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Bases Loaded

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “You make me hot. Make me need.” He pushed up against Jean’s hand, hips working.

  “Good.” Jean nipped his bottom lip, dark eyes burning.

  “Gonna ride me, babe? Gonna test this chair hard.” He worked Jean’s pants open.

  Oh, someone liked that, lean muscles going hard against him. “Yes. Ooh, yes. Wan’ gimme some of you, cher.”

  “More than some, babe.” He tugged the pants down, helping Jean shift to get them right off so he could get to Jean’s heat.

  “Gon’ make Mike blush.” God, he loved the way need roughened Jean’s voice.

  “Don’t care. Need you.”

  His own prick was bare in a moment, and he rubbed it along Jean’s, his fingers gathering the liquid that dripped from both of them.

  “Yes.” Jean’s face cuddled into his throat, legs straddling his waist. “Yes.”

  Ralph slipped his fingers behind Jean’s balls, searching for that tight little hole.

  “Deep. Going to ride you, take you deep.”

  “God yes, babe.” Ralph nodded, fingers pushing, pressing into his version of heaven.

  Jean’s head fell back, throat working and lips parted as he started to move. Ralph watched as his Jean rode his fingers, turning the motion into something magical. Ralph reached with his free hand, caressed Jean’s face. That earned him a purr, a smile, Jean cuddling into his touch.

  “Love you, Jean.” He tugged his fingers away and slid his cock along Jean’s crack, the want making his balls ache.

  “Love. More. In me.” Jean nibbled on his thumb.

  He would not refuse Jean. He could not. He put one hand on Jean’s hip, tugged him a little higher, and then pushed against that tight, hot hole. Jean sank back down onto Ralph’s cock, his little cry joyous, happy, as sweet now as the first time.

  Ralph whimpered, a shiver going through him. “Jean. Oh.” Nodding, he curled his fingers tight around Jean’s hips and started moving his lover.

  “Uh-huh. Oh. Oh, love.” Jean shuddered, nodded. “More.”

  “Anything for you, babe.” Ralph started moving his hips, pushing into Jean over and over.

  The chair rocked and creaked, groaning under their weight but holding. Ralph loved that sound, the abandon that it heralded. The pleasure was good, hot and intense, and he could see what he felt in his cock, in his balls, echoed in Jean’s face.

  “Good….” Jean reached for his own cock, started pumping in time.

  “Yeah, babe.” The sun was hot but couldn’t compare with the heat of Jean’s body around him, the heat between them.

  He slammed up harder, snuck one hand up under Jean’s shirt to rub his nipple.

  “Fuck!” Jean rippled, coming hard, body squeezing Ralph’s cock.

  Ralph followed eagerly, his body bucking as he filled Jean with his need.

  “Oo-ee. You make a man fly, you do.” Jean slumped down against him.

  He wrapped his arms around Jean, chuckling happily. “As long as you’re tethered to me, you can fly as high as you like.”

  “Mmm. I like what you say, cher.”

  Ralph tilted Jean’s head and took a kiss. “Good—I’ll keep talking, then.” Jean tasted sweet, rich, somehow spicy. He hummed. “Gonna eat you up, babe.”

  “Promises, promises.” Jean melted against him and moaned happily.

  “It is a promise, babe. One you can take to the bank.”

  He heard the door open and close, and he reached for a towel and casually draped it over Jean’s ass.

  Jean kissed his cheek in thanks. “Good to me.”

  “I know which side my bread is buttered on, babe.” He returned the kiss, settling happily.

  Yeah, it was a good day to sit by the pool and soak up the sun before it started getting cold.

  Chapter Seven

  WELL, THE growly one had survived his first day. Jean had seen the man heading up the stairs, quiet and gray and unhappy. Of course, that begged the question. Big steak dinner? Little dinner taken up to their room? He fretted a little, flitting from fridge to phone to stairwell, trying to make a decision.

  Ralph came in the back. “Taking off my shoes, Jean. Do I get the same reward for remembering I got yesterday?”

  “Mmm… maybe. Answer me a question? Quiet dinner in the suites or big meal? How does he feel?”

  “He’s tired and hurting and cranky as hell. Make him eat with us—he could use the energy a big meal will give him.” Ralph dug in his pocket and handed over two small sample-sized pillboxes. “Painkillers. Doc Trelaine phoned in a prescription you or Benj can fill tomorrow. Serve it with supper. We can see if it improves his mood any. And I promise to be nice.” Ralph gave him a wink.

