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Bases Loaded

Page 8

by Sean Michael

  “Been hard more times in the last twenty-four hours than in the last month.”

  Benj nodded, eyes wide as he took in the sight of Brett’s cock, stiff and red. He licked his lips. “I like it.”

  “I do too. I was beginning to worry.” Brett pumped it, once, the scent of need hitting Benj.

  He moaned, reaching out to slide his fingers across the tip. “So hot. Need you, love.”

  “How, baby? What do you want?”

  He moaned again. He wanted Brett inside him. So badly. It had been so long. He licked his lips, looking up at Brett.

  “You going to ride me?” Oh yeah. Brett knew what he needed.

  He nodded. “Please, love. I need you so bad.”

  “I’m all yours. Every inch.” Brett rumbled, moaned for him. “Every fucking inch.”

  “Oh, lucky me—that’s a lot of inches.” Benj leaned forward and licked Brett’s cock from bottom to top, swirled his tongue around the head. God, he loved that sound from Brett, loved that he was hearing it now.

  “Baby. Benj.” Brett spread, thigh muscles shaking.

  “Just relax, love. I’m going to take care of everything.” He’d do all the work, all of it. He just wanted to love on his man. And get fucked.

  “Been so long since I’ve felt you, since you’ve been on my cock.”

  “I know.” He put his mouth around Brett’s cock and slid down over it. Oh, it tasted so good, was so hot in his mouth.

  “Don’t. Don’t make me come, baby. Please.”

  He pulled off slowly, a soft sigh leaving him. He pressed a kiss on the tip of Brett’s cock and then kissed his way up along Brett’s belly and chest, headed for his lover’s lips.

  “Later. Later tonight, baby,” Brett said. “Your mouth is perfect, but I need you.”

  Benj nodded as he brought their lips together. “I know, love. I need you too. Want to feel you inside me.” He pressed close, rubbed against Brett’s body, opened his mouth against Brett’s lips.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t before….” Brett moaned and took his mouth, shut them both up.

  Benj’s tongue tangled with Brett’s, and he curled one hand around Brett’s good shoulder, the other sliding through Brett’s hair, touching, stroking. Brett was relaxed, hungry, happy beneath him. It was worth coming here if only for this.

  He fumbled with the side-table drawer—Jean’d told him there was lube there—and sure enough, he came across a tube and pulled it out. He pressed the tube into Brett’s good hand, wanting those knowing fingers to get him ready.

  It wasn’t long before Brett’s fingers were slick, sliding behind his balls, circling his hole. He whimpered softly, head resting against Brett’s good shoulder. “Please, love. Don’t tease.”

  “Not. ’M touching.” Oh God, that smile. That happy, horny smile.

  Benj laughed softly, pushing his ass back against Brett’s fingers.

  The touches gentled, stroking, pushing in, petting. “This is teasing.”

  “Brett… oh, mean, mean man.” He shuddered, whimpered again.

  “Yours.” Two fingers pushed in deep, then slipped away.

  Benj’s eyes rolled in his head, his body needing so fucking badly, spasming around air. “God, Brett. Need you.”

  Brett’s pushed his fingers in again, then again, fucking him. Benj rolled his hips, riding Brett’s fingers, breath catching in his throat as the sensations zinged between ass and balls and cock.

  “Tell me when you’re ready for me.” Brett’s voice was rough, raw, harsh.

  “I’m ready. God, Brett, I’m ready.”

  Benj shifted, rose up and reached back for Brett’s cock. Brett was ready too, hard and dripping, hot for him. He found Brett’s eyes with his own and savored the heat and love there as he slowly sank down onto Brett’s cock.

  “Baby….” Brett’s eyes rolled, a whimper sounding.

  “I know. Oh God, you feel so good.” It had been so long since he’d felt Brett’s cock filling him, since that amazing heat spread him wide.

  He sank all the way down, holding on to Brett’s shoulders.

  Brett nodded, one hand wrapping around his hip, bracing him. “Fucking love you. Sweet Christ.”

  Benj nodded, licked his lips, thighs starting to tremble with the need to move. “Ready, love?” Please. Oh please.

  “Ride me.” Brett leaned back to watch.

  He leaned forward and kissed Brett hard before straightening, body rising and then dropping again. “Oh yes!”

  “More.” Demanding man.

