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For The Love Of My Sisters

Page 4

by Shameek Speight

  “You all are most likely asking yourselves why I called you here this morning,” Muscles said and everybody in the room looks at him giving him a look, ‘like you think.’

  “Everyone in this room today I trust with my life, we all grew up together in the projects.”

  “We know that Muscles, so what’s your point?” Bones said while looking at his cell phone for the time thinking about his workers on his block.

  “I’m tired of working a regular job to pay my bills to take care of my sisters, I want to start a team and get this money.”

  “What you mean?” Luscious said.

  “I have to work two jobs to pay my bills on time, while there’s fast money on the streets. That’s what I mean.”

  “And how do you want us to get this money?” Bones replied.

  “We will be robbing people and not just any people, but drug dealers.”

  Homicide smiled at the idea. He loved robbing niggas and even had a team he started to help him do it. He missed the days when Muscles use to run the streets with him sticking shit up.

  “Muscles did you lose your fucking mind, who the fuck are we going to rob, are you tripping?” Bones said.

  “I want us to go after the Junkyard Crew,” Muscles said coldly.

  “Nigga now I know your ass is crazy, that’s Pistol’s crew.”

  Everybody in the room knew who Pistol was, even though no one has ever seen him, Pistol was Jamaican and so was everyone in his crew. They ran all of Queens’ weed trade and a little bit of Brooklyn. They had weed spots in houses and buildings. They got their name the Junkyard Crew, because they owned several junkyards for cars in Queens and there were rumors that they would place their victims into a car and crush them alive, using the machine that squashed the car into a tiny cube, with the person still inside.

  “It can’t be done Muscles. You’re out of your mind!” Bones yelled.

  Luscious stood there watching Muscles facial expressions and knew he was serious. Essence didn’t know what to make of the situation, but the talk of money always got her attention and her drunken state up mind began to wear off.

  “I think you lost your mind Muscles, but whatever you do I have your back,” Luscious said meaning every word.

  “Me too,” Homicide stated.

  Muscles looked at Bones and Essence on the couch.

  “Man it can’t be done, it can’t be done, you’ll get us all killed and we will never see a dime,” Bones stated.

  “Bones I know you used to work for the Junkyard Crew, that’s one of the reason’s I need you. You know them inside and out and how their business runs. And as far as you never seeing a dime of money…” just then Muscles stop talking and went to his room and returned with three big black garbage bags and drops one on the floor and flips the other two over and pours out what was inside out. Pounds and pounds of chocolate weed and white widow hit the floor. Luscious, Homicide, Bones and Essence eyes opens wide. They never saw so much weed.

  “Wait! Wait! You were the one who robbed the Junkyard Crew’s weed spot, the building on 190th Avenue last night?” Bones yelled out.

  “Yea it was me and I got away with it, and I believe together we can make a come up. Are you down or what?” Bones looked Muscles in the eyes and felt his friend’s pain and knew he had to ride with his man.

  “So what’s the plan?” Homicide said.

  “First of all, there’s no boss in our team, we work together as one. I have plenty of weed and need y’all help to move it. I need Bones to put someone on his block. Homicide I need you to gather your team and start moving the weed in Redfern and in Brooklyn, Luscious and Essence, I need you to put the weed in the strip clubs you work at and get a team of girls to help you move it. We’ll break down the weed to twenties and fifties I don’t want you to sell no weight yet until you build your team up. I don’t want these niggas thinking they can rob you without getting a bullet in their head. No one gets a cut of the weed money until it all comes back and then we split it, only pay the workers. This is just step one of my plan. We will never have to buy weed to re-up, so everything we make will be all profit. Do you know why?” Muscles asked.

  “No, why?” everyone in the room said simultaneously, “Because, we’re going to rob the Junkyard Crew and take what we need and want. We all know Bones has knowledge of most of their stash houses and Luscious with her sexy ass and some girls can make these fools sleep and brag and tell them where they keep their shit. Then we have Homicide who already has a team of killers, to help us lay our murder game down and leave no witnesses.”

  “Damn Muscles, you want us to go hard,” Essence said speaking for the first time.

