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Playing Passion's Game

Page 19

by Lesley Davis

  “For all you went through, it made you the person you are today, and that is someone who is kind and gentle to little lost kids. Someone who demands fair play and promotes fun in everything she does. Someone who is fierce and loyal to her friends and their family. Your own family had no idea what a marvelous woman they had in their midst. Their loss was everyone else’s gain.”

  Trent shrugged uncomfortably. “Yeah, well.” She comforted herself in the steady rhythm of stroking Juliet’s hair. It calmed her after leaving herself so open and vulnerable. She sighed when Juliet snuggled into her arms and held her tight. “No one outside of Elton’s family knows what happened to me.”

  “No one will ever hear it from my lips,” Juliet said, then asked softly, “Do you want to stay here tonight?”

  Trent thought about the invitation for a moment, but her feelings were too raw. “I think I’d rather go home if that’s okay.” Juliet shifted as if to get up, but Trent held on to her tightly. “But can we just stay like this for a while? I don’t want to go home yet. I just want to stay here with you.”

  Juliet moved so that Trent’s head was against her chest. The hold made Trent feel protected and safe. “For as long as you want, Trent.”

  I’d like forever. If I’m worthy of it…with you?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Trent was busy unpacking the new delivery of boxes when Elton joined her in the stockroom. Without a word, he began helping her.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be on the shop floor?” Trent peered at him suspiciously.

  “I just wanted to see how you were. You’ve been rather quiet since you came in.”

  “I didn’t realize my being less than gregarious on a Monday morning was a cause for concern.” Trent leaned back against the shelves she’d been putting games on and waited for Elton to explain.

  “Are you still having those nightmares of yours?” he asked gently.

  “No, surprisingly enough I haven’t. And I expected to battle that particular demon last night after I had regaled Juliet with the story of my childhood.”

  Elton’s mouth fell open almost comically. “You told Juliet?”

  “She asked about my family and I filled her in.”

  “Wow,” Elton muttered. “You’ve never told anyone before.”

  Trent shrugged. “I think it’s safe to say Juliet is different.” And she makes me feel different too, safe enough to talk about the things that no one has known about me in years.

  “If she gets you to talk, the woman is a certified miracle worker.”

  Trent waved off his awe and turned her attention back to her work. She dug into one box and let out a happy yelp. She held aloft a game case like she’d found the Holy Grail. “It’s about time this was delivered. Dina said she’d sneak me a few copies before release date.”

  Elton sighed. “You reveal your deepest, darkest secret to someone and now it’s ‘oh look, a new game’?”

  Trent held out the case to him. “Not just any game, it’s this one.” Her excitement was justified when Elton’s eyes lit up too.

  “Well, that’s enough about you and your revelations. This really is more important!” Elton hugged the game to his chest, but his eyes belied his dismissive words. Trent knew he’d find her again later to make sure she was all right. For now, it was time to forget the past again. “I’d forgotten this was out this week.” He began reading the back cover.

  “You’ve been too busy making nice with Ms. Monica. Love has clouded your mind to the important things in life.”

  Elton snorted and pushed open the stockroom door. “Reapers! The call to duty has been sounded!”

  Zoe and Rick dropped what they were doing and rushed to the open door. Zoe danced on the spot while Rick tried unsuccessfully to wrestle the game from Elton’s hold.

  “Nah ah ah,” Elton said. “It’s not supposed to be available until Friday, remember? What’s it worth to you for me to allow you to even”—he dangled the case before Rick’s face—“touch it?”

  Trent punched Elton’s arm gently. “Stop teasing the children. Let him have it.”

  “Oh, come on,” Rick grumbled finally managing to get the game off Elton. “We need to practice this before we take our clan online.” He shared the game with Zoe. They both pored over it, oohing and ahhing.

  “When we close up tonight, have your money ready. Dina sent enough for the team.” Trent smiled at the excited squeal Zoe let loose.

