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Heaven's Hell

Page 14

by Takerra, Allen

  G looked at Heaven and the two men with a look of confusion, wondering where they were taking Heaven and why she was crying. He walked right up to her, ignoring the cop and Sam.

  “Heaven what’s wrong? What’s going on?” She tried not to, but she ended up crying more when she saw G. It hurt her that she felt with Khalil going away, her relationship with G would end also. She fought to answer him.

  “They took Khalil away, I have to go back home with my dad.” He could see the apprehension in her eyes and he looked quickly at Sam trying to take in as much as he could with a glance. He knew of Sam through his father and through the streets, he knew he was a snake, a washed up pimp with a bunch of dependencies. He didn’t even know the worst.

  “Well, what did they take Khalil for?” G asked, now trying to figure out if he had a reason to be worried. He prayed that it was nothing in his association. Before Heaven could answer, Sam cut her off.

  “He kidnapped my fucking daughter, man. That’s what they took his ass for. What’s it to you? You his friend? You a fucking statutory rapist too?” Sam snapped, getting louder with G by the second, but feeling protected with the cop being there.

  G glared at Sam but remained silent, and then he focused back on Heaven, who was being nudged by the cop to get into the backseat. She did so but never broke eye contact with G, who stood there wishing that it was something he could do. The cop turned to G a little calmer than Khalil, knowing that G was a force in the neighborhood. A combination of good and bad, but he was a force nonetheless.

  “Look G, any information on your friend will be available at Union County, that’s where they’re taking him.”

  G finally took his attention off of Heaven and looked to the cop.

  “What about her?” He asked calmly.

  “What about her?” Sam boldly countered, but was instructed by the officer to get in the passenger side.

  “Mr. Jacy, please!” The cop screamed again. “Get in the car, now!” Sam hesitantly got into the car, but not before shooting G a look that could kill. It was as if he could tell that Heaven and G had something going on, the way he attended to her, the way she looked at him, as if she wanted him to save her. Sam wished she would look at him that way. G stared at Sam long and hard even as he was seated in the car, then he repeated to the cop.

  “What happens with her?”

  The cop shrugged. “You heard her man, she goes home.” G nodded, but then pulled the cop off to the side further away from the car.

  “Can you do me a favor though? Can you slide her this and tell her to call me later, you know, in private?” G counted off six crisp one hundred dollar bills, five he folded for Heaven and the other he folded and placed in the cop’s shirt pocket. The cop paused but then took the money, as he looked at G wondering if he too had tasted the sweet nectar of the young beauty like his friend Khalil had.

  “Yea, alright. No problem G.” As the officer headed to the driver’s side of the vehicle, Heaven turned her head and looked at G through the rear window. Before thinking, she blew him a sad kiss, which he half smiled at and winked. And as the car pulled away from the curb and down the street, G made his right hand like a phone and put it to his ear, letting her know, that she could reach him, whenever. She half smiled, like him, and then winked with her right eye, as a tear rolled down her left.

  “I mean I could be bugging yo, but something was crazy about the way she was looking at me. It was like she was scared,” G pondered, downing the last of his Remy XO. He and Loc were seated in an upscale strip joint in New York where the girls were dimes and the drinks were expensive.

  “So what you think, he be beating her or something?” Loc asked, looking up at a brown skinned stallion that clapped her ass cheeks inches from his face. Loc closed his mouth to keep his saliva from dripping onto the bar.

  “I can’t call it,” G responded, realizing that he was talking to a zombie.

  Loc was enjoying the sights, while G was waiting for Sonia, a Brazilian bartender that he had met a week ago. She was gorgeous, she was articulate, and most of all, she was a freak. Sonia tended to the things that G needed tending to, being that Heaven was in her own complex situation, and Angie was on official cut off.

