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Playing Passion's Game

Page 16

by Lesley Davis

  “You are so sexy.” Trent was filled with desire. She withdrew her hand and brought it to her lips to savor Juliet’s arousal. Juliet shivered and grabbed to push Trent’s hand back where she needed it. Resisting, Trent licked at her fingers, watching the flush of red cover Juliet’s breasts as she witnessed the act. Juliet’s eyes darkened when Trent returned her fingers to the source. “I told you, you were worth more than a quick fuck, but I don’t think I can wait any longer to have you.” In one swift movement, Trent slipped a finger inside her, and Juliet’s back bowed. “Fuck, you’re tight.” Trent growled and grabbed for a swaying nipple. She caught the red tip between her teeth and sucked on it. Juliet’s hips began to buck in earnest as Trent’s thrusts deepened.

  “More,” Juliet said.

  Trent inserted two fingers, and Juliet’s resulting keening cry was the sexiest thing Trent had ever heard. Her own sex clenched in sympathy. Trent had never been so turned on by touching another woman. Nothing came close to how she felt now with Juliet in her arms and her fingers pressing inside Juliet’s body. Juliet’s pleasure was Trent’s, and this time, Trent could feel everything; it wasn’t one-sided. She pressed in harder and was rewarded with a rush of moisture. Juliet grabbed for her shoulders, and the sharpness of her nails was a pleasant sting. Looking up from Juliet’s breast, feasting on her flesh, Trent could feel Juliet’s warm walls welcoming her deeper inside. She pressed her thumb to the exposed head of Juliet’s clitoris and rubbed. Juliet’s body jerked in her arms.

  “Oh God!” she yelped and pumped erratically against Trent’s fingers.

  Trent rubbed harder still and Juliet’s head fell back. She pumped faster, closed her teeth around Juliet’s right nipple, and bit down gently. The answering scream was enough incentive for Trent not to stop. She curled her fingers inside Juliet and rubbed at her secret spot. Juliet cried out Trent’s name in a strangled sob and came hard, her body jerking in Trent’s lap, drawing out every last shudder as the orgasm raced through her body. Trent gathered Juliet close when she slumped forward, spent. It was a new experience for Trent to cuddle after sex. Nuzzling into Juliet’s hair, she decided she liked it and couldn’t help relishing the fact.

  “Good God,” Juliet said shakily, her face buried in Trent’s neck. “I’ve never come so hard in my life.”

  Trent was glad Juliet couldn’t see how smug she was feeling.

  “You are amazing.” Juliet sighed and tried to sit back up, shuddering with a long, drawn-out moan as Trent’s fingers slipped from inside her.

  Trent took her time taking in every freckle and mark visible on Juliet’s skin, committing them to memory. Juliet sat upright and Trent licked her lips at the glorious sight she was afforded.

  “Your eyes just went an incredibly dark chocolate color.”

  “I want to watch you come again, only this time using just my tongue to set you off.”

  Juliet shivered and gave Trent a smile that melted her heart. “You’re too damn good for me,” she said softly, touching Trent’s cheek reverently.

  “I think that’s my line, Jule.”

  “No, you’re perfect for me. You know exactly how to touch me and leave me desperate for more.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” She reached for Juliet again. Trent was puzzled when Juliet evaded her grasp.

  “No.” Juliet slipped from Trent’s lap slowly and sensuously to rest on the floor between Trent’s knees. She pushed Trent’s legs apart. “Now it’s your turn.” Her hands began to run playfully up Trent’s legs to the edge of her shorts.

  Trent swallowed audibly. Her head was filled with the sound of her heart beating out a nervous rhythm so loud it was almost deafening. She was certain she could hear music too. From the look on Juliet’s face, she could hear it as well and was less than pleased.

  “Damn it, that’s my cell.”

  “Leave it,” Trent said gruffly, her body tight and desperate for its first touch in years from someone other than herself.

  The music stopped. Juliet’s lips curved into a sensual smile. “I want you so bad.”

