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Wrench: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Inked Hunters MC) (Unbreakable Bad Boys Book 1)

Page 14

by Sophia Gray

  “Yeah,” Arsen whispered back, letting his hand trail down from her head to her neck, down her back towards her ass. “Yeah, I really want that.”

  “Do you have a condom?” she asked, rubbing her hand over his chest. She was a little hesitant to ask. Back when they were together, they hadn’t used condoms, at least not towards the end of their relationship, but they’d both been with other people since.

  “Yeah, one sec,” Arsen said, reaching over to the bedside table to grab a condom and quickly slipping it onto his cock. “There we go.”

  Maya pushed her hips down so that her cunt lingered over his crotch without touching it for a long moment, staring deeply into his eyes, seeing how desperate he was to climb up inside of her. “I’m gonna fuck you good, baby,” she promised before crashing their lips together, dropping her hips to bounce her cunt against his cock, swallowing Arsen’s groan into her mouth.

  “Please,” he whispered against her lips, licking her tongue like he was starving. “Please, put me inside you, please,” he begged.

  If Maya had more patience, she would have made him wait; she would have dragged it out for several long, excruciating minutes, making him tremble beneath her before she let him get what she wanted. But she was as desperate for it as he was, and her willpower was all used up. She lifted her hips again before letting them fall, her cunt enveloping his cock all at once, taking all of him in at the same time.

  “Fuck!” she cried out, sitting still in his lap to get used to the sensation of fullness inside of her cunt. “Jesus fucking Christ.”

  “Yeah,” Arsen agreed with a choked-off laugh, reaching down to wrap his arms around her hips and ass. “You’re so fucking tight, goddamn.”

  Maya smiled down at him. “Thank you. I want to make you feel good.”

  “Yeah, well, mission accomplished, baby,” Arsen whispered, squeezing the flesh of her ass in one hand while his other moved to the front of her body, finding her clit. “I’m not done playing with you yet, though.”

  Maya inhaled deeply, keeping the air in her lungs as he began to play with her clit, pushing it up and down slowly and gently, careful not to overstimulate the nerve endings there. A few seconds later, Maya began to slowly rotate her hips in circles, keeping herself full but moving around his cock, brushing up against sensitive spots inside of her cunt. “Jesus,” she muttered, moving her hips a little faster as Arsen’s fingers sped up a little bit on her clit.

  Arsen groaned and shut his eyes, throwing his head back on the pillow as he began thrusting his hips up, sending his cock even deeper inside of Maya. Sweat started to pool in between the crease of Maya’s knees, and she tentatively lifted her hips up a single inch before letting them fall again, bouncing slowly on his cock. “Ungh, fuck,” Arsen muttered, shoving his hips up harder, keeping himself inside of her longer as she began to lift up off his cock more quickly.

  Meanwhile, Arsen’s hands clutched at the bedsheets, just as Maya had done some twenty minutes earlier, and for some reason, that lit a match inside of Maya’s chest, making her lift and drop her hips faster and faster, bouncing in Arsen’s lap while his hand kept jerking off her clit, slowly at first and then more rapidly as Maya’s hips dropped harder onto his cock.

  Arsen’s grip on her hip became tighter, his nails digging into her skin as he began to push and pull at her ass, helping her bounce up and down on his cock.

  With every down-stroke, Arsen’s dick brushed up a sensitive spot inside of Maya’s cunt. “Oh, fuck, ungh,” she moaned, slapping her hands down on Arsen’s chest to brace herself as she started to bounce harder and faster. “Ugh, that’s good; that’s fucking good.” Arsen’s fingers jacked her clit off faster, sending vibrations throughout her entire cunt, which tightened more around his cock, causing him groan like an animal.

  “Yeah, my good girl, you wanna be fucking bad for me? You wanna fuck me hard, baby?” Arsen grunted out, lightly slapping the side of her body with his free hand.

  Arsen’s words set Maya’s heart on fire, her entire chest burning with it. She couldn’t stop herself. She had to ride him with everything she had. “Yes, baby,” she murmured back to him as she started fucking him harder, jerking her hips up and down and side to side as quickly as she could, her leg muscles burning with the exertion. “Yeah, baby, unnngh, I wanna be bad. I wanna be so bad, shit,” she groaned out, reaching down to grab onto Arsen’s shoulders and pull his torso up. Arsen apparently got the hint and bent his body so that he was sitting up on the bed, scooting them back so he could lean against the headboard. Now Maya sat in his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to keep herself in place while she jumped up and down on his dick, getting him in as deep as possible before slipping back out again.

  “Do it, baby, do it,” Arsen grunted, slapping her ass hard before lifting up her body until all of his cock left her cunt. The next second, he slammed her back down again, sending his whole cock inside of her all at once.

  “Yeah, unngh, shit!” Maya cried out, digging her nails deep into the flesh of Arsen’s shoulders. At the same time, Arsen’s thumb kept pressing at her clit, tapping at it relentlessly until a hundred different sensations bloomed throughout her cunt, which opened up even more, like a flower desperate for pollination.

