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Playing Passion's Game

Page 15

by Lesley Davis

  Juliet’s hand drifted down to cup Trent’s face. She kissed her again, a fleeting press of her lips that touched Trent deep inside.

  “We’d better move inside before we give Mrs. Tweedy a heart attack should she catch us steaming up the car windows.” Juliet unfastened her seat belt and pulled away from Trent.

  Fumbling one-handed for her keys, Trent led the way up the path to her front door, all the while firmly holding Juliet’s hand. She gestured for Juliet to precede her once she got the door unlocked. Trent closed the door and swiftly turned off the annoying alarm that sounded way too loud in the silence. She turned to find Juliet right in front of her, barely a breath between them.

  “Why do I get the feeling this isn’t a simple social call, Trent?”

  Trent took a deep breath to quell her nerves. “I want to show you something. I need to.” Chewing at her lip nervously, Trent reached out to snag Juliet’s hands.

  “Whatever it is, it’s okay,” Juliet said, searching Trent’s face.

  Trent looked straight into Juliet’s concerned eyes. “I had the most amazing time with you today, and I’m not used to doing that.”

  “Having fun?”

  “Spending time with a woman outside of what I take from them and what they want from me. I don’t do what we appear to be doing.”

  “And what are we doing?”

  “I think we’re dating, and I never do that. It’s too complicated and difficult, but with you it’s so easy to fall into.” Trent focused on their hands, linked between them. “You said no strings, but there are already more strings than I’m used to.” She let out a low moan as the strength of her feelings threatened to engulf her. “You’re tying me in so many knots, Jule.”

  “Are you saying you don’t want to see me anymore?”

  Trent flinched at the misery in Juliet’s voice, knowing she was the cause. “What? No! I’m trying to say I want to spend more time with you, and I’m screwing it up just like I knew I would.” The air was knocked out of her lungs as Juliet launched herself into her arms and gripped her tightly.

  “Jesus, Trent! You really do suck at this, don’t you?” Juliet grumbled against Trent’s breast.

  “I know, but I haven’t had much practice so bear with me.” Trent knew she was pleading but didn’t care. “I’m set in my ways, Jule. I’m solitary and my sex life before has consisted of no fuss, no ties, no swapping numbers. You’re the first woman I’ve wanted to spend time with, to get to know. I told you before, you were worth more than a quick fuck no matter how hot you make me or how desperate I am to hold you down and make you mine.” A flash of fire ignited in Juliet’s blue eyes. Trent’s body reacted by growing tight. “I need to show you something first, then you can decide.”

  “Decide what?”

  “If I’m worth it.”


  Juliet could almost feel Trent’s trepidation radiating off her as she led Juliet up the stairs. Instead of heading toward the bedroom, Trent walked a little farther down the landing to another door. It had an elaborate lock system on what was obviously a reinforced door.

  Juliet leaned against the wall as Trent unlocked it. “If you’re going to show me a highly personalized S&M dungeon set up in your spare bedroom, I’m going to be more than a little perturbed.”

  Trent pushed open the door. Leaning against the door frame, she regarded Juliet steadily.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but there’s a lot I’m doing that I don’t believe where you’re concerned.” Trent’s eyes rose heavenward as she seemed to search for words. “This house is my refuge, my one safe place, my home, and, for some reason I just can’t fathom, you seem to fit right in.” Trent reached out to stroke Juliet’s cheek.

  “I wouldn’t betray anything you show me or tell me, Trent.”

  Trent pushed the door open farther and stepped back to allow Juliet to enter. Curiosity getting the better of her, Juliet took a few steps, then stopped dead in her tracks. Her mouth dropped open.

  “Oh my God, I’ve died and gone to gamer heaven!” Trent released a soft snort behind her, but she didn’t follow Juliet inside; instead she left Juliet to explore on her own. Juliet looked all around the room. The blinds were drawn, but a bright white strip light bathed the room in a clean, crisp illumination. Center stage in the room was a padded chair, beside it a small table covered in various games controllers all laid out in neat rows. A huge-screen TV dominated the room. Juliet estimated its screen was at least sixty inches. “That’s some TV.”

  “You should have seen Elton and me getting it up the stairs.”

