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Neptune's Ring

Page 29

by Ali Spooner

  “Here we go,” Levi said. “I can’t believe we are almost opened for business.”

  “You are ready and you will have the best resort in this part of the world,” Carlos said.

  “We could not have accomplished everything without you and your crew,” Levi said.

  “It was a pleasure working with you and I hope we will have future business together,” he said.

  “I think we will be putting in some private cottages after a year or so and who knows what else we may decide on,” Levi said. “Don’t be surprised if Nat asks you to do some remodeling at Venus Rising in the very near future.”

  “I would like that,” Carlos said.

  Levi walked Carlos to the boat and with a goodbye and a promise to meet him at seven the next morning they parted and Levi walked up the hill.

  When she walked into the house, her friends were sitting in the large parlor having cocktails. She walked over and sat in Vanessa’s lap.

  “Hiya, baby,” she said as she kissed her lover softly.

  “We were just contemplating a trip to the steak house,” Cat said.

  “I could go for some red meat,” Levi said.

  “Let’s finish our drinks and we can head over to the mainland then,” Cat said. “I will call the taxi service for a van so we can all ride together in comfort,” she said as she walked to the phone.

  “Are you and Carlos all set for tomorrow?” Vanessa asked.

  “Yes, I will meet him at seven to start the fire and our first boat load of guests should begin to arrive at ten,” Levi said. “The pool has been filled and there is an ice cold keg of beer, chilling in the pool bar.”

  “It sounds like you have everything covered then,” Liz said.

  “I think so and if not I am sure we can improvise,” Levi said. “Let’s go eat ladies, I am starved.”

  “You heard the lady, let’s roll,” Nat said.

  When they returned from the mainland later that night, everyone but Levi and Vanessa walked up to the house.

  “I want to see your office, now that the last of the furniture has arrived,” Vanessa told Levi.

  “Tonight,” Levi asked.

  “Yes, baby, tonight if you don’t mind.”

  “No problem,” Levi said as she fished her keys out of her pocket.

  They walked through the front lobby to the large office Levi had selected for an office. She turned on the light and her new home sprung to life. A leather- bound love seat and coffee table sat across the room from a large hand carved teakwood desk. Roberto had wasted no time in creating the furniture for Levi and her office was beautiful beyond belief. Vanessa had a half dozen of Levi’s photographs blown up and framed and they graced the walls of her office. A duplicate of the photograph they had taken on the Sappho was also framed and perched atop one of Levi’s bookcase shelves.

  The laptop Levi had ordered was sitting on the desk and she noticed that it was still open and turned on.

  “That’s strange,” Levi said.

  “What is baby?” Vanessa said.

  “I know I turned the laptop off before I left the office,” Levi said as she walked behind the desk and moved the mouse. When the screen came to life, Levi saw a message left for her.

  “Top left hand drawer,” was on the screen.

  Vanessa moved next to Levi as she read the message and watched as she opened the drawer and her eyes came to rest on a small wooden box.

  Levi looked at Vanessa and back at the box.

  “Open it baby,” Vanessa said.

  Levi’s fingers were shaking as she reached for the box. She carefully opened the box and her eyes grew wide when she saw the beautiful diamond ring resting there.

  “Will you marry me?” Vanessa asked.

  Levi stared in shock at the diamond that glowed back at her. She remained mute as she stared at the ring.

  “Baby, did you hear me?” Vanessa said.

  “What? I am sorry Vanessa what did you say?”

  Vanessa knelt down on one knee before Levi and said. “Levi, will you marry me?”

  “Oh yes, Vanessa,” Levi said as she leaned forward to kiss her lover.

  A chorus of “hoorays” came from the small patio leading off Levi’s office and her friends came through the sliding glass doors.

  “Congratulations you two,” NeNe said and was quickly followed by the rest of the group.

  Vanessa took the box from Levi’s hand and lifted the ring from its resting place. She took Levi’s right hand and slipped the ring on her ring finger as the tears began to flow down Levi’s face.