  Trent was still as Juliet’s hands slipped over her shorts and aimed higher. She moaned deep in her throat as the sound of the cell phone began again. Juliet grumbled under her breath and reached for the pocket of her shorts to draw the offending phone out. She flipped it open to see who was calling.

  “If this is Monica, I’ll kill her slowly and painfully.” She looked at the screen and frowned. Juliet’s eyes lifted to Trent’s. “It’s my boss.”

  Trent’s nerves were stretched to their limit, but she nodded anyway. “Answer it.”

  Juliet’s frowned deepened. “Why would they be calling me at this time of night and on a weekend too?”

  “To screw with me so you can’t,” Trent said and listened in as Juliet took the call. The play of emotions that raced over Juliet’s face told Trent it wasn’t good news.

  “I understand the need for urgency, but can anything really be accomplished at this time of night?” Juliet listened to the voice on the other end of the phone and made a face. “I see. We need to rally the backers before the stock markets get wind of anything.” She rolled her eyes expressively. “Yes, sir, yes. I’ll be there shortly.” Juliet slammed the phone shut and flung it back on her shorts. “This is why gardening seems so much better as a career choice.”

  “Problems?” Trent feared the worst by Juliet’s reaction.

  “One of our foreign partners has just declared bankruptcy, throwing bankers into a tailspin and my offices into a state of extreme panic. They want me to go in to do damage control before the news hits the wires and the rest of the banking community gets wind of our shit hitting the fan.”

  Trent could still feel Juliet’s wetness on her hand, could taste her on her lips. “You have to go now?” For the first time in years, Trent didn’t want a woman to leave.

  Juliet rested her hands on Trent’s spread knees. “Believe me, I don’t want to. I want to take your clothes off and climb inside you as deep as you were in me until you scream my name.”

  Trent clenched her hands as she tried to keep from reaching out to grab Juliet to her. Her insides had melted, her shorts were soaked from just having Juliet come in her arms. Trent was curiously lost. She was unable to move from her chair for fear her legs wouldn’t be able to hold her up. Juliet reluctantly began to get dressed. As she buttoned up her shirt with jerky movements, Trent managed to get to her feet, pull up her bra, and scramble for her T-shirt. She brushed Juliet’s hands away from where she was fastening everything wrong and completed the task for her. Juliet looked up at Trent. Her eyes were shiny with tears.


  “I don’t want to go,” Juliet said, wrapping her arms around Trent’s waist and holding on tight.

  “I don’t want you to either.”

  “I hate my job.”

  At this moment, I do too. Trent took Juliet’s hand and led her from the game room. Juliet pulled her to a stop at the top of the stairs.

  “Thank you for sharing your room with me,” she said sweetly, reaching up to kiss Trent gently.

  “I’d say it’s well and truly christened now.” Trent ran her fingers together, the slight stickiness of Juliet’s passion remained, and Trent was loath to lose it.

  “I’ll phone you tomorrow, I promise. Just as soon as I know what’s happening.” Juliet hastened down the stairs.

  “Guess Monica will be gardening on her own.” Trent couldn’t stop the disappointment in her voice and she winced at how pathetic she sounded even to herself. Trent reached to open the front door and was startled when Juliet pushed her against it and pulled at her to deliver a kiss so sweet and passionate it made Trent’s knees buckle.

  “My decision was made a while ago concerning the question you asked me earlier.” Juliet let Trent go but didn’t release her gaze. “You’re more than worth it.”

  Juliet left the house and ran down the path toward her car. Trent closed the door behind her. She r
an her hand down her chest, feeling the swell of arousal still thrumming through her. She set the house alarm and wandered back upstairs in the direction of the game room. It looked oddly undisturbed by what had just transpired in there. “I’ve just lived every gamer geek’s dream. A hot blonde naked in my lap while I took her in my gaming chair.” She hovered in the room for a moment trying to decide what to do next. She was restless, agitated, too turned on to try to distract herself with a game.