  “Trent, you know the company policy about selling games before release.” Elton’s official company-line tone was negated by the fact he was digging into his wallet to check how much cash he had. “We’ll send Dina her favorite chocolates again. She’s a good girl and we need to keep her on our side.”

  Trent nodded. Dina always made sure they got certain games ahead of release so they could hone their skills. “This Friday night we go online prepared. We have a few days to learn the layout of the maps before this hits the shelves. I’m not stepping into the online community’s sniper sights blind.” She cut Elton a glance. “And company line be damned, they’re quick enough to capitalize on our wins. They get free publicity for every trophy we raise.”

  “Eddie and Chris can have their copies when they come on shift tomorrow.” Elton smirked in Trent’s direction. “And I promise to text Eddie later to give him plenty of time to ask his mom for the money.”

  Zoe collected Rick’s money along with her own. “We’re all set.” She gave Trent a sweet look. “And just think how beautiful this game will play on my brand-new, bright red pleasure machine.” She mimicked cocking a rifle and taking aim. “Friday night belongs to the Reapers.” She leaned forward to whisper to Trent while Rick and Elton were reading to each other all the new features the game had in store. “Want to join me in some multiplayer action tonight?”

  Trent nodded swiftly. “I’d love to. Just promise you won’t keep me up all night like usual.”

  Laughing, Zoe patted Trent on her arm. “Don’t let Juliet hear you say that! Something tells me she’s mighty serious about you and wouldn’t take kindly to another girl getting near you.” Her amusement deepened at Trent’s unashamedly delighted grin. “Geez, you two have got it bad for each other. It’s a pleasure to see and a long time in coming.” Zoe’s attention was caught by a customer. “Dang it, Rick, we need to get back to work.”

  As her colleagues rushed to deal with customers, Trent marveled again at what good friends they had all become. Elton invaded her space and nudged her out of her reverie.

  “You’ve got tomorrow off. Are you really going to spend it traipsing behind two women picking out flowers?” Elton was rubbing at his mustache, trying unsuccessfully to hide his enjoyment at her expense.

  “I’m told if I want my yard to look presentable, then I need to have some input into its decoration.”

  “But you haven’t got a bloody clue about plants.”

  “I’ll have Monica and Juliet holding my hand throughout the whole process. I’m sure it will be painless.” Trent slipped back into the storeroom and began picking out the games for her colleagues and leaving them to one side.

  “I’m betting you last an hour before you start dragging your feet like an errant four-year-old.”

  Trent was tempted to agree with him, but she brightened at a thought. “Maybe, but if I do fall behind, just think of the view I’ll be afforded.” Her sly wink made Elton laugh out loud.

  “I love the way your mind works. And your fair lady has a very fine ass—”

  “Elton, you’re needed on the floor!” Zoe called out and cut off whatever comment he was about to finish. He waved at her and turned his attention back to Trent.

  “I’m glad you’ve got someone to talk to, Trent. It does my heart good.”

  Trent waved him out. “It does mine too,” she told the empty room. She looked at the last few boxes. “Guess I’ll just unpack these myself, then?” No one answered her, so she ripped off the tape and continued where she’d left off.

/>   *

  The kiss Juliet greeted her with when Trent opened the front door made her wish someone else wasn’t waiting on them. Juliet’s hand was cupping the back of Trent’s neck as she pulled her closer and kissed her so thoroughly that Trent’s knees actually buckled. Trent grabbed for Juliet’s shoulders to keep both her balance and to stay upright. Juliet sucked Trent’s lower lip between and then nipped it gently. Trent couldn’t hold back her moan as the short, sharp pain was then soothed by Juliet’s teasing tongue.

  Juliet’s lips curved with wickedness when she finally drew back. “Good morning,” she said huskily, running a finger along Trent’s swollen lower lip.

  Trent’s tongue slipped out to taste Juliet’s fingertip. She let her tongue swirl along the length of it, then sucked the teasing finger into her mouth. She was satisfied to see Juliet’s eyes darken a shade and her skin release a telltale flush. Slowly, Trent pulled back and let Juliet’s finger slide from her pursed lips suggestively. “Good morning to you too.”

