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For The Love Of My Sisters

Page 5

by Shameek Speight

  “Damn I need a washcloth.”

  She opens the top drawer and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. There were stacks and stacks of money in rubber bands and a chrome handgun. She looks at the money and knew it had to be well over ten thousand dollars. She knew Muscles didn’t have that kind of money and wondered how he got it. Just then Muscles enters the room and shuts the door and looks at Amber’s sexy naked body standing over at the dresser. His mind raced as he remembered that he had forgotten to move the money and gun before she came over.

  “What the fuck is this, Muscles? What did you do?” Amber said with tears rolling down her face.

  “I didn’t do anything baby,” Muscles said while taking steps toward her.

  “What you think I’m stupid Muscles? I’m a fucking criminal lawyer. How the fuck you got that money and why you need a gun? You’re a thug now Muscles?” Amber shouted.

  “Listen Amber, I love you and I’ll tell you everything, just calm down.”

  “Calm down … calm down! I just found a gun and God knows how much money in my man’s draw. Muscles you never needed money with me, I’ll give you anything you want and need, please baby don’t go down the wrong path,” she said while crying.

  “Amber I don’t want your money, I’m my own man and if you calm your ass down, I’ll tell what you need to know. I need that money and I have to do what I got to do Amber. I know you love me and could care less on how much money I make and have and most women are not like that, that’s one of the many reasons I love you, but I have my sisters to think about,” Muscles responded.

  “So what are you out there doing Muscles, robbing banks and stores, you’re much better than that. You’ll get your Accountant degree in fucking two months. You want to fuck your life up!” Amber yelled.

  “Amber I’m not robbing banks or stores, I’m robbing drug dealers and I won’t do it for long,” Muscles replied.

  “You think that makes it better Muscles, because it doesn’t. I can’t deal with this shit now,” Amber said while crying hysterically and putting on her clothes that she took out the drawer.

  “Amber, calm the fuck down and let’s talk about this.”

  “Talk about what Muscles? How is it that I’m about to lose the love of my life to the streets or jail?”

  “Wait! Wait!” Muscles tries to hold her, but she pushes him away and storms out the bedroom then the front door and jumps in her car heading to her house while crying the whole way there.

  Muscles sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Damn how could I’ve been so stupid and leave that shit in the drawer, when I knew she was coming over, damn.’ A tear runs down his face, because he did really love Amber. ‘She helped me in so many ways in my life. She never minded that I couldn’t afford to take her out on dates or that we stayed in the house and watched bootleg movies. She helped me with school, but I felt I had to do something more for my sisters and this was the only way.’ He thought to himself as he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes from the stress he felt.

  He heard the front door open to the apartment, then shut and knew it was Sasha. Sasha pushes his door open. “You ok I just saw Amber running to her car crying?”

  “Don’t worry about it Sasha. I left some weed and money on your bed, I know it’s Friday so you can go hang out, just please do things the right way.”

  Sasha looks at him suspiciously, she wanted to ask him where he was getting all this money he was giving her and what was going on between him and Amber, but thought better of it, besides Muscles always took good care of her and the stress on his face, told her not to mess with him now and he said she can go out and run the streets. That was all she needed to hear. She quickly shuts his room door and jumps on her phone and calls her best friend Keri to let her know to be ready by the time she got over there.

  Muscles shut his eyes and tries to sleep away the stress life brings. A picture of his father lying on a bed covered in bed sores ran through his unconscious mind. Muscles walks up to the bed and looks at the sores that covered his father’s body. “I love you daddy,” Muscles said in between tears, just then his father’s eyes opens and they were bloodshot red with veins around them. Muscles jump back out of shock at the man that’s supposed to be in a coma. He watched his father’s lips open. They were white and dried up with spit in the corner of his mouth.

  “How could you say you love me yet you haven’t found the man who did this to me?”

  “I do love you,” Muscles said with tears in his eyes, and I can’t find the man who did this to you.”

