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Embracing Him

Page 5

by C. Shell

  Feeling sweat bead on my forehead and threaten to demolish what is left of my make-up I excuse myself to the ladies room to clean up and catch my breath. Pushing the door open I cringe at my reflection in the mirror. If someone saw me right now with my make-up melted and smeared down my face I would swear I was a waitress or anything else besides a make-up artist. I look positively terrifying.

  Using a damp paper towel I do my best to rectify the situation and once finished look a bit closer to normal and less like the bride of chucky. I need to find Jane; my poor tired body is ready to call it a night. I exit and head back down the long hallway towards the main room when I am roughly pulled to the side and pushed up against the wall. The lighting in here is almost nonexistent making it hard to see the outline of the man holding me. A scream bubbles up in my throat but vanishes just as fast when I inhale that familiar fresh water and vanilla smell that I have come to know and love.

  My moment of happiness is quickly doused and replaced by anger remembering his blonde leggy companion of the night.

  "Get your damn hands off of me Alex," I hiss trying to move around him but he refuses to let me go and tightens his grip on me giving me a smug smile. I want nothing more than to slap that smirk right off his beautiful face.

  "I love it when you play rough," he whispers in my ear. "Miss me yet baby?" He asks nipping my earlobe and causing me to gasp. His voice has lost the sweetness it held the other night on the phone. He seems on edge and pissed off which confuses me. I am the one who should be mad not him.

  "No. Not even a little bit. I am out having fun tonight with my friends. At least I was until you showed up." I square my shoulders the best I can refusing to show him that he still has the power to hurt me.

  I swear I see a glimmer of hurt in his eyes but it is gone and his normal indifferent mask is back in place before I can be certain. Pushing against me harder he grinds his erection against my cleft and I quickly bite my bottom lip to stifle a moan.

  "Is that erection for me or your blonde friend you brought here with you tonight?" Part of me is begging him to answer me while my other half is scared to death his answer will only cause me more pain.

  Alex lets out a harsh laugh. "So is that is what has brought out your claws tonight princess? Afraid you have competition?" He asks while trailing kisses down my throat and above the swells of my breasts as they move up and down with each harsh breath I take.

  I cannot think let alone talk while his mouth is on me. I want to yell at him to stop and hit him but damn his mouth feels like heaven against my heated skin. I have really missed the amazing things he can do with his mouth. How can something so wrong feel so good?

  "I could never want anyone after being with you," he breaths against my neck. "She is only my realtor and is here with me because I am in the middle of a business transaction to buy out this shitty bar and we needed to see firsthand how well it did on a weekend night to put in an honest bid. You are the only one for me princess," he whispers.

  I stare at him blankly as I process his words. I want to call him a liar and a cheat but I believe him. He already owns one club and several other establishments so for him to buy out this dump and turn it around makes sense. His hands move up my body cupping my breasts through the shear material of my dress setting my overheated body on fire. Between the contrast of the silky fabric and his rough fingers rubbing against my nipples my senses go into overload. My nipples turn into brutally hard beads aching and begging for attention as I push my breasts further into his hands. I hate that he has still has this affect on me but damn it I want more.

  Hearing the band talking to the crowd pulls me out of the lust filled fog and has me remembering where we are. I start to retreat but he refuses to let me go. "Alex I am not into letting everyone watch me be fondled by you," I say with force.

  "Neither would I love. No one gets to see you but me and I assure you no one will be able to see you now. We are far enough away that they will just think we are kissing," he assures as he begins licking down my collar bone and coaxing me to relax.

  His right hand abandons my breast sliding down the side of my body until it meets the hem of my dress and disappears under it to rest on top of my mound inside my silk panties. My hips jerk involuntarily as his thumb presses hard against my throbbing clit while his other hand pinches my nipple hard at the same time.

  A moan escapes my mouth but is quickly devoured as his mouth engulfs mine. His tongue licks against my lips and they open willingly allowing him access as our tongues entwine and dance together. His chest, stomach, and thighs are touching every inch of mine and yet it is not enough, I need him closer.

  I need him inside of me.

  Thrusting two fingers into my wet channel he slowly strokes in and out of me as I tilt my hips riding his fingers trying to reach the release that is so close. He stops abruptly and pulls his fingers out. I watch as he moves them up into his mouth licking them clean while his heated gaze locks on mine. My eyes widen and heat floods my body at the erotic scene of him enjoying the way I taste.

  "You are a fine deliciously baby," he murmurs into my neck. "Has your friend had the chance to taste you yet?" He growls out the last part of his question through clenched teeth. Pulling back confused I look into his now stormy eyes and the intensity splayed across his face startles me.

  I frown at him. "What are you talking about?" I ask completely confused while missing the warmth of his body draped against mine

  "You think I did not notice the prick you are with tonight?" His head cocks to the side as he raises an eyebrow at me.

