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Embracing Him

Page 6

by C. Shell

  On a laugh he says," Yep that about sums it up. Except you missed the part about how I not only continued to screw you as you so elegantly phrased it, but I also fell head over heels infatuated with you my dear. I can't get you out of my mind no matter how hard I try and trust me I have tried."

  My whole body stiffens and heats at the inclination of his words. Infatuated? I feel the same way.

  Turning my face up to meet his I graze his lips softly against mine. "I believe I owe you an orgasm for last night Mr. Harlow," I breathe against his bare chest. Running my hands up his abs I flick his taunt nipple. He lets out a deep groan that sends a shutter rolling down my spine and straight to my sex.

  Easing down his body to the floor I rise up onto my knees and settle myself between his legs. Running my hands up and down his thighs I flick open the top button on his jeans. I watch him swallow hard as I slide my hands on the top band at his hips and push them all the way down his legs along with his boxers and discard them on the floor beside me. His hard cock springs free begging me to touch it. Never taking my eyes off his I lick my lips seductively as I bend over taking the tip of his cock in my mouth.

  Throwing his head back he curses through clenched teeth, "Damn baby." His words light a spark within me and I continue on determined to give him as much pleasure as he gave me last night.

  Taking his shaft between my lips I suck on him greedily taking him in my mouth as deep as I can before pulling all the way back and doing it all over again. I alternate between licking and sucking being sure to take my time and enjoying the look of both pleasure and pain on his face. He is fighting to keep control and not come. There is no way I am going to make it easy on him.

  Gripping his balls in one hand I lightly squeeze them while tracing my finger over the seam of his sack as I continue my assault on his pulsing cock with my mouth. I lick him up and down as though he is my very own cocksicle. I smile hearing his groans and heavy breathing increase as I take him deep in my mouth lightly scrapping my teeth along his engorged vein as he hits the back of my throat. I swallow around him causing him to let out a slew of curse words.

  Wrapping a hand in my hair he pulls my head back causing his cock to pull out of my lips with a loud popping sound. "I need to come baby and I need to do that inside of that sweet pussy of yours. Straddle me," he commands.

  The need in his eyes mirrors my own as I crawl up his body placing my thighs on the outside of his. Alex unties my robe pushing it off my shoulders and letting it fall to the ground than in one swift motion pulls his shirt over my head so we are both naked. His eyes rove over every inch of my body as though he is seeing me for the first time. My breathe catches as his hands glide over my backside and down my thighs causing my body to warm and my nipples to tighten under his gaze.

  There is still one question I need answered before I fully give myself over to him again. Stroking his cock in my hand I ask, "Alex before we have sex I need to know if you have been with anyone else since me." My voice shakes as I ask. He does not answer me right away which makes me nervous. I bite my bottom lip to stop it from quivering.

  His thumb reaches up tracing my bottom lip and pulling it out of my teeth before sucking it between his lips. A bolt of electricity shoots through my core. "Never baby," he mutters kissing the corner of my mouth. "I could never want another after having you. You are mine love and I am all yours."

  I turn my head away so he cannot see just how perfect those few words melt me into a puddle of need. Tears pool in the corners of my eyes and I quickly brush them away before he has a chance to see them. With my hand still stroking his cock I lift up on my knees planting the tip against my wet swollen opening.

  "I need you Alex," I whisper. Placing his hands on my hips he pulls me down slamming his erect cock into me. I gasp and blink at the sudden intrusion but loving it all the same. He continues to fuck me as if he has lost all control slamming into me over and over with a feral look in his eyes. I love it. Hell I crave it.

  Finding my swollen clit I rub it just enough to help me reach the blossoming orgasm that is building deep within me. My orgasm rips through me making my body quiver and unintelligible words spill from my lips. My pussy continues to clamp down on Alex's cock as he calls out a slew of curse words finding his own release. Holding me close against him he whispers," My sweet, sweet Jessica so perfect and all mine," into my ear.


  Caffeine...Sweet Jesus I need a strong hot cup of coffee.

  No matter how many times I go over my personal bank account nothing adds up. It is completely off. Not off in an Oh my God I am screwed and can't pay my bills sort of way but an Oh holy hell I have more money than I should short of way. I have checked and re-checked my incoming and outgoing check stubs and each time I come up with an extra fifty thousand dollars in my account that I did not have before. The weird thing is that it is fifty thousand dollars exactly. I need to ask Jane about it when she gets in before I call the bank and demand them to research my account. Maybe she borrowed money from her parents or something for the business and deposited it in my account without telling me.

  Yeah right. That sounds crazy even to me.

  Stretching my cramped legs I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself another cup of coffee adding just the right amount of sugar and creamer until it is the perfect shade of light brown. I really love having our own kitchen at work. No more having to walk around the corner to the small coffee shop when I need my caffeine fix. I like being spoiled.