  “So kill them all, kill them all!” Muscles father yelled.

  “Kill who?” Muscles replied.

  “If you love me kill all the Jamaican gangsters, all the Shottas, all of them!” The voice boomed in Muscles ear.

  Muscles felt small wet kisses on his forehead and Amber’s sweet voice calling him, “Baby, baby, baby.”

  He opens his eyes and moves his dreads out of his face to see Amber’s beautiful green eyes staring at him. He wipes his eyes feeling as if he was still dreaming.

  Amber places a kiss on his lips, “Baby you were having a nightmare. You were talking in your sleep and you’re sweating baby.”

  Muscles wrap his arms around her and held her tight and kissed her deeply and passionately. He pulled back and looks at her, “How you get here?”

  “Nina let me in.”

  “Damn it’s that late,” Muscles said looking at the clock on his nightstand that read 11:30pm.

  “I’m sorry baby that I left, but I didn’t know how to deal with it at the time. I don’t want to lose you. You’re too smart to be out there running the streets.”

  “You will never lose me Amber, I love you and always will,” Muscles replied.

  “But what you’re talking about doing could get you killed or in jail baby,” Amber said in a worried tone.

  “Listen I’m going to tell you the plan and I want you to pay close attention to what I’m about to say.”

  The next hour Muscles told Amber everything he planned to do, she even added ideas of her own to his plan as well, then they spent the night making love.

  Chapter 5

  A whole month went by and Dwayne still hadn’t found out who robbed one of the Junkyard Crew’s spots and knew his cousin Pistol would be pissed. He drove around in his black 2010, 745 BMW thinking about what to do about the situation. He had every member of the Junkyard Crew on the streets looking out for any one flashing a lot of loot around and selling weight, but still nothing came up. ‘Maybe di fool who did it was fram outta town. Dat has to be it. Nuh one around har is stupid enough to bloodclot wit di Junkyard Crew. Wi is real Shottas,’ he said out loud to himself.

  He pulls over in front of a house on Woodhaven Blvd. and hops out his car and walks to the house and knocks on the door. “Yo, ah mi Dwayne, open up,” he yelled.

  The door opens and he made his way inside. Twenty minutes later he came out with six duffle bags and puts them in the trunk of his BMW and hops in the car and pulls off, never noticing the black Chevy Impala following him.

  Dwayne drove to his house in Jamaica Estates and jumps out the car and went to the trunk, grabs the six duffle bags and went into the house.

  ‘That’s the sixth time, every time it’s a different house. He picks the bags up then brings them back here,” Muscles said out loud.

  “See I told you. They only pick up their money once a month from their spots and drops it off to Pistol, but Pistol keeps an army around him in his house and no one has ever seen him. These must be some of the main spots if Dwayne is doing the pick-up himself,” Bones stated while sitting in the back seat of the Impala next to Luscious.

  “I say we kill them now and take the money,” Homicide said pulling down the gloves on his hands, making sure they were nice and tight, looking out the passenger side window.

  “No, we can’t rush it, or it will get fucked up. Like Bones said he has an army in there so we have to get them when they are sleeping and Bo
nes said these are just some of their spots they pick up money from. I want to know them all before we hit them. We can’t tip them off that we’re watching them. They will be more cautious if they find out and we don’t need that. Luscious how’s Essence doing with that fool Bulltec? The word is he’s one of Pistol’s top men.”

  “She’s with that fool now fucking his brains out, it’s just a matter of time before she will have him talking. You know how you men love to brag. She said she already knows where he stashes his drugs and money, but she’s trying to suck all the info, she can out of him, and I do mean suck.”

  “Ahhhh!” Everyone in the car busts out laughing.

  “If we’re waiting until next month to rush the spots, how are we going to get the money, my worker’s been out of work,” Homicide said getting serious breaking the laughter in the car.

  “I have a plan for that family and it needs all four of us,” Muscles replied while pulling off.

