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Neptune's Ring

Page 28

by Ali Spooner

  Vanessa raised her hips as Levi’s tongue entered her wetness and she slowly rolled her hips against her lover’s eager tongue as Levi licked and savored Vanessa’s body. She rapidly lost control of her body and was soon flooding Levi’s face with her sweetness as her hands clutched the bed linens.

  “Holy shit, that was intense,” Vanessa said as she held Levi in her quivering arms.

  “You missed me just a bit, huh?” Levi teased.

  “I missed you more than just a bit,” Vanessa said, then covered Levi’s face with soft kisses.

  “I love you, Vanessa,” Levi whispered.

  “I love you too,” Vanessa answered as her fingers stroked through Levi’s hair. “Will that be enough to hold you until tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Yes, my love,” Levi said as she laid her head on Vanessa’s shoulder.

  Her hand cupped Vanessa’s left breast and Levi drifted off to sleep with the most beautiful smile on her face.


  The next morning, Levi woke to the sounds and smells of breakfast being cooked. She found herself alone in the bed and got up to put on a robe before walking into the kitchen. Vanessa and Nat were busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Vanessa said. “Did we wake you with all our noise?”

  “No, darling, my body said it was time to get up when the smell of bacon reached my nose,” Levi said as she reached for a slice that Nat already had cooked.

  Nat smacked her hand. “Stay out of that,” she said with a grin.

  “Ouch, you brute, just wait until I tell Liz on you,” Levi teased.

  “Hah, she was the one that taught me I couldn’t sample until the meal was done,” Nat quipped back.

  “You might want to consider sticking to coffee while she has a spatula in her hand, baby,” Vanessa said as she handed Levi a mug.

  “You are probably right.”

  “How do you ladies want your eggs?” Nat asked.

  “There should be some fresh bagels in the refrigerator, so I think I would like a scrambled egg and bacon sandwich,” Levi said.

  “That sounds good,” Nat said.

  “Make it three and I will toast the bagels,” Vanessa said.

  Levi climbed up on a barstool at the kitchen counter. “I could get used to this.”

  “Get used to what baby?” Vanessa asked.

  “I could get used to having two gorgeous women in my kitchen cooking me breakfast,” she teased.

  “Oh, geesh,” Nat said.

  “What?” Vanessa said.

  “I had forgotten that we were supposed to go to town with Cat for breakfast,” Nat said.

  “Damn, you are right, I had forgotten too,” Levi said. “Better skip the eggs then and we will just have a bacon sandwich.” She looked at the clock to check the time. “We can work up an appetite in four hours,” Levi said.

  “Alright Vanessa, get to toasting,” Nat said.

  “Yes ma’am,” Vanessa said as she sliced three bagels and dropped two of them in the toaster. “Who wants juice?” she asked.

  “I do please,” Levi said.

  “Me too,” Nat said.

  Vanessa opened the door to the refrigerator. “I hope you like apple, Nat,” Vanessa said.

  “Apple is fine,” she answered.

  Vanessa poured three large glasses of juice while they waited for the bagels to toast. When the bagels popped up she placed them on small plates and dropped the remaining bagel in the toaster. She handed the plates to Levi and Nat. “You two get started and I will be right there,” she said.

  Nat and Levi carried their plates and juice over to the small breakfast table and began building their sandwiches with the bacon Nat had cooked. When the final bagel was toasted, Vanessa joined them at the table.

  Nat looked out the window as the sun began to rise. “After we eat, you and Vanessa need to shower and dress, before we go to the resort,” she said.

  “You think?” Levi teased. “I thought we would go down with our robes and bed head.”

  “I think what Nat is trying to say is to get the lead out of our feet and get moving,” Vanessa said.

  “No funny business in the shower this morning then?” Levi asked.

  “If you two need some private time, I can go to the resort by myself,” Nat said, suddenly feeling guilty.

  “I don’t think so,” Levi said. “I can’t wait to see your faces.”

  “No steamy shower then this morning,” Vanessa said.

  “I will have to wait until later tonight,” Levi said with a pout.

  “I am sure you will survive,” Nat said as she cleared the table. “Off to the shower now, you two.”

  Vanessa took Levi’s hand and led her back into the bedroom. “I think Nat may be just a little excited,” she said. “We better hurry then.”

  Nat poured another cup of coffee and stepped out onto the porch. She watched as one of the flat keel boats arrived at the harbor and then reappeared moments later, empty except for the boat driver as the boat was taken across to the mainland to pick up the next load.

  Carlos was on the first that arrived at the island and he and the men unloaded the furniture that they assembled the previous night and carried it into the two semi-completed rooms. Once the dressers, tables and chairs joined the handcrafted beds, the rooms nearly jumped to life. Another wave of men arrived at the resort and carried in two love seats and two large area rugs to complete each room. Carlos had secretly planned to decorate the rooms with the additional furniture which would surprise even Levi.

  He had seen lights on in the house and knew it would not be much longer before Levi would be coming down the hill, so he and the men worked quickly to finish the rooms. Word of what Levi had done for Celeste spread quickly through the small town and her reputation as a heroine was rapidly growing.

