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Sweet Reflection (Truth)

Page 27

by Henderson, Grace

  I halt mid-step and make my way back down. Pool table, it is.

  Morning comes and I wake up with Laurel’s soft curves draped on top of me. She’s snuggled against my chest and I lay back contentedly with my arms wrapped around her, rubbing slow, lazy circles over her back. Everything feels right now we’re together; everything fits into place, but I know we’ve still got things to sort out and Alex is one of them.

  I look down at her as she stirs; her blonde hair is fanned out all around her and as her eyes gently flutter open she places a few little kisses on my chest.

  “Morning,” she smiles sleepily at me, with one eye half-shut from the light streaming through the window, which only makes her look cuter.

  “Morning gorgeous.”

  I’m just about to roll her over and cover her body with mine when the doorbell rings. “Oh,” she squeals, “It’s nine already.” She jumps out of bed so quickly I don’t even get the chance to enjoy the view before she’s grabbing one of my shirts and wrapping it round her.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, confused as to why she looks so eager to answer my damn door.

  “I have something for you. Wait there.” The only something I want is her naked body in my bed but clearly that’s not happening. She runs out the room and down stairs, and I’m still none the wiser. Five minutes go by, and I know because I impatiently count every second.

  “If you don’t get up here right now, I’m coming after you,” I shout loudly so she’ll hear me downstairs.

  “Just wait,” she shouts back up, laughing. I throw the covers off and sit up crossing my arms in front feeling like a little kid on Christmas Eve. I don’t wanna wait.

  Finally, when I think I’m going to go crazy, the door opens and she comes stumbling in with a huge tray in her hands. Breakfast. I get up and take it off her because she’s struggling, and place it down on the bed to have a look.

  “What’s all this?” I ask. She’s only been gone five minutes so I know she hasn’t made it all.

  “I ordered breakfast silly.”

  “I can see that babe, but why? And when? I didn’t hear you get up.” I say, completely surprised she’s thought of this and quickly tucking in to some eggs when my stomach rumbles loudly.

  Her cheeks blush that pretty rose colour again and her hand fiddles with a lock of hair. It’s a nervous gesture, why is she nervous?

  “No way,” I shake my head as the realisation hits me. “You did not order this last night before you came here?”

  She starts nodding slowly and I pause with the fork halfway to my mouth. I see the apprehensive look in her eye and she’s watching for my reaction closely, but how she thinks I could be pissed off about that is ridiculous. She came here knowing she wanted me, enough to stay the night and be here with me the next day. It wasn’t spur of the moment, it was planned. She was that certain of us, of me.

  I put the fork down and pull her by her hips over towards mine so I’m half covering her.

  “I love that you did this. Thank you.” I lean down and place light kisses on her mouth, forehead and nose. She grins back up at me with a huge smile and crawls back so she’s sitting against the headboard. I settle back too, and we dig in to the piles of food in front of us.

  “So, I didn’t want to ruin breakfast, but we need to talk about her.” There’s no animosity or jealousy or spitefulness in her voice. She’s not whining or crying or worried. She’s all business as she carries on eating the blueberry pancakes. It relaxes me too, we’ll get through it together.

  “I know. I haven’t come up with a plan yet, but I will. Try not to worry about it. Please.” I’ve been thinking about how to get rid of her, every day for the last three weeks, and I’ve finally decided on buying her out myself. My mum left me some money when she died, and I owe it to Laurel to do this. I’ve started finalising all the details of a contract with my solicitor, but I don’t want to let on until it’s ready to go. I take her hand and press a kiss to the palm while I carry on eating. “Any news on the insurance pay-out?”

  “No.” She puts down her fork to focus all her attention on me. “There’s something I should tell you, though. Mum gave me a letter from my dad yesterday.”

  My head snaps up to look at her. I watch her reaction for a moment, checking to make sure she’s not trying to hide her real feelings but there’s a sparkle in her eyes; she’s happy. “Wow, that’s big.” I don’t quite know what to say so I just squeeze her hand, gently. She’s smiling, remembering him I guess, and I’m back to being completely overwhelmed by how strong she really is.