  “A perfect fit for a perfect love,” Nat said as she patted Vanessa on the back.

  Vanessa wiped away Levi’s tears and kissed her softly on the lips. “Would you marry me next Saturday as part of the grand opening festivities?” Vanessa asked.

  Levi looked up at Vanessa with tears still glistening in her eyes. “Yes, baby, I will.”

  “We have a wedding to plan ladies,” Liz said. “Let’s move up to the house and let the lovebirds have a few private moments,” she said.

  Everyone left the room except for Levi and Vanessa. Vanessa kissed her deeply. “I have put in my notice with the cruise line and will be here with you permanently in a month,” Vanessa said.

  “Oh baby, are you sure that is what you want to do?” Levi asked.

  “I am very certain, Levi and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Vanessa said as she kissed her sweetly.

  Levi embraced Vanessa and her tears returned shaking her body as Vanessa held her close.

  When Levi’s tears subsided, she and Vanessa closed up the office and walked up toward the house.

  “I love you,” Levi said.

  “I love you too,” Vanessa answered.

  When they entered the house they found their friends in the parlor planning the wedding. Cass was making notes and assignments on a legal pad.

  “Okay, Cat will order the wedding cake and flowers,” Cass said.

  “We should have enough food from the grand opening and we will order champagne for the wedding party,” Liz said.

  “Would you like the ceremony in the resort garden?” Vanessa asked.

  “Yes, I think that would be proper,” Levi said.

  “What will you wear?” NeNe asked.

  “I think Vanessa should wear her dress whites,” Levi said. “She is unbelievably delicious in those.”

  “And you, what will you wear?”

  “I think I will go to town and see what I can find on this short notice, but probably a simple white dress,” Levi said.

  “We get to see you in a dress?” Nat teased.

  “I think the occasion calls for something other than shorts and a tropical shirt,” Levi said with a chuckle.

  “I would marry you regardless of what you choose to wear,” Vanessa said.

  “Aww, I think she really does love you,” NeNe said.

  “I think you are right, NeNe,” Levi said with a warm smile and a kiss to Vanessa’s cheek.

  “What’s not to love about you?” Vanessa said. “You are beautiful, brave, intelligent and loyal.”

  “Okay Romeo, we get the point,” Nat said.

  They sat up and made wedding plans late into the night until the yawns began and they agreed to retire for the evening.

  Saturday morning arrived and Levi slipped quietly out of Vanessa’s arms and into the shower. She dressed and poured a cup of coffee before she left the house to meet Carlos. He was just arriving as Levi reached the bottom of the hill, so she walked to the dock to meet him.

  “Good morning, Levi.”

  “Good morning, are you ready for today?” she asked.

  “As ready as I can be,” he said with a warm smile.

  They started the fire and began setting up the tables they would use in preparing the meat and other’s that would be used for serving. Carlos and Levi worked well together and she felt sad that their working relationship was coming to an end.

sp; “So, what is next for you?” Levi asked.

  “A few small projects that should keep me busy through the remainder of the fall and then Nat and I have discussed starting renovations at Venus after the first of the year,” he said.

  “That is good news and then when you finish there, maybe we will be ready to start on the cottages here,” Levi said.

  “That would be wonderful,” Carlos said.

  Vanessa arrived an hour later bringing them bacon filled bagels and coffee. “I thought you might need some food to keep you going,” she said.

  “Thank you sweetie,” Levi said.

  She and Carlos took a short break and ate the breakfast Vanessa had brought them. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked.

  “You can help me pull out the pool chairs and check supplies at the pool bar,” Levi said. “Just let me use the rest room and I will be right back.”

  Vanessa and Carlos watched Levi disappear inside the resort.

  “I noticed a new piece of jewelry on Levi’s hand this morning. Did you have anything to do with that?” Carlos asked.

  “Yes, I have asked Levi to marry me next weekend as part of the grand opening ceremonies,” Vanessa said.