  “These motherfuckers think they’re gangsters. After that movie Shottas came out every Jamaican thought he was hard and we’re supposed to fear them because they talked with an accent. I say fuck that, they bleed just like us. There pulling in millions of dollars every year off this weed shit, why can’t we do the same thing.”

  “Because, rumor is they grow their own weed somewhere,” Bones stated.

  “So they never have to spend money on it. So let’s find out where they’re growing weed,” Muscles said while digging into the bag he didn’t open. He pulls out four brown boxes and hands them out.

  “Open it,” everyone opens their box to see brand new nine millimeters. “Those are for you, I got more and we will buy more and rob those fools for much more too.”

  Homicide smiles, he loves nothing more in this world than a new gun.

  “Let’s begin to break up this weed and split it.”

  An hour later, Bones, Luscious, Essence and Homicide all left Muscle’s apartment with garbage bags full of weed and a new gun with a plan.

  Chapter 3

  Pistol yells at his men, “Ef yuh doan find di mon dat robbed one of mi spots, I will kill unuh,” Pistol yelled while looking at his cousin Dwayne who was also his lieutenant.

  “Mi will find him and pu a bullet enna his head,” Dwayne replied.

  “Good, good, wi cyan ave anyone robbing mi spots, they think mi went soft an everybody know mi nuh soft an mi crew nah soft. Kip your ears to di streets an mek sure everyone inna di Junkyard Crew duh di same.”

  Dwayne looks at Pistol then left with the rest of the men to take care of business. Dwayne knew he had to find whoever had the balls to rob the Junkyard Crew or it will be his balls that got chopped off. The thought of it made him grab his crotch as he walks to his car.

  Muscles smoked a blunt as his mind replays the meeting, everything was going as planned. He had gotten the people he trust most in life down with him and ready to roll. He got the weed on the streets that would bring in a profit close to $75,000 to split five ways. It may not seem like much, but he knew it was just the beginning. If he came off this lovely from one spot he could only imagine if he hit five spots or the big weed house full of weed he heard stories of. Muscles starts to think about all the money in his room that he didn’t tell the others about, they had to work for there’s like he did. Taking ten thousand and puts it in his dresser and took the rest of the money and puts it in a blue duffle bag then leaves the apartment. He drove to 231st Street and Merrick Blvd. and parks in front of a small office building and gets out his car and walks in. Inside the building it was quiet with no movement. Muscles had been here many times before. He walks way to the back where a man was typing in his office space cubical.

  “Steve, how are you doing today?” Muscles said.

  Steve looks up with surprise, “Well, well Shawn, it’s nice to see you.” They shake hands. “What do I owe the pleasure,” Steve replied.

  Steve was unlike any other white man Muscles had ever met. He wore his long hair in a ponytail and wore blue jeans with button up shirts with a blazer over it and had a real kind heart. Muscles came and asked him for a job a year ago and Steve promised him he will give him one once he got his Associates Degree in accounting.

  “No Steve the pleasure is all mine to be in the company of
the best accountant in the world,” Muscles replied.

  “I wish everybody felt that way Shawn. Look around, business is slower than ever.”

  “That’s why I’m here,” Muscles said.

  “Sit and talk with me Shawn.”

  Muscles pulls up a chair and sat next to Steve’s desk.

  “Steve over the years I’ve come to look at you as my friend.”

  “I am your friend Shawn, what is it? You need another loan? I will help you the best I can.”

  When Muscles had problems paying the rent or buy Sasha’s medication at the same time, Steve always front him the money and Muscles would pay him right back. It was Steve who loaned him two thousand to pay his rent this month, but Muscles had some of his money to put and use it to get him in the weed spot. Muscles had love for Steve. At 40 years old and Italian, Steve had the heart of a young man and Muscles loved the way they can joke around.

  “No Steve it’s not about that, but what I’m about to ask you to do for me can cause you problems with the law.”

  “Ok Shawn, I really don’t know what you’re talking about but you have my word I will help you the best I can.”

  “I know Steve, that’s why I came to you. Steve I will be bringing you large sums of money and I need you to wash it and make it clean. I need you to launder the money Steve.”