  She turned off the light, locked the door up out of habit, and walked the few steps into her bedroom. She lay on her bed with a loud sigh and rested her hand over her eyes. Trent was instantly assailed by the scent Juliet had left on her flesh. She breathed it in deep and an answering tug sparked low in her belly. She slipped her hand down to her crotch. She knew a few good tugs would be all she needed to rid herself of the ache pounding through her clitoris. Surprisingly, Trent didn’t want it to be quieted by the touch of her own hand. Only Juliet’s touch would truly satisfy this need. She rested her hands on her stomach and stared at the ceiling. For the first time, she hadn’t been the one to fuck and walk away. She’d been the one left behind, leaving Trent very alone. She lazily lifted her hand to her face and breathed in again the lingering scent of Juliet. Her stomach clenched in reaction. “I’ve got a girl who has me take her in my game room and then she leaves me high and dry.” She shifted her legs uncomfortably. “Or not so dry.” She ran her tongue over her lips. “I can taste her.”

  With a deep growl Trent leapt from her bed and headed to the bathroom. She scrubbed at her hand, trying desperately to erase the sweet stickiness. Satisfied all she could smell was soap, Trent changed out of her shorts and found her sleep attire. Finally, she padded back down the hallway. Trent pushed open the door to the game room and a now-familiar subtle scent assailed her nostrils. “Goddammit! I can smell her everywhere!” Trent switched on her TV, picked up a controller, and found a game to go online with. Waiting for a connection to be established, Trent sat back in her seat and was instantly overwhelmed by the erotic images she’d just played out in reality in that chair.

  “Boys, I am bringing a healthy frustration to the field tonight,” Trent said before she was linked in with other players. “I’m going to frag each and every single one of you that dares to get in my way!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Juliet resisted the urge to slam the receiver down in a fit of exasperation. Instead, she purposely laid the phone back gently in its cradle and pushed away from her desk. She dragged her hand through her hair as she stared out of the one window her office afforded. The surrounding buildings were darkened. Only their security lighting was on in selected windows. Juliet didn’t bother to look at her watch. She didn’t want to know what time it was. The night sky was dark, dawn still hours away. What the hell am I doing here, she wondered, catching the reflection of her computer in the window, its flashing denoting the frantic e-mails coming to her thick and fast. She looked out blindly into the night. I could be with Trent, right this minute, touching her, holding her, feeling her inside me again. Heat burned low in Juliet’s belly, and she tugged at her work blouse, loosening the collar in the hope of cooling herself down. She jumped when someone knocked on her door. Carnie Warner, one of the managers, stuck her head in, then stepped inside furtively, closing the door behind her and leaning against it as if barring against intruders.

  “How bad is this, Juliet?” she asked.

  “As bad as it can be with the bankruptcy of one business setting off others to topple like dominos after it.”

  “We’re safe though, aren’t we?”

  Juliet fought the urge to roll her eyes at Carnie’s preoccupation for self-preservation. She knew this particular manager only looked out for herself, sometimes to the detriment of her staff. “For now, but who knows how far this will reach?”

  “As long as it all blows over without touching my paycheck, I don’t care.”

  Juliet was amazed by her selfish attitude. “Carnie, companies are losing money all over the world, and the people whose money is in those banks are going to be affected too. How can you not care?”

  Carnie shrugged. “I don’t get paid enough to care for everyone.” Juliet’s surprise was obviously visible because Carnie turned defensive. “Don’t give me that look. I’m not like you, young and talented, being put on the fast track to head office. I’m nearer retirement than I am a promotion now,” Carnie snapped. “And I’m way too old to use sleeping with the boss as a means to get higher up the corporate ladder.”

  Juliet bristled. “That’s a path I have never chosen.”

  “I know that. I wasn’t talking about you. You have competition, though, Juliet, and that particular female will use everything at her disposal to get your job. Stacy Atkins isn’t above anything to secure that corner office they’ve designated for you, my dear.”

  Juliet dropped into her chair, suddenly tired of it all. “And what if I don’t want the corner office?”

  “But you’re Mr. Castle’s biggest and brightest star, the jewel in his crown.”

