Light of Darkness
Page 3
“Come inside,” I said as I flicked on the house lights. What an unusual experience, I thought. However, I kept on, inviting the two men into my home with no real reason why except for the calming presence of the man whose hand I had just shaken. If it were not for his magnetism, I would not have agreed to let the two gentlemen inside. I, at once, folded up my phone and slid it back down into my pocket. My body was in a trance-like state, still feeling the effects of the handshake with the goliath of a man.
I quickly took the men into my dining area and pulled out two other chairs to allow them to be seated. At that point, as the two made their way to the chairs laid before them, Asbeel darted toward the light switch and quickly flicked it off. At once, the room was in complete and utter darkness, except for the flicker of streetlight that provided a small ray of illumination throughout the room. As the three of us stood there, in the darkness, an eerie coldness came over my body. I felt as if someone or something had begun to slowly suck the very life from within me.
Then, another strange thing transpired. Because the room was still dimly lit, I could see that the short, once stocky man had become larger. As a matter of fact, he appeared to be growing with each passing second in the darkness. He became so big that he now looked to be as large as the hulk of the man standing next to him. At that moment, I found myself unable to think clearly, unable to form a cohesive thought. My mental faculties were in complete and utter disarray.
It was a strange occurrence to be in such a state, but before it could last any longer, the giant man with the calming presence quickly stepped toward the wall and forcefully switched the lights back on. The room was again flooded with light, even brighter than it had been before, it seemed. The eerie feeling I had felt in the darkness slowly began to subside. Oddly, the short, stocky man who had appeared to have grown in the darkness returned to his regular size. Surely, some kind of trick was being played on my eyes. Nevertheless, my clear mental thinking began to return once more, and I continued toward my seat.
As we sat down at the table, I asked the stocky man if he preferred to be called by anything for short, as a nickname to Asbeel, to which he quickly shook his head “no.”
“But I do prefer to have the lights off, if you don’t mind,” he added, his eyes squinting against the light. I pretended not to hear him, as the request seemed very odd. The man was so short that his feet dangled from the floor. He looked at me again and repeated his request—this time with more force.
“I prefer to have the lights off, if you don’t mind,” he said again. I paused, thinking once more as to how I could accommodate the request. I then turned my attention to the large man next to him and curiously asked him his name.
“Michael,” he replied.
“Michael. Great. Do you oblige if we honor this man’s request?”
Michael shook his head. It was the most movement I had seen from him up until that time. “As long as I am here, the lights will remain on, thank you,” he stated as he took his gaze directly to Asbeel. “If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed,” he added.
What an odd thing to say. Without really understanding the statement, I nodded in approval and then posed my next question to both men.
“Would you care for anything to drink? Perhaps a cup of tea?” I had not the slightest idea what such men as these would prefer for a beverage.
“My only objective here,” the stocky man said, “is to answer the questions within this letter, per the request of my Adversary.”
“The Governor of the Light?”
“That is correct.”
“Okay,” I responded. I waited for a moment; however, Michael did not answer, so I averted the question. “Well then, let’s not waste any more time. Let’s get right to it.” I briefly looked over the sheet he had handed me as one other very basic question came to mind.
“Any objection to the recording of this meeting?” I inquired of both men.
Michael turned to me and nodded “yes” in approval. “If that will help you recall our conversation, by all means, please do.”
“Very well,” I said. I placed my recorder on the table, hit the red button, and inched it a bit closer to both men. I then leaned forward in my own chair, preparing to pepper the man by the name of Asbeel first with the questions from the sheet.
What followed, I must say, was an utterly incredible conversation, at least in my own subjective opinion. I wish others, like you, could have been there. I have typed and formatted our engagement below so as to be easily legible by you and others interested in its contents.
Before you turn this page and begin reading the interview beginning with the man by the name of Asbeel, I should add that the legitimacy of the stocky man and the titan of a man is of little-to-no importance to me and should not be to you. Perhaps I am a victim of the effects of either habitual daydreaming or sleep deprivation, for I must admit, given my poor sleep history, I have not been immune to such in the past. What is important, however, is both men’s prediction and analysis of their impact on the world and the stocky man’s agenda in the world events to come. Both men provided a thorough assessment of the very questions I posed to my Father on the night of December 9, 2019.
Many, after reading it, may ask, “Is the text below simply a concoction of your imagination?” That I do not know. What I do know, however, and what I can say for sure, is that I vividly recall a very interesting conversation with the two men, one who specifically described himself as an adversary to the “Governor of the Light.” It is very much a worthwhile read, and perhaps, it might prepare you for the age and season that is to come, as it has for me.