  “Are you ready?” Levi asked as they finished dressing.

  “Almost,” Vanessa said as she stood in front of Levi. “I need one more thing.”

  “What is that?” Levi asked innocently.

  “This,” Vanessa said as she took Levi’s face in her hands and kissed her sweetly.

  Levi sighed when Vanessa broke the kiss. “I need many more of those.”

  “You will have all you can handle later tonight, I promise,” Vanessa said.

  “That is a promise I will definitely enjoy,” Levi teased as she reached for Vanessa hand. “Let’s go, before Nat starts hunting for us.”

  Nat had poured each of them a travel mug of coffee and was waiting for them on the porch. She could hear the pounding of hammers and soft whines of power tools coming up the hill.

  “Let’s walk,” Levi said.

  The three women started down the hill and saw the buzz of activity going on at the resort. Carlos walked out of the resort’s front door just as they were arriving and his smile brightened when he saw Nat and Vanessa with Levi.

  “This is a fantastic surprise,” he said as he hugged Nat and Vanessa.

  “We heard about all of Levi’s excitement and decided we had better come over early to check on her,” Nat said.

  “I am very glad to see you, but Levi has done amazing things. She is now somewhat of a celebrity in town,” Carlos said, making Levi blush.

  “Is that so?” Nat said.

  “Very much so,” Carlos said. “The word of her bravery and intelligence had spread quickly through town.”

  “Enough of this,” Levi said. “Are you ready to give Nat and Vanessa the tour?” she asked.

  Carlos smiled warmly at Levi. “Yes I am. Ladies if you will follow me, please,” he said.

  Carlos entered the resort, followed by Nat, Vanessa and Levi. He led them down the hall way to the first of the guest rooms and opened the doors.

  Nat walked in first, followed by Vanessa and then Levi who turned to grin at Carlos. “Nice surprise,” she said.

  “I could not resist assembling the furnishings for these first rooms to give y
ou the best view possible of what our rooms will look like,” he said.

  “A very nice touch,” Nat said. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” Carlos said smiling that the ladies were pleased with his work.

  Vanessa walked over to the bed and marveled at Roberto’s artwork. “This is amazing,” she said to Levi.

  “Isn’t it though and every headboard will be unique,” Levi said.

  “He does brilliant work,” Vanessa said.

  Nat stood in the center of the room and turned in a slow circle as she gazed at the room. “I am very impressed with the quality of the work, Carlos,” Nat said.

  “Thank you, Nat,” Carlos said with a beaming smile.

  Nat walked into the bathroom and was even more impressed. Each tile and counter edge had been meticulously caulked and edged, leaving a seamless connection to the walls. This room had a claw foot tub and a large walk in shower. She turned to Carlos. “I would be proud to be a guest here,” she said, giving Carlos the ultimate compliment. “The workmanship of your men is fantastic.”

  “Thank you, Nat.”

  “No, Carlos, thanks go to you and your men,” Nat said.

  For two more hours, Carlos showed them the different phases of construction on the rooms and discussed the schedules for completion. When they walked back outside they could see several men working on staining the pool bar which would be finished by the end of the day. When they walked into the night club, Nat was shocked by the number of cartons of furniture that still needed to be assembled.

  “I see we have our work cut out for us,” Nat said.

  “I could hire a few more men for a week and have everything assembled,” Carlos said. “There is no need for you ladies to tackle this project unless you just really feel like you need to.”

  Nat looked at Vanessa. “I don’t know about you, but I think Carlos has a great idea,” she said.

  “I am sure we could find other things that we need to do instead,” Vanessa said.

  “We need to start assembling some artwork for the rooms and the resort,” Nat said. “Levi has some great photographs I would like to have blown up, but we need so much more and we haven’t even begun to equip the kitchen.”

  “Why don’t you let Levi and I work on the artwork and you can concentrate on the kitchen,” Vanessa said. “Just give us a budget and we will check out the local market and internet,” she said.

  “Either Cat or I can take you over to Morales about thirty miles away,” Carlos said. “There is a wholesale equipment vendor there that can get you equipped fairly quickly.”

  “That sounds good,” Nat said.

  “Levi you will need to select an office and have it furnished as well,” Nat reminded her.

  “I have a few ideas for that already,” Levi said with a smile.

  “Good then, I think you should hire a few extra men, Carlos,” Nat said with a smile.

  As they walked back out into the sunlight, they heard a small motor and turned to see Cat arriving in the boat. Roberto and an older woman were with her. The small group walked onto the dock to meet them and Vanessa helped Cat moor the boat as Carlos assisted the women out of the boat.

  “Good morning everyone,” Cat said very cheerfully.

  “Levi,” Roberto said, “this is Celeste’s mother Julia.”

  “I am very pleased to meet you,” Levi said.

  “Likewise and I wanted to thank you for all that you did for my baby girl,” Julia said.

  “She was a lovely young woman,” Levi said.

  “I was wondering if I could ask a favor,” Julia said.

  “Anything,” Levi said.

  “Celeste talked often of her small garden and I wonder if I could see it?” she asked.

  “Most definitely,” Levi said. “I know Celeste would be proud for you to witness her handiwork. Roberto, would you go up the hill and get the cart for us?” Levi asked.