  What prick?

  "I really do not know whom you are referring to. I am here with friends not with a date." His questions have completely thrown me off guard and are beginning to piss me off. Does he really think so little of me that he would believe I would come here with a date while letting him make out with me?

  Sick Bastard!

  "Who is the man besides Jax that you have been grinding your body up against tonight?" His eyes narrow on me in an accusingly way igniting my growing temper.

  My head spins trying to figure out what he is talking about and then I remember Hunter and a giggle escapes my lips as I realize my beautiful Alex is jealous of my platonic trainer. The thought that Alex would ever be jealous of anyone is such a contrite thought. No matter what he may believe no man could add up to his perfection in my eyes.

  "Something amusing you Ms. Grayson?" He retorts.

  "Yes actually," I say on a sigh. "That is Hunter my new trainer at the gym I've been trying out this past week. Jane invited him out with us tonight and I am pretty certain they have a crush on each other. At least I hope they do. Don't get me wrong he is quite the looker but there is nothing going on between us besides him kicking my ass into shape."

  He obviously believes me because after searching my face he visibly relaxes drawing me back into his arms. "The thought of another man touching you makes me see red Jessica." His rough voice is like a soothing balm that washes over my body leaving me all tingly. Moving his hand back to my breast he pinches my nipple hard enough to cause me to yelp and a flood of wetness fills my panties.

  "I believe I owe you an orgasm baby," he murmurs gliding his hand back into my drenched panties. Oh Please...

  "Jane is going to start getting worried about me if I don't check in with her," I whisper turning my head to look back towards the opening to the main room. How long have I been gone?

  "Jane knows I am with you. You should know I don't make a move without a plan. Now stop talking and just enjoy the feeling of my fingers fucking you. Imagine it is my cock sliding in and out of you." The husky sound of his voice alone is almost enough to send me over.

  Dragging his fingers in and out of me languidly he hits all the right places. Oh God I wish it was his cock.

  It does not take more than a few strokes and a brush against my clit before I am throwing my head back and biting my lip hard enough to taste blood as my body shakes with an excru
ciating orgasm that rolls over my body leaving me tired and legless.

  My eyes flutter open and I tilt my head up to stare into his handsome face. As if a gate is opened a flood of memories of the last time I was with Alex and the news of his marriage to Lexy invades my mind and ruins the moment.

  "This does not fix everything," I say re-adjusting my dress and run my fingers through my mused hair.

  "I know," he says coolly, "But it is a start. Stay with me tonight." For once it was not a command but a plea. The apprehension and longing in his eyes is enough to break my heart all over again.

  "We still need to talk. I have questions that need answers." The more I am around him the harder it is for me to say no to him. As always he has the ability to break down my defenses and the power to make the happiest girl alive or turn my life into a complete nightmare. I am so screwed!

  "We can talk in the morning over breakfast. Just let me hold you tonight. I have slept like shit since you left. I need you with me," he says caressing my cheek. Without even thinking I instinctively push my face into his hand seeking more of his touch.

  "Ok," I concede letting out a soft sigh of defeat. I hope I don't regret this decision later.

  Pulling out his phone he texts Carson to pull the car around and sends another text to Jane letting her know we are leaving and to meet us out front with my purse.

  "Are you two in cahoots or something," I ask wearily. "I mean I find it hard to believe that after everything you have done Jane is ok with you being around me let alone me going home with you tonight."

  "We have spoken and have an understanding," he says giving me a wicked grin and refusing to embellish on any of the details.

  Outside Carson is at the entrance already waiting for us and Jane is standing beside the car door with my things as promised. As she slips the clutch in my hands she whispers in my ear," Keep an open mind sweetie. He really cares for you and has been just as miserable as you have." Kissing me on the cheek she leaves and heads back into the club.

  Cares about me? Can I accept him only caring about me when I am in love with him? It will have to be enough for now.

  Chapter 5

  The sound of Elton John singing Bitch is Back streaming through the penthouse sound system wakes me bright and early. After leaving the bar last night Alex took me to his penthouse drew me a hot bath and bathed me before dressing me in one of his t-shirts and tucking me against him in bed. I don't even remember falling asleep but I am pretty sure it happened as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  I expected him to want sex after we made it back to his place but he refused saying we had all the time in the world after we had a chance to talk. Stretching my body out I stagger from the bed looking around for something to cover myself better with before going in search of Alex. Pulling his robe off of the lounge chair beside the bed I tie it loosely around my body and head out down the hall.

  It feels so weird being back at his place. It will always hold some bad memories but the good ones outnumber the bad. Following the smell of something delectable I find him in the kitchen humming to the music while cooking. I stand back admiring the view. He is barefooted wearing only a pair of old worn out jeans slung low on his hips. His naked chest all tight and ripped is all the breakfast I need. I will never get used to the sight of him being so domestic and confident in the kitchen. Very sexy.