  Groaning, Juliet fanned at her face with her hand. “You have no idea what you’ve just done to me.”

  “If Monica wasn’t getting ready to lean on the horn, I’d pull you in here to find out.”

  Frustration danced across Juliet’s face and Trent forced herself not to just snatch Juliet inside to make good on her words. “If you want my yard to resemble anything like what Monica has in mind, we’d better get down the driveway before I…” Trent’s words ground to a halt as Juliet licked her lips suggestively.

  “Before you what?”

  Trent leaned in closer to whisper in Juliet’s ear. “Before I run my tongue around more than just your finger.” Juliet’s breath caught in her chest.

  “Don’t make me have reason to hate flowers,” Juliet said, stepping back with effort and shoving her hands into her jeans pockets. “We have to go to the nursery. We have to finish your yard. God, but I want to finish what you’ve just begun!”

  “What I began? You were the one who kissed me first, if I recall.” She alarmed her house and locked the door behind her. She enjoyed the swing of Juliet’s hips as she walked down the driveway ahead of her. “You have such a sexy walk for a banker.”

  Juliet paused and reached out a hand for Trent to hold. “You have to stop saying things like that. Monica is only going to need one look at my face to know how close to the edge I am.”

  Trent tugged at Juliet’s hand and pulled her back until their chests pressed together. “How close?” she asked softly, watching the pulse in Juliet’s neck flutter.

  “Close enough that I wouldn’t get as far as your gaming chair this time before I’d be writhing in your lap.”

  Trent bit her lip so hard she was certain she’d split the skin. “Like me picking flowers isn’t going to be hard enough without that picture planted firmly in my brain now.” Like it ever left, Trent silently admitted.

  Juliet just laughed and pulled Trent after her down the driveway to the car.

  “And here was I thinking I needed to get out of the car and come hose you two down.” Monica sat in the backseat, her arm resting out the rolled-down window, eyes hidden by oversized sunglasses. “It’s too early in the morning for you two to be so damn frisky.”

  Trent slid into the front passenger seat and greeted Monica. “Are you ready to show me the fascinating world of all things leafy?”

  Monica huffed. “I’m just astounded you actually stepped foot out of the house. I got stood up last night with the excuse of ‘I have to learn the ins and outs of this new game before we kick ass on Friday night.’” She gestured to herself grandly. “If he could turn this down for some game, then I’m even more surprised you’ve stepped away from your console.”

  “Believe me, I covered most of the terrain with Zoe until the wee hours of this morning. She has never heard the concept of ‘just one last tour of duty.’” Trent shifted in her seat, angling herself so she could see Juliet. “I have the incentive of being out of the house in the company of two delightful ladies. I think I can manage to put my game on hold for that.”

  “Elton would faint on the spot if he heard you utter those words,” Monica said.

  “Yeah, I’m amazed to hear them too, but contrary to what everyone thinks, I’m looking forward to today. I want to know what it is about gardening that makes you two want to be up to your elbows in dirt.”

  “If you get too bored, just tell us, okay?” Juliet said.

  “I’ve never been bored in your company yet,” Trent replied. “Besides, this is your chance to show me why you’re considering packing in a bigwig corporate job for something more”—she searched for the right words, then tried to keep a straight face as the thought struck her—“down to earth, as it were.”

  Monica groaned. “Something tells me we should have left her with her console.”

  “I can shoot the enemy online at any time. I’m here for you to enlighten me. So enlighten away.” She settled back in her seat, eyes on the road ahead. “Think of this as a ‘take your girlfriend to work’ kind of day.” She cut a sly look at Juliet and warmed at the delight on her face.

  Monica chuckled darkly. “I so should have dragged Elton along for this too.”

  “When you do his yard you can afford him the same treatment,” Trent said, “but today is my day out with the girls. Start the engine, Jule. We have plants to buy.”


