen growled again, and for some reason, that sound lit a fire inside Maya’s chest, awakening something inside of her that needed to be bitten and scratched and fucked. Luckily for her, Arsen dropped his head and pressed his mouth fully against her clit, licking it up and down slowly at first and then more rapidly and firmly, over and over again until Maya was panting desperately for air. “Yes, ugh, yes, baby, please,” she groaned, pushing her hips against him rhythmically .

  Suddenly, Arsen’s other hand drifted down to her ass, digging his nails in to her soft flesh. He used his new grip to push her hips up onto his face and fingers, going faster with his tongue and teeth to pull at her clit harder than ever before. He sucked on it like a hard candy, twirling his tongue around in new, unexpected patterns until Maya began wailing like a banshee, smacking her hands down on the sweat-soaked mattress just to have something to hold on to. The vibrations between her legs got stronger and stronger with each passing second, building up until her thighs started shaking back and forth like they were battery-operated. Flashes of heat hit Maya, rolling up her body like ocean waves, back and forth, back and forth, stronger and stronger each subsequent time until her entire body felt like it was on fire, thick flames of pleasure licking every inch of her skin.

  “I think I’m gonna…I think it’s gonna happen,” Maya whispered hoarsely. She meant to say it louder than that, but her throat was so worn out from moaning at this point that it was the best she could do.

  Arsen didn’t say anything, his mouth completely absorbed in sucking on her pussy, pulling back only to lick at her lower lips, groaning in pleasure himself as if he was being given attention rather than giving it. He’s so generous. He’s so giving. He’s so sweet, Maya thought. How could I ever leave him? How could I ever let him go?

  “Are you with me?” she whispered, unsure of what she was asking but desperate to say it anyway.

  Arsen pulled back then, wiping his mouth as he stared up at her with full, wide eyes. “Always,” he said before diving back into her cunt.

  “Oh, oh, unnnnnnngh!” Maya cried out through gritted teeth, feeling a great big bubble of heat start expanding between her legs, enveloping her entire body in overwhelming sensation. “Jesus Christ, fuck!” The bubble grew and grew, wrapping around her, the pain of holding back becoming too much for Maya to take. “Arsen, Arsen, I—Arsen!” she cried out, one second before she exploded into a thousand pieces.

  The bubble of sensation popped, showering Maya’s entire body with vibrations that shook her to her very core, her spine feeling like it was going to crack in half under the weight of the pleasure that overtook her. “Aghhhh! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Maya cried, her voice coming out softer with each syllable as all of the pent-up energy dissipated from her body.

  Maya felt like she fell into the abyss, sheer black oblivion taking over her whole brain, filling it with fuzzy grey static for a period of time that Maya couldn’t measure. It could have been a few seconds, a few minutes, a full hour—there was no way of knowing. At this point, Maya didn’t really care. The darkness that wrapped around her was warm and thick and heavy, and she wanted to stay in it for as long as possible because it made her feel safe. It made her feel like nothing she did was wrong, that everything was okay, and that no matter what happened, she would have this, this gentle yet powerful peace that came only from the deepest, scariest pleasure.

  Eventually, she became aware that Arsen was rubbing her legs, massaging her muscles back to life. “Good girl,” he murmured, leaning down to drop a final kiss on the top of her cunt before traveling back up her body, taking her into his arms. “Good girl.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” Maya mumbled, her thoughts still foggy and unclear. She had to muster all of the energy left in her limbs to wrap her legs and arms around Arsen, tugging him closer as he cuddled her.

  “Yes,” he answered, dropping a kiss at the top of her head and brushing the sweaty strands of hair out of her eyes. “Yes, you are.”

  Maya sighed deeply, happily, and finally opened her eyes again, seeing Arsen smiling at her, his eyes full of light and hope and promise. Maya felt the shadow of fear cross her heart, but she ignored it, wrapping her legs more firmly around his waist to pull him as close as possible. She reached down to find his hand, tangling their fingers together, sweat pooling between their hot palms, but she didn’t care. She wanted all of him to touch all of her, no matter what.

  “You taste just as good as I remembered,” Arsen said, chuckling a little as he used his free hand to cup the side of her face, rubbing her skin with his soft fingertips. “Maybe even better.”