  Juliet continued looking around. The wall behind the TV was a massive bookcase lined with game cases. Juliet edged closer and noticed everything was organized by console and then alphabetized. “You have your games listed by name?”

  “Wouldn’t you with that many to sort through?”

  Juliet had to agree. She was fascinated by the endless array of older games in their big boxes sitting next to games in newer plastic cases she was familiar with as ones now littering her sister’s room. One box, an old Space Invaders box, stood out among the rest. Juliet acknowledged its implied importance by the way it was positioned so prominently. On the wall to the right was a smaller bookcase housing consoles. Some of them Juliet didn’t recognize, but they were of every size and system. She noticed a few were the same machine, only in different colors.

  “You have two of some?” Juliet asked.

  “Limited editions.”

  “Like a Resident Evil red.”

  “Exactly. I forgot you were talking to Zoe for a while.”

  A small love seat sat under the window and Juliet moved to seat herself there, aware that the chair in the room was undoubtedly Trent’s. She moved aside a few of the gaming magazines that lay on the cushions and sat back to take it all in. Her eyes fell on Trent hanging back in the doorway.

  “This room is amazing.”

  Trent stepped inside and Juliet saw how her posture shifted. You feel safest in here. Why do you need to feel safe, Trent? What scares you so much outside this room?

  “When I first moved in, I did this room and my bedroom first. It took me a while to get it like it is now, and it’s only been recently that I could afford the bigger screen.” Trent’s eyes shone with her excitement. “Sixty-two inches, HDTV, plasma screen. You wouldn’t believe how cool it looks seeing all your soldiers in high definition when you deploy them on this baby.”

  Juliet was enthralled by Trent’s obvious glee. “You sound just like a guy commenting on size. Does Elton play here with you?”

  “No. No one plays in my room except for me.”

  Juliet wondered at the emphatic answer. She just waited until Trent seemed ready to explain more. Trent finally sat in her chair and swiveled it to face her.

  “I know it sounds crazy. My house, my room, my games, but it’s just how I am.”

  “I understand. I had my own place in Chicago and loathed to share it with anyone else. I had everything where I wanted it and hated it when someone came over and disrupted my order. Sharing with someone again has been hard.”

  “Elton and I keep our homes separate from work. He does have occasional parties. He’s not quite as bad as I am.” Trent made a wry face. “If it was known I had this much space, I’d have Eddie sleeping on the living room floor every other week because his mother has kicked him out again.” Trent ran her hands over the arms of her chair. “This is my place. I grew up never having privacy. This is my chance to do whatever I want, when I want.”

  “Tell me about this room.” Trent’s eyes sparkled as she warmed to having someone to share her treasures with. Her pride was obvious at what she’d accomplished with the room.

  “I practically live in here, which is why downstairs is a little desolate.” She pointed to the shelves. “Those are every game I own. I rarely trade in. Sorry, but that would be too much like giving away my children.”

  Juliet loved Trent’s exaggerated
horror at the mere thought.

  “I have nearly every console available from past to present. Some of these machines are no longer in production so are rare and very valuable.”

  “No wonder you have security on the door.”

  “And the high-tech security system I have on the house.” Trent pointed to her side. “These are the consoles I use for my general playing and my online gaming.” She shifted in the chair and pointed beside Juliet. “And then there’s my computer, which is also gamer friendly.” Trent sat back and faced the screen. “I compete from here. I have everything set up for easy access, and I can just sit back and play with anyone from anywhere in the world.” She looked back at Juliet. “I love this room; it’s where all the fun begins.”

  “It’s the perfect reflection of you, this and your bedroom.” She studied Trent quietly. She had to ask the question that was gnawing at her brain. “Why am I the first person invited into your house? And more importantly, into this room?”

  “I need you to see how much this all means to me. This is me. I play games for hours on end. Yes, it’s a part of my job, but mostly it’s because I love games. This isn’t like me coming home hours late from work. This is a dedication to something most people think is a waste of time.”

  “I’m beginning to realize just how much this world means to you and the others who play in it. I’m glad you’ve chosen to share all this with me. I want to get to know you, Trent, all of you. Because you are the most fascinating woman I have ever come across, with or without a game in your hands.”