  “What are you talking about Shawn, don’t go out there and mess up your life. Think about your sisters!” Steve yelled.

  “I am Steve, that’s why I must do this. Listen, I need you to make the money I bring to you look like legal income. I will give you money to buy into your company to become a partner. I will have my Accountants degree in less than two months. With the money I give you I want you to invest in stocks and real estate, here,” Muscles said passing a piece of paper to Steve. “These names I want you to open an account for them.”

  “Shawn I know you love them, but this isn’t the way to go about it,” Steve stated.

  “You know Steve, for an Italian you’re the straightest one I’ve met,” Muscles said laughing at his own joke. He bends down and picks up the blue duffle bag that was by his feet and puts it on the desk and unzips it.

  Steve peeps down at all the money and his eyes grow wide, “Shawn what you do rob a bank or something?”

  “No, drug dealers. Steve I know you’re tired of paying that loan on your truck or the mortgage on your house. I say fuck that, from now on everything in our lives will be fully paid for and no one will be able to take it away. They’ll never be able to prove the money is illegal with the plan I have. In that bag there’s $60,000 and $20,000 is yours, the rest put in those names I give you. The next drop off will be bigger and bigger. There will be a place only you’ll know where to go to pick up the money. It will be safe.”

  Steve stood there in total shock staring at the money, at first he thought Muscles was just talking because he was stressed over money problems, but now he knew he was dead serious and was really going to go through with this plan.

  “I’ll see you soon Steve,” Muscles got up and starts walking to the front door to leave.

  “The car loan and the mortgage payments aren’t as bad as they seem Shawn, we live longer that way. We live longer!” Steve shouted to Muscles back as he left the building.

  Muscles hop in his car and heads home with Steve words echoing in his head.

  Chapter 4

  Amber pulls her blue Lincoln LS in front of the building on Rockaway Blvd., she looks in the rearview mirror and straightens her hair and steps out of her car.

  “Mmmm,” she lets out a soft moan, thinking about what she was going to do to her man.

  She walks into the building and walks to the second floor and knocks on the door to the apartment. The door creeps open and she looks at her man from head to toe and her pussy gets wet. “Damn baby I miss you,” she said while jumping into his arms and kissing him passionately.

  Muscles grab her ass and squeeze it while still hugging and kissing her. They walk inside and lock the front door. Muscles look at Amber and couldn’t believe he was so lucky to have such an amazing woman in his life. She was the first white woman he ever dated, but she was bad from head to toe, with her short haircut and green eyes, a small waist and an ass that look like it belongs on a black woman. Amber looked more like Belladonna, the porn star to Muscles, but not only was she sexy as hell. She had a good job as a legal aid lawyer in the Queens courthouse. She came from money, but money was never the problem when it came to their relationship. Muscles met Amber sixteen months ago on Facebook, and he let it be known to any girl he was talking to on Facebook that he didn’t have money to wine and dine them and that he was taking care of his sisters. At first Muscles didn’t even know why Amber even wanted to deal with him, but he found out it was his muscular body and she never slept with a black man and wanted to see if the saying was true, once you go black you’ll never go back. She found out her answer alright, because she was hooked onto Muscles and his sex game, but there relationship went deeper than sex. She really cared for him and loved him. She talked him into taking his G.E.D. and Associates in Accountant online and was surprised at how smart he is. In two more months he’ll have his degree and he could tell his sisters, they didn’t even know about it. Muscles watched Amber’s ass jiggle while she walks into his room. He licks his lips at the sight of it, once in the bedroom Amber began to remove her blazer, suit pants and blouse, leaving her standing there in a blue bra and matching thong.

  “You miss me?” Amber said in a sexy voice.

  “Yea,” Muscles replied.

  “Then come here and have your way with me.”

  “I am baby I was just savoring the moment,”

  Amber smiles and walks over to him and unbuttons his jeans making them fall to his ankles and pulls down his boxers and kneels down and slowly guided his dick in to her mouth.

  “Mmmm.” she moaned.