  Maya bounced up and down harder, shoving her cunt as hard as she could against Arsen’s hand, screaming out louder than ever before when he began squeezing his clit between two of his long, thick fingers, pulling at it as she rose and fell on his cock.

  “I’m not going to last, baby,” Arsen warned her, his ab muscles flexing beautifully as he thrusted up into her cunt. “I’m gonna fucking…I’m gonna…” He trailed off into a loud, long moan that sounded like he was dying of thirst in the middle of a battlefield, his mouth curling up into a snarl right before he suddenly flipped them over, pressing Maya into the mattress as he drove into her again and again and again, slapping the side of her body, making her skin sting while he filled her cunt with his cock.

  “Do it. Do it. Come in me. Come, baby, come,” Maya said to him, reaching down to help him play with her clit while he fucked her mercilessly, their hips slapping together loudly in the silence of the bedroom.

  “Yes, yes, fuck, ugh!” Arsen cried out, shoving his cock in and out at an incredible speed, the springs of the mattress beneath them squeaking as he fucked her. “Mine, mine, you’re fucking mine, all mine, just—” He cut himself off with a howl, his hips moving so fast they became a blur to Maya’s eyes, his cock pushing up against all the right spots inside of her, his hand flying over her clit.

  “That’s good, that’s fucking—ungh!—that’s fucking good!” Maya screamed, grabbing the side of Arsen’s ass to encourage him in deeper. “Do it! Do it! Come in me! Do it!”

  Arsen growled again, louder than before, bracing himself on his free hand, using every muscle in his body to fuck her as deep and hard and fast as possible, sweat dripping from his hair as he moved back and forth on the bed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, ugh, fuck, yeah,” he groaned, his thrusts becoming more and more unsteady as he approached his orgasm.

  Meanwhile, Maya’s cunt was on fire again, burning like the brightest star in the universe as tendrils of pleasure leaked out and traveled all the way down her legs and up her torso and arms, eventually reaching her brain and setting every single nerve ending in her body alight with holy flame. She was going to come apart again. She was going to fucking explode.

  “Shit!” Arsen screamed, and his cock moved so fast and so hard inside of her that it was like a gun going off—one, two, three, four more thrusts before coming to a still, his cock pulsing inside of her, the vibrations of his orgasm discernible even through the condom.

  That was all it took for Maya. Her cunt reached the tipping point, going over that great big cliff of sensation inside of her, falling, falling, falling into darkness again, her body shattering apart in pleasure.

  When she came out of the sweet darkness of her post-orgasm haze, it took her several seconds to beco
me aware of her surroundings. Arsen must have already slipped out of her and taken care of the condom, as now they were lying with their heads on the pillow, their hands joined together in the space between their two bodies.

  “You’re my good girl,” Arsen whispered, gently rubbing the side of Maya’s face with his other hand. “You’re mine.”

  The words sunk in, and while at first she only felt warm and fuzzy, soon that shadow of fear returned, this time staying put in her brain no matter how hard she tried to shove it away. What the fuck had just happened? What had she just done?

  Chapter Thirteen

  This was the best moment of Arsen’s life. There was no competition, not a single moment that came close. His cheeks had started to hurt from smiling too much, but he couldn’t stop. He smoothed the frizzy strands of Maya’s hair on top of her head and moved down to her neck, feeling the pounding of her pulse through the veins in her throat. “You were amazing,” he mumbled, gently scratching at her skin until her eyes fell shut.

  His whole body felt warm, like he was completely submerged in comforting water, but after a few minutes, he felt something start nagging at the back of his mind, breaking the perfect peace that otherwise enveloped him. Something’s wrong, his inner voice said softly, getting louder and louder as it repeated itself. Something’s fucking wrong. Look at her.

  Even though Maya’s eyes were still shut, there was a little wrinkle between her furrowed eyebrows, which always signified that she was worried about something. Arsen brought his hand up to smooth his fingers over that wrinkle, trying to make it go away. “What’s up?” he whispered, attempting to sound as calm and collected as possible, even though his own heart had started pounding again in his chest. Maya didn’t answer right away, but her brow furrowed some more. Arsen blew out his breath, feeling despair sink down into his body, replacing the warm fuzzy afterglow of his orgasm. “So, what, you’re already regretting this? Is that it?” he asked, pulling his hand away from Maya’s face.

  Maya’s eyes flicked open, revealing a deep expression of pain within. “I don’t know,” she whispered, but then she reached forward and wrapped a hand around Arsen’s neck, tugging him closer. “I don’t know what I’m going to do or how I’m going to feel or what the hell any of it means,” she said, cuddling her face into his shoulder. “I just need you to hold me right now. Is that okay?”

  Arsen didn’t know what to think. At least some part of him wanted to say, No, no, it’s not okay. It’s not okay at all. You can’t keep me hanging like this. But the rest of him just ached for her body, ached for her touch. He couldn’t push her away, no matter how frustrated he felt. It just wasn’t in his genetic makeup to reject Maya, ever.

  “Okay,” he said, rubbing the side of her face as gently as he could. “Okay, baby.”

  Limbs entangled together, they fell asleep, succumbing to the darkness together. That’s what we always do, Arsen thought as he slipped off to sleep.