  “Of course, I will be right back,” he said as he darted up the hill.

  “This place is looking very beautiful,” Julia said.

  “Carlos and his men are doing a great job,” Levi said.

  “Why don’t we go back inside and take a look at that kitchen,” Carlos suggested.

  “We will be back in a little while,” Levi said as she and Julia walked toward the bottom of the hill to meet Roberto.

  “Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to talk to me,” Julia said.

  “I am honored to meet you,” Levi said. “Celeste was a beautiful young woman and she loved you dearly.”

  “She was my baby and my favorite,” Julia said. “I know mothers shouldn’t have favorites, but there was something so special about her.”

  Roberto arrived with the cart and drove the up the hill and parked in front of the house. Levi noticed Julia frown when they walked past the house and she walked her quickly to the path leading to the garden. As they stepped into the clearing Julia smiled when she saw the small garden that her daughter had created.

  “Celeste loved the brilliant colors of flowers,” Julia said as they walked closer. “I can imagine her bent over these flowers for hours as she cultivated the soil and trimmed off the dead flowers.”

  Levi remembered Van Buren’s journal entries describing what Julia had just said and she pushed his thoughts out of her mind.

  “Celeste was very proud of her garden and asked that I do what I can to keep it growing and healthy,” Levi said.

  Julia looked at Roberto who nodded his head.

  “Would you allow Roberto and me to tend to her garden?” Julia asked.

  There was no way Levi could deny Celeste’s mother this request. “I think Celeste would be very pleased to know that the two people she loved the most were looking after her garden.”

  Julia smiled warmly. “We will make plans to come over every Saturday then to tend her garden,” she said.

  “I must insist on one thing,” Levi said. “You must allow me to purchase the supplies you need to keep the garden as vibrant as Celeste would have kept it.”

  Julia started to protest, but Levi said. “You are providing the loving labor, the least I can do is provide the supplies.”

  “Very well,” Julia said. She walked closer and began to survey the condition of the garden.

  “Would you mind if I steal Roberto away for a few minutes?” Levi asked.

  “Not at all,” Julia said.

  Levi and Roberto walked off just a short distance. “I wanted to ask you for a few things,” Levi said.

  “Sure, what can I do for you?” Roberto said.

  “Three things actually, first, would you build a wooden bench for Celeste’s garden for all of us to be able to sit and enjoy its beauty.”

  “That will be easy enough. What else?”

  “I would like for you to come over next week and take a look at the room that will be my office at the resort. I would like for you and your father to build my furniture for the office.”

  “Will Tuesday be a good day?” he asked.

  “Tuesday would be perfect.”

  “My final request must be a total secret,” Levi said. She leaned forward and whispered her third request in Roberto’s ear and watched as his smile grew wide.

  “She would love that,” he said. “I will make it very special,” he promised.

  They walked back to the small garden. “Are you ready to leave for today Mother?” he asked.

  Julia smiled back at Roberto. “Yes, but can we come back tomorrow and start weeding and tilling?” she asked.

  “Yes, just let me know what time,” he said.

  Julia looked at Levi.

  “You are welcomed any time you want to come,” she said.

  “Early then I think Roberto before it gets too warm,” Julia said.

  “I will meet you at seven,” Roberto said as they walked back to the cart.

  They rode down to the resort and joined Cat, Vanessa and Nat for the ride back to the mainland. Julia smiled the enti
re ride across the water and when they stepped off the boat she hugged Levi tightly.

  “Thank you again, for everything,” she said.

  “You are very welcome,” Levi said. “I will see you tomorrow then.”

  Roberto and Julia walked away as Nat and Vanessa secured the boat.

  “Have you ladies worked up and appetite yet?” Levi asked. “The diner has some killer omelets.”

  “I think I can eat two,” Vanessa said.

  Levi looked at Cat who was smiling at her.

  “My love, I don’t think even you with your hearty appetite can eat two of these,” Levi said with a grin.

  “Let’s go see then,” Vanessa said with a challenge in her voice.


  The next month and a half went by quickly as the resort came to life. Levi and Carlos had plans for a huge pre-opening cookout for the construction crews and their families and as the Saturday of the cookout approached, the island buzzed with excitement.

  Cat and Cass had become very close and Cass spent as many nights on the mainland as Cat did on the island as their relationship blossomed. Nat, Liz and Vanessa would arrive on Friday and would stay the entire weekend. NeNe would also be moving into the house in preparation for the grand opening the following weekend and she Levi and Cass would concentrate on training the new staff on their duties.

  Reservations had gone well and the opening weekend and the next two months were already booked solid, much to Nat and Levi’s delight.

  The final walk through and inspections on Friday went well and the crew was given the afternoon off. Levi and Carlos made plans to begin cooking early the next morning while Cat and Cass assisted Sara with the deserts and side dishes she was requested to provide. Liz and Nat were in charge of the corn boil and would cook nearly three bushels of corn before the day was out.

  Carlos finished up Friday by bringing over a large grill and ample wood to smoke the different meats they would be cooking on Saturday. Levi helped him get set up and gave him a big hug before he left.


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