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Heaven's Hell

Page 15

by Takerra, Allen

  G tried the door, and although the knob moved swiftly, it wouldn’t open; it was as if something was jammed against it. G pushed with his body against the door, but it wouldn’t budge. He called Heaven’s cell phone and it rang and rang, but no one answered. He didn’t even hear it ringing in the bedroom and he began to worry. Where is she?

  The more he pushed, the door made slight progress, and finally Loc, with his 300 pound- 6’3” frame, joined him. After several attempts, they were able to get the door opened enough for them to slide through. G made his way into the dark bedroom first, with Loc close behind.

  Heaven had awakened at the sound of her bedroom door being forced opened. She sat up in her bed frightened, as she could hear a body slamming into the door, inching it open little by little. As she saw a glimpse of light in the door way, she knew that it was over, he was coming in. She held her legs tight with her arms and contemplated what she would do. Would she fight? Would she submit? Would she try to make a break for it and run once he was near? Her thoughts spun as a dark shadow got closer and closer to her. She began to really panic as she saw another figure close behind the first, both approaching her. Had her father brought another man to join them? Before she could scream, the first shadow got close and reached his hand out to her, she could tell it wasn’t her father.

  “Heaven, come on. You coming with me,” a deep voice calmly spoke.

  Heaven rubbed her eyes, wondering if she was dreaming.

  “G?” She asked, warily.

  “Yeah baby, it’s me. Loc, hit the switch in this mothafucka. Its dark as hell,” he added. Heaven smiled in the dark, it was really him, he was really here.

  “It’s on the wall next to the door,” Heaven said anxiously. Immediately the room lit up.

  G looked down at Heaven curled up on her bed. He could tell that she had been crying. She looked beautiful though, hair all over her head and all. She slowly stood up and hugged him, she was so happy to see him.

  “Where’s ya father?” G asked, ready to give him the business. Heaven shrugged, glad that they had not encountered him. And she was also ready to get out of there before he came back. She quickly grabbed the same bags that she had brought from Khalil’s house, most had not been unpacked. She grabbed her soap and toothbrush that she had just used, along with her headscarf and other toiletries that she had taken out. She reached under her bed and grabbed the money that she had, the money she took from Khalil and the money G had given the cop to give to her. G smiled at her, knowing that she wouldn’t need any of it with him, but he thought it was cute that she wasn’t assuming, she was bringing it anyway.

  Loc grabbed her bags and took them to the hallway when he realized that she wanted to change out of her pajama pants and tank top. G stood by the door and tried to look in another direction but couldn’t help to steal a peek when she slipped off the pajamas and bent down to pull on some sweats. Her body was so beautiful. She quickly threw on some sneakers and grabbed her purse, she was ready. She caught a glimpse of herself in the hallway mirror as she was walking out. Oh god! She thought. Look at my hair! She ran back in her bedroom and grabbed a Bebe fitted cap and threw it on. Loc and G made their way out of the apartment with Heaven following behind. She was so happy to be leaving this place.

  Once they reached the outside, Loc walked up ahead, and G and Heaven walked close behind. He put his arm around her and she rested against him, she felt safe.

  “Thank you so much G. You didn’t have to do this.” He looked down at her but she just looked down at the ground as they continued to walk. She kept talking. “I know you are sacrificing a lot for me. I don’t really want to get you into any trouble or anything so I am totally prepared to just go to the police and maybe go to a shelter or something until I’m 18. I just can’t stay there anymore.”

  G stopped abruptly.

  “Heaven, I’m not taking you to no police and I damn sure aint letting you stay at no shelter. When I said you’re coming with me, that’s what I meant.” She smiled, and he lifted her chin with his forefinger and thumb as he continued. “What, you got two months or something ‘til your birthday? Maybe we can set you up with a little apartment or something, shit maybe you can stay wit Shay, she need some company,” he laughed. And she giggled, but Heaven wanted him to say that he needed some company. He could see the slight disappointment on her face so he reassured her.

  “But wait Hev, I don’t want you to misunderstand me. For now you coming home with me, I got something set up for us. So don’t worry about the future right now. Just enjoy the present, alright ma?” Heaven smiled, feeling better, and nodded her head.


  He put his arm back around her and they started walking again toward his truck.

  “I told you to trust me, didn’t I?” He asked, putting her bags in the backseat. As she climbed in the passenger’s seat and buckled her seatbelt, he walked around and got in the driver’s seat. Loc pulled up next to them as he was taking off and said he was taking it down.

  “Yo, good looking out,” G added, before he pulled off.

  “Yea, thank you Loc,” Heaven chimed. Loc smirked at them and waved his hand like it was nothing, and then he pulled off. Heaven got comfortable in her seat then looked over at G. He looked back at her and put the gear in drive. They both smiled and headed off into the night knowing that they had both gotten themselves into some shit, but neither really cared. They were both where they wanted to be. For some reason the level of comfort between the two of them was so natural, it was like second nature.

  The drive was silent until Heaven finally broke the silence with another sweet, Heaven-like compliment that G loved so much about her.

  “Nice truck,” She complimented, while rubbing the wood-grain interior.

