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Hidden Michael

Page 2

by Victoria Pinder

  He turned, and his brown eyes seemed to burn into her soul. “None of that is your concern Miss.”

  “Sophie Mira.” She held out her hand to shake. If he was part of her former employer’s plan to silence her, she’d be dead already. This time she didn’t blink or move as she just waited for him to respond.

  At last, he shook her hand, but he leaned closer. “Sophie, names give power to people. I can go look you up in an instant and know more about you than you want me to know.”

  In her old life, she’d have closed her eyes, puckered her lips and kissed this stranger. But that was the old her. The one who didn’t have responsibilities or hadn’t testified at her employer’s trial. She let out a sigh. “I’d prefer we go our separate ways in the morning without looking at each other’s social media profiles.”

  “I don’t have those.” His lips never puckered, and she stepped away from him.

  She winked at Mr. Sexy. It would be nice to have a name for her dreams tonight because this was a man she’d want but could never have. “Then your secret is safe even once I have a computer.”

  “It’s better this way.” He shook her hand again, and a thrill raced up her arm.

  She held him longer than was necessary and her heart skipped a beat. “I’d prefer to know your name. It’s a simple request and not unreasonable.”

  “My name is Michael. Now I must go.” He took his hand back like he’d been burned.

  She straightened her ruined, wet, sweatshirt that felt like it was part of her but met his gaze. He truly was handsome. “Thank you for helping us, Michael. I appreciate it.”

  He stared at her like he wanted her and for a second her body anticipated a sweet kiss. However, he stepped away. “Good evening Sophie. Jack and Bernadette will see to dry clothes and food for you and your family.”

  She had no secrets from him. “They are my sisters, though I’m in charge of them since our mother died.” Her voice cracked.

  His brown eyes darkened. He backed away from her. “I see. I’m sorry about that. Good night.”

  Right. Michael was branded in her mind as Mr. Sexy. Who cared about a last name? Sophie raced up the stairs and followed her sisters’ path by tuning into the giggles. In charge of them by default, she’d gotten them into this mess and she’d have to protect them until she could find a way out. Hopefully the ordeal was over now and tomorrow they’d be at their cousin’s without further delay. However, if she could see Michael one more time, she’d have her fill of dreams.

  Chapter 2

  Sophie woke up in a bedroom so huge that it could house her entire family. Her bed had a dark blue comforter with flowers embedded in the fabric over cream-colored sheets. In the corner opposite her bed was a vanity that could double for a desk. To her right, she had a small sitting table with chairs and in the other corner was a reading nook with a chair and a small bookshelf.

  Someone could live in this room and never leave, except to go find food. Sophie threw the covers off, seeing that it was still dark outside, and cleaned herself up as best she could in the adjacent bathroom, which was far bigger than her bedroom at home.

  She had no clothes of her own, but last night she’d found a man’s shirt that smelled like cedar wood and pajama bottoms lying on her bed. She’d worn them to bed but missed her clothes that were probably in the bottom of the ocean.

  Sophie headed out in borrowed slippers and saw the light on in the next room. She knocked on the door. Emily loved to read so there was a good chance she would be awake. “Come in,” her sister said. Yes, there she was, lying in bed with a book. Emily sat up and pushed her long blonde hair behind her. “This mattress is way more comfortable than my own.”

  While her bedroom had been painted in white and blue, this room was a sunny yellow. Sophie’s gaze went to the mix matched luggage found in their mother’s garage from who knew when near the door. “Good. It seems your luggage is here.”

  Emily stared at her. “Then why are you wearing a man’s t-shirt and plaid yellow pajama bottoms?”

  Sophie grabbed her sister’s robe from the hook near her bathroom without asking permission. “My luggage fell into the ocean. Can you check on your sisters when they wake up? I want to go downstairs and explore the house, see when breakfast will arrive, stuff like that.”

  Emily shrugged and didn’t move out of the bed. “Sure thing. When I finish my book, I’ll shower and leave my door open in case Isi or Abby need to find me.”

