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Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin

Page 24

by Catherine Ferguson

  ‘I can’t go now. He’ll still be in bed.’

  ‘Still making excuses?’

  I grin at her, my heart beating wildly. ‘Fine. No more excuses.’

  ‘Yes!’ Ruby springs off the bed and crossing to the wardrobe. ‘Right, outfit for seduction,’ she murmurs. Her eyes light on my favourite, fairly low-cut top. Pulling it out with a pair of skinny jeans, she plonks the clothes on my bed. ‘I’ll get you a cuppa while you get ready.’

  ‘Er no, it’s fine, thanks.’ I’ve experienced Ruby’s tea. You could stand a spoon in it. And to be honest, my stomach is in such an uproar, I doubt I could get anything at all past my lips.

  Ruby gives me a thumbs-up and wanders out.

  I collapse back onto the propped-up pillows, thinking. Alex’s flight is at three this afternoon, so he’ll have to be at the airport for around noon, I guess – assuming that the flight isn’t cancelled because of the weather. So I’ve got plenty of time if I want to catch him before he goes.

  Less than an hour later, I’m in the hall getting into my coat, scarf and boots, ready to walk along to the hotel through the snow. Ruby, still in her pyjamas, is there with her arms folded, making sure I actually go.

  When I open the door, a blast of freezing air rushes in, cooling my flushed cheeks. The intense cold brings me to my senses. What am I doing?

  ‘Good luck,’ says Ruby, practically pushing me out into the snow. ‘I’ll have everything crossed for you.’

  I love walking through untrampled snow, making those very first footprints. We’ve had a new covering overnight, so my trudge along to the hotel turns out to be quite satisfying and takes my mind off what’s coming up.

  In fact, I have no clear idea at all of what I’m going to do when I get to the hotel. I tell myself I’ll let instinct decide.

  The trouble is, the closer I get to the hotel, the more I’m starting to suspect that my instinct must have buggered off on its annual Christmas break. Because I still have no idea what I’m going to say to Alex.

  If he’s still there.

  In the car park, a couple of staff are working to clear the snow, and thankfully, Alex’s car is still there. With five days of snow piled up around it, he won’t be going anywhere very soon. I approach the hotel entrance, my heart thumping wildly, thinking that I could always just go in and order a coffee in the bar area, and wait to see if he appears.

  But then I get cold feet all over again and find myself walking round to the ice rink instead. Perhaps I’ll just hide out here for a bit, out of sight of the main entrance, then head back to the cabin.

  Because what the hell am I doing here anyway? If it wasn’t for Ruby psyching me up with her crazy ideas …

  I lean on the cushioned barrier, recalling the times over the last two weeks that I’ve stood in this exact spot, watching the skaters, chatting with Poppy. And remembering Alex trying to teach me to skate. Mostly, I remember the fun. The falling down, the being helped up and all the laughter.

  Ruby’s right, I think sadly. We had great banter …

  Tears prick my eyes. If we’d left it at that, I’d have had some lovely memories. But I’d have been spared the deep ache inside that’s been plaguing me for the past few days at the thought I might never see Alex again after today …

  Because it’s impossible not to keep thinking about the great chemistry we have – a connection that I may never have with anyone else ever again.

  Swallowing hard, I make my decision. I’m going to speak to him. Tell him how I feel. Stop chickening out like I always have in the past …

  Feeling determined now, I walk round to the hotel entrance and over to reception. And I ask to be put through to Alex’s room.

  The receptionist checks, frowning. Then she looks up. ‘I’m so sorry. But Mr Webster checked out half an hour ago. He couldn’t get the car out, so he decided to walk across the fields with his backpack to his friend’s place – the one who owns the restaurant?’ She smiles. ‘I guess he’s fit enough to do it but I still don’t envy him hiking across all that deep snow!’

  Panic flutters in my chest. ‘You mean the restaurant at the Enchanted Forest?’

  She nods. ‘That’s the one. Apparently it’s right on a main road, so his friend’s going to give him a lift to the airport.’

  ‘Right, thank you very much.’ I attempt a smile but I’m dying inside.