  Arsen was stuck in a tiny, cramped basement, full of random knickknacks and childhood toys, covered by years’ worth of dust. His hands were bound by cheap handcuffs that rubbed uncomfortably against his skin, irritating his wrists. “Is anyone there?” Arsen said. “Hello?”

  There was the sound of a faucet dripping somewhere, tiny little sounds repeating themselves over and over again. Arsen thought that if he had to keep listening to it, he was going to go insane. Maybe I already have, he thought. Maybe this is where crazy people go when nobody loves them anymore.

  Arsen sat there in the darkness, straining his eyes in an attempt to make out any sign of a door or a window or anything else he could use to escape, but of course, none of it would mean anything if he couldn’t find a way out of his shackles. He flexed his muscles as hard as he could, pulling his wrists apart to try to break the cheap metal, but it was no use. He simply wasn’t strong enough.

  After another minute of failed attempts, Arsen heard something else penetrate the dark emptiness of the cellar. Footsteps. “Hello!” Arsen cried out. “Hello, please help me! Please come get me, whoever you are!”

  A ladder fell down from the ceiling in the middle of the room, right next to a pile of boxes, and down from the ceiling appeared a young woman with thick black hair that hung down in long braids to her waist. Arsen knew who she was before she even turned around. Elizabeth.

  “Hello, little brother,” Lizzie said. She was smiling at him, but her eyes were empty. Cold.

  “You’re the little sibling,” Arsen reminded her. “Even though you don’t look so little now…” She was older, much older than she’d been when she died. She was maybe even twenty, twenty-one, a full-grown woman standing there before him. Arsen had to blink to clear his eyes of tears, but they burned through him anyway, falling onto his cheeks in hot stripes. Lizzie was here. She was alive.

  “Lizzie,” he said, clearing his throat as the tears began to slow down. “Lizzie, can you get me out of these handcuffs? We need to get out of here.”

  Lizzie stared down at her own nails, not looking at him. “Mmm, no,” she said, casually shrugging him off.

  “Lizzie, please,” Arsen said. “This isn’t the time to mess around. We’ve got to get out of here as soon as possible. Please, Lizzie. Save me.”

  She looked up at him then with fire in her eyes, so bright and hard that Arsen felt like he was being incinerated from the inside out. “Why should I save you? You didn’t save me,” Lizzie said.

  “I tried,” Arsen said to her, his voice coming out high and squeaky, as if he were a teenager still or maybe even a little girl. “I really tried to find you, but I was too young. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “I was young, too,” Lizzie said softly. “And he killed me. Chopped me up into little pieces and fed me to the dogs.”

  Arsen said nothing. What could he say that could make it better? What could he say to be forgiven? What could he say or do to make things right? “I love you, Lizzie,” he finally whispered, more hot tears sliding down his face. “I always will.”

  She shook her head. “If you love me, you’ll fix it. Fix it, Arsen. Fucking fix it,” Lizzie said. Her words echoed in his head, over and over again, while heavier footsteps crossed the floor above their heads, heading for the ceiling.

  Lizzie inhaled shakily and stepped inside one of the boxes against the wall. “He’s coming…he’s coming….he’s….”

  Arsen sat up in bed, gasping for air and clutching his own head as the images from his dream lingered in his brain. He rubbed his eyes, which were wet from tears. At least that part was real.

  He almost jumped up in the air when he felt a soft hand touch his back before he realized that it was just Maya. “Hey,” she whispered. “You were talking in your sleep. Everything okay?”

  Arsen didn’t answer right away, focusing instead on getting air inside his lungs. “Um, yeah, yeah,” he said, clearing his throat noisily. “Just a nightmare, that’s all.”

  Maya leaned her head against his back while she wrapped her arms around his front, tugging him closer until she was practically spooning him. “You wanna talk about it?”

  Arsen didn’t know what to make of Maya’s sudden sweetness. He wanted to just lean back into it, let her soothing compassion wash over him, but he was afraid. He didn’t want to fall into her arms only to have Maya walk away again and leave him to crash down into the ground. She must have sensed his stiffness, as she started rubbing at his shoulders for a minute before sighing deeply and dropping a single soft kiss in between his shoulder-blades. “I’ll go make some coffee or tea,” she whispered before getting out of bed, leaving him alone in the darkness of the early morning.

  Arsen sat there for a long minute, seeing Lizzie’s face in the shadows, before he finally got up the energy to move, quickly getting dressed and following Maya into the kitchen.

  The television was on, muffled, tired voices of the early morning news rattling off various stories, but Arsen’s mind was still full of Lizzie’s adult voice, Lizzie’s foots
teps, and the footfall of the man who killed her. He couldn’t make anything else out. He sat down at the kitchen table and buried his head in his arms, staring at the shadows of his own flesh.

  Long minutes passed, ticking by without incident, before he heard something loud crash against the floor. Maya must have dropped something, but he didn’t hear her pick it up. Instead, she increased the volume of the television. Arsen finally looked up to see her standing there in front of the TV, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

  “What is it?” Arsen asked, feeling a spark of panic go up his spine. “What’s wrong?”


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