  “Perfect. Be right back.” At least the little ones had someone waiting for them while she went to search the house. At sixteen, Emily was sometimes the most helpful and sometimes the biggest pain since Sophie had taken her siblings in to share her condo.

  She wandered down the huge flight of stairs and stayed on the red carpet to silence her steps. Most of the lights in the house were still off, but downstairs after the foyer, a glow came from beneath a partially open door.

  Following the carpet runner in the hall, she stopped outside the door when she heard voices, intending to go inside. She froze when Jack said, “Sir, this woman appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the night might be your God-given opportunity to move on and forget about your plans.”

  God-given? Sophie inched closer to the door.

  Michael’s deep voice countered, “God chose to forsake me long ago and I will not give up my plan because a woman smiled at me.”

  Her lips pursed. Why would anyone say the word forsake out loud? Michael was more religious than he let on with his word choice. She hedged around the wooden frame and saw Mr. Sexy. His thick, dark coarse hair was carelessly grown, and he had the look of a man who didn’t care what he looked like, including the scruffy face of his that could have shaved a few days ago but hadn’t.

  Once again, she had warm goosebumps and a wave of desire washed through her.

  “I saw the way you stared at the half-drowned woman,” Jack said. “My wife said she’s even prettier dry.”

  Mr. Sexy waved his hands in the air and pointed toward his computer at his desk near the window. “I’ve vowed to make them suffer as they have made me suffer. I don’t have time for any woman, no matter how pretty.”

  Who the heck were they? What did “they” do to him? Sophie’s mind raced with questions, but she stayed hidden behind the door.

  “Even if you succeed in your plan, what good is it to avenge your wrongs if you never move on, sir?” Jack’s tone held disappointment.

  Michael pointed to the door. She jumped back and prayed they hadn’t seen her. He said, “Jack, please ensure our guests are taken care of and they know where to get breakfast. I’ve got things to do.”

  She ran back to the front of the house and up the stairs toward her room. Sophie hadn’t meant to snoop, though the way Mr. Sexy looked dressed in a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans made her pulse zip.

  Her breath came in pants as she slowed down near her sister’s room, then knocked as she entered. “Emily, can I borrow one of your shirts? I’d like to not show up in a borrowed t-shirt.”

  “Sure.” Emily put the book down and went to her bag.

  Sophie waited next to her. Emily handed her a pink shirt with a rainbow and stars painted across the chest and a pair of white leggings. “I have another pair of yoga pants you can have too.”

  Sophie’s choices were yellow pajama bottoms or looking like a teenage wannabe. She took the clothes and hugged them. “Thanks.”

  Emily continued rummaging through her luggage. “No problem. It sucks that it was your bag to go overboard. Oh, here is an exercise top that could work as a bra for you.”

  Right. Sophie spied the en suite bathroom in her sister’s room and crossed the floor. “I’ll change fast.”

  Wincing at her image in the mirror, Sophie’s transformation into a teenager was now complete with the pink top and white pants.

  In Miami, she’d have never worn this outfit, but she wouldn’t complain. Hopefully when they arrived at their cousin’s, she could borrow m
ore adult clothes.

  Emily opened the bathroom door without knocking. “Where is breakfast?”

  Isi and Abby were right behind her so Sophie leaned down and hugged them both good morning.

  They smelled clean after their baths last night and this morning their faces were bright and free of all worries.

  A knock sounded on Emily’s bedroom door. Sophie straightened as Emily opened it. Jack bowed to all four of them. “This way, ladies.”

  Her stomach growled. Her youngest sisters clearly trusted Jack as they bounced behind him in expectation of breakfast. They walked downstairs, and Sophie stayed closest to Abigail on the steps as they descended.

  Jack escorted them to a huge dining room with a table that could hold twenty people. One half of the table had more food prepared than a breakfast buffet restaurant. Her sisters immediately grabbed plates and served themselves. Sophie stayed near the door, next to Jack.