  G smiled and continued driving, all the while thinking ‘yea, I did the right thing.’

  When they reached his house, it was around a quarter after 3 am, and Heaven was exhausted. She only had a couple of hours to sleep before she had to get ready for school, and then it hit her. Was she even going to school tomorrow? Truth be told there was two days left until Spring Break started, and Heaven was ahead in all of her studies. She did want to turn in this extra credit assignment that she had worked on however, but she wasn’t sure what G was thinking. She didn’t want to be a pest and ask him if he would take her to school in the morning. Finally, she asked him as she placed her bags down at the foot of the steps and took off her shoes.

  ‘G, what am I doing about school?” G took of his shirt and started upstairs with Heaven following close behind.

  “Well, you’re going to school; I guess I’ll take you. You don’t have a license right?” Heaven shook her head no as they reached the top of the stairs and headed into his bedroom. It took Heaven’s breath away.

  The bed was huge and inviting, the windows took up the length of the whole wall, the carpet felt like velvet on her feet, and the whole room just screamed luxury. She was hoping that she was sleeping in here tonight. G’s voice broke her out of her daydream.

  “Well, we gotta work on getting you a license. But for now, I’ll take you to school.” Heaven leaned against the wall not sure of what to do as G moved around the room, taking off his jewelry. She stared at his perfect body and bulging tattooed arms in his crisp white wife beater.

  “Well there’s only two days left until Spring Break so hopefully I won’t put you too much out of your way. That being said, I guess I better get to bed, with it being three in the morning and all,” she joked, half seductively. For G, it was pure seduction, Heaven did it for him, he didn’t understand why.

  He looked over at her as he stood at his dresser on the other side of the room.

  “I guess so.” There was a brief silence before he continued, realizing that she probably was wondering where she was sleeping. “Oh, the house has five more bedrooms, all have clean sheets and televisions, so I guess you can pick. Or if you want, you can stay in here, I’ll take another room.” Sh
e smiled at his attempt to make her comfortable.

  “No, no. You stay in your room. I’ll go take my pick. That’s actually quite exciting you know, five bedrooms! Can I stay in a different one every night?” She asked, joking again. He chuckled, he was enjoying the sarcastic play she had going, regardless of the circumstances.

  “Of course, if that’s what you want,” he answered, still maintaining the great distance between them. Heaven slowly walked over to him, lightly touching the huge posts on the bed. She had been thinking about being alone with him since the last time she was at this very house.

  “Will I be here for five nights?” She asked, looking in his eyes with a playful smile. He answered the same.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  She nodded as she got closer to him, still moving at a slow pace and feeling that she had complete control. She enjoyed this, and even G could tell. He felt slightly nervous and he questioned it as she moved closer to him. He came to the conclusion that it was because, unlike the other night, if Heaven gave him the green light, he was sure he could not resist her. And he was sure that with the present situation, it was best to put his desires on hold. But still, she was appealing, he couldn’t deny that.

  By now she was standing in front of him as he leaned against his wall, hands in his jeans pockets. They held eye contact for a minute, and then she spoke in her sugary voice.

  “Good night G.” She leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, and pulled back before he could even get his hands out and pull her closer.

  “Good night Hev,” he returned coolly, but he was really trying to fight his urge to throw her onto his bed. She smiled and turned to walk away, sashaying her perfect ass, out of his bedroom.

  “Oh G,” She added, turning around before she reached the doorway. He looked up at her curiously.

  “What’s up baby?” She reached down at her waist and pulled her t-shirt up over her head in one slow, swift, sexy movement, exposing her gorgeous caramel breasts wrapped in a pink lace bra. She shook her long hair with her hand, all the while wondering what had come over her.

  “Can you put me to bed?”

  G felt like he was going to bust out of his pants. He stared at her in disbelief and felt stuck for a minute. Right when Heaven began to get nervous by his silence, he walked over to her, but the ringing phone interrupted.

  He made a detour for his nightstand where the phone lay and picked it up.

  “What up?” He answered. Heaven took a deep breath, feeling a little foolish. She wondered if she should just go to bed and call it a night. Maybe she was just reacting off of the events of the day and needed some positive male attentiveness, maybe she wasn’t really actually ready for sex with G. She looked over at G as he talked. No, she definitely wanted him. She grabbed her shirt off the floor and began to walk out of the bedroom.

  “Hey!” His baritone startled her. She turned quickly and he held up his finger as to say ‘one minute’. She sat down on his bed, now feeling a little self conscious in her bra. Her moment of confidence had come and gone, and now she put her tee shirt back on.

  He continued talking but kept his eyes on her, sitting pretty on his bed.

  “Yea,” he said, then he paused. “Aight.” Another pause. “Yea, you do that.” Quick pause. “Aight.”

  He hung up the phone and took a seat on the bed next to her. Neither of them spoke at first but Heaven could feel that he was looking at her. Finally he said something.

  “Listen Heaven. I don’t want you to think that I don’t find you attractive, because I do. I told you before that I wanted you, and nothing has changed.” Heaven felt a ‘but’ coming on but kept her mouth closed. Then it came.