  Checking the time I note that Jane should be here in another thirty minutes. After spending all of Saturday and Sunday with Alex doing nothing but lounging around and having mind blowing sex he dropped me off at my condo this morning to get ready. I found a note with happy faces all over it awaiting me on my pillow from Jane that said she was meeting Hunter for an early breakfast and would be in the office around 9:00. I want to know what is going on between the two of them and what poor David's fate might be. I am a kind of chicken to ask afraid I might jinx the whole thing.

  Sitting back at my desk I pull out the pocket watch that someone mysteriously sent to me last week. I still need to find a way to prove it is my dad's and who the hell sent it to me. Maybe I should hire a private investigator. It is not like I even know where to start looking. Grabbing my phone I send a quick text to Alex.

  Me: I know you do background checks and such with work. Do you know of any private investigators that you could recommend for me?

  I wait expecting the usual immediate text that always comes back but for once my phone is silent. Odd for him but maybe he is in a meeting or something else equally important. Securing the watch safely back the bottom drawer of my desk I see Jane dancing her way through the front office.

  "Good morning Jess," she sings all smiles and rainbows. My eyes narrow on her intrigued by her good mood. I think my girl finally got laid.

  "Is it now?" I ask hoping she will elaborate. I can't remember the last time I saw her this happy and all smiley. I have missed happy Jane.

  "Yes it is," she giggles. "Hunter took me for the most amazing breakfast this morning. They actually had those little blueberry crepes that I love so much. I have not had them since I was a little kid."

  "Is that the only thing that has you glowing or did a certain best friend of mine finally take a dip into the Hunter pond?"

  "Jessica Grayson you know I am still with David," she yells smacking me across the arm. "I don't cheat."

  "Ouch! That was uncalled for. I don't understand her at all anymore. "Please explain to me what the hell you are doing then. Saturday night you and Hunter seemed to hit it off perfectly and this morning you are sharing breakfast. So my question to you is simple. Are you stringing him along for his crepes or are you really into him?" I look her pointedly expecting an honest answer. She might be my best friend but Hunter is a decent guy and does not deserve to be played.

  Throwing herself in the chair beside me she covers her face and lets out a frustrated shriek.
"Sorry Jess I am just so confused. I love David but it has been so long since we have had a conversation that lasted over five minutes or did not end with him saying 'sorry babe I need to grab this other call coming in '. When he left we thought we would be able to see each other a few times a year and that is not even working out as planned anymore. He seems more interested in job than trying to work things out with me," she says sounding defeated. "I like the way Hunter looks at me as though he can't get enough of me and the fact that he is sexier than hell does hurt either," she giggles.

  "Have you talked to David about how you feel?"

  "I have tried and each time he says he is too busy to worry with my insecurities?" She drops her head not daring to meet my eyes.

  "He did not really call you insecure did he?" Thank goodness these rooms are well insulated because the mere thought of that douche bag calling my friend insecure has raised my voice several octaves.

  She nods yes as her face blushes several shades of red. I cannot wait until I see David again and have the opportunity to strangle his scrawny neck. "Jane please promise me you won't ever listen to that little shit. You have never been insecure in your life and have no reason to be. He is so stupid and does not deserve to breathe the same air as you. You deserve better than him. Hunter seems like a good guy and even if you two don't work out there are a million better guys out there than David."

  "Scouts honor," she says lifting three fingers in the air." I promise I will ignore him and stay true to myself."

  I smile giving her a hug and deciding not to remind her once again she was never a girl scout. We spend the next hour catching up on work and are going over our client schedules when the front door flies open and in stomps a furiously handsome Mr. Strong Arms. Stunned at his dramatic entrance we both glare at him.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask irritated.

  "Your office now," he barks striding past me and straight down the hall to my office without me. I glance back at Jane offering a small apology for his rudeness before following him to my office and shutting the door behind us for some much needed privacy.

  The moment the door is closed Alex has me pressed up against it, his two strong arms flexed on each side of my head caging me in. If I was not so put off with him I would be turned right now. The heat rolling off his body is electrifying.

  "What is going on Jessica?" he demands. "Why the hell do you need an investigator? Are you in some kind of trouble?" he shouts through clenched teeth.

  I blink absorbing his words than frantically shake my head no. "This is about the text I sent you earlier?" I ask trying to catch up with his line of questions.

  "Of course it is," he shouts. "You send me a text inquiring about a private investigator which given your line of work is not something you would need." He pushes against me rocking his hard erection into my cleft. I stifle a whimper forcing myself not to give in and rub myself against his cock and stay focused on the conversation at hand. "What is going on?" He asks rolling his hips against me again in the most delicious way.

