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Hidden Michael

Page 3

by Victoria Pinder

  Granted, her sister’s taste in clothes was horrendous. The pink shirt was more like a midriff on her, but she tugged it down and asked, “Do my clothes bother you?”

  He looked down at her. Her body trembled. “I’m tempted to touch you and we both know that’s a bad idea.”

  Her lips tingled, and she closed her eyes, not thinking it was a terrible idea at all. Neither one of them moved and she took a breath, realized she was dreaming, opened her eyes and asked, “Can I be honest with you?”

  He crossed his arms again, edging her backward. “I already thought we were.”

  Right now, she needed to ignore the urge to run her hands through his thick dark hair. To be a temptation. She’d never been that woman. Instead she lowered her arms to her sides, glanced down, and stood in front of him. “I’m on the run. I was going to my cousin’s with my sisters in tow because I became a witness for the FBI against my boss at work.” She glanced up and saw his eyes had widened.

  She’d shocked him, this man who was hiding for the winter. Sophie took a breath and finished her story. “I thought they’d protect me but when my boss found out, someone tried to break into my condo and shoot me. I packed my sisters one suitcase each and we were headed to my cousin’s. If we stay here, I might put you in jeopardy. That’s not right.”

  He reached out and brushed her arms, leaving a trail of heat and longing in his wake. “I’ve handled a lot worse than businessmen with guns in my day.”

  “So you can handle it?” She met his questioning stare without flinching.

  “I won’t let anyone near you or your siblings under my care, Sophie.”

  Now, her heart whispered she should kiss him because every part of her body melted. She held herself in place but imagined curling her arms around his neck and giving herself to him. Instead she stepped backwards and tried to sound mature. “What about children who are bored?”

  He winked at her, lowered his arms and sat on the edge of the desk, making his face almost eye level. “You’ll mostly handle that one. I’m sure I have an iPad around here somewhere, but I’ll need you to ensure none of your sisters reveal where we are.”

  Done. “I’ll talk to them about it. Thank you, Michael.”

  Without thought, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him close. His body was like a furnace and the moment she touched him, she ignited like she was Persephone being stolen away to Hades in the Underworld.

  He placed his hands on her hips but didn’t push her away. She felt his erection growing between them as he murmured, “Don’t hug me. It’s dangerous.”

  Instead of slipping away as he asked, she clung. He even smelled like a man, full of testosterone mixed with the evergreen trees outside his home. She blinked and tried to at least sound put-together. “I’m thanking you.”

  His hands traced her bare midriff, and sensations blossomed in parts of her she hadn’t known existed. “Sophie, I want to rip that shirt and those tight pants off your body and take you, right here, right now.”

  She lowered her lashes and tried to be rational, but the sensation of his touch on her lower back that brushed against her butt made her body come alive. “Michael, you and I are a bad idea for now because we have to live together.”

  “I agree.” He removed his hand.

  She put it back. “Don’t stop.”

  His lips came closer to hers and her body buzzed with anticipation. “I better. Your sisters are in the next room.”

  The moment his lips claimed hers, she was lost. His slightly rough skin against her face made her wild.

  Her hands ran through his thick, coarse, dark-as-night hair and then lower. His backside was perfect. His strong shoulders hid the muscles that held her close.

  Most important was his kiss. She surrendered entirely to him and he could do whatever he wanted to her.

  Isabella cried out, “Sophie!”

  Footsteps sounded in the hall.

  Michael pulled her off him and adjusted himself behind the desk, taking a seat.

  Sophie fixed her hair which was definitely messy and hoped his kiss wasn’t obvious on her face.

  The door flew open a moment later and her ten-year-old sister rushed inside. She stopped and stared at them and for one second Sophie thought her sister knew what had happened. Then Isabella smiled and said, “There you two are. I wanted to thank Mr. Haniel for letting us sleep here last night. Your place feels like a mansion.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Michael’s voice held no animosity. He even smiled when he said, “And you’re all safe here.”

  Isabella stared at her and then pointed to the door. Sophie’s time with Michael was over. She’d put her hands in her pockets if the leggings had pockets, so she awkwardly hugged her waist instead. “Guess I’m going to breakfast.”