For light is to darkness what love is to fear; in the presence of one, the other disappears.
Chapter 3
Transcript of Interview with Asbeel, “Prince of Air”
Whereupon the following proceedings were in the dining room of my home, in the city of Boise, the early morning of December 31, 2019, and were transcribed late afternoon on December 31, 2019.
Ebenezer O. Makinde
Asbeel, “Prince of Air,” aka “Mr. Prince”
Michael, “Chief Archangel of the Heavenlies,” aka “Michael”
Official Court Reporter: None
Ebenezer: Well, good evening, Mr. Prince. I have chosen to call you Mr. Prince. Do you oblige?
PRINCE: Hello. Good evening. For the sake of this interview, whatever you choose to call me is of little importance. Many people call me and my wonderful master by many different names, but regardless, our job and mission remain the same—because we are one...
PRINCE: Is it me, or is it bright in here? Why not dim the lights just a bit, shall we?
Ebenezer: Ok… excellent. I shall ask you concerning the mission you reference later. And I am sorry, but I, too, like Michael, would prefer that the lights remain on. Nevertheless, you have indicated that you are prepared and ready for the interview, so we shall proceed. The first question I have for you is this: Please explain to me in detail the reason for your presence here this evening.
PRINCE: I, specifically, am here at the request of my Adversary. I had no choice if I was to be permitted to bring about what I’ve been commissioned by my master to induce in your society in the coming months. My plans will soon be impacting every crevice of your earthly globe. Very well, perhaps the darkness will become more appealing to you at another time.
Ebenezer: Okay… could you please first begin by… (cough) first, begin by explaining to me the major differences between yourself and your Adversary?
PRINCE: The major difference between my Adversary and myself is that first and foremost, my master has at his control the systems of this world, as we currently know it. My Adversary rules the light, and I help rule the darkness. Both light and darkness, my Adversary and I exist in the world system—which you and your people call Earth. Other
than that, our missions are the same.
Ebenezer: Thank you, Mr. Prince. When you speak of these systems, which systems are you referring to specifically? Please name them.
PRINCE: I refer to all the systems that readily come to your mind. The banking system, the healthcare system, the financial system, the government and political system, and the entertainment system. These are the major world systems that currently encompass my mission, our mission—for I and my master are one.
Ebenezer: I see. And of these systems you speak of, which of these are you most fond of? And which do you possess the greatest degree of control and influence over?
(Extended Silence)
Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, did you hear what I said? Would you like me to repeat the question?
PRINCE: No, I’ve heard you. You will have to excuse me—these questions, I might say, are quite whimsical and redundant in nature, for my Adversary knows very well my tactics. Anyway, there are currently just under eight billion people that occupy any one of these systems on this planet you all call Earth. But it is only through a single system that I wield my greatest influence over all the others and the people within them.
Ebenezer: And which system is that, Mr. Prince?
PRINCE: Unfortunately, I don’t believe that is one of the questions you are permitted by my Adversary to ask me, Mr. Ebenezer. Is it?
Ebenezer: Uh… You are correct, Mr. Prince. It is not.
Ebenezer: Then please tell me about this mission you speak of. The mission you and those you work with seek to accomplish.
PRINCE: Our mission, and even that of my Adversary, is simple. We seek to rule the masses through the indoctrination of principles. This is the crusade we constantly engage in.
Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, if I understand you correctly, your master and ultimate ruler is the devil himself, is that correct? And if you work on the side of darkness and your Adversary is the light, then you are at war with God? And your war is one of principles?
PRINCE: I would very much prefer that you stick with the list before you. Although I am under no obligation to answer this, your observation and conclusion are correct. My master and I are one. I work under the being that has waged war with God, and we are in battle over the principles that govern the systems of this world.
Ebenezer: How and why would war be waged over mere principles? What do principles have to do with ruling the systems within the kingdom of this world, as you speak of?
PRINCE: I see we are back on track—to the questions that have been permitted, that is. But it is because of the mistake made by my Adversary…
Ebenezer: Mistake?
PRINCE: Yes, mistake. His error involves the one thing that He cannot and does not control. The most dangerous gift my Adversary gave man is none other than the human will. My Adversary intended to use the free will etched into the mind of man to fulfill His purposes on your Earth; however, giving man the power of choice means that a man or woman can freely exercise that right—to choose.
Ebenezer: Did you just say that God Himself is at the mercy of His own decision? To provide the human race with the power of will?
PRINCE: You have heard me correctly. A silly mistake by my Adversary, if you ask me. This is an actual fact.
Ebenezer: And who would you claim is winning this war? This war between the darkness and the light?