  "You are partially right. I need an investigator for a personal reason not professional." I cannot continue to have this conversation with him while he mind fucks me. Ducking out of his embrace I stride over to my desk and sit on the edge of it facing him. "I need someone to see what they can find out about my dad."

  "Your dad?" He asks brows pulled together in confusion. We have never really talked about my parents so I don't expect him to understand.

  "Yes. After my dad left when I was young I went on a hunt to find him years later but by the time I did he had already died from a car accident. He was hit by a drunk driver," I say quietly deep in thought. After finding out about my father's death and knowing I would have to keep it a secret from my mother I buried the truth from never thinking I would have to rehash the details of it ever again. I tried mourning his death but it is hard to say good-bye to someone you never really knew.

  "If you already know your dad died and how than why do you need an investigator?" I can see the wheels spinning in Alex's head trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

  "Last week I received a package with an old antique men's pocket watch in it. There was a note inside that said it was my dad's watch and it was now mine. There was no return address so I could not track down who sent it and if it was really my dad's or not. My dad's parents are all deceased and he was an only child so I had no one on his side of the family to ask. I never told my mom about his death and don't plan to do so," I say adamantly rubbing my temples trying to ward off the headache I feel coming on. "I want to hire someone to find out if the watch is really his or not and who knew him well enough to know to send it to me."

  Nodding Alex asks to see the watch. I pull it out of the safe stop I have made for it in my bottom desk drawer and hand it over to him. He studies it for a while checking it thoroughly before excusing himself to make a phone call. While he is busy in the front room I sneak into Jane's office. Jane is the only person I know who can decorate an office in every shade of pink and still manage to make it look sophisticated and beautiful and not like Hello Kitty threw up everywhere.

  "Jane I forgot to ask you earlier if you know anything about how an extra fifty thousand dollars mysteriously found its way into my personal banking account."

  She doesn't even have to say no. Her slack jaw hitting the floor is enough to tell me she has no clue either. "You are serious?" she asks on a laugh.

  "I would never joke about that kind of money." Strumming my hands across her desk I concave to the idea of having to call the bank. They are going to think I have lost my mind. Seeing the shocked expression on her face I snap, "Don't look at me like that. There has to be a simple explanation. They probably put someone else's deposit into my account by mistake. I will call the bank this afternoon and have them look into it."

  Alex knocks on the door and sticks his head in. "Babe I have to go. I need to speak with you a minute?"

  "Ok, be right there."

  Turning back to Jane I say, "Don't forget about gym tonight. I need a distraction and hoping you might try rock climbing with me."

  "You have lost your mind. You now I am terrified of heights. What happens if I get up near the top and can't get down?"

  "I will save you," I giggle flexing my biceps as I follow Alex out of the room and back towards the front reception area.

  He pulls me into a bear hug and as I press my nose up against his neck inhaling his clean scent. Just being around him like this helps me relax.

  "Roger Gibbons is taking your case and will calling you later to get some more details about your dad. I am dropping the watch off to him on my way back to work so he can see if he can pull any prints off of it and find out more information on its origin." I am half listening and half panting as begins raining kisses down my neck and jaw line. "He is a personal friend and one hell of an investigator. He will find out what you need."

  An array of emotions runs through me. Happy, appreciative, irritated, stunned. I appreciate his wanting to help but he always goes about it the wrong way. I do not need him always playing the hero and trying to fix everything. I just wanted a name. A simple name. Not for him to orchestrate the whole investigation and make me the bystander in my own life. Huffing I take a few deep breathes to calm my nerves before speaking.

  "I appreciate the help but next time butt out and let me handle it please," I hiss. "Roger will answer to me Alex. Me not you, understood?" I stand back glaring holes into him trying to get my point across and the bastard starts laughing. I give up!

  "You're adorable when you're mad," he says kissing the tip of my nose. "Dinner tonight love?"

  "Sorry, no can do. I am going to the gym with Jane and Jax," I say soundly. "I have lots of work to do Alex. I will call you later." I know I sound like a bitch but I swear he brings it out of me. I glare at him once more as I stomp towards my office cursing him under my breath. He makes me want to kick and scream like a child having a tantrum. No one as handsome
as him should be so annoying. I hear him chuckle once more than the chime on the door dings indicating he left.

  True to his work Roger calls later in the afternoon and asks questions about where my dad was living, when he left us, what cemetery he was buried at, and so forth. He said he already had a few leads and was hopeful to have some concrete information by the end of the week. As stupid as it may seem I really hope it is my dad's watch. Mom kept everything my dad left and refused to let me have anything. Just having the pocket watch this last week helped me feel closer to him.


  I glare at the receptionist.

  "What do you mean my membership is already paid?" The young brunette girl on the other side of the counter is not finding my raised voice endearing. Wrinkling her nose up at me once more she looks back at her computer.


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