  “I cried, of course, but now I just feel so happy and proud. I know that sounds cheesy, but he was in hospital writing me a beautiful letter; I was everything to him. He was thinking about my future and yeah, I’m sad he’s not physically here, but I feel him with me more than I did before.” Going to my mum’s grave a couple of weeks ago gave me the exact same feeling. Sure, I miss her, but she’s still here in everything I do.

  “He’ll always be here, babe. I bet he’s looking down right now and feeling so proud of what you’re doing with your life. I know I am.”

  “You are?”

  “Of course I am. Your business is doing great, and you’ve worked your butt off to get it to where it is. A break-in is not going to change that. We just need to figure out a way to get rid of her now.”

  “Well, I think I’ve got one.” She smiles, and tells me about the rest of the letter.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  I can tell he’s not happy about what I’m about to do, but I need to. She has to get out of our lives for good. And this will make her realise that there’s no point in staying. She’ll crawl back to London as quick as she came and stay there. Hopefully.

  Of course he insisted on coming with me, but to be honest, I’m glad. I feel much stronger when he’s here. Plus my hands were too shaky to drive, and it’s too far to walk. We pull into her driveway and I’m immediately stunned by the size of the house. Now it’s completely finished it looks like it’s doubled in size and I get a sinking feeling inside. That I’m not good enough. That she’s beautiful, and rich and smart, and completely fooled me. Then I remember she’s a raving lunatic and I shake myself to quash those fears.

  He switches off the engine, and takes my hand briefly. “She’s crazy remember, I don’t know what the bitch will say, but I love you. Remember that. You’re it for me, Laurel.” I can’t suppress the smile that’s tip-toeing over my cheeks. He doesn’t call me by name very much but I love the way it sounds on his lips, deep and sexy, with just a hint of reverence.

  She opens the door and the surprised look on her face lets me know I’ve caught her off-guard, just how I wanted. Her eyes narrow slightly, skitter across the drive behind me, James’ car is round the corner, so she won’t have seen anything. The relief shows through her smile and she widens the door for me to walk through.

  “Darling, it’s lovely to see you. How have you been? And what’s going on with the store? You must get me up-to-date.” Her fingers touch my arm, and I want to rip out those fake talons just as much as I want to wipe the fake smile off her face. I can’t help the disgust that twists my face as she moves through the hall and into the kitchen. My heart is beating unsteadily, and my hands are shaking with anger but this has to happen if we’re going to get rid of her. I planned it all out, everything I was going to say, but now I’m here I just want to know why.

  “How could you, Alex?”

  Her back goes rigid as she turns off the tap, and her hands are white-knuckling the edge of the counter, but when she turns her face is masked.

  “What are you talking about darling?”

  “You know exactly what I mean.”

  I don’t know why I expected she might apologise, that’s so far from what she’s proved herself to be like but I had at least hoped she would. One hand sits on her hip as she studies me. The silence crackles in the air between us. I’m not going to be the one to look
away first. If it’s a battle of wills, I’m going to win. The side of her lip curls into a full-on sneer, and makes looking at her the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been; it’s much worse than any dirty looks I’ve had from Shannon.

  “You think you’re so much above everyone with your perfect blonde hair, perfect long legs, perfect smile but I know what you’re really like,” she spits out and the venom in her words is hard to stand and take. “You’re a dirty little tramp who sleeps with guys to get what she wants. Are you after his money? Because his mummy left him a nice little nest egg that I bet you’re just dying to get your little scrubber hands on.”

  I’m so taken aback by her words that I struggle to find my own. I may not have as much money as her but I have way more class. And to think, I was worried about coming here. Ha! It seems ridiculous now. I didn’t even know his mum had left him any money, it’s not important.

  She glides round the counter and an automatic reaction might be to step back, especially when I notice the unstable way her hands have fisted by her sides, but I stand my ground. She wouldn’t actually pounce on me, would she?