  He drove for a while. Everyone in the car was silent wondering what he was up to. The cat pulls up to 110th and Lefferts Blvd. and parks.

  “Okay, here’s the plan. I’ve been watching these guys for two weeks now, and there Jamaican, but they’re not part of the Junkyard Crew. I’m going after all Shottas. The house is three houses down it’s a front to look like a family lives there. The guys that run this spot are all armed, but they smoke so much weed they will never see us coming.”

  “Wait a minute, Muscles; you want us to do this tonight, right now?” Bones replied.

  “Yes my dude that’s why I told everyone to dress in all black and wear gloves.”

  Muscles opened the car door, got out and went to the trunk of the car and opened it. Inside the trunk, a man lay duct taped up with his eyes wide opened. Muscles grab the duffle bag next to the man.

  “I’ll be back for you in a second,” the man lay there shaking in fear, as the trunk closed and Muscles got back in the car.

  “The reason I know all of this about the spot is because I have a fifth man that works in there, tied up.”

  “Word, where?” Homicide asks feeling how Muscles was getting down, reminding him of their teen years, but in no way he thought Muscles will ever go this hard.

  “He’s in the trunk this is his car we’re driving.”

  “Damn baby, you’re not playing,” Luscious said getting wet off of Muscles demeanor.

  “Now back to the plan, I’m going to untie him and he’s going to use his keys to let us in the front door. The reason I’m having him open the door is so that his people will sleep when they see his face and never think that shits about to hit the fan. Once we’re inside we take control of the place, find the weed and money and get the fuck out of there.”

  “What about the dude in the trunk, he will see our faces?” Bone asked.

  “We kill him,” Muscles said in a nonchalant tone.

  Bones swallowed the spit in his mouth, ‘Damn this nigga playing for keeps,’ he thought to himself. Bones was a hustler not a killer, he’d bust his gun only if he had too, but he was about his money and would ride out for the paper.

  Muscles opens the duffle bag and passes Homicide a black and chrome 12 gauge Mossberg shotgun, then handed Luscious two Ruger 9mm with infrared beams on them, then he passes Bones a Heckler 9mm and last, he pulls out a Long nosed 357 Magnum with a rubber grip handle for himself.

  “Yo why do Luscious get two guns and we only get one?” Bones asks with an attitude.

  “For one she’s going in first, then you and I will follow behind and for two, she’s a fucking woman and might need the extra fire power.”

  “What your aim is off or something, with that big as nine you got there you can’t miss a target and it got a hammer on it so it won’t jam. So stop bitching already!” Muscles yelled.

  “I wasn’t bitching, I just wanted to know why that’s all,” Bones replied.

  “Alright you guys we’re wasting time,” Luscious said.

  “Everyone put on your ski masks but Luscious. Luscious you put yours on before we leave the house just in case any nosey neighbors look out the window after the shit goes down. They’ll never know you’re a woman. That’s why I told you to wear baggy clothes,” Muscles said as he steps out the car with everyone else following his lead.

  He walks to the trunk and pops it open. The Jamaican man looks up with fear in his eyes and written all over his face. The first thought that ran through his mind was that he was about to die by the hands of this crazy ass half breed Jamaican and Yankee as he looks at the man with a black mask on and a woman standing next to him pointing a gun at his head.

  “You remember what I told your ass? If you run I will blow a hole through the back of your head, you hear me yardman?”

  The Jamaican man shakes his head up and down. He had seen a demon in this man’s eyes, full of pure hate and it had nothing to do with the situation at hand, his gut told him so. Muscles helped the man out the trunk and untied him.

  “Luscious play him close and keep the gun aimed on him.”

  They made their way three houses down.

  “Homicide you go around back and find a way in fast and do what you do best!”

  Homicide looks Muscles in the eyes and then took off to the backyard, even knowing Muscles couldn’t see anything, but Homicide’s eyes because of the mask. He knew he had a smile on his face.