  “Congratulations, you have a remarkable lady,” Carlos said.

  “Yes, I know, but thank you,” Vanessa said. “I hope that you will join us,” Vanessa said.

  “I would not miss it for the world,” Carlos said.

  “Thanks,” Vanessa said. We don’t have time for formal invitations, but we would be honored to have you join us,” Vanessa said.

  Levi walked back out to where they were sitting. “Are you ready baby?” she asked.

  Vanessa stood and walked toward Levi. “We will be back soon,” Levi said then they walked to the pool.

  They prepared the pool for guests and checked the drinks they had placed on ice before leaving yesterday. “Why don’t we carry more ice down to cover these drinks a little more,” Levi said.

  They went to the night club and carried several buckets of ice to the pool bar and successfully covered the drinks. Levi closed the door to the club and looked up at the empty spot above the door and smiled.

  Levi heard a small motor and smiled to see the first of their guests arriving on a keel boat. Liz, Nat, NeNe, Cat and Cass were also coming down the hill and walked to the docks to greet their guests as Levi and Vanessa returned to the grill.

  “I guess we had better get to cooking,” Levi said as she and Carlos began piling meat onto the large grill.

  NeNe had been assigned to work the pool bar and monitor the safety of the pool, while Nat and the others greeted the guests and monitored the rest of the food arriving from the island. Vanessa would stay with Carlos and Levi and act as a gopher if something was needed until it was time to boil the corn. She sat on a small stool and watched as Levi and Carlos began cooking.

  Families continued to arrive and the rest of the food was delivered from the mainland as the festivities began. Carlos and Vanessa were slaving over the grill as the guests played in the pool and enjoyed a beautiful day. Levi looked up and saw Roberto and Julia arrive and walk down the dock. Roberto was carrying a large object concealed in white cloth and he smiled when he caught Levi’s eye. She watched as Roberto disappeared into the night club and returned a few minutes after depositing his gift.

  Cass, Cat, Liz and Nat served the guests and thanked each one for the hard work they had put in to finish the project. When all the food was cooked, everyone settled down to eat and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere. Carlos and Levi fixed a plate and join their friends at a table.

  “I am so glad you and Roberto decided to come,” Levi said to Julia.

  “Thank you for inviting us,” she said. “You have made us feel like a part of the family,” she added.

  “You both will always be a large part of the island,” Levi said.

  “Vanessa shared your good news with us,” Roberto said. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. We don’t have much time to plan, but I am sure the ceremony will turn out beautiful. Cat and Cass have been a wonderful help in making the arrangements,” Levi said. “I expect the two of you to be there,” she said.

  “We will,” Roberto said.

  Levi went in search of Vanessa and found her tossing kids into the pool. “Hiya baby,” she said. “Having fun?”

  “Yes, but I am going to be so sore tomorrow,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, I will work the soreness out for you,” Levi said with a smile.

  Levi looked back and saw Julia and Cat talking. The smile growing on Cat’s face made her wonder what they could be planning, but an excited scream in the pool brought her attention back to the mob of children surrounding Vanessa.

  When she turned around again, Julia and Roberto were in deep conversation. She was about to walk over to them to see what was going on when Nat’s voice broke the air.

  “Welcome friends and family,” she said. “I hope that everyone is having a great day and is getting plenty to eat. I have been told that there is a special dedication being made today and I would like Levi and Roberto to join me.”

  The crowd clapped as Levi and Roberto walked to the front where Nat was standing. Levi nodded at Roberto who walked inside the night club and returned with the package he had brought earlier.

  “As you all know, Celeste met an untimely death here on the island,” Levi said and watched as the crowd nodded with sad faces. “Her spirit and love for this island will truly never end, so Roberto and I have decided to make a memorial to her spirit. We have decided to name the Night Club “Celeste’s Garden” in honor of Celeste and her love of beautiful things,” Levi said.