  “I could just be a big kid with a room full of toys.”

  “No, you’re a grown woman with exceptional skill at playing these games. That requires dedication and I admire that. You forget I’ve seen you in action. You’re amazing.”

  “So if I missed a meal or two because I was trying to finish a level, it wouldn’t annoy you? What if I didn’t come to bed for hours because I was playing online with a few buddies? Are you saying you wouldn’t get mad?”

  Juliet sat back and gave her such a long, considering look it made Trent’s face flush as the silence lengthened. “Are you trying to use your game playing as an excuse for us not to get involved?”

  Trent’s mouth opened, but no words came out. She finally had the grace to look sheepish. “I guess I am.”

  “At the moment, I work long hours in an office, can be called in at any moment because of some crisis or another that they feel needs my hand directly on it to put it right. Would you be able to understand my dedication to that?” Trent mulled this over. Juliet enjoying Trent being so unaware of the transparency of her expressions that she could almost read what was going through her mind.

  “I understand what you’re saying,” she finally replied.

  “How many women have told you to put down the controllers and just play with them instead?”

  “What relationships I have had haven’t lasted that long for it to be a problem. I don’t usually meet someone who wants more than a quick fuck at a games convention.”

  “You score girls at tournaments?” Juliet voice rose and she cursed the fact that her jealousy rose another notch at the thought of other women touching Trent.

  “I did when I was much younger. I don’t bother now.” She ran an agitated hand through her hair. “I got tired of being worth nothing more than a quick fumble. I didn’t want to be the notch on a gaming groupie’s belt.”

  “Gamers have groupies?”

  Trent raised her hands behind her head to lean back in her seat with a seriously smug grin. “What can I say? In some circles we’re superstars.”

  Juliet narrowed her eyes at Trent’s amusement. “So these bimbos you’d ‘service,’ they never touched you in return?”

  Trent flipped a thumb in the direction of her bedroom. “Hence the extensive DVD collection for my own amusement.” The humor slipped from her face. “I have the reputation of being stone butch, which I’m not, but it stuck. My looks don’t exactly help, and I guess I got disillusioned early on in my pathetic sex life when I realized not everyone likes to give as much as receive.”

  “I’ve known some die-hard stone butches, Trent, and believe me, you’re nothing like them. The posturing, the aggressiveness, the unwillingness to be touched, that’s not you at all.” Juliet moved forward on the sofa and touched Trent’s knee. “I love how you melt in my arms when I kiss you, how you react to my touch. You were meant to be held and touched and loved just like any woman.” Juliet moved again, this time to straddle Trent’s lap. Trent’s hands immediately clasped Juliet’s hips as she settled onto her. “You’re letting out your fears, Trent, one by one for me to see. I’m not going to be turned away or off by them.” Juliet pressed her lips to Trent’s forehead and a shudder ran through the body underneath her. “You’ve opened your secret places to me.” She let her lips trail soft kisses toward Trent’s ear. “Now, let me in.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Juliet’s kiss was fierce and Trent instantly returned it with twice as much passion. She groaned loudly as Juliet’s tongue pushed past her lips and began to tease her. Tightening her hands on Juliet’s hips, Trent managed to keep her anchored as she leaned forward to ravish Trent’s mouth.

  “God, you’re so hot,” Juliet murmured, kissing a line along Trent’s jawline and nipping at her skin before returning for another kiss. Her hands slid over Trent’s T-shirt, working under the sleeves and gripping the muscles there.

  Trent’s hands wound their way under Juliet’s shirt and explored her naked back. She scored her nails softly on Juliet’s flesh and Trent thrilled at the way Juliet arched into her touch. She ran her fingertips up Juliet’s spine and complained at the separation of Juliet’s lips from hers when Juliet had to pull back to gasp for air. Whatever words Trent was about to utter died in her throat as Juliet sat back and begin to unbutton her shirt. Her heart raced as the material was tossed to the floor with little concern.

  “You’re so gorgeous,” Trent said with a rasp. Her fingers found the soft skin of Juliet’s stomach to touch and trace patterns upon it. Her breath stopped when Juliet reached behind her to unfasten her bra. “Fuck,” Trent mumbled when Juliet’s ample breasts were released. “They’re more beautiful than I even imagined.”