  “Move!” Luscious ordered the Jamaican man while pushing him up the front stairs of the house.

  “What key is it?” Muscles ask.

  The man pointed to the two keys and hears the door unlock. Luscious push the Jamaican man in while keeping one of her guns right on his back, her next gun was on her side, barely noticeable. She made her way into the house right on the man’s back.

  “Leroy is dat yuh mon?” yelled a voice as they walked forward into the house.

  “Yes mon!” Leroy yelled back.

  Once in the living room, they could see there was no furniture, but a table with a chair and two Jamaicans sitting smoking blunts while playing cards. One of the men looks up at Luscious.

  “I see yuh brought a lady fah us,” he said in his deep Jamaican accent, then smiles.

  He got up and started walking towards Leroy and Luscious, just then Muscles and Bones rush in from the doorway pointing their guns at the standing man.

  “Don’t fucking move!” Muscles yelled.

  The man at the table tried to reach for his gun on his waist, but a red dot beaming on his chest from Luscious’ gun told him he was too late. Muscles quickly ran over and punched the man in the jaw, knocking him over to the floor.

  “Didn’t I say don’t fucking move?”

  He then removes the gun from the man’s waist. Bones did the same to the man that was standing.

  “Shhh, tie them up Bones, two of them are missing. I’m going upstairs and look around for them.”

  Bones pulls out a roll of duct tape, “You two get on the floor on your stomachs.”

  The men did as they were told. Luscious puts on her mask and uses both her guns to cover Bones while he duct tapes the men.

  Muscles crept up the stairs. As he looks around he sees three bedrooms. He tries to listen to each door for noise or any signs of movement, but there was none. He pushes open the door, walks in and looks around, but the room was empty, with only two beds in it. As he walks out the room he felt cold steel from a gun press to his temple.

  “Yuh want to rob mi, I will kill yuh, yuh pum pum,” the voice said.

  Muscles didn’t dare move. He looked at the short hair dread man from the corner of his eyes and knew he was fucked.


  Muscles heard what sounded like a man’s skull hitting the floor. Muscles looked up to see Homicide holding the shot gun in his hands in a weird angle letting him know he just used it as a baseball bat to knock out the Jamaican man. The man squirms while he lay on the floor. Muscles quickly picks up the gun the man dropped. Blood was pouring out a big hole in the man’s head.
r />   “Damn, what took you so long, any longer and that would’ve been me on the floor,” Muscles stated.

  “Yo I had to climb the house wall to get in and that’s not all, for some reason I smell mad weed in the backyard, but see no one smoking.”

  “Fuck it shit, just hold this gun while I pull this fool downstairs.”

  Muscles then grabs the squirming man by his arms and pulls him down the stairs. He drags him next to the other three men that are tied up. The other three men turned their heads and took one look at their bleeding friend next to them and watched as his body shakes then stops. Blood continues to pour out of a big hole in his skull.

  Muscles pulled out a five inch knife from its holder on his waist. “Ok somebody start talking, where’s the next man at?”

  No one said a word. This just made Muscles angry. Muscles bent down next to the man in the middle of the three men who were tied up. Muscles raises the knife high in the air, then comes down with all his might into the man’s back.

  “Ahhh! Ahhh! The man yelled as Muscles pulls out and stabs him again and again.

  “Yuh killing mi, yuh killing mi ahhh!” The man cried out.

  Muscles stabbed him repeatedly digging the knife as deep as it could go. He blacked out and all he could see was Jon-Jon’s face and his mother with her ass in the air.

  “Ahhh! Ahhh!” The man screamed and squirmed in pain, but couldn’t move any more. His hands were taped behind his back to his feet making him unable to move.

  Luscious, Homicide and Bones watched in shock as Muscles continues to stab the man over and over. They looked on not knowing what to do or say. They never saw this side of him before.

  “He went to di store! He went to di store!” The man yelled as he bleeds to death.


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