  He waved from the safety of his chair behind the desk. “Enjoy yourself, Sophie.”

  Hunger should make her leave, but instead she hungered for whatever Michael had intended. She’d come alive in his arms when she hadn’t allowed herself to feel for months. She walked to the door, but then hedged, “If I wanted to continue our… umm… conversation later…”

  The gleam in his eyes darkened. “It’s not a good idea.”

  “We’ll discuss that later too.” She answered fast. Sex was going to complicate this winter on a deserted island, but she wanted to know what complicated was like. All her life she’d been responsible, and she was even more so now. She knew nothing about Michael, other than he was handsome and strong.

  His gaze met hers and for a moment nothing else moved. Finally he gave in and said, “I’ll have dinner at 8 PM. If you can join me alone, Sophie, you’re more than welcome.”

  Perfect. Dinner sounded good enough. “Okay. See you tonight then.”

  She closed the door and walked with Isabella back to the dining room.

  Chapter 4

  Sophie put her fork down when she’d finished her plate of hash browns, eggs, toast, and turkey bacon, comfortably full.

  Tonight, she’d see Michael and it might be best to eat lighter for lunch, but at least her hunger pains were gone.

  Her sisters stayed and talked while she ate. Once she was done, she moved her plate aside and said, “Girls, we need to talk.”

  Emily immediately pulled her chair closer to the table. “Do we have to go in another boat today?” Her expression turned wary. “I like being dry and warm.”

  “Me too,” Isi added.

  Sophie reminded herself not to let the whine in Emily’s voice crush her spirit. She leaned closer and tried to explain as best she could. “Here is the thing. Mr. Smithers’ boat was crushed from the rocks once we left it last night.”

  Emily sat back in her chair and rolled her eyes. “He’s dead. He doesn’t need it where he is now.”

  “Emily!” Sophie said while her hand pressed against her heart. It wasn’t right to speak of the old captain with anything but respect.

  Her sister stared at her like she was the wronged one though her shoulders fell. “It’s true.”

  “It’s not nice.”

  The three of them waited expectantly for her to say more. If they asked logical questions, she was sunk. Mr. Sexy had offered a huge breakfast to them, had a mansion and servants. He’d have anything he wanted by snapping his fingers. She felt her cheeks heat. “Anyhow, Mr. Haniel doesn’t have a ship of his own here, right now.”

  “So we’re stuck here?” Emily asked.

  A huge breath released. They’d accepted it as truth with no other questions asked. Good. She took a swig from her water glass.

  Isi sighed. “I like it here. I want to explore and go on an adventure.”

  Emily laughed with sarcasm. “You would call this an adventure.”

  “Adventures are cool,” Isi countered but dropped her head lower.

  Sophie sipped her water again and when she finished she met everyone’s gaze, one at a time. “We will be here until April. Mr. Haniel is going to let us stay in his
house, but we have to be mindful and not behave like we own anything here. If he throws us out, we’re all in big trouble.”

  “But no one will find us here.” Isi glanced up. “And Mr. Haniel is nice.”

  “True.” Emily never blinked as she stared back at her. “That’s why we need to get you a push up bra, Sophie.”

  Sophie’s face felt hot immediately. Was it possible Emily saw Sophie’s attraction to Mr. Sexy so clearly? She prayed no. She then glanced at Isabella and Abigail. They were way too young to hear this discussion. Sophie tugged at her shirt and said, “Stop it. Emily, we use our brains and our hard work to get out of unfortunate situations, not our bodies.”

  “If you say so, sis,” Emily said with a snicker, obviously not believing her.

  Sophie met her gaze but motioned with her eyes to the others. “This is a conversation outside of little ears.”

  “Whatever.” Emily slouched in her chair.

  Sophie turned back to her youngest two sisters and hoped no one else asked her about Mr. Sexy or what they’d done in there this morning. None of them needed to know. “So, I need you all to promise to behave and not destroy anything.”

  Isi nodded. “Of course.”