  Sonia had a long line of customers but the minute she saw G’s glass was bottomed out, she quickly refueled him. She wanted him nice and tipsy tonight. She had learned that in his drunkenness, unlike most men, he could go twice as long and twice as hard. It took her all but the first four hours of meeting him to figure that out. He had walked into her club at 1 am and by 5 am, she was bent over in his loft, screaming things that he didn’t even understand. In the morning, she cooked him breakfast and served it to him in bed, and she even rubbed his shoulders while he ate. She was hoping for a repeat of that night tonight.

  “Twenty more minutes baby,” she leaned in and whispered in a sexy voice and he smiled, feeling the liquor. The nigga next to him looked on with jealousy. He had been eyeing the sexy bartender all night, but he knew G was a nigga of strength.

  “Can I get you anything?” Sonia asked the man, irritated with his staring.

  “I’ll take whatever he’s having,” he joked, but then turned to G. “No offense G.” The man didn’t want confrontation. The liquor had G feeling nice, to the point that he laughed himself. It angered Sonia somewhat that he wasn’t upset by the man’s comment.

  “None taken,” G responded, nonchalantly.

  She poured the man a shot of Remy XO and took the dollar tip that he gave her. What the fuck do I look like? A broke down stripper hoe. A dollar? She thought to herself. She saw her replacement coming in and grabbed her purse early.

  “I’m out! Becky’s in!” She screamed. The short club owner nodded and she headed to the other side of the bar and grabbed G by the hand.

  “C’mon baby,” she said, nibbling on his ear and pressing her body against his. G got up slowly and downed the last of the drink.

  “Aight. Yo Loc, I’m out nigga.” Loc nodded, but kept his attention on the artwork of a dark-skinned cutie doing a split in a handstand in front of him. G laughed, and turned to walk away, while Sonia got close to him and wrapped her left arm around his waist. He in return, wrapped his right palm around her firm ass as they headed to the parking lot.

  “We have to go to your place, my grandmother is visiting at my house,” she informed him once they were outside. G sighed; he had planned on hitting in New York and heading home, not to his loft but to his home in Warren, alone. Fuck it, he thought. Guess I’m staying in J.C. tonight.

  “Alright, follow me in your car then,” he ordered, walking to the driver side of his newly purchased black on black Porsche truck.

  “Oh G, I don’t really feel like driving, I’m so tired. I’d rather just take the train back to my car,” she whined, while getting in his passenger seat.

  “Yea, but it’s late, ma. The trains don’t run until the morning,” he replied, while outlining her lips with his thumb. He was going to put those to use real soon.

  “I know,” she smiled, hoping that he caught the hint. She wanted to stay with him tonight. G looked at her before answering. He had caught the hint, but unfortunately, he had other plans. He hit the switch and unlocked the car doors.

  “Follow me in your car,” he repeated, and this time she got out and headed to her Maxima, feeling defeated.

  They wasted no time once they reached the loft. Within minutes, Sonia’s clothes were on the floor and so were G’s. Minutes after that, his manhood was exploring her mouth, while G directed her head with his hand. And after what seemed like forever, she slid on a Magnum with her teeth, gently of course, and hopped on top of him as she slowly maneuvered down onto him and began to work her hips. It wasn’t but thirty seconds into it, his phone began to ring. G grabbed the phone and looked at the number, he didn’t recognize it. Just as he was placing it back down a thought went through him and he fumbled to pick up, hoping that it wasn’t too late.

  “You’re go
nna get that?” Sonia asked, shocked with a twisted look on her face.

  G placed a finger on her mouth to silence her and answered the phone.


  “Hey G, it’s me Heaven,” she spoke softly. “I hope it’s not too late.”

  G immediately stopped moving with Sonia, and sat up slowly. For some reason he felt like he was betraying Heaven, he felt bad.

  “No, not at all baby girl. What’s up?” Sonia couldn’t believe it. She knew she had heard a female’s voice, and the crazy part was that he didn’t even try to cover it up, he was sitting up here calling some chick baby girl and shit.

  “Nothing… well, everything. Are you busy, or can you talk?” Heaven asked, putting a smile on G’s face.