  Juliet unfolded the printed sheet that she and Monica had decided over the previous night. She caught Trent’s expression as she looked from their high vantage point on the steps down to the nursery gardens. Juliet leaned into her gently, enjoying just being near her. Her body absorbed Trent’s natural heat and it made her own temperature rise. “What is going through that head of yours?” she asked. Trent was taking in the seemingly endless rows of trees and shrubs.

  “I’m thinking that’s a whole heap of green.”

  Monica joined then, pushing a low riding cart in front of her. “You’re going to need some foliage. I thought small conifers to put along your fencing to give you privacy but not cut out the sunlight again. If you keep them tended you can manage their height.”

  Trent frowned at her. “But you could do that, right? I could pay you to keep the yard looking its best?”

  “Geez, you aren’t ever going to have a green thumb, are you?”

  “I’d rather get the right people for the job than make an ass of myself and mess up your hard work. After all, I wouldn’t expect you to be able to sell the right console to someone without knowing what you were selling. Each to their own talents, I always say.”

  “Something tells me we’ll have a steady job where your yard is concerned.” Monica tossed a look at Juliet. “Think we can manage?”

  Juliet caught Trent’s eye. “I think I can manage just fine.”

  Monica clapped her hands together briskly. “Okay, enough with the talking and the undercurrent of blatant flirting. Let’s go see what they have that we can use to transform Trent’s yard from the Wilds of Borneo to the Garden of Eden.”

  Trent’s eyebrows rose. “Just what am I letting myself in for? A simple yard will suffice, thank you.”

  Monica’s answering chuckle was dark. “Oh, Trent, hasn’t Elton told you that I never do anything simple?”

  Juliet’s fingers curled around Trent’s hand to hold on to it tightly. “Don’t fret,” she said. “I’m here to keep her in line and within budget.” She felt Trent relax and return the squeeze with her own hand.

  “I trust you, Juliet,” Trent whispered out of Monica’s hearing. “I’m sure you won’t lead me astray.”

  Juliet decided she liked the wicked glint Trent had in her eye. It made her want to drag Trent behind the tallest trees on display and kiss her senseless. With a heartfelt groan at the burst of arousal burning in her chest, Juliet ground out, “Damn flowers.”

  Trent swiftly leaned down and quickly pressed her lips to Juliet’s in a kiss that only served to make Juliet even more sensit
ive to her.

  “Damn flowers indeed,” Trent said. Juliet was comforted to see a dazed look on Trent’s face that no doubt resembled the one she herself wore. “Come on, we’d better go before I drag you behind the bushes and end up scandalizing the nursery staff.”

  Juliet loved how Trent’s mind worked.


  Monica took the printed sheet from Juliet’s hands and slipped the pen from her unresisting fingers. She placed a check mark against one of the rows. “Conifers chosen. Now we move on to the flowers.”

  Distractedly, Juliet took the list back, her attention partly on what Monica was doing beside her with the remainder fixed firmly on Trent, who was standing a few steps away typing on her cell phone. Trent had excused herself briefly after receiving a text message.

  “Do you think she’s enjoying herself?” Monica asked, following Juliet’s line of sight. “She seems like she is.”

  Juliet agreed. Trent had astonished them both by asking lots of questions and not being afraid to get in amid the branches to have a closer inspection of what Monica was pointing out. “She’s enjoying seeing us happy. I think that’s where she gets her greatest pleasure from, seeing others enjoying themselves.”

  “You’ve got yourself a rare one there, Juliet.”

  Silently agreeing, Juliet marveled at Trent’s lean form as she walked back toward them. “Everything okay?” she asked, drawing Trent close to her side again, having missed her closeness and the clean tangy scent that was uniquely Trent.

  “I was just texting Zoe back.”

  Juliet’s eyebrow quirked. “Should I be worried?” Confusion colored Trent’s face before she apparently caught Juliet’s meaning.

  “Zoe has somehow managed to wrangle the afternoon off so she can hone her skill at our game, she was asking whether I’d be online this afternoon so we can double team.” Trent looked between the two women. “I said probably yes, seeing as I would only get in the way should I stay loitering in my backyard while you work.”


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