  “But on some real shit ma, the whole situation is crazy right now. I don’t want to complicate anything more. And I want you to be sure that you really want what you think you do.”

  She frowned her face in confusion. “You think I don’t know what I want?”

  He sighed before picking his words carefully. “I think you’re emotional, and I think you’ve been through a lot. I also think that it would just be best if we put the physical on hold for now.” She nodded while still looking down at his plush carpet.

  “But you are attracted to me, right?” She asked, hoping that he didn’t view her as some little girl in need of help. He chuckled at her.

  “Hell yeah.” Then he leaned in and kissed her slowly and deeply on the mouth causing her whole body to catch on fire. After the kiss he pulled away and stared into her amber eyes. She was so confused by his actions.

  “You know what else I think, Heaven?” She didn’t answer she just looked back at him for the answer. “I think you need a vacation, ma.”

  She looked at him like he was crazy. “A vacation?”

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “You said your Spring Break starts in two days right? So come with me to Saint Tropez.”

  Heaven dropped her jaw in disbelief. She couldn’t believe this was all happening, was she really free from her dad and Khalil, and staying with G who was now whisking her away on some exotic getaway, all in the course of 24 hours? It was too unreal and all she could do was smile.

  “G, are you serious? I don’t even know what to say.”

  He ran his thumb across her soft cheek.

  “Just say yes, ma. That’s all.” She smiled hard.

  “Yes,” she answered indisputably. He nodded in satisfaction and kissed her on the forehead. Nothing else was said.

  That night, Heaven didn’t make it into another bedroom, and her and G didn’t make love either. They just lay together, both feeling real good, and Heaven knew it was too good to last.

  …The Glass Slipper Fits…

  “When’s your birthday?” Heaven asked. They were lying side by side in G’s bed early the next morning, staring at the skylight ceiling.

  “November 13th,” he replied in a raspy morning voice.

  “Ooh a Scorpio,” she cooed. There was a silence and then she added an “Hmm” as if she knew something that he didn’t. G looked at her out of the corner of his eye without turning his head, but when he realized she wasn’t continuing, curiosity got to him.

  “What? You got something against Scorpios or something?” He asked seriously. Heaven giggled before answering.

  “No, I don’t have anything against Scorpios. Ya’ll a little crazy,” she joked, but then continued. “But besides that, they just so happen to be the most compatible sign to a Cancer.”

  “A Cancer being you?” He asked, in that same sexy, raspy voice.

  “Yeah, I’m a Cancer. And Scorpios and Cancers are very compatible. They both are very resourceful, they can take their situations and whatever they have, and make the best of it. They also share the same desires and motivations, because they both are signs of the moon.” He just looked at her and listened while she talked on about their signs. Her voice was light and soft in the morning, and she spoke slowly with attentiveness, as if she really wanted him to know what she was trying to explain. She went on.

  “But see, they represent different sides of the moon. The Cancer represents the emotional side, dealing with instinct and intuition, often making decisions based on what feels right. I do that sometimes. However, the Scorpio, which is quite like you, works with cool and mysterious charm, often overpowering the Cancer with their penetrating intensity.”

  This time he turned his head and looked at her. Damn, did she wake up perfect? He wondered to himself.

  “Penetrating intensity, huh… that’s interesting. How you know so much about all this anyway?” She laughed and turned to him.

  “I told you I read a lot.” He nodded in response and they just stared at each other, studying each other’s features and both wondering how they got here. Finally, G broke the moment.

  “So, Ms. Emotional instinct, what time you gotta be at school?” She laughed again, longer and harder, then put on a devilish grin as G looked at her confused, but still chuckling at her silliness.
  “An hour ago,” she answered. He looked at her in disbelief and then sat up and got out of bed.

  “You crazy, ma. How you gonna just be chilling knowing you late as hell for school?” He shook his head at her. Heaven got out of the bed, still laughing, and headed over to her plastic bags. She took out a pair of gray sweats and a pink baby tee, underwear, socks and her toothbrush, then headed for his bathroom.

  Once she was inside of the bathroom and the door was shut, G went into his closet safe and checked his money as he did every morning. He called Loc and went over the plans for the day and let him know he would be leaving soon, then he called his G-5 connect and set up a flight for the trip. He was on his way downstairs when he heard Heaven calling him.

  “Ggggg!!!!!” She screamed from inside of the shower.


  “Can you bring me in a towel pleaseee???”

  He backtracked upstairs and grabbed her a towel out of his linen closet. He took a deep breath before cracking the door and sticking the towel inside with just his arm. Heaven could see through the clear glass that he wasn’t even inside of the bathroom. She giggled.

  “Can you bring it in silly, and hand it to me?”

  G sighed again and this time opened the door and headed into the bathroom, trying his hardest not to look at her. But he slipped, and once he did, he was stuck for at least 30 seconds, admiring every curve on her body. Heaven kept her frame facing forward trying to act like she didn’t know he was there, staring at her, but she knew. She enjoyed it.

  Finally, he peeled his eyes from her and placed the towel on the stand next to the shower, then headed back out of the bathroom. Closing the door, he looked down at his dick.

  “Shut up.”


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