  Beautiful man.

  His man.

  With a cry, Benj let go, let himself move and move, rising and falling on that thick, hot cock, riding with everything he had. They worked together, Brett’s hand wrapping around his cock, hips rocking beneath him. He shifted, knees finding a better purchase, and that sent Brett’s cock right against his gland, making him shout. He rocked harder, moaning and whimpering as it all built to incredible tension.

  “Close. Close, baby. Gonna shoot.” Brett’s thumb scraped the end of his cock.

  “Brett!” Benj shouted his lover’s name, whole body going tight as he shot over Brett’s hand, his back bowed with pleasure.

  “Beautiful.” Brett’s eyes rolled. “Beautiful Benj.”

  He whimpered as heat filled him, collapsing forward onto Brett’s chest, breath panting from him like a steam engine. Brett held him, eyes closed, rocking him just a little. He stroked Brett’s chest, his side, idly touching the warm skin. Benj felt so good, all soft and lazy and sated deep down.

  “We should do that again. Soon.”

  “Mmmhmm.” Brett was almost asleep, relaxed, quiet. “Tell them I’m not coming to dinner?”

  “I will, love.” He kissed Brett’s shoulder and shifted, losing the softening cock from inside him.

  He sighed softly and then stood, staring down at Brett. His man was beautiful, and if he wasn’t mistaken, there was an ease to Brett’s face that hadn’t been there in quite a while.

  Benj didn’t linger too long; he figured he’d better go tell Ralph and Jean that Brett wasn’t having supper before one of them came to fetch them and there was a repeat of sorts of this morning.

  He slid into a pair of sweats and one of Brett’s T-shirts and headed downstairs to the dining room. The smell of meat cooking was mouthwatering, strong, Jean and Ralph laughing, joking around together.

  “Hey,” he said softly, smiling at them. They were lovely together, surprising and sexy.

  Jean’s eyes were warm, happy to see him. “Ooh! Someone got some!”

  He blushed hard as Ralph chuckled.

  “Um… well, yes. You told me we should. I mean…. I….” He shut his mouth as Ralph’s laughter got louder. “Brett’s asleep.”

  “Sleeping the sleep of the deserving?” Jean winked, clapped his shoulder.

  That wasn’t helping his blush any, but he nodded. “And he was exhausted.” He aimed the last at Ralph, along with a frown.

  Ralph only chuckled again. “I’ll dare say he is. He pushes himself, your man. He needs more of what you enjoyed tonight and less of the pushing, pushing, pushing.”

  “Did you get him to eat, cher? He’ll need something.”

  “Yeah, he had some of the fruit and a bite of cheese. Can he have a steak later or something? He’s going to be hungry when he wakes up.”

  Jean nodded. “I’ll make him up a plate. The doctor wants him to take some muscle relaxers, pain pills, but those are for right before he’s out for the count.”

  “Thank you. I hope they help.” Benj sniffed. “Something smells really good.”

  Ralph grinned, winked. “Your man’s favorites, if I’m not mistaken. Too bad he’s going to miss it.”

  “Maybe he’ll smell it. We’ve still got half an hour.” Jean chuckled. “Of course, he might not want our company.”

  “Oh no. It just… well, it wasn’t the easiest of starts.”

  “Easy’s not going to help him, Benj.” Ra
lph offered him a seat on the couch. “He needs our help, and accepting that isn’t going to be easy for him. He’s proud, stubborn, used to being able to do for himself, I’ll bet.”

  “He’s a ball player, cher. Of course he’s stubborn. They are like the bull.”

  Benj nodded. “I think… I think it feels to him like you’re trying to strip him of all his pride, his manhood.”

  Ralph tsked. “No, no. We aren’t trying to do that at all. In my experience, you have to lay it all out at the start, how it’s going to be, and you have to stick to it. I’ll tell you a secret, Benj. I like Brett. I’d like to see him get back on the field, doing his thing.”

  Jean snorted. “Such a secret, that is.” Those dark eyes twinkled at Ralph, playful, mischievous.

  Benj laughed softly, warmth curling in his belly, soft and gentle, as Ralph reached out a hand and grabbed hold of Jean, pulled the Cajun down to sit between them on the couch.

  “Next you’ll be saying I’m a softie.”