  That’s that, then. I’m too late.

  Alex has already gone …

  Chapter 35

  When I arrive back at the Log Fire Cabin, I realise that – thanks to the daze I was in when I left – I forgot to take my key.

  But when I ring the bell, Ruby comes straight to the door, which makes me think she’s been hanging around waiting for me, wanting to know exactly what happened with Alex.

  My face tells her everything. But she still asks a dozen questions.

  Was Alex still there? Am I just going to give up? Or am I planning to go after him?

  I answer her with as much patience as I can muster, but all I really want to do is run upstairs to my room, pack my belongings and escape back to the flat and Flo. She gets back from New York today and it will be so good to talk to her about the ups and downs of the past few weeks.

  If I tell Flo that Alex was just a silly crush, I might be able to convince myself it’s true. Then I can forget about him and move on …

  ‘You’re not really just going to give up, are you, Roxy?’ Ruby’s face is contorted with amazement.

  I sigh and say, ‘Ruby, you might have the energy to trudge through about five fields that are knee-deep in snow, but I’m afraid I don’t. I know when I’m beaten.’

  I trail wearily up the stairs and, finding Poppy reclining on her bed, go in to chat. I tell her all about my abortive trip to the hotel and I can tell she’s really disappointed for me.

  ‘Never mind. Don’t give up.’ She smiles encouragingly. ‘You never know, Alex might come back again next Christmas.’

  But we both know she’s just trying to cheer me up.

  ‘Where’s Ruby?’ she asks.

  ‘No idea. She was here a moment ago.’

  Poppy nods. ‘She was supposed to be making hot chocolate. Never mind, shall we have a chat about the business?’ she suggests, I guess to take my mind off things.

  So we go down to the kitchen and Poppy starts making hot chocolate while I arrange some leftover mince pies on a plate. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to thoroughly enjoy one again after the hundreds I’ve made these past few weeks – but it gives me something to do.

  ‘I normally cook and bake from home,’ Poppy says, ‘but I’m wondering if we should find ourselves some small premises somewhere. Make it into a real business, if you like.’

  I laugh. ‘Great idea. But it’s a real business already, isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes, I suppose it is.’ She grins. ‘But it still felt a bit like a hobby when I was doing it myself, even though I was earning good money. I just think that with you coming on board, it will be proper and official, and we’ll be able to—’

  The end of her sentence is drowned out by a loud noise outside.

  ‘What on earth …?’ She crosses to the window and looks out over the lake. ‘There’s nothing there,’ she shouts as the noise continues. ‘It must be at the front.’

  We go through to the hall and open the front door.

  And then we find out what Ruby has been up to.

  ‘The snowmobile?’ I gasp in amazement.

  We watch open-mouthed as she manoeuvres very niftily between the cars and comes to an abrupt standstill by the door. She switches off the engine and blessed silence reigns once more.

  ‘Well? Are you going to hop on board, Roxy? There’s room for two!’

  I turn to Poppy and laugh incredulously. Then I frown at Ruby. ‘You’re honestly thinking of transporting me over to the Enchanted Forest on the back of that thing? Do you think I’ve got a death wish or something?’

  ‘Not a death wish – but
definitely a wish,’ says Poppy. I turn and she grins. ‘To see Alex again before he leaves?’

  ‘You think I should go?’ I squawk in astonishment. ‘On that?’

  Poppy shrugs. ‘Depends how much you want to see him,’ she says with a sly smile.

  ‘Oh, come on!’ says daredevil Ruby, a glint in her eye. ‘It’s fantastic fun. You’ll love it. And I know a super-fast way to get across country to the restaurant. I’ve already done the route with Sam.’

  A bubble of excitement is expanding inside me. ‘I’ll just get my coat!’

  ‘And your scarf and gloves and boots because, when we’re flying along, it’s freezing!’

  ‘God, I hope he’s worth it,’ grins Poppy, helping me into my armour against the arctic wind.

  I smile happily. ‘He is. Do you think we’ll get there in time?’

  Oh, please let me get there in time!

  ‘With Ruby at the wheel, do you really need to ask that?’ laughs Poppy.

