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Page 3

by Tina Engel

  The doors to the kitchen swung open and out came Eagle carrying a tray of something and Trevor following behind carrying a pot of coffee. Trevor; my favorite leprechaun fey, short and stocky with tattoos everywhere, where I could see anyway, was Captain Adam Banks’ cook and became a special friend when we were on the fishing boat, on Lake Erie.

  When Trevor spotted me, he immediately put down the coffee and hurried over to me. Our embrace was that of affection and joy, I hadn’t known if I would ever see him again. As we parted, he took my hand and did the traditional fey greeting, forehead to the back of my hand thing and then he gazed at the ring on my finger, the one he gave me before we parted ways in the past.

  “Princess Emilee, the ring fits perfectly.” He said, a glimmer of pride crossing his face. “Has it helped you on your travels?”

  I shared with him briefly about the storm we were in, how Stephan DeMill tried desperately to get us and the injuries we sustained. I also shared how I believed the ring helped me to heal Brett’s illness, after our bloods mixed from our injuries.

  Douglas then cleared his throat rather loudly, letting us all know that he was ready for silence so he could speak. Douglas did have a way to get everyone’s attention.

  As we all gathered around Douglas, Angelina came over to where I was sitting. She sat down next to me and took my hand in hers, squeezing it slightly, and as I looked at her face she had a heartfelt smile. I was sure, it was to let me know, she was sorry for being so gruff earlier.

  Brett was standing across from me, next to Eagle, and they were being a bit rowdy. Douglas gave them both a stern look, asked if they had something to share with the rest of us, and if not to please shut up. (Yes, he said, shut up). They both had looks of shame on their faces, as if getting in trouble by the teacher. I chuckled, Rose giggled and over in the doorway, a voice said, “Boys will be boys!”

  We all looked over to see Lily, meandering in like a cat who couldn’t care less. Douglas stood up as if she were someone special and as soon as he did this, a look of uncertainty crossed his face, momentarily, and then it was gone. His authoritarian presence was back, and he sat down. I think I was the only one who caught this and Douglas gave me a look, as if to say, not now Emilee, and then he looked away.

  Lily went over to a corner away from the rest of us and sat down on the floor. She turned into her domesticated cat form and proceeded to clean herself. She looked up at me once and I swear she winked and then went back to her bath.

  Douglas took a sip of water and then said, “There are many here who have questions, lots of questions, and it is time for some to be answered. I will share with you all what I can at this time and then I expect everyone to let the rest be, for the time being.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but before I could say anything, Douglas put up his hand to stop me. I stood then, not wanting to be silenced. (I was tired of being treated like a child.)

  “Go ahead Emilee.” Was all Douglas said with a sigh, looking a bit weary. (I think I exhaust these fey, at times).

  “You’re an elder, a member of the council and have been for a long time, isn’t that true?” I asked in a respectful tone.

  “Yes, Princess Emilee, I am.”

  “Then you must have known all along who I am, and that Jordan was alive and who he is, and that Angelina is my mother, and you could have fixed all of this a long time ago, couldn’t you?” (Yes, I was babbling again. Okay, I felt like a child).

  Douglas got up from the table, glanced at Lily and then walked over to a porthole and gazed out. All was quiet, as we waited for him to speak. I looked over at Angelina and then Jordan, and they both had looks of anxiousness on their faces. The pain they both had endured all these years would be explained, I hoped, but would the answers to these question make any difference now, one way or the other.

  Douglas turned, went back to where he had been sitting, and started, “Emilee, there is a lot that I know and have known for a very long time. We all have a destiny of sorts but some of us need a little help along the way, to ensure that we get there.

  “Every living creature has many roads that are set before them on their journey of life. We all have free will and can choose which road we want to take. Every road gives us a different route on our journey, to our finale destination.

  “Some take the road that looks the easiest, from what they can see, but this road is usually filled with more obstacles and challenges than they realize. Some roads lead to dead ends and then you must go back, start over and pick another road.