  Good. Everyone was on the same page. Sophie sat back a little and met Isabella’s knowing blue eyes and Abigail’s darker brown eyes. “Okay, if you need me, I’m going to explore a little too, but I’ll be back in my room within the hour.”

  Abigail stood but Isi took a second and winked like she was already a teenager too. “We’ll all help you get ready for your date tonight with Mr. Haniel.”

  “Sophie has a date?” Emily perked up and assessed her again.

  Sophie’s entire body and not just her face felt hotter than fire burning coals.

  Isabella stood from the table but glanced at Emily. “They are having dinner. Alone.”

  Emily stood, ready to go as well. “I’ll find you a push up bra.”

  Sophie shook her head. They needed to talk, but without the youngest two. Emily’s attitude had to be cleared up fast. Sophie hugged her waist and tried to sound like their mother. “Emily, can you stay for a minute? Isi, you and Abby stick together until we’re comfortable with this house. If either of you gets scared, go to my room and wait for me if I’m not there.”

  Isabella walked out the door with Abby. “Okay, but the storm is gone. Can we go check out the snow?”

  In Miami, they didn’t have snow. Before yesterday’s ice storm, she’d have wanted to go with them. However, they weren’t prepared for this kind of cold. Their winter gear was soaked through and hopefully drying somewhere. She’d have to ask Jack. “Not now. We’ll try to find jackets for you later. I don’t think we packed the right stuff for winter.”

  Isabella’s shoulders bowed as she agreed. “Okay.”

  Emily walked to the door to follow the girls out. Was she trying to avoid their conversation? Sophie channeled her mother’s voice. “Emily, we need to talk.” Emily closed the dining room door and turned toward Sophie. Sophie pushed her hair out of her eyes, wished for a hair clip or an elastic, and said, “Our mom would never condone what you said. We don’t use push up bras to get our way.”

  Emily let out a dramatic sigh and then took a seat, motioning for Sophie to follow. Sophie did as she requested and Emily said, “Sis, our mom had three different husbands and none of them offered to take any of their own kids when she died. It’s why we’re all with you now. At least you didn’t abandon us too. Mom survived because she married for money and we both know it.”

  Wow. Her sister had it all backwards. Their mother was sweet and not predatory. Sophie took her hands. “No, we don’t. Mom told me she was in love but they all broke her heart.”

  Emily tugged her hands free, and crossed her arms. “Get real. She said that because you’re sensitive. If mom was younger and here, she’d have made a play for Mr. Haniel--just like she did when she dumped my dad for Sean, Isi and Abigail’s father.”

  Given this new information, she had to douse her attraction to Mr. Sexy. Her stomach felt queasy and she prayed she’d find a way to break through to Emily that sex didn’t equal love and their mother, Maria, had fallen in love more than once. She just had trouble keeping relationships.

  Sophie’s pulse grew faster. She leaned closer so no one else might come in the room and overhear them. “Sean was many things but stable was not one of them. They broke up two years before she died. I’m happy to have you, Abby, and Isi in my life. I’m not going to lie to you though. Mr. Haniel is attractive, but I love my sisters far more than falling for some hot man.”

  “A hot man with a mansion,” Emily retorted. “Don’t go all moral on me just to prove a point when we both know you want Mr. Haniel.”

  Sex was not an integral part of her life—there’d been no time. Goosebumps dotted her arms and she quickly went through her own limited romantic history of one. Ernie had left her over a year ago, before her mom died. He’d been her one and only so far. Sophie still leaned closer so no one might interrupt. “We are in the middle of nowhere. Why would a man in the prime of his life cut himself off and live in isolation when he clearly has the means to be anywhere?”

  Emily’s eyes brightened at the intrigue. “I don’t know. Look, I’ll check the house to see what I can find out about Mr. Haniel. He seems nice but everyone has secrets, sis.”

  “We’re not snooping!” Sophie answered fast and her heart raced. “Mr. Haniel is being super kind to us—I mean it, Emily.”