  “Soft? Cher… I would never say that.” Jean leaned over, face lifted for a kiss.

  Benj gasped softly at the implication, at the way Ralph’s mouth covered Jean’s, the intimate passion in the kiss. He thought he should look away, but he couldn’t. Jean melted into Ralph, sensual and needy, wanton. The warmth in his belly curled, his breath catching as his cock started filling. Oh. Oh fuck, he shouldn’t be watching this.

  Jean purred, leaned back against the cushions. “Mmm… cher ’tit chou….”

  “I’ll show you little,” murmured Ralph.

  That had Benj eeping, and it unfroze him. He got up, eyes finally averted.

  Jean looked over, lips parted. “Oh, sorry, yeah? I didn’t think to embarrass you.”

  His color was high, but he nodded. “I know. I didn’t mean to—” Enjoy it? Want to watch? “—stare.”

  Ralph chuckled. “No one can keep their eyes off my Jean.”

  “Flatterer.” Jean blushed, chin ducking.

  Benj was so pleased he wasn’t the only one who could blush. “He’s right. You’re… well, good-looking, but you have a joy that comes from inside.”

  That blush got darker, Jean’s black eyes dancing. “You’re gon’ make my head swell.”

  “It’s not your head that’s swelling, babe.” Ralph’s hand slid over Jean’s crotch, not even subtly.

  Benj thought maybe his eyes were going to pop right out of his head.

  Jean’s lips parted, tongue flicking out. “Oh….”

  He shouldn’t keep watching; Benj knew he shouldn’t. And here he was, staring, watching as Ralph’s hand slid over Jean’s crotch again, as their mouths met in another passionate kiss.

  He bit his lip as his own prick surged against his sweats at the sight.

  Brett’s voice made him jump. “The steaks smell good.” He lifted one eyebrow, then headed toward the kitchen, barefoot, wearing only a pair of shorts.

  Benj was sure he’d jumped about a mile, and he made a soft sound, hurrying after Brett, cheeks flaming, cock flagging (thank God), and his stomach churning. He’d been caught watching, which he shouldn’t have been doing in the first place, and now if he’d hurt Brett’s feelings too….


  Brett looked over from making himself a plate. “Mmmhmm?”

  “You okay?” he asked, pulling down a plate of his own and taking the littlest of the steaks. A part of him wondered how Jean did that, how the man knew what Benj would eat, but mostly he was concerned about Brett.

  “Had a little nap. My shoulder aches. Got to missing you.”

  Ralph and Jean came in before he could answer, Ralph’s arm slung around Jean’s shoulders. “Sorry about that, guys. It’s unusual that we’re able to be ‘out’ with the clientele, and we kind of got carried away.”

  “It’s okay,” Benj said, cheeks going hot again. “I just didn’t know where to look.”

  Brett snorted, eyes twinkling. “Eh, I knew you were pervy horndogs. Probably into kink, the way you’re evil to me.”

  Benj started giggling, and Ralph laughed out loud. “You hear that, babe? We’re evil, pervy kinksters. Somehow, I’m not insulted.”

  “I’m not evil, cher. I’m Cajun.” Jean stuck his tongue out, waggled it. “Spicy!”

  “Maybe we’re just boring, Brett.” Benj caught his lover’s eye and smiled. “No, not that.”

  Brett snorted, chuckled. “No, not that.”

  Ralph got down two more plates and handed them to Jean as Benj dished himself up a bunch of salad. “You want some, Brett? The dressing smells divine.”

  “Sure, baby. Pile me up.”

  Jean nodded happily. “Eat as much as you want, Brett. It’s all good.”

  Benj gave Brett a generous helping. “I’m going to get fat,” he noted. Not that it was a complaint—the food was just amazing.

  “I know what you mean,” chuckled Ralph, patting his definitely not fat belly.

  “I’m not. I worked my ass off.” Brett winked at Benj, grinned.

  “I like that ass, so hopefully not right off.”

  “It is a nice ass,” agreed Ralph. “And I promise I won’t let him work it right off, Benj.”

  Jean hooted, and Brett stuck his tongue out, and suddenly they were all laughing. Laughing. Oh wow.

  Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Benj studied Brett’s face, thrilled all the way through. Brett still looked tired, but the utter exhaustion and growing depression were missing. And Benj thought maybe he’d give anything to keep that trend going.