  “Yeah I can talk. I was in the middle of something but you know, it can wait. Talk to me.” Sonia felt as if she had to say something, she felt unimportant. At that moment she regretted sleeping with him so soon.

  “What the fuck?” She questioned lightly, but still audible. G looked at her like she was crazy and pushed her hard up off of him. He put on his boxers and walked out onto the balcony to listen to Heaven.

  Heaven sat on the other end of the phone wondering what was going on. She had heard the girl’s voice, but she figured he was probably just out with a female or something. Either way, she had his attention now, and that’s what mattered. So she poured it out to him.

  “G, I’m in a really messed up situation, you know?” G nodded his head, as if she could see him. Then he answered her.

  “I know Hev, but it’s gonna be alright, ma.” Another tear rolled down her face as Heaven wished she could believe him.

  “I know G. It will be alright really soon. But until then, I don’t know if I can last.” G struggled to understand her, he was a little confused. He figured she was speaking of Khalil and his controlling behavior, but with Khalil locked up, it should make things a little better, right? G heard loud banging on Heaven’s end of the phone.

  “Yo, what’s going on over there? Everything alright?” Heaven looked at her bedroom door and cried even harder. She was sitting in the dark with a kitchen chair jammed up against the door.

  “No. It’s my dad, G. He’s trying to get in here. You don’t understand, I didn’t want to come here. But I had no choice, you know?” G furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He could barely understand her through her crying.

  “Heaven, baby, calm down. Talk to me alright. What do you mean he’s trying to get in there, you’re in your room?” Heaven sniffed, and then answered a weak “Yes.” G continued.

  “And he wants to get in your room for what? To hurt you?” This time she didn’t answer, she just cried harder. G could feel his blood beginning to boil but he wanted to hear her say it first.

  “Heaven. Answer me babygirl, calm down. What’s going on?” She took a deep breath and fought for the words. She couldn’t believe she was about to tell someone, but she had to, she was on the verge of a breakdown. Her first night back and her father was already pissy drunk ready for a fuck fest with her. She needed to talk to someone and he was the only one. Shay was not answering her phone. She contemplated climbing out of the window but her floor was too high. She had to tell someone, so now she fought for these words.

  “He… he wants me,” She painfully admitted through heavy sobs, meanwhile the banging at her door had ceased. Heaven wondered if he had left or if it was a trick. G’s nostrils flared as Heaven spoke.

  “What do you mean he wants you?” He asked, knowing already but in a complete state of disbelief. Heaven cried even harder.

  “Please G, I don’t want to. You know, you know what he wants. Please, don’t, don’t make me say it,” she stumbled. G couldn’t take it; he sat down on his balcony floor outside and ran his hand across his face.

  “Where are you now?” He asked calm, but very angry.

  “In my bedroom,” she cried.

  “No Heaven, where do you live? What’s the address? The place that I picked you up before, for the fight?” He asked, calm again but this time putting on his jeans and boots, and searching through his firearm collection, grabbing the first glock that came in eyesight. She took a deep breath and then thought of the result of him coming there, the madness that could occur. Either way, he was coming and she deep down inside wanted him to rescue her.

  “Yes, that’s the same building. Apartment 7F.”

  “Okay, I’m on my way. Stay there, I’m gonna call you right back when I’m in the car. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she responded, while hesitantly hanging up the phone. And as she did so, the banging on her door started again.

  After kicking Sonia out with little to no explanation, G hopped onto Route 1&9 and headed toward Plainfield. He had no idea what he was going to do, he knew what he wanted to do, which was to kill that sick mothafucka and take Heaven with him. He also knew what he should do, which was to not get involved, she was only seventeen years old. But that wasn’t even an option for him, it wasn’t in G’s nature to step aside and let fucked up shit go down, especially with someone as sweet as Heaven.

  He pulled out his phone and dialed Loc, hoping he wasn’t up in something and he would pick up the phone. After three rings, Loc spoke.