  Levi nodded at Roberto and he removed the cloth wrapping from the object he was holding. Roberto had carved a sign to hang above the club’s entrance. Next to the name of the club, he had carved the image of Celeste tending to her garden and it was so life-like the crowd was stunned.

  Cat stood up from her seat and began to clap her hands, bringing the crowd out of their stupor and soon everyone was clapping. Carlos brought out a ladder, some nails and a hammer and he and Roberto hung the sign above the door.

  Carlos stepped inside and flipped a switch and two lights lit up to illuminate the sign and Celeste’s face came to life again at that moment.

  The crowd was hushed by the beauty of the face looking back at them. “She was beautiful,” Liz said as she placed her arm on Julia’s shoulder.

  “Yes, she was,” Julia said.

  An hour later, the crowd started to thin and clean up began on the island. Roberto and Julia thanked the group for inviting them to such a wonderful event and then left the island.

  It was near nightfall when the clean up was finished and Nat and Liz used the cart to haul the leftover food up to the house. Carlos was the last to leave the island and he and Levi walked to the boat. He hugged Levi close. “I will see you soon,” he said.

  “Goodnight, Carlos,” Levi said. “Thanks for such a wonderful day.”

  “We did a good thing,” he said with a grin.

  “Yes we did,” Levi said. She smiled as Carlos backed out of the harbor heading to the mainland.

  Levi joined Vanessa and taking her hand, they walked up the hill to the house to join their friends.

  “That was an amazing day,” Liz said as Levi and Vanessa joined them on the porch. “Have a seat and I will get you both a beer,” Liz said.

  Vanessa sat down on the top step and leaned back against the railing and Levi sat between her legs and leaned back against her chest. “I don’t know about you ladies, but I am whipped,” Levi said.

  “You worked hard all day long cooking and seeing to others, baby,” Vanessa said.

  “Yes, but wasn’t it great?” Levi said with a smile.

  “That looks like Carlos coming back,” Cat said.

  They turned to look across the water and there was a boat returning to the island. “He must have forgotten something,”
Cass said.

  “I guess we will see shortly,” Cat said as she kissed Cass on the cheek.

  NeNe had been talking on the phone with Killian and stepped out onto the porch. “It looks like we are about to have company,” she said. “Killian says to tell everyone hello,” she said and sat down beside Nat.

  Liz returned carrying beers for Levi and Vanessa and returned to her seat.

  “I think I will drive down to the harbor and see what is up with Carlos,” Cat said.

  “Hurry back, sweetie,” Cass said as they watched her step onto the cart to head down the hill.

  “I don’t think I have seen you smile this much in a long time,” Liz said to Cass.

  “She makes me so very happy,” Cass said.

  “It looks good on you too,” Levi said.

  Cass blushed slightly and then all eyes turned to the path as they heard the cart coming up the hill. Cat was bringing Carlos, Julia and Roberto in the cart and pulled to a halt in front of the house.

  Carlos looked at Levi and shrugged. “I got back to the mainland and found them waiting for me,” he said.

  Roberto and Julia approached the house with Roberto carrying a large box.

  Julia sat down in front of Levi and took her hand. “You have been so wonderful to us,” she said. “When Roberto and I heard of the plans for your wedding to Vanessa next weekend, we had an idea,” she said.

  “Celeste and I were to be married in three months when she disappeared,” Roberto said. “She and Mother had already made her dress and we would like to offer it to you to use for your wedding,” he said. “I know Celeste would be proud to have you wearing her dress,” he added.

  “You have been so busy here and there is no time to have another dress made for you, so we would be honored if you wore this,” Julia said as Roberto opened the box and carefully removed the dress.

  Levi was speechless. The dress was beautiful. She looked at both Roberto and Julia with tears in their eyes and there was no way she could say “no” to their generous offer. “Are you sure?” she asked Roberto.

  “This dress is too beautiful to remain in a closet,” he said. “I would be proud to see you wear it,” he said.

  “I will agree with one condition,” Levi said.


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