  “It wasn’t hard to deceive you darling, you really should work on not being so trusting. And those things I did, messing with the orders and appointments, not to mention the break-in. So easy. You’ve been so naïve. But you can blame it all on James. I gave him several chances to stop all this, but he didn’t take them.” She tried to blackmail him into sleeping with her, and she’s surprised he declined that lovely offer. What an idiot. She walks forward and I think she’s going to lunge when I feel a large hand on my shoulder and a warm tingly feeling all over.

  “That’s close enough, Alex.”

  The voice is loud, deep, protective and sexy as hell. I should be thinking about the crazy woman in front of me who looks like she wants to kill me but he’s too damn distracting.

  “Oh the cavalry’s here. How nice. Are you trying to weasel yourself back in to her life? You think she’ll want you back when she finds out you’ve been sleeping with me?”

  She raises an eyebrow at him, she’s also watching me and waiting for me to freak out and tell him to get lost. I can sense her desperation. But James has been there for me through everything with mum, he’s waited for me to get my head clear and now it finally is. She doesn’t realise how much stronger it’s made my feelings for him. I trust him completely. So if he says it was nothing, I’m hardly going to believe the frantic ramblings of a crazy woman over the man I love.

  He’s standing rigid next to me but his hand is still on my shoulder and I put my hand over his, showing him that her words haven’t affected me. Her narrow eyes flick to our hands and then our faces and I can’t help the satisfied smirk that appears on mine, whilst hers has done a running jump off the nearest cliff.

  “Alex, darling, you’re going to take this cheque I’ve made out to you, sign the damn contract and leave. Because I cannot take much more of your hideous, holier-than-thou attitude and I don’t want you within ten feet of my man or my store anymore.” Even though I feel like dying inside, I’m proud of the way I’m standing up to her and I hold her eyes with mine because I need her to know this is it. The end.

  She cackles but there’s a slight wave in her voice that tells me she’s worried. “You don’t have enough money to buy me out Laurel. Don’t forget I’ve seen the books. Oh, unless sugar daddy is paying for it? James, how sweet, you’ve given her the money. What is she giving you in return? Sex? I knew she was a little whore.”

  I have to hold James’ arm back before he jumps on her. His fists are clenched and his loud growl nearly pierces my eardrum, but it’s my fight, I can do it.

  “My contract states that if I have the money to buy you out, you have to accept it. And here is my money. Sign the fucking contract and get out of our lives Alex. And if you think you’re going to be able to find a way of weaselling out of it, I have collateral.” I take the recorder out of my bra and hold it up in my hands. James has moved, subconsciously I think. His body is turned slightly in front of me so I’m confident she won’t get to it. Seeing her scowl turn into shock and then anger now she realises she has no choice, is extremely satisfying. I smugly pull out a pen from my bag and place it on the table in front of me.

  Her eyes are fuming, but her body looks tired, shoulders slumped, resigned to the fact she won’t win this. She reaches out to sign the papers and slams the pen back down. “He’ll hurt you. He’ll rip your heart out when you find out about all the people he’s been screwing behind your back. Including me, last night.”

  I want to kick that hopeful look off her face, I’m that mad. But it’s laughable now really. She’s making one last ditch attempt at breaking us, but she won’t be able to. Victory is mine.

  I shake off James’ hand to walk up to her, and lean in so there’s no way she won’t hear every word. “The only person he was screwing last night was me.” Her face drops.

  “We did it five times,” I add in a whisper because I’m feeling vindictive myself.

  I grab the papers from the table and start walking out the door, “Oh and I’ll give you one week to leave or I’m going to the Police, darling.” I hold the recorder up in my hand just to remind her and continue out the house. James follows behind, and my shoulders fall as they relax in the cool breeze. I feel like there’s a huge weight that’s been lifted off me. Proposals is all mine again, and I have my man back. I feel like doing a little victory dance.