  “Yo, what up Duke.”

  “Meet me in Plainfield,” G told him, jumping straight to the chase. Loc didn’t know what it was, but he knew when G spoke like this, it was serious and it wasn’t worth questioning because it was either very immediate, or not capable of being discussed over the phone.

  “Where at?” Was Loc’s simple reply.

  “The projects, where we picked Heaven up before.” Loc sat up and looked over at the same girl who had made her ass clap in the strip club, who had just made her ass clap for him a little while ago. Now she was fast asleep. He looked at the clock which read 2:12 am.

  “Aight give me about an hour, I gotta take shorty home first.”

  G ran through a red light, and looked around making sure no cops saw him.

  “Nah, nigga you gotta leave that bitch there, or send her in a cab or something. I need you now.”

  Loc could hear the desperation and the urgency, so he agreed.

  “Aight, gimme 20 minutes.”

  They both hung up and Loc woke the girl up, throwing her clothes at her and throwing cab money along with them. There was no way he was letting the girl wait inside his home; he didn’t even know this bitch. So after he was dressed and they were outside, he locked his doors. He felt a little bad driving off, leaving her standing in front of the condominiums in the wee hours of the morning waiting for a cab, but that’s what had to be done. Plus Loc figured it was a nice night, so it wasn’t like she was cold or anything. Loc lived in Linden, a little closer to Plainfield than G, so when he pulled up he saw that G was there just turning off his headlights. Loc got out of his Escalade truck and headed over to G.

  “Damn, you must’ve been flying. Fuck we doing out here anyway?” Loc asked, walking up to G’s driver side. The block was quiet and dark. They were basically the only ones out except for a few local hustlers and a couple of fiends. G jumped out of the truck and remained quiet at first as he stared up at the building. Then he turned to Loc.

  “Listen, I’m about to take Heaven, but I need you to be down with me if some shit go wrong.” Loc looked at his cousin, his friend, and his boss, and knew he that had fallen for this chick. G continued. “Now, from the shit she told me, her father is on some other shit, and more than likely it may get ugly. But if you aint wit’ me and you aint wit’ this shit, then you can go, I’m good… but I’m taking her either way; I don’t really give a fuck about the consequences right now. So don’t even try to talk me out of it.” Loc looked at G like he was crazy. G knew damn well that Loc would ride with him no matter what, he was his blood and to Loc there was nothing thicker than that. Loc didn’t answer G; he just took out his .45, took off the safety, and cocked it, letting G know that he was with him. G nodded and headed across the
street towards the buildings with Loc following behind.

  Heaven sat upright in her bed staring at her bedroom door, praying that the now chair and dresser pressed against it would be enough for her to give her tired eyes a rest soon. The banging had stopped again but she wasn’t sure when it would resume. G hadn’t called back like he said and Heaven was sure that he wasn’t coming, another disappointment. She could feel the tears coming on.

  She looked at her cell phone for the time, 2:43 am. She was so tired, she tried to keep her eyes open, but the day’s events began to take their toll on her and she could feel herself slipping into a deep sleep. She figured if the banging started again, it would wake her. The minute Heaven drifted off, G entered her apartment.

  Loc had been an all around thief in much of his adolescence so it was nothing for him to get the cheap project locks opened. Cautiously he entered with G close behind him. The two moved throughout the junky dark apartment, stepping over clothes, liquor bottles, and even needles, but there was no sign of anyone. As they moved down the hallway, Loc flipped a switch that turned on the kitchen light. G looked at him, but Loc just answered.

  “Nigga it’s dark as hell, I can’t see.”

  Ignoring him, G turned around and kept moving throughout the small apartment as he reached the first bedroom. He opened the door slowly and from the light in the kitchen, he could see that no one was there. He made the next left, with Loc close behind, and saw the bathroom straight ahead and another closed door to the side. He saw several empty whiskey bottles next to the door and figured that this was Heaven’s room. This must had been where her father was camped at, but where was he now?


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