  Isabella put her plate of food at an empty seat, walked over to them and asked, “Where is Mr. Haniel? Is he not coming?”

  Mr. Haniel? Sophie sucked in her breathes. Her sister knew Mr. Sexy’s name. She glanced at her sister. Once again Isabella was the smart, logical ten year old.

  Jack stood with his hands to his sides, like a soldier, but he smiled at her inquisitive sister. “Mr. Haniel is working, Miss Isabella.”

  Isi nodded and accepted this answer, but said, “Well, tell him we’d like to see him and say thanks.”

  Jack’s smile grew bigger. “I will.”

  The older gentleman with long gray hair all pulled back as best he could seemed more approachable. “Jack, thank you for getting our bags last night.”

  Jack’s head lowered and his face blushed red. “Miss Sophie, when you finish eating, I’d like to speak to you.”

  “Let’s talk now.” She slipped into the hall. Her sisters would eat for hours with that amount of food, as none of them ate much yesterday during the plane ride from Miami and then the awful boat trip. Last night they’d all crashed with exhaustion after a cup of soup. If he wanted to reveal any part of the conversation about Mr. Sexy, she was all ears.

  Jack closed the door and motioned for her to follow him closer to the library. She did and once they were out of earshot of the dining room, he asked, “What should we do with the boat captain? His body washed ashore and he had no identification.”

  Right. Sophie blinked and was all business. Of course, Jack wouldn’t reveal anything about his boss. She crossed her arms. “His name was Josh Smithers. He was the only one willing to brave the storm for the cash I offered.” She pushed her hair behind her ears and lowered her head. “I don’t know his family or anything.”

  Jack nodded. “I will pass that information on when we get in touch with the authorities in the spring.”

  Her head jerked up and her ears burned, certain she’d misunderstood. “In the spring? I thought you were taking us to my cousin’s today.”

  Jack’s head bobbed but he avoided eye contact. “Your boat is crushed on the rocks. Unsalvageable.”

  “So?” She put her hands on her hips.

  A shadow from inside the library moved.

  Jack turned with his face bright red and opened the door. “Mr. Haniel, can you please explain to our guest why we can’t bring her or her sisters to her cousin’s island today?”

  Michael walked toward them, his shoulders tight, but he patted Jack on the back. “Okay Jack.”

  Jack took a deep breath, clearly relieved. The servant stepped back and motioned for her to enter the library. She followed and met Mr. Sexy’s dark brown gaze with her own. She ignored the thrill that raced through her. “Michael? What’s going on?”

  He motioned for them to sit at a desk. He took the seat opposite her and behind the expanse of oak instead of next to her. She tugged her pink rainbow and butterfly shirt lower, covering her bare abdomen, when he asked, “Why did you take a boat out in the middle of a storm?”

  Business. She could do that. She crossed her legs and held his gaze. “It’s not your concern. I need to get to my cousin’s.”

  Michael nodded without pressing her further and leaned forward, folding his hands on top of his desk. “There is a problem—I have no way off of this island. I thought Jack could take your boat, but it’s destroyed. You were lucky you made it to shore alive.”

  So this man, in this house, where he could give all of her sisters their own room for the night and still have enough room for 40 more guests if he chose, didn’t have a boat of his own? Her muscles tightened. “You have a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere.”

  He sat back in his chair, one eyebrow lifted. “Which you are free to enjoy for the winter, until transportation arrives.”

  At least he’d shelter them, but yesterday he’d promised to take her straight to Kimberly’s. Something changed, and she didn’t really believe that he couldn’t get a boat. She uncrossed her legs and stood. “Why not now?”

  He stood as well and towered over her. Luckily there was a desk between them. “I’ve paid every boat owner in the area to avoid my island, including my own yachts. I wanted to be left alone this winter.”

  Life happened. Things changed. Her sisters needed to be safe from her own deal where she’d trusted the FBI and they’d left her floating in the wind. Her heart raced. “So we can call the coast guard. Mr. Smithers died. And you don’t want us here. You said yesterday it wasn’t far. Or I can call my cousin to see if she can come here.”