  “I was given the task to ensure that a certain fey’s destiny was not interrupted or destroyed. In doing so, I had to make sure that several fey were set on the proper road in the beginning. There was no time to sit back, wait and hope that these fey chose wisely.”

  Douglas had been staring off into space as he was talking but then turned his head to look at Angelina as he said, “Yours was one of them.”

  He looked to Jordan, saying, “And yours was another.”

  Angelina and Jordan looked at each other and then Angelina turned to Douglas and asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Your destinies were written for you both, long before you were born. Angelina, I was given the task of taking you to the fey couple who would raise you as their own, to keep you safe until the time came for you to begin your role in Emilee’s future.”

  Angelina let out a soft gasp as she opened her mouth to speak but Douglas put up a hand to stop her, turned to look at Jordan and said, “And I was the one who took you to the Orphanage so many years ago. You, Jordan, were not a fey who had broken laws and had your memories erased, becoming a baby again to start your life over. You were brought there to be protected until the time came for you to begin your role, to meet Angelina and, well, you know the rest.”

  Jordan’s face had a look of horror and then anger as he stood in a rage. It was Adam who quickly stood, went to Jordan and putting both hands on his shoulders, suggested he stay calm and let Douglas continue.

  Adam had a way with Jordan, they were more brothers than friends, because of the years they spent together, with Adam always stopping Jordan from finding someone to kill him, and Jordan helping Adam with his many adventures, be it on land or waters.

  As Jordan sat back down, Adam turned and asked in a slightly humorous tone, “I suppose my journey has been tampered with a bit too then, me being around to stop Jordan from getting himself killed?”

  Douglas chuckled softly and this eased some of the tension that was filling the room.

  “Yes, all in this room were guided down paths that they may have not taken, at the proper time, when it was needed. Some of you made decisions however, that did change things slightly, but that is for another time.”

  Jordan, with a calmer attitude asked then, “Why did we need to be protected and from who or what?”

  “The Dark One!” Was all that Douglas said as he stood up and walked back over to the porthole and again gazed out as if looking for something.

  Douglas turned towards Lily then as if waiting for her to do or say something. She looked up at him after a moment or two as the silence was getting uncomfortable for all.

  Lily transformed into her fey form and said in a patient but authoritarian manner, “You are doing fine Douglas. So far you haven’t shared anything that I would have to fix, so please continue.”

  I looked at Lily confused about what she had just said, and as she looked directly at me, our eyes met and I was transported to my dream world; the wheat field, the large tree, the raging ocean behind me and my grandmother’s voice saying, “Emilee, listen and learn.”

  Then I was back in the room, on the ship, with my friends and family around me. Lily gave me a sly smile, went over to a chair, away from everyone, and sat. She had a slight shimmery glow around her, and as I looked around at everyone, they didn’t seem bothered in the least. Did they see what I was seeing, I wondered?

  “Sit, everyone.” Lily said, “and please continue, Dou
glas, you’re doing fine.”

  Douglas continued in a gruff voice, seeming to be a bit annoyed, “There’s not much more to tell at this time. Angelina and Jordan, you both know now that you are Emilee’s parents. You were brought to the places in which you were raised, by me, and we are all here to help Princess Emilee reach her full potential and complete her destiny. Without her, this planet, and all that live in the many dimensions which share this planet, will perish.”

  Brett asked, with a scowl on his face. “Have I been just a pawn in this game you seem to be playing with this strange woman, who is calling Emilee home, and who Angelina said she kept seeing? I’m guessing it is the same woman, is it Emilee’s grandmother?”

  Brett and Douglas both stood then as Douglas bellowed, “Don’t you give me attitude youngster. You play a role in the survival of this world and you should be grateful for it.”