PRINCE: Oh! How silly a question! I will answer you anyway since I am under orders by my Adversary to be under such catechism… but first, I will ask you this. Which humans control the spread of information in your world, and how do they go about executing that control?
Ebenezer: Well, any new event is covered and disseminated through the news by the various media outlets. Any time a new event happens, they gather the information and release their the world
PRINCE: And why do they control the narrative?
Ebenezer: Well, Mr. Prince, I would have to say I do not know. Up to this time, I’ve never thought much about that.
PRINCE: I will tell you why. They control the narrative because it is the most effective medium for the proliferation and dissemination of my ideals. That is why the majority of our time in this war against light is spent maintaining control over the few mediums that ultimately shape and control the narrative that you Earth Dwellers consume. To you and other humans, it may appear that a large multiple of media companies influence this flow of information; however, this is not true. Even in this age of global connectivity, any medium that controls the distribution of information and the self-distribution of information can easily be silenced as long as I maintain a strong grip on the larger ones. With this, I control news stations, newspapers, publishing houses, Internet, utilities, videogame developers...
Ebenezer: Aha. So, it may be said that the entertainment medium is the channel by which your greatest influence and control over the masses is birthed.
(Extended Pause)
Ebenezer: Mr. Prince?
PRINCE: This is my response to your statement, a response I am offering out of my own selfish generosity. Many, many years ago, the war between my Adversary and I began when the will of man was appropriated for the first time. At that time, the thought of man was perfectly in line with my Adversary—whatever He communicated to him in the form of thought and information was received with all certainty to His apex of creation called man. At that time, my darkness had no control over any Earth Dweller; however, the capacity to receive darkness based on the mistake of my Adversary was still present—it had just not been activated. With only light for thought and as the sole source of information, everything that man did was without confusion, destruction, unpleasant emotion, or distress. It was a sick world, to say the least. His ability to create objects and artifacts that developed this planet in a healthy, orderly manner remained completely intact and was destined to expand, given the instruction by the Adversary to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the entire Earth. My Adversary enjoyed complete control over the heart and mind of man during that time. It was then that my team, headed by my master, sought to develop a plan to gain control of the man through the control of his thought.
Ebenezer: I understand. Thank you for such a thorough explanation. So, in short, you seek to control the thought of man through the control of principles disseminated through various mediums.
PRINCE: If I were to assess the accuracy of your statement, I would find no flaw within it. It seems you excel in dumbing down information—a great weapon for wielding influence over the masses. My master and I could use you. How about I give you my card, and we chat sometime later? The pay is quite handsome.
Ebenezer: I’m not in need of a new position, but thanks. Now tell me more about your group that rules the darkness. I’d like to know more. Please proceed.
PRINCE: Shucks. Well, fine. But to understand us, you must first understand the word “principle” and its meaning. The word is derived from the root word “prince,” which simply means “first law.” In this world which we seek to control, we operate under principles, or first laws, just as does our Adversary. For through the manipulation of this law, the dissemination of this distortion, and the consumption of it through various mediums by you humans, we are able to expand our kingdom. Our kingdom can be found wherever and through whomever—even those that choose not to acknowledge us! You have perhaps seen our kingdom in many places and in many forms, and it is evidenced by things like hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and sexual immorality. We specialize in and love disseminating “new” first laws throughout all our mediums related to these distorted principles. And we’ve found that they are readily accepted by many and covertly accepted by those who are unaware of our tactics. Very few find themselves uninfluenced by our control.
Ebenezer: These very few, the ones that remain uninfluenced by your contro
l... who are they? And by the way, your kingdom, as you’ve described it, is one that I am, in fact, aware of—if it truly is as you’ve described it.
Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, Michael is not a part of this interview, and he cannot answer or speak for you, so please turn both your attention and eyes to me and address me only, for I am not finished with your questioning.
PRINCE: Lower your tone with me, Ebenezer, or I will have you crawling in no time through the use of my tactics like an ailing, sick dog—tail between its legs. Remember, my master and I are one. Who are they that remain uninfluenced by my control, you ask? Those that pledge their full allegiance to my Adversary, not in word, but in action and deed as well. For those who express their allegiance only through creed are some of my greatest instruments for furthering and expanding my control over your earthly systems. Those who find themselves free from my control accept and guard the principles given by my Adversary, principles by which I have put all my effort into distorting or controlling. These men represent the repulsive principles of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Under these principles, my many tricks and tools are made to be of little-to-no effect. However, as I have stated, the scale has and will continue to tilt in my favor. In the favor of my master’s kingdom and not theirs.