  “Okay. No meanness, though. You don’t need an upset stomach.” Neither did he. Or Benj.

  Ralph tugged him close and gave him another kiss. “You take such good care of me, Jean.”

  “It is my job, my calling.” His life. He loved Ralph with a passion he couldn’t even explain.

  Ralph’s hands cupped his face. “And I am blessed by the gods because of it.”

  Jean gave him another kiss, their passion interrupted by a softly clearing throat.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” murmured Benj, his pretty cheeks flushed. Jean wondered if they ever weren’t. “When did you want us down for dinner?”

  “Is seven thirty too late? That gives you both a chance to rest. Relax.” Make love.

  “Oh, that would be fine.” Benj glanced at his watch. “Is there a little something I could take up for us to snack on? And maybe some juice or something. Brett usually has a drink before supper….”

  “How about some fruit and cheese with a sparkling juice?” Something festive and light, to be shared.

  “Oh, that would be lovely.” Benj beamed at him.

  Ralph chuckled and gave him one more quick kiss before getting a tray down for him.

  Jean found a few cheeses, a kiwi, pineapple, and an apple, and made a tray swiftly, something beautiful and tasty.

  “Wow, that’s amazing,” murmured Benj. “You really love cooking.”

  “I do. You both enjoy. If you need anything, you call three on the house phones.”

  Benj took the tray from him, fingers warm as they briefly touched his own. “Thank you, Jean. We’ll be down at seven thirty.”

  “See you then.” He smiled, then turned back toward Ralph, offering a stolen piece of pineapple to that hungry mouth.

  Ralph hummed, lips sucking at Jean’s fingers.

  “You can’t be hungry again, cher.” The steaks would cook quickly. The potatoes too. They could go upstairs….

  “Why on earth not? Look at what I’ve got to eat!” Ralph’s hands slid over him, inviting, enticing.

  “Bed? Fucking? Deep and hard?” Jean wasn’t above begging.

  “Yes, yes, and yes.” Ralph bit at his lips and started leading him toward the stairs.

  He hooted, following easily to their big room, their big bed. The scent of the two of them together was strong in the room.

  Ralph’s hands knew him, knew where to touch to make it fast and how to touch to make it last. Those big hands slid beneath Jean’s shirt and tugged it slowly up over his head.

  His nipples with their tiny barbells drew tight, begging Ralph’s touch, Ralph’s tongue. His Ralph went for them immediately, thumb brushing over one as he took the other into his hot mouth.

  “Cher!” A jolt of electricity shocked through him, his cry too loud, ringing out.

  Ralph hummed around his skin, tugged at the barbell with his tongue.

  “Oh. Oh, more.” Jean’s head rolled, his nipples throbbing.

  “Everything you want,” moaned Ralph, biting at Jean’s nipple, tugging the other barbell with eager fingers.

  Ralph was the only man to give Jean what he needed—heat and love and want. As he moved his mouth to Jean’s other nipple, Ralph slid his fingers down along Jean’s sides and belly. He tugged open Jean’s pants and pushed them off. />
  “Can’t still be hungry for me. You are like a man under a spell.” A beautiful man. His beautiful man.

  “You’re the one with the spells.” Ralph pushed him down onto the bed and climbed up after him. “Put gris-gris on me to make me want you so bad.”

  “Mmm… me an’ my mojo bag, shaking it for you.”

  Ralph laughed, the sound rich, husky with passion. “You can shake this mojo bag any time of day or night.” Ralph’s fingers wound around his cock, tugged at his balls.

  Jean groaned, bucking up into the touch, the ache sweet. Ralph’s mouth dropped over his again, tongue fucking his mouth eagerly. Jean opened, wanting it all, the passion between them perfectly balanced.

  “Get yourself ready, babe,” growled Ralph, eyes hot.

  “Cher….” Jean moaned, thighs spreading, belly going tight.

  Ralph leaned up and chose a pot of oil. “The one that heats, babe.”

  Jean’s hands were a little clumsy, fingers dipping in oil that was cool for the moment but would burn and spark deep down. Ralph’s lips and tongue were distracting him, sliding over the skin of his neck, breath hot with each of Ralph’s exhales. Jean groaned, fingers circling his hole. He pushed deep, pushed in and slicked himself for Ralph’s heavy cock.