  “Grateful!” Brett yelled, “Grateful for what? Almost getting myself and my friends killed numerous times, lives lost who have helped us along the way, finding out that my brother is alive and is working for the Dark One? I would rather think him dead. And falling in love with someone who I may not be permitted to be with, when this is all over?! Grateful?!”

  Brett’s eyes were full of anger as they widened when he said the last part. He looked at me with flushed cheeks.

  I felt embarrassment, desire and fury as his eyes pierced mine, our thoughts were connected for a moment, and then he shut me out, closed his eyes and turned away.

  As I took a step towards him, my mother grasped my hand to stop me. I looked down at her as she sat on the edge of the chair, as if getting ready to stand and hold me back, if need be.

  Douglas said, gently but firmly, “Brett, that is enough. Sit and I will explain more.”

  Brett turned his head, looking at Douglas with hate in his eyes and then turned back towards the door and stormed out, slamming it behind him.

  I looked around the quiet room at everyone, and no one knew what to say. Everyone’s eyes were down, looking at the floor, uncomfortable with what had just happened, it seemed. Douglas was still staring at the door where Brett had stormed out and Lily was looking at Douglas with a look of frustration on her face.

  Lily broke the silence then, saying, “Well that went well!” And she got up from her chair, and left the room.

  I stood then and headed in the direction of the door, as I moved away from Angelina, her hand slipped from mine, she had no intention of holding me there. I wouldn’t have let her if she had tried. I left the room quietly, leaving the remaining fey to discuss whatever they wanted, it made no difference to me. (He loved me, Brett loved me), was all that was in my mind.

  Chapter four


  It’s all different now.

  It will never be the same.

  Sometimes knowledge

  Isn’t what you want,

  But you must take it


  I didn’t know where I was going as I headed down the hall and up the stairs to the top of the ship. It was a large ship and it took me a while to find the doorway out to the fresh sea air. I wasn’t looking for Brett or Lily and didn’t want to talk with anyone. I needed to be alone, to try to make some sense of what I had just learned. I knew that everyone was struggling in their own way, with the knowledge they had just received, but I didn’t care at the time. I just needed to get away.

  As I opened the door to the sea, I saw Brett and Lily talking quietly. I walked in the opposite direction and headed to the front of the ship, to see where we were heading. It didn’t really matter, but I wanted to see the direction in which Proteus’s home was. The walkway was along the edge of the ship, with just a steel railing that kept me from the waters far below.

  I stopped walking just a short distance from the front of the ship, went over to the railing and grabbed hold as I looked down. I thought about what Brett had said, he loved me but we may not be together at the end of this journey. It was all I could think of. It filled my entire being.

  I had to get away, somewhere, where I could grasp all that I had learned. I had to get away. Then, I did just that. I stepped up onto the lower bar of the railing and swung a leg over the top one, to sit there on the top bar. I leaned forward and gracefully (I might add) let myself go, down to meet the sea.

  I made a slight splash in the great waves and I let myself sink down, not afraid, not excited, feeling nothing really. Sometimes feelings complicate things, make it more difficult to see reason, to see the logic in what is going on. So I allowed myself to feel nothing as I drifted down, deeper into the magnificent sea, with my eyes closed.

  I could feel my body tingling slightly and as I brought water into my lungs, I could feel the pleasure, my entire body was singing as the water touched every cell, nerve, every part of me.

  As I opened my eyes, I saw the underwater world of Terrafirma with colors so vivid. Everything had a life form in it and I saw them all, from the smallest larvae and plankton, to the largest grey whale, several of them, coming towards me.

  I was nowhere near the bottom, it was deep and dark down below. I looked up, saw the sun shining in the world above, causing the water to sparkle, showing every tiny bit of life all around me.

  As the whales approached me, they were talking to each other, questioning what they were seeing (me of course) but they didn’t know who I was, could I be the one? I felt a presence behind me, and as I turned to look, I saw sharks, Hammerhead sharks, menacing in looks and all talking at the same time.