  With a grimace of apprehension, mixed with excitement, I climb on the back and before I can say, Don’t go too fast, Ruby guns the engine and we’re off with such a jolt, I’d be tumbling off the back if I hadn’t already realised it might be wise to hang onto Ruby as tightly as I can.

  The exhilaration as we roar across fields and along country lanes, previously untouched by man or beast, is so incredible, I’m squealing and giggling all the way. Luckily, I doubt I can be heard above the whirring of the snowmobile’s motor.

  Still holding on tightly and peering round Ruby at the way ahead, I can see the restaurant coming into view as the icy wind whips at my hair and cheeks. Ruby was right. This way really is fast – almost as the crow flies! We’re going to be there in no time and, desperate as I am to catch Alex, I almost wish this journey could go on for longer!

  But, almost before I know it, we’re there.

  Ruby steers the machine into the huge Enchanted Forest car park and comes to a standstill near the entrance to the restaurant, parking the snowmobile on what would be the grass verge if we could actually see it under the carpet of snow.

  ‘Go find him!’ she orders with a big grin.

  I stagger off, my legs as wobbly as jelly, and make a half-hearted attempt to smooth down my hair. After the wildest ride of my life, I must truly resemble a scarecrow the morning after a heavy drinking session.

  Then I think: if Alex is really fond of me, will he care what my hair looks like?

  ‘I’ll wait for you in case he’s not here,’ says Ruby.

  ‘Great!’ I wave and start trudging through the snow towards the restaurant. It’s hard-going because it’s so deep, and I can’t believe Alex has walked the entire distance from the hotel. I was watching out for him all the way, but either he was taking a different route or he arrived ahead of us.

  The restaurant is deserted but Alex’s old friend, Graeme – who I recognise from the night we came here for dinner – pops his head round the swing doors to the kitchen when he hears me come in.

  ‘Hi, Graeme. Is Alex here?’ I ask.

  He gives me a friendly smile but shakes his head and my heart sinks into my flat-heeled boots. Surely I haven’t missed him?

  ‘I’m giving him a lift to the airport,’ Graeme explains, ‘but I’ve got a job in the kitchen to do first, so he said he’d have a wander outside.’ He grins. ‘Sorry I can’t be more precise. But he won’t have gone far. Try the forest.’

  ‘The forest?’ Oh God, do I need the snowmobile again?

  ‘The Enchanted Forest next door,’ he clarifies, pointing.

  ‘Ah! Okay. Thanks, Graeme.’

  Breathing deeply to steady my frantic heartbeat, I head out of the restaurant, bumping into Ruby coming in.

  ‘Is he here?’ she asks.

  ‘Graeme thinks he’s in the Enchanted Forest.’

  She nods. ‘Well, off you go!’ She shoos me away like a mother hen.

  Grinning, I walk across the car park, turning back to see where Ruby is. The restaurant door has been left open and I can see her in conversation with Graeme. Probably hoping to charm him into letting her have a hot chocolate on the house!

  I take the snow-logged path that leads to the fabulously festive Enchanted Forest winter wonderland. The scent from the pine trees is so uplifting, and as I walk over the little bridge, I’m already guessing where I’ll find Alex. The little clearing in the forest, strung with twinkling lights. It’s like a magical hideaway inhabited by cosy woodland creatures from a child’s book of fairytales.

  I quicken my pace, almost slipping on the slope at the other side of the bridge. I can see the beautiful clearing and the breathlessness I’m feeling isn’t simply because I’m hurrying. Pausing outside, I take a deep breath and walk in.

  Alex isn’t there.

  My insides lurch with disappointment.

  I stare up at the thousands of starry lights in the trees above me and breathe in the aromatic scent of the forest.


  I spin round.

  Alex is standing there at the entrance, staring at me as if he can’t believe his eyes.

  ‘Hi, Alex.’ My heart is thumping so fast, it feels as if my ears are vibrating. ‘I … um … was hoping to catch you before you flew back to Australia. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.’

  He glances behind him. ‘Is Jackson here?’