  His voice grew deeper as he spoke, and his hands curled into fists at his side. “The truth is that I can’t have anyone interfering with my plans. You and your sisters will be comfortable. April 1st, my yacht will arrive, and I will ensure your safety wherever you want to go. I can’t do more than that or it risks people discovering where I am.”

  Her sisters screamed at each other from the dining room.

  Sophie jumped backwards at the noise. They had to figure out something else. She needed to be at her cousin’s, so she and her sisters were hidden and safe. The FBI was supposed to arrest her boss without leaving her or her family in harm’s way. Another screech. She rushed to the door, but called over her shoulder, “Michael, I have to see to that, but I’ll be right back. We need to finish our conversation.”

  Perhaps being here was divine intervention. Everyone would assume she was dead anyhow when the wooden boat didn’t return. If they stayed tucked away here, her biggest worries would be clothes and her raging crush on Mr. Sexy.

  Chapter 3

  Sophie ran toward the dining room to see what caused her sisters’ argument, hearing name-calling from the hall. She threw open the dining room door and saw Emily and Isabella with their arms crossed in conflict as Abigail continued to eat cereal, watching avidly.

  Sophie walked in and touched Isabella’s shoulder. She turned and shook her head like she was their mother instead of her ten. “Sophie, Emily said I’ll get fat if I eat more pancakes.”

  Her sister’s nose curled as she shook her head. Great. The last thing Isabella needed was a teenage complex about weight.

  But if she argued with Emily or took sides, she’d cause more drama. Sophie’s more pressing concern was the talk with Michael. She needed to be the adult, so Sophie chose her words and kept her voice low. “Emily, everyone is hungry today. None of us ate well the past few days. Please don’t taunt Isabella right now.”

  Emily stirred her fruit and yogurt bowl. “I’m warning her no boy will find her attractive if she eats like a horse.”

  Isabella rolled her eyes. “You don’t even know what horses eat, Emily.”

  Emily stared at Isi with her big doe eyes that claimed innocence, though from this conversation, she was anything but. “And you do?”

  “Apples, oats, barley, hay, for starters.” Isabella stuck out her tongue.

  This time Emily rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  Both of them needed to stop, but instead of scolding, Sophie took a second, collected her thoughts and listened
to the quiet at the table. She held her tongue and again listened to their quiet.

  Good. She patted Isabella on the back and asked them all, “Can I trust you to stop fighting for a few more minutes? I need to finish my conversation with Mr. Haniel.”

  Emily winked at her and swallowed her yogurt bite before she said, “I saw how you froze near him yesterday, sis. If you need help talking to a guy, I’m more than glad to give you a few pointers.”

  “I’m doing fine, Emily. Thanks,” Sophie said fast. The last thing she needed was to sound like her sister or her sister’s friends near Michael. Especially now that things had changed. She had no idea how she’d break the news to her sisters that they were going to stay here.

  It was best to speak with Michael and see if she could change his mind. She closed the dining room hall and ignored the hum in her veins that was excited to see Mr. Sexy.

  She knocked on the library door and let herself in. Michael stood from the desk already as she closed the door behind her. “Sorry about that.”

  He leaned against the desk, his arms crossed. His dark brown eyes called to her despite his defensive body posture. “No worries. We’ve finished our conversation as far as I’m concerned.”

  She stood in front of him. Every part of her skin felt alive as she waited, gathering her thoughts. His intent stare made her believe he’d mentally stripped her though he never made a move.

  Her heart raced, and she brushed her hand against his forearm. “No, we didn’t. Why can’t you take us, really?”

  He shook his head.

  He wouldn’t budge. She could see that. “If we do end up staying here, can you handle my sisters being around? I know you’re busy but they’re going to get bored and they’ll want the Internet and things like that.”

  He tugged his arm back like she’d burned him. “You’ll need clothes. I’ve already asked Bernadette to find my mother’s trunk for you. It’s not much but it will clearly be better than your current attire.”


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