  Ralph pulled away from his sucking kisses to watch, eyes hooded, hot. “Jean… oh, babe. Look at that.”

  Jean loved that, loved being watched, being seen. Jean spread wide, cock full and wet-tipped, leaking on his belly. A low, hungry sound came from Ralph, his eyes flashing, the need strong between them. Jean rode his fingers, head rolling, hips pumping, giving the best show he could.

  “Oh yeah, Jean. Make me want so hard. Hurry, now. I need to be in you.”

  “Now.” Jean turned onto his hands and knees, balls swinging, aching, hole burning. “Now.”

  “Yes. Yes.”

  He could feel Ralph’s heat as his cher settled between his legs, those big hands grabbing hold of his ass and spreading his cheeks wide. The heat of Ralph’s prick was incredible as it nudged against his hole. Jean whimpered, hips tilting, begged for it like a whore.

  “Oh babe….” Ralph groaned and pushed right in, his heat filling Jean—hotter than his fingers, hotter than the oil that was heating his skin. It felt so good to have Ralph’s thumbs spreading him wide, Ralph wholly focused on Jean’s ass. “Oh Jean. Love this. Love you.” Ralph’s cock slid away and then pushed against his hole again, and in.

  “Yeah….” He pushed back, entire body rippling, his cry loud and sharp.

  Ralph did it again, pulling another cry out of him, and then his cher began to move, giving it to him good and hard. Jean babbled, soft words of need and heat and love.

  “Yes. Yes.” Ralph murmured and grunted, hands still hard on him, cock pushing into him in a strong rhythm.

  Jean bucked, fucking himself, eyes rolling. “Cher. Cher, I need….”

  “I got what you need, babe.” Ralph pushed him harder, making him rock, fingers digging bruises into his hips.

  “Yes. Yes. I need.” His body jerked, balls drawing up tight.

  Ralph grunted, one hand coming around to take Jean’s cock. It only took that, that one touch, to make him shoot, seed spraying.

  “Jean!” Ralph’s cry rang through the room as his cher jerked inside him, filled him with scalding heat.

  He purred, easing down on the bed, curling beneath Ralph. “Love.”

  Warm and solid, holding him close, Ralph nuzzled into his neck. “Yeah, babe. Love you.” A soft kiss glanced over Jean’s cheek.

  He smiled, winked. “Maybe we should order pizza.”

  Ralph laughed. “I was that good, was I?”

  “Um-hum…. Perfect.”

  “I’ll grill the steaks for you, babe. But we have time.” Ralph cuddled closer, hand sliding along Jean’s hip. “We have time.”

  “Yeah. We have time, cher. Plenty of time.” God, he loved his life. Loved it.

  Ralph hummed, kept stroking his hip. “Good.” Another kiss landed on his cheek, this one closer to his ear. “Good.”

  Yeah. Oh yeah.

  BENJ CARRIED the tray up and let himself in. Brett was still in the shower, so he moved everything from the tray to the coffee table and went to get his oils. Brett had looked utterly exhausted; a massage was the least Benj could offer.

  He slipped out of his clothes, put on a pair of sweats, and warmed the oil between his hands.

  It didn’t take long before the water turned off and Brett came out, wrapped in a towel. “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey, love. Come lie on the bed and I’ll work out some of the aches.” Say yes, love.

  “You don’t mind?” Those pretty, warm eyes met his, so tired, hurting. Down.

  “Not at all, Brett.” He went over to his lover and put his hand on the muscled chest. “I love touching you. And I want to make you feel good.”

  Brett leaned down, gave him a slow, deep kiss. “You do. You do, baby.”

  He smiled up at Brett, fingers curling against the warm skin. “Oh. Good. Lie down, love. Let me touch and love you.”

  Brett nodded and, moving slowly, stretched out on the bed for him, those beautiful white tigers offered for him to touch.

  Benj climbed up and straddled Brett’s ass, sitting just below it. “This okay, love?” he asked, fingers already sliding on the tigers, tracing them.

  “Mmm… ’s fine, baby. Just fine.”

  “Good.” He moved from just tracing the tattoos to working Brett’s muscles, kneading the warm skin, finding which muscles were tightest. Those shoulders were tight as boards, Brett moaning low as Benj touched them. “Oh, love.” He spread more oil on his fingers and went to work.