  Juliet threw the scrap of clothing on top of her shirt. She leaned closer into Trent. “You’ve been imagining my breasts, have you?”

  “Every damn minute I could get,” Trent said, reaching up to hold them in her palms and brush her thumbs gently over the rigid tips. She kissed each breast reverently, trying to keep her desire in check for fear she’d hurt Juliet if she let loose what she was feeling.

  “I won’t break if you touch me, Trent,” Juliet whispered. She took Trent’s hands and pressed them tighter to her body. Trent’s whole body trembled in reaction. She already knew her hands were shaking. She savored the feel of flesh spilling over her palms. She sucked a nipple into her mouth, running her tongue around the hard knot. Then she licked the areola and marveled at how tight the skin raised and was pressed more fully into her mouth as Juliet crowded even closer.

  “Your mouth feels wonderful. Suck me harder.”

  Trent swiped her tongue over and over the pebbled skin, at first sucking, then flicking, enjoying every sound that came from Juliet’s lips. Turning equal attention to the other breast, Trent repeated her ministrations and relished the fact Juliet began to rock on her lap.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” Juliet said. When her breathing began to get more ragged, Juliet pulled Trent away and kissed her hard.

  Trent began tugging at Juliet’s shorts, anxious to reveal more flesh.

  Juliet wagged a finger at her. “Not before you get naked too.” She tugged at Trent’s T-shirt, so Trent quickly dragged it off. Juliet’s hands were instantly all over her arms and shoulders.

  “You’re so powerful. I love your muscles.” She put her mouth on Trent’s shoulder and bit down gently. It ricocheted straight to Trent’s clitoris, a
nd she released a long, shaky moan. Juliet pulled at Trent’s bra but ended up just tugging it down so that Trent’s chest was bare.

  Trent knew she was nowhere near as endowed as Juliet was, but by the look in Juliet’s eyes, it didn’t matter. Not as cautious as Trent had been, Juliet swiftly rubbed Trent’s nipples to hard points with the palms of her hands.

  “You need to stop. I’ll be coming in my shorts if you keep that up,” Trent panted.

  “No problem, lover, we won’t be stopping at just one tonight.” She gently pinched Trent’s nipples, forcing her to close her eyes as the pleasure ignited deep within her belly. Trent dragged Juliet down for another kiss, her mind fast losing track of where her hands were while Juliet’s roamed over her skin with a vengeance.

  “Slow down, please,” Trent said. “You’re going to give me a freakin’ heart attack!” Trent stilled the hands caressing her breasts to distraction.

  Kissing her gently, Juliet relented. “Okay, but don’t think I’m letting you off lightly.” She rose on her knees and popped the button on her shorts. The sound of her zipper being lowered was loud in the room. Trent was surprised she could hear it over the sound of her own sharp breaths. Juliet stood to divest herself of shorts and underwear, then settled back in Trent’s lap. Trent managed to catch a fleeting glimpse of pale hair framing the top of Juliet’s legs before Juliet was once again in her arms and their breasts were pressed together. Trent ran her hands over Juliet’s buttocks, squeezing the round cheeks, and then lifted Juliet higher into her lap. With Juliet’s legs spread wide open across her, Trent let her hands ease up the soft thighs and soon found where Juliet was wet and wanting. She touched gently and Juliet moaned in her arms.

  “Do it,” she whispered against Trent’s mouth.

  Trent circled her fingers through the rich moisture covering Juliet’s lower lips. She explored the soft, puffy flesh, gathering moisture as she slid her fingers around, learning the contours of Juliet’s sex. She brushed gently at the hood covering Juliet’s clitoris and delighted in the gasp it drew from Juliet and the way her hips pressed forward for more. Trent spread a line of kisses along Juliet’s jaw, down her neck, licking at the beating pulse point. She pushed Juliet upright, all the time keeping her fingers roaming between her legs. Trent’s own body throbbed in unison. She could feel her clitoris rubbing against the seam of her shorts, and every move Juliet made tightened the fabric and only served to increase the ache.


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