  As if sensing my presence he looks up smiling at me as he flips the pancakes. "Good morning love," he says eying me up and down as though I am the real meal. "You look good in my clothes. I prefer you naked but if you must wear clothes than I definitely want you in mine."

  My body heats at his words and I duck my head to hide the flush tainting my cheeks. "Breakfast smells amazing. Do you need any help?"

  "Appreciate the offer love but I am just about done. Have a seat and I will make you a plate. What would you like to drink?"

  "Water is fine." I move in next to him wanting to help despite his rejection but as I reach for plates and utensils he blatantly brushes me back looking me over with an arched brow.

  "Sit my sweet. As I said before I have everything under control." The edge in his voice leaves no question that he is serious.

  Sighing in defeat I take a seat. The air between us is heavy with the knowledge that once we are seated the inevitable talk will need to be addressed. I am ready to get it over with. All this time I have taken to get my head on straight has done nothing but make me crazy with more questions and my own assumptions that range from him being an ass with a raging hard on that nails everyone he meets to a momma's boy who can't say no to save his own soul.

  Between those two options I am not sure which one is worse.

  Joining me at the breakfast table Alex lays down a plate in front of me covered in blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs smothered in cheese and an assortment of fruit. Everything looks and smells so good I am not sure which one I want to dive into first.

  "As always you know my favorites without even asking. More of your creepy research I assume," I say with a smirk.

  He lets out a low laugh but does not disagree. As we eat neither one of us speaks and the growing tension between us is driving me mad. As my plate is quickly emptying I finally put my fork down and address the elephant in the room.

  "You said you tried to make it work between you and Lexy once. What happened?" I keep my eyes on my plate not trusting myself to look up at him. I might want and need these answers but that does not mean it is easy to hear him talk about being with her.

  "I did not want to be married to Lexy but given my predicament she was the best option. I knew she cared about me on some level so I thought that if I tried and made it work between us than maybe it would make the whole arrangement easier to deal with. Lexy's family and mine go way back and up until that point she was a good friend of mine. Trying to turn our friendship into a real marriage was useless and I just ended up hurting her. I cannot undo the mistakes I made but I can promise you I have no feelings for her."

  "She is in love with you," I admit trying not to sound pathetic and sad.

  "Whatever her feelings may be it does not take away the fact that I don't feel anything for her. You are it for me love." I want to end this discussion all together and kiss him for saying what I need to hear but I need to get this all out in the open and behind us.

  Fiddling with a lone grape on my plate I continue with the inquisition. "Why did your mother set up such an odd stipulation in her will? Forcing marriage on anyone does not sound normal," I say trying to keep the anger out of my voice and doing a lousy job of it.

  He surprises me with a harsh laugh. My mother was afraid I would continue being a playboy my whole life and never settle down with a family and that our family bloodline and name would end with me. I guess she thought by forcing my hand in marriage I would also eventually be forced to conceive a child and keep her family heritage alive. She was extremely old fashioned in her thinking."

  "Ok" I say slowly trying to absorb and make sense out of everything he has just told me. His mother sounds like she was still living in the Stone Age or something. Bloodline? What talks like that?

  "If you and Lexy were already good friends than why keep the marriage a secret?"

  Putting down his fork and napkin he looks over at me amused. "Let's finish this in the living room where we can get more comfortable. I have a feeling your questions are just getting warmed up."

  Standing Alex takes both of our plates back to the kitchen before coming back to the table and taking my hand leading me into the living room with him. Pulling me down beside him on the sofa he maneuvers me so that we are both lying down and I am cradled up against his chest. He plays with a strand of my hair as he answers my last question.

  "The secrecy was a protection for both of us. Like I said before the marriage was out of convenience. Lexy made a substantial amount of money for agreeing to be my wife. Keeping it a secret allowed for each of us to continue to be free and see whomever we pleased without wor
ry. I never got serious with anyone I slept with until you," he says softly. "You are my one exception."

  I smile happily. He might not have said he loves me but he has said enough to make me feel loved. I could do a happy dance about now but I will save that for later when I am alone in my room with the music cranked up.

  "Ok, so tell me if I have any of this all right," I say thinking over everything he has said. "Your mother dies and leaves a will saying you must marry to keep your company. Her real motive is that you must settle down and produce a little Alex Jr. You marry your long time family friend and bitch Lexy who agrees partly for money and part because she harbors a crush for you. You both keep the marriage a secret and continue to screw other people which works great until you for whatever reason decided to keep sleeping with me and in turn pissed Lexy off and she retaliated and told me about you two. Did I leave anything out?" I ask my head now spinning from how crazy the whole saga sounds spoken out loud. I have seen Soap Operas more normal than this.


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