  “Benj….” Brett went boneless, his poor muscles shaking as they fought to relax.

  “Just let go, love. Let me make you feel better.”

  He kept working, fingers digging in, insisting Brett relax, ease. He almost cried when it happened, Brett whimpering, muscles giving in to him.

  “There, love. There.” He bent and kissed the back of Brett’s neck, fingers still working, refusing to give up the ground he’d gained.

  “Oh God. Baby….” There was a mixture of tears and joy in Brett’s voice.

  “Shh. Shh, love. I have you.” Oh, it felt so good, the sensation of Brett’s muscles easing, the fact that he was the one helping.

  “’Kay.” Brett took deep breaths, melted for him.

  Benj moaned, rocking slowly as he worked, hands expanding the route they took, exploring the tattoo, all the muscles beneath it. Brett was beautiful, strong, his. Another moan from Brett and Benj bent, kissed the top of Brett’s neck again, lips lingering. Brett almost purred, eyes closed, breath coming steady.

  Benj spent ages exploring with his fingers, with his mouth, breathing in the scent that was his Brett. So good. So warm.

  “Tell me we can stay like this all night,” Brett said.

  Benj kept touching, stroking, rubbing his cheek along Brett’s back. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  Brett shook his head. “Not enough to move. Haven’t felt so good in weeks.”

  “Then we’ll stay here, love. Oh! There’s a tray. With fruit and cheese and stuff. I can get it.” He leaned down and nibbled at Brett’s ear. “Feed you.”

  “That works.” Brett smiled, shivered just a little.

  “Okay.” He gave Brett a soft kiss. “Get comfortable, love.”

  He went out to the sitting room and put everything back on the tray before carrying it into the bedroom to his Brett. He didn’t see the pretty wallpaper or the lovely comforter. All he saw was Brett. Brett had turned over, bracing himself with pillows, eyes bright, warm. For him.

  He beamed at Brett as he put the tray on the side table and then shucked off his sweats and climbed onto the bed to snuggle against the warm, beautiful body. He snagged a piece of pineapple and held it up to Brett’s mouth.

  “Mmm… hey, baby.” Brett nuzzled, nibbled, held him. “So good.”
  “Yeah, you’re not too bad yourself.” Benj nabbed a piece of cheese for himself and then passed one over to Brett.

  “Just your old man.” Brett smiled, winked. “Did you have a good day?”

  He poked Brett in the stomach. “You’re not old, love. And I did. Jean is so nice. He took me out to lunch and gave me lots of advice.”

  “Yeah? What was lunch?”

  “Oh, I had the most amazing Caesar salad. It was just enormous, and the dressing was incredible. And we shared breaded calamari first.” He wrinkled his nose. “Well, I had a small bite.”

  Brett’s laugh was deep and sexy, fond. “Too rubbery for you.”

  He grinned up at Brett, delighted with the laughter. “Yeah. Ick.” He hugged Brett. “What about you, love? How was your day?”

  “Hard. Really frustrating. I’m glad it’s over.”

  He leaned up and gave Brett a kiss. “They’ll get better, love.”

  “You think so? It’d be nice for things to get better.”

  “They will. I have faith in you.” Smiling, he offered another piece of fruit, sliding it along Brett’s mouth.

  “Mmm.” Brett sucked and nuzzled, licking his fingers.

  His cock started to fill, and he blushed a little. “You’re so sexy, Brett.”

  “Me? I’m on the injured roster.”

  “You’re the sexiest guy on that roster.” He took another piece of pineapple and rubbed it over Brett’s nipple before bending and licking the juice off.

  “Oh.” That’s right. Oh. Sexy man.

  Benj gave the other nipple the same treatment, moaning as the flavor of the pineapple gave way to the flavor of Brett himself. Brett shuddered, shifted beneath him. Those nipples were so sensitive, so hot. Benj pulled back a little and blew on them both before flicking his tongue across the hard tip of the closest one.

  “Benj,” Brett groaned, lips parted and wet.

  “You like?” he asked, rubbing his cheek against Brett’s ripped abs.

  “More than like. More. Love.”

  Oh yes.

  Benj beamed up at Brett and reached to tease one of the sensitive little nipples again as he pressed kisses over Brett’s stomach. Brett’s fingers brushed through his hair, shaking, careful. He moaned softly, letting Brett know he liked the touches, and tugged the blanket down off Brett’s lap.


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