  Maya grinned bashfully, dropping her eyes, but Arsen put a finger under her chin and made her look directly at him to see that he wasn’t fucking around or teasing her. “I mean it,” he whispered. “You’re so pure. So clean.”

  She swallowed to clear her throat, preparing herself to speak, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out. She realized she didn’t have the vocabulary to express how she felt in this moment. It was beyond words, beyond thought. The only thing she could do was squeeze Arsen’s hand tighter and hope and pray that he could feel her pulse through her skin, feel the way her heart responded to words. He’s freeing me, she thought silently. He’s freeing me from the kidnapper’s words by stealing them from him and making them better, cleaner, purer. He’s washing away my past without erasing it. He’s…loving me.

  That’s what it came down to. This man, however flawed, however broken, however stubborn and ridiculous and rude and silly—this man loved her. Full-body, full-soul loved her. That was the thrilling thing, the terrifying thing, the thing that made her orgasm so amazing and overwhelming all at once. He loved her in the way that the ocean loved sand, the way that the moon loved the Earth, the way that stars loved their own light. He loved her deeply, eternally, forever.

  What does that mean? What do I do? What the fuck do I do with that? Maya wondered, but she didn’t feel equipped to address those questions yet. For now, she had Arsen’s body in front of her, and she was going treat it as sweetly and lovingly as he’d treated hers.

  She began by rubbing her hands over his shoulders, noting the knots of tension that she found with her fingers. “You’re all tense up here,” she whispered, leaning in to drop soft kisses against the roughest spots at the top of each of his arms. “Let me loosen you up.”

  Arsen sighed deeply and seemed to turn into goo underneath her, relaxing so quickly that he just fell back against the mattress, going limp against her touch. She pushed him back gently so that he lay flat on his back and lifted her body to straddle him, each of her legs on either side of his waist. Maya leaned over his body to apply soothing touches and kisses, starting with his neck. “So tense,” she murmured as she rubbed at the muscles of his neck, digging her thumb into his skin to get him to relax. Next, she moved down to his shoulders, pressing her fingers in deep until she felt his muscles unclench underneath her touch. Then, her hands slipped down his arms. Maya dragged her nails over his thick forearm, smiling as she felt goosebumps perk up in response.

  Maya leaned over to kiss his torso, starting with his pecs and gradually moving down to his hard, solid stomach, nibbling a little at his skin until she heard him whine under his breath, barely audible. At the same time, she brought her hands down to scratch at his hipbones, rubbing over his skin back and forth, back and forth. She could feel him start to stiffen again underneath her, but this time, it was out of anticipation, his breathing going heavier as her hands moved down south to his legs.

  Maya skipped over his underwear, triggering a small groan of disappointment from Arsen, to lick at his inner legs, nibbling at his knees just to tickle him and get him to giggle. She loved hearing that noise leave his mouth. She pulled harder at his skin, sucking more of his flesh into her mouth, just to hear him inhale shakily. He reached down with one hand to tangle his fingers into her messy red hair, scratching at her scalp like she liked, while Maya moved back up t
o his thighs, licking his thick, hard muscles, trying to drive him crazy with impatience.

  But the truth was, Maya couldn’t wait any longer, either. She had to see him. She had to feel him. She had to consume him.

  She reached down and found the hem of his underwear, pulling it down to his knees, after which Arsen shuffled and kicked until they fell off his body entirely, leaving him as naked as Maya was. Maya exhaled heavily, staring down at his thick cock as it stood up straight from his body, the tip of it already visibly leaking. She couldn’t stop herself. She had to taste it. Maya reached down and sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth, bobbing down a little bit before pulling back up, getting the top quarter of his dick wet with her spit. She swirled her tongue around the tip, causing Arsen to groan and arch his back, pushing another centimeter or two of his penis into her mouth.

  Maya started up a rhythm, bobbing up and down but staying on the top half of his cock, twirling her tongue around in circles to drive him wild. He tasted so familiar, so comforting, the sweet saltiness of his flesh lingering on her tongue, just like she wanted. But she was getting impatient to have him, truly have him, to claim him as her own. She popped off of his cock, making him groan out pathetically, but then she crawled back up his body, hovering above his head as she stared deeply into his eyes. “Want me to ride your cock, baby?” she whispered, nudging his nose with her own, watching as his eyes went as wide as quarters.


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