  Jean nodded toward the kitchen table. “We could just sit here together. Nice and easy, yes? Access to more?”

  Brett nodded. “Works for me. I don’t need formality.”

  Benj nodded happily, and they all sat. He slid his hand along Brett’s thigh, smiling at his lover again.

  Brett squeezed his hand and dug in, sore arm cradled in his lap.

  “Love you,” Benj murmured quietly, knowing his heart showed in his eyes.

  Ralph made a noise. “Now look at that. The way you make Benj glow with just a look, Brett. As long as you can do that, I don’t see how you could think anything else was all that important.”

  “Hush.” Brett dismissed Ralph with a wave, focusing on Benj.

  Benj heard Ralph’s chuckle, and maybe Ralph said something indignant, but it didn’t matter; nothing mattered but the way Brett was looking at him like he was the center of the universe.

  Benj could remember the first time Brett had looked at him like that. He’d known then he was well and truly hooked.

  He squeezed Brett’s leg, entirely caught up in his eyes.

  “Eat, baby. Then we’ll go back upstairs and leave the pervs to their games.”

  “Oh. Okay.” A shiver went down his spine, the promise in Brett’s eyes entrancing.

  Brett nodded, leaned close. “Or we could skip supper.”

  Jean tsked. “No skipping.”

  Benj pouted. “There’s always that midnight snack.”

  God, he was being greedy, wanting Brett again after having him more in the last twenty-four hours than he’d had all month. He took his hand back and set to eating, determined to be good. He could try his hand at seducing Brett again later if need be. From the look in Brett’s eyes, it wouldn’t be necessary.

  Brett ate, teasing Benj’s calves with his feet, eyes focused on the plate. Benj was fluttering. He couldn’t help it; he felt all wanting and wanton.

  He managed a bite or two of his steak and nibbled at his salad, not really hungry. Not for food. He ate a bite and took a sip, hands moving from fork to glass, picked up the knife and put it back. He felt like he was twenty again and in love for the first time. It was heady.

  Brett, on the other hand, was eating eagerly, hungry for the first time in a long time.

  Ralph was eating just as eagerly, though he was managing to make conversation as well. From the tone of his voice, he was teasing Brett and complimenting Jean. Benj wasn’t paying att
ention to the words, though.

  It felt so good, floating on happiness and arousal and anticipation.

  Jean brought out some strawberries and cream for dessert, and Brett actually moaned. “Look, baby. Midnight snack.”

  Benj licked his lips, remembering more than one session where Brett had eaten strawberries off him. His cock was pushing at his sweats again. “I’m not sure I want to wait until midnight.”

  “No? You want a bowl now, cher?” Jean’s eyes were dancing.

  “A bowl? Oh! No! I mean….” He felt his cheeks go bright again, and he looked over at Brett, focusing on the want there, knowing he wasn’t alone in his need.

  “We’ll take a big one. To go.” Brett smiled and licked salad dressing off his lips.

  “Oh yes. With some cream.” It had been too long since he’d lapped it off Brett’s belly as if Brett were the biggest, best bowl and he a sexy, slinky cat.

  Ralph laughed. “And he called you and me pervs, babe.”

  Benj blushed and tried not to flutter, but he was turned on and wanting and buzzing with the promise in Brett’s eyes.

  “What we do behind closed doors is none of your business.” Brett’s lips twisted. “Perv.”

  Ralph laughed harder. “Well then, I suggest you go find those closed doors of yours. Not that I’m trying to rush you—you’re a beautiful pair.”

  “Yep. Go fuck your cook, Mr. Pokey. I have plans.”

  “Oh, it looks to me like we’re both Mr. Pokey tonight, Brett.” Ralph winked and reached to goose Jean as he walked by with a large bowl of strawberries.

  Brett took the strawberries from Jean. “Thank you. Baby, say good night to Mr. Pervy Pokey.”

  Giggling, hands fluttering over Brett’s arm as he stood, Benj spared a quick glance for Jean and Ralph. “Good night.”

  Jean laughed, waving happily. “Try to keep it down, boys.”

  Benj blushed hard at that. He hadn’t even been paying attention to how loud they’d been before. “We will,” he squeaked.

  Brett snorted. “Hello, pot, I’m kettle. I seemed to hear a shitload of screaming from down the hall….”


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