  “Who is she? What is she? Dinner? Snack? Play toy?” So many voices coming from the school of sharks.

  As the biggest shark approached me, I held out my hand, not in protection, but in an offering of kindness. I wasn’t afraid. I knew somehow, I could protect myself and didn’t want to hurt these animals. The shark changed then, into its fey self, large, muscular and striking.

  From behind me, one of the grey whales, said, “She is the princess, the one. No harm shall come to her.”

  I turned to look at them, and from behind one of the whales, came a smaller one. Not small at all, compared to me. It was a baby and it came right up to me and let me touch it.

  As I was petting this sweet creature I could still hear the ramblings from the sharks, “Just a taste? How do we know she is the one? Dinner?”

  I turned back in the direction of the sharks just in time, as one of the smaller sharks passed the one who had turned into a fey, swimming at me in a frenzy. I put my hand up in front of me, the hand with the ring that Trevor had given me, and a flash came from the ring, a bolt of light that struck the shark. It was still, laying over on its side and then started to float down, down to the cold, dark depths.

  All the other sharks turned into their fey bodies, and had looks of horror, anger and fear on their faces. I knew it was dead. I had killed a living creature, not meaning to, but I did.

  The grey whales were there, one on each side of me then, not turning into fey, but staying in their large, whale bodies.

  One of them said, “She is the one, not to be trifled with. Go now before anyone else gets hurt.”

  The largest shark, the leader and elder of the bunch (I knew somehow) came up to me, took my hand, did the fey greeting and said, “My apologies, princess. We didn’t know you were here yet. That was a young pup, inexperienced and hungry.”

  This fey had a strange look in his eyes. It was a deceitful look and I didn’t trust him at all. I was polite though, not wanting to let on how I was feeling. I shared with him my sorrow for killing the young shark, but this fey didn’t seem to care that it was dead. At that, he turned back into his shark shape, the rest did the same, and they swam away.

  I watched them go down to the darkness and disappear. One of the whales told me that these waters were not safe for me to be alone in, and I should call on them when I wanted to enter. They would be following the ship and would be here to help as long as I needed them.

  From abo
ve came movement, and as I looked up, there was Brett, swimming down to reach me. Brett had a look of panic and anger in his eyes, panic for my safety and anger, that I was being irresponsible, I assumed.

  “Emilee!” Brett spouted, in my mind, of course. “What do you think you’re doing? Can I not leave you for an instant without you getting into trouble?”

  Brett had a look of impatience on his face and I became immediately angry. But angry at what, I wondered; Brett for storming out of the room, for saying what he said, the predicament that we were in, the uncertainty of my future? Maybe it was all of it, but I just knew I was angry. I had just killed a creature, a living being, and I felt sick about it.

  “Trouble?!” I yelled, “I can’t seem to get into trouble these days. Trouble seems to find me without my help. Maybe these so called gifts that I have been given, are a magnet for trouble.

  “I just killed an innocent creature! Okay, so it wanted to eat me, but that is beside the point. I didn’t even mean to, or want to. I didn’t think about killing it, but I did. It just happened.

  “How can I trust myself with anyone around me with these gifts, or curses, since they seem to have a mind of their own?

  “Trouble! Trouble, you say?”

  And at that, I turned and started to swim down to the darkness. Maybe that was where I belonged. Maybe I was a dark fey after all.

  Then, as I reached the boarder of the darkness and light, Brett said, “Emilee, please stop. You’re not a dark fey and you don’t belong there. Please!”

  I stopped and turned to look up. Brett hadn’t moved from the spot where I had left him. The grey whales were where they were moments before. No one moved. I stared at them and then back down to the darkness. I felt such despair and loneliness.

  My thoughts went back to what Brett had said. He loved me but we couldn’t be together in the end. Why? I wondered.

  “Emilee, please come back, it will be okay. I shouldn’t have left the way I did.” Brett pleaded. Then I heard, “or I will come down there and drag you back, if I must!”


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