  “Thank you for staying quiet in there. I needed to do it on my own.” I say as we get in the car.

  “I don’t know how I did it. I just kept telling myself it’s wrong to hit a woman. But I wanted to.”

  “Yeah, you and me both. I hope I never see her again, or I don’t think I’ll be able to show as much self-control next time.”

  “So, it’s over now. Where to?” He asks, the engine rumbling to life.

  “Home, James.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  The past week has been pretty much like a damn fairy-tale. Wicked witch has been defeated and my princess is feeling a lot better about life. And me. She knows I’ll be there for her whatever happens. She doesn’t have to deal with anything on her own anymore. It’s the day we’ve all been planning for; Cassie and Blake’s wedding day. I head back to the hotel room to get myself straightened up and grab the rings from my suitcase. I wash my face, brush my teeth and put my jacket on. The sound of the room door opening makes me smile.

  “What have you forgotten?” I chuckle as I peer round the corner. My breath catches at the sight of her.

  “You look stunning.” I say as I take her in my arms. “This dress looks fantastic.”

  “Thank you,” she says shyly, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. I can’t help but move my hands down over her hips and her butt. “Have we got time?” I whisper roughly and kiss her neck. She smells so fucking sweet too and I’m devastated when she pushes me away laughing, “No. The ceremony starts in half an hour and I have a best friend to be spending time with, just like you.” Dammit. He wouldn’t care. He’d probably tell me to do it.

  “He’d understand.” I continue as I bring my hands up towards her breasts and duck my head to kiss her shoulder.

  She shrugs away from my grip and leans against the wall, “James. That’s enough, mister. You’d think we never have sex the way you carry on. Like you’re sex-starved or something.”

  My gaze travels down her body and then I see the long slit in the side of the dress, showing me a hint of her tanned skin. I think about running my hand up her leg to her thighs…

  “My eyes are up here.” I swallow hard and look up at her, and she’s smirking at me.

  “You know these dresses were made for us, right?”

  I manage a nod as I try hard to subtly adjust myself into a more comfortable position. “Well, ask me why I wanted a slit in mine.” She walks back towards me slowly, swaying her hips gently. Her eyes are doing their seductive stare, her
lips are full, pink, just ripe for kissing, and she’s well aware of how damn sexy she is.

  “Ask me,” she whispers into my ear, then drags her teeth over my earlobe, her warm breath sending little shivers through every part of me.

  My throat’s so dry, I can barely get the words out, “Why did you want a slit in your dress?” I ask. My voice is gruff, threatens to give out on me, especially as her hand is on my hip and moving dangerously close to my cock. She’s going to feel what she does to me if she lets it go any further.

  She smiles, and bites her lip, which makes it hard to actually listen to her and think straight.

  “So that later, when I come and find you because I’m so turned on from watching your muscles ripple and flex under this suit, you can easily lift up my dress, spread my legs and sink that big luscious cock of yours into me. How does that sound?”

  My eyes widen and the dry throat makes me cough so hard I have to slug down a bottle of water from the mini bar.

  She laughs, and nods her head, “I knew you’d like that idea.” Like is not the right word. She’s too fucking amazing.

  With a quick glance at her phone, she walks swiftly over to her bag and pulls out an envelope. “I have something for you.”

  It’s something serious because the naughty glimmer’s disappeared and has been replaced by hesitation. She doesn’t explain, just tells me to read it and she’ll meet me downstairs. It’s got my full attention from the first line.

  To the man who has my daughter’s heart,

  I don’t know you. You don’t know me. But I do know, by the fact you are reading this, Laurel loves you. And that means I love you too. It is the biggest disappointment in my life that I will not get to watch my only daughter live out more of hers. I won’t get to see her build a career, meet the man who she chooses to spend her life with, walk her down the aisle, watch my grandchildren playing in the garden and see the cycle continue with them, which is why it gives me some comfort to write this letter now. Knowing you will someday read this and be the future I have always wished for, for my little girl, makes me the happiest I could ever be, given the circumstances.


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