  The wetness of her warm mouth made Muscles even harder, “Don’t stop Amber,” as she sucks and licks all around the tip of his dick back down to his ball and putting them in his mouth, sucking each one, one at a time, then both at once.

  “Fuck me in my mouth,” Amber ordered, and stuck his dick in her mouth as far as it could go.

  These were one of the many reasons he loved her. Amber not only looked like Belladonna, she acts like her too in the bedroom. Muscles grabbed the back of Amber’s head and pumps back and forth, like he was fucking a pussy.

  “Ahhh,” he let out a groan as Amber sucks harder and tightens her lips around his dick. This only made him get wilder from the pleasure, pumping in and out her mouth.

  “Yea suck it, suck it, like that,” Muscles felt the nut build up as he pumps faster and faster. He couldn’t hold it no more so he released it all in her mouth.

  “Mmmm,” Amber moans while swallowing and licking her lips. She stood up and took off her bra and thong and climbed on the bed on her hands and knees. “Lick if from the back,” she said while turning her head around looking at Muscles and his ten inch hard dick.

  Muscles removed the rest of his clothes and made his way over to her. He grabs her ass cheeks and spread them and licks slowly around her pussy lips and clit.

  “Mmmm,” Amber moans as he spreads her cheeks even wider and places his tongue deep inside of her pussy savoring the sweet taste.

  Amber starts throwing her ass back as his tongue went in and out of her, “Ooowee, ohhh shit yeah suck it, suck it!” She yelled as he sucks on her clit then licks her pussy lips. While he is sucking on them, his tongue travels to her asshole and licks around it, then he puts it deep inside of her.

  “Shiiit, sssss, yes,” Amber moans as his tongue work the inside of her ass.

  “Fuck me, fuck me! I can’t take it no more!”

  Muscles lift his face up and use the back of his forearm to wipe her sweet juices off his mouth and chin. He pulls her back to the edge of the bed while on her knees. He slides his dick into her wet pussy.

“Mmmm yea this pussy is fucking good,” he said while watching her ass shake and his dick disappear inside and then out again.

  “Ahhh, mmm, fuck me, yesss, yesss!” Amber yells as he grips her waist and pulls her hard onto him.

  He pounds and pounds away on her pussy making her wetter and wetter, “Whose pussy is this? Whose pussy is it?”

  “It’s yours daddy yours, shiiit I feel you deep in there.”

  Muscles glistened with sweat, he thrusts in and out. When her fat ass bounced back and forth he slapped it.

  “Yeah I love that, yes keep spanking that ass daddy.”

  He pounds her pussy even harder and slaps her ass again and watches it turn bright red.

  “Put it in my ass, put it in my ass!” Amber yells.

  Muscles pull his dick out, and then he slowly inserts it in her ass.

  “Yesss baby, fuck me, fuck my ass, I’m your slut.”

  Muscles now grabs her by the hair, and pulls it back and thrust in and out of her ass.

  “Yes this is my ass,” he said through clenched teeth, “You like it, you love it you slut.”

  “Ooowee, ohhh I love it! I’m your slut Muscles, oooo it feels so good.”

  Muscles pound hard and furiously in and out as he felt his nut build up.

  “Ohhh!” He lets out a loud yell as he pounds hard with all his might and busts his nut inside her ass then collapsed on the bed next to her. They both lay there breathing hard out of breath.

  “Damn baby that was good,” Amber said while holding her chest.

  “It’s not over yet,” Muscles climbs on top of her and puts her legs in the air and enters inside her ass.

  “Sssss that’s why I love you, your ass never wants to stop,” Amber moans.

  Muscles pound away with her legs on his shoulders. He works her in every position known to man. He hit it from left to right and to the side for hours on in.

  Three and a half hours later, Amber lay on the bed tired and ready to go to sleep. The shower could be heard in the hallway bathroom, letting her know Muscles was washing up. She used the little bit of strength she had to get out the bed and walk to the dresser, she always kept a change of clothes and underwear at Muscles place so she wouldn’t have to go back and forth to her place in Howard Beach. She went to the second draw and opened it and picks out a purple bra and thong set, and a skin tight blue sweat suit.


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