  The only jewel I want to be is Trent’s Jule. “Well, maybe I don’t want to shine in this line of work anymore.”

  “And instead you’ll do what? Try your hand at gardening?” Carnie laughed at Juliet’s face. “Do you really think you’ve skipped the rumor mill with that one? One comment, innocently made, can do the rounds to every floor before the last word has left your lips.”

  Juliet forced herself to take a deep breath, realizing more and more why she was becoming disillusioned working for such a company. I’d much rather be out digging up a dirt patch than sitting in here dealing with Carnie. God, when did my priorities change from the good of the company first and foremost? Not to mention I could be with Trent right now, exploring all that life has to offer me with her beside me. Not for the first time since she’d left Trent’s home did she wonder what Trent was doing and hoped she was missing her half as much as she was missing Trent.

  “I’m looking forward to your presentation.” Carnie was oblivious to Juliet’s distraction. “Though I hear Stacy is chomping at the bit to get some of her ideas put forth.”

  Juliet eyed an e-mail that came up on her screen and grimaced at the news of another company making its announcement of failure. “Then I suggest she goes through the proper channels.” Dismissing Carnie from her thoughts, Juliet scanned her screen.

  “Problems?” Carnie asked.

  “You might want to go make sure your corner office is still there,” Juliet said, reading the rest of the mail she’d received in just five minutes and feeling queasy at the sinking feeling settling in her gut. “Our flagship investor has just started to sink.” It was with little satisfaction that Juliet watched Carnie scurry back to her own office. She grimaced as her phone started ringing again.

  I should have stayed with Trent. I need her more than I need any of this. Putting that realization on hold, she picked up the phone, readying herself for whatever bad news was on the other end this time.


  Juliet tried to open the front door as quietly as possible, but caught sight of Monica already at the breakfast table. Monica looked up at her entrance.

  “Get you, just rolling in at breakfast time.” She stopped her teasing when she registered Juliet’s clothing. “You changed into your work clothes?” Monica gave a frown. “Just how kinky is Trent?”

  “Would you believe I got called into work last night?” Juliet said, tossing her briefcase on a chair and reaching over to snag a piece of Monica’s toast.

  “What was so bad they needed you in at midnight on a Saturday?”

  “Active Banking declared bankruptcy, and the resulting crash was felt around the world. I’ve been on the phone most of the night to various countries trying to ensure them that their money is safe and we will weather this storm.” Juliet sat with a weary thump at the table.

  “And the real truth is?” Monica reached for another cup and poured Juliet some tea.

  “That there’ll be redundancies in every building from Tokyo to Germany, and here at home.”

  “I told you that banking was a foolish endeavor. You need to get out among the flowers, pour your energy into growing things. Not watching your fat cats grow fatter on other people’s money only for them to lose it all because of their greed.”

  Juliet sipped her drink gratefully. “I know. I hear you. And once this damn presentation is done I can decide more clearly what I need to do. I just need this done and dusted. I’ve worked on it too long now to let it go. People are counting on me.” She took another piece of toast from Monica’s plate. “And, if I do say so myself, I think I have a damn good proposal to offer.”

  Monica was quiet for a moment, then changed the subject. “So how did your night go before you were called hastily away? Did you see Trent’s sanctum of sanctums?”

  Juliet blinked at her. “I beg your pardon?”

  “My man Elton got the word from a very reliable source. Trent told him herself she was going to show you something special.”

  Juliet shrugged. “She might have,” she said mysteriously.

  Leaning over the table, Monica gave her a look. “You know that Elton thinks Trent showing you her game room is like her proposing marriage to you, don’t you?”

  Juliet choked on her toast and was grateful for Monica’s hand pounding on her back. “I’m sure it’s not that serious,” she gasped, though that didn’t stop her from yearning for it to be true.

  “Come on, think about it. You’ve been let into the most private place of the Baydale Reapers’ most renowned of players. I’m led to believe that room is everything from the Lost Ark of the Covenant to the bloody wardrobe that houses Narnia!”


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