  Emily sat back and pushed her hair off her shoulders. “Then you’ll have to ask him and get the answers yourself.” She stood. “I’m going to the library and then back to my room to read. At least I’ll be entertained by some books. If I find you a bra, I’ll send it over.”

  She’d failed in this talk. Her mother would have handled this so much better. Sophie sat in her seat, unmoving. “We’ll discuss this more later, Emily.”

  “Good luck, Sophie.” Emily slid out of the room and closed the door behind her.

  Sophie stared at the empty plates on the dinner table. Perhaps she shouldn’t go to dinner with Michael. Perhaps she shouldn’t have kissed him. She was the biggest hypocrite in the world if she didn’t live up to what she’d just told Emily. Tonight, she’d find a way to live here with Mr. Sexy and not act on her impulses. It was the adult choice that she’d have to live with.

  Chapter 5

  Sophie wore the exercise shirt that doubled as her bra today and the gray yoga pants her sister had lent her as she stared at herself in the mirror.

  She was ready for the gym, not a meeting with Mr. Sexy. She tugged the exercise shirt down. It didn’t help.

  “I should cancel,” she told her image—and it wasn’t just because she had no clothes at all.

  A knock sounded at her door and she rolled her shoulders to release the tension as she walked over to answer.

  She opened the door to a gray-haired older woman with a grandmotherly smile who waved a dress in the air while wheeling a suitcase behind her. This must be Jack’s wife. Sophie stared at the red fabric, stepped aside to let her in and asked with her hand on her heart, “What is this?”

  The older woman wheeled the bag behind her but left it near the vanity area, next to the walk-in closet, after she passed Sophie. “Mr. Haniel said you could have his mother’s things. While this,” she draped the garment on the bed, “wasn’t his mother’s, I thought you might want to look nice for tonight.”

  The red dress sparkled and it wasn’t cheap beads. Sophie stared at the low neckline and held her breath. If she wore that to meet Mr. Sexy, she’d advertise herself as available. However, she hadn’t worn a dress that fancy since prom.

  “Thank you Mrs…” Sophie stuttered as she didn’t know Jack’s last name.

  The woman reached out and brushed a worn hand against Sophie’s arm, sending a calm, grandmother-vibe. “Bernadette is fine.”

  “Thank you, Bernadette.” Sophie lifted the garment and clut
ched the dress to her body. Knee-length, it seemed the right size…

  Without missing a beat, Bernadette set the suitcase to the side. “Your winter clothes that you traveled in should be dry by this evening. If you want to take the children outside tomorrow, we have extra scarves and mittens.”

  Her sisters would be thrilled. They’d bought winter jackets and hats in preparation for Maine, which was so different from Miami. They’d seen snow for the first time yesterday, but she’d been so busy setting up her sisters’ rooms so they wouldn’t interfere with Michael that she’d left no time for outdoor fun. She smiled and nodded. “Thanks.”

  Bernadette lowered her head. “Abby and Isi were in the kitchen helping me bake a cake. I hope you don’t mind I gave them a few cupcakes as a reward.”

  Her sisters finding their way to sweets didn’t shock her at all and it was probably good for them to enjoy their stay here. Sophie hung the red dress on a hook near the bathroom door as she said, “No, that’s great, Bernadette. If they didn’t bother you?”

  Bernadette turned to leave but glanced at her. “They are welcome to help with my chores everyday if they desire. I always like company.”

  Good. Sophie turned her back on the dress. If she wore this, she’d be at a disadvantage of saying no but she couldn’t look away. “I’ll let them know.”

  “Good night Miss.” Bernadette waited at the door.

  Surprised, Sophie walked over to Bernadette offering her hand to shake. “Sophie. Please call me Sophie. I’m not a billionaire or a millionaire.”

  “Neither was Mr. Haniel once.” Bernadette tilted her head. “Who knew his interest in computers and cars would pan out like they have?”

  Both of those sounded like honest endeavors and she felt her heart skip a beat. “He earned his money through hard work and effort?”

  Bernadette shrugged. “You’ll have to talk to him about his business, dear, but I’ve never met a more determined man.”

  “Determination is good.” Sophie waved goodbye as Bernadette went down the hall.


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