  I sigh in frustration. ‘Will you please shut up about Jackson? I honestly don’t care if I never see him again. I apologise for talking that way about a friend of yours but it’s the truth.’

  Alex laughs. ‘You’re not with Jackson. Message received, loud and clear.’

  I shrug. ‘We weren’t right for each other … in the end. It took a while for me to realise it, though.’

  He nods slowly as if he’s processing this, his eyes never leaving mine. ‘So the other night? You said it was a big mistake. I have to say, that killed me.’

  I shake my head, emboldened by his confession. ‘We weren’t the mistake. The biggest mistake was me telling you we were a mistake when I actually didn’t mean it at all.’ I frown, confusing myself, never mind him. ‘If you get my meaning?’

  He smiles in that lazy, heart-stopping way of his. ‘Amazingly, I do, Roxy.’

  ‘That’s good, then.’ I smile shyly at him, shuffling slightly forward so the gap between us grows smaller.

  ‘It is.’

  ‘So when’s your flight?’

  ‘What flight?’

  ‘What do you mean, what flight?’

  ‘It’s an open ticket. I might decide to stay for New Year.’

  I swallow hard. ‘So … what might make you change your plans?’

  His beautiful green eyes lock onto mine, sending a visible shiver through my whole body. He’s so close now that if I reached out, I could touch him.

  ‘Are you cold?’ he asks at last.

  I laugh uncertainly. ‘Er, are fir trees green?’

  He grins. ‘I’m guessing you might need a hug. Just to warm you up, of course.’

  ‘You guessed right. So … what you’re saying is, you’re willing to change your travel plans in order to keep me warm today?’

  He shrugs. ‘Beyond the call of duty, I realise, but it’s in a good cause. Would you agree?’

  ‘The best cause ever.’

  ‘I was hoping you’d say that.’ He steps forward and slips his arms around me, pulling me towards him. Then he envelops me in the biggest, closest bear hug ever, and we stay like that for a while, revelling in the closeness. Little fireworks are going off in my head and I’ve never in my life felt this level of blissful happiness.

  ‘You’re the most amazing, gorgeous, cute girl I’ve ever met,’ he murmurs into my hair. ‘And you’re funny as well. Killer combination.’

  My heart soars at his words. ‘I’m very glad you think so. I feel the same about you.’

  ‘Yeah?’ He pulls away to look into my eyes and my whole body melts. ‘I think I fell for you that very first time I saw
you at the ice rink.’

  I laugh softly. ‘I think it was me doing the falling. On my butt.’

  ‘See? Funny.’ He pulls me closer with a big sigh, snuggling me inside his coat so I can hear the thud of his heartbeat and feel the lovely warmth of his body.

  Then his mouth finds mine and our embrace becomes more frantic and intense. We sink down onto the wooden bench at one point, misjudging it slightly because we’re so wrapped up in each other.

  I cling onto him, laughing, as he only just manages to stop me falling off. Then we sit there, close together, his arm firmly around me, my head resting on his shoulder, just breathing in the wonderful Christmassy scent and staring up at the fairy light stars.

  And then something amazing happens.

  The pattern of stars suddenly changes and delivers a message.

  Roxy and Alex. Together forever.

  ‘Oh my God!’ I gasp in amazement, unable to believe my eyes. ‘Did you do that?’

  He laughs softly. ‘I’d love to say I did. But no, it wasn’t me.’

  ‘Hang on.’ I smile, remembering Ruby chatting to Graeme in the restaurant. ‘I have a feeling I know who’s responsible. She may be only seventeen, but she’s very wise for her age. She’s forever surprising me.’


  I nod.

  ‘So did she get it right?’

  His warm breath brushes my ear and I give a little shiver of pleasure. ‘Together forever?’ I turn to him with a shy smile. ‘I think she got it spot on.’

  And then we kiss and the message fades back to stars, and I know that, wherever Alex decides he’s going to live, from now on, I’m going to be right there beside him …

  Loved Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin? Then why not head back to very beginning with Poppy and Jed …

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  Can love flourish amongst the treetops?

  A funny, feel-good read from Catherine Ferguson.

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