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Light of Darkness

Page 4

by Ebenezer O. Makinde

  Ebenezer: Mr. Prince… Mr. Prince, as I said before, please address ALL of your responses to me and not to Michael, for I am the one conducting this interview, and I am the one you must respond to. I am not afraid of you, and I will speak to you as I please. Now, will you further tell me about your tactical, operational strategy for the expansion of your kingdom?

  PRINCE: Hmm, no fear, huh? I don’t believe it in even the slightest. To understand my tactical strategy, you must look at it in its simplest form, when my master first deployed it with the first man and woman many, many years ago. It is a very straightforward strategy, I might add. As I have stated, he simply took the original principle given by my Adversary and reintroduced it to man in a slightly altered form. With his craftiness and persuasion, man believed it. Doing so that first time was fairly easy, but had it not been accepted, my master and I would have repeated, repeated, and repeated the distortion of the original principle until it was. Eventually, my master and I would have had our way with man. Eventually, we would have gained complete, uninhibited control over man’s thought pattern or belief.

  Ebenezer: Okay… (inaudible). It appears that belief by your victim is important to your success, if not your ultimate goal. Define belief as you see it, for it appears this may be the tipping point in the battle against your Adversary for these earthly kingdoms you speak of.

  PRINCE: By this interrogation, or whatever you might call it, you are exposing my master’s greatest secret—my greatest secrets, for as you know, my master and I are one. I understand why my Adversary has forced our representation here. You say you’re not afraid, but you are only quite lucky that Michael is here to protect you. Or else you, my friend, would undoubtedly be the next victim of my tricks. As a matter of fact, I renege on the previous offer. I don’t believe you are fit at this present time to take any responsibility from me, let alone my master. But I will begin answering your question by first making this statement: There is no way to violate a principle made by my Adversary and survive. We that rule the darkness live by, operate by, and wage war by this rule. Belief is nothing but a man’s conviction. My goal, as I have stated, is to inundate individuals with new first laws that are against my Adversary’s. It is my goal to not let a man think how my Adversary believes he is supposed to think, or else my fellow comrades and I will fail. So how do I do this? I keep the chains on their minds and change their beliefs one small precept and principle at a time. I have workers in all systems of the world that are there to distract the masses through the dissemination of principles that are counter to the light. As a man thinks in his inner mind, so he is. The inner mind is the one below the conscious mind. A man is whatever he believes to be in his inner mind. If I can control the inner mind of the human, I have won. I control the mind below the conscious mind by working on the conscious mind first, and I simply keep repeating, repeating, repeating, and repeating until the conscious mind deposits my principles into the man’s inner mind. It is a wonderful thing when I see a man finally begin to unconsciously act out things like murder, lust, and adultery and not even be aware of it or be convicted by it. That is when I, my master, and his forces, have won.

  Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, I am becoming a bit disturbed by this confession.


  Ebenezer: But I suppose I must go on. What other ways do you change beliefs, seeking to alter the inner mind, other than through traditional media as the Earth now uses it? And can you please give us an example of a prototype victim?

  PRINCE: You should not be disturbed. I only offer the truth, the real truth; remember that anything else other than this truth is only a threat to your freedom. Freedom that my Adversary seeks to take away. I have every medium through every world system at my disposal to change beliefs. I use parents, friends, relatives, acquaintances, public and private figures–anything that can communicate information through the various airwaves. Over the last 30 or so years, the Internet has become a wonderful tool for such dissemination. That is where I specialize. I was able to worm my way into getting control of it by using the tactics I just mentioned on the various people groups. Very soon, my ideals and beliefs will become new first laws in even the underdeveloped nations and countries, such as Nigeria, Zambia, and Burundi.

  Ebenezer: So global expansion is a part of the agenda, I see.

  PRINCE: Is your water wet? Is your sky blue? Absolutely. Global expansion is the agenda. In fact, it may already be too late for anyone looking to stop me from spreading my master’s ideals throughout the entire world. The technological advances in recent years have made my work much easier. As you can see, I’ve even put on a few pounds because of it.

  Ebenezer: Hmm… I’ve never found it too late for even the most difficult of changes to take place. Of that, I remain optimistic. But very well. Let’s circle back once again to your prototype victim. Who is he, and what are your tactics for gaining your control over him?

  PRINCE: Oh yes, my prototype victim. Ideally, I would like to introduce my principles to you earthly beings during the early period of your earthly development. I have found that this is difficult with those people who have the stability of a healthy family, for that, in itself, is a major principle of my Adversary. So, I prey on broken families, where the parents are absent, either physically or emotionally, and the children are left to fend for themselves. I love any type of division within the home. My success rate in these types of scenarios is very, very high, for obvious reasons.

  Ebenezer: I am a bit confused and don’t understand why this would be so obvious?

  PRINCE: Mr. Ebenezer, you are once again asking questions that go beyond the scope of this interview or interrogation, whatever we are to call it. But nevertheless, because I am feeling a bit munificent at this moment, I will tell you a short story, a glorious story, about a boy that I recently took control of… let us begin. As the wonderful story goes, there was a young boy about the age of 11 who lived in a large family. The family, although the parents were still together, was emotionally isolated from one another and usually kept issues and problems to themselves. The mother suffered from a deep and crippling anxiety, and the father worked tirelessly, day and night, chasing the allure of the dollar. He failed to ever develop any emotional connection with his children. This type of victim is oh-so-ripe for my taking. And so, when the young boy began to hear, see, and listen to the principles I had been spreading through the mediums I control, he had no other choice but to accept what I was feeding him. He had no buffer for this information, and he wasn’t receiving enough of the original principles from my Adversary, even though he and his family attended religious services and even were members of religious organizations. So, after a year’s time of repeating, repeating, repeating, and repeating my principles, they were deposited and downloaded into the boy’s inner mind, and I now, to this day, have him under my control.

  Ebenezer: So, isolation aids in your cause?

  PRINCE: Absolutely. Think back to the first man and woman and the tricks I played on them. Isolation and independence are fertile ground for all my endeavors.

  Ebenezer: You are crafty, indeed. What is it about isolation and independence that is so critical to your cause?

  PRINCE: Without “healthy” family, as my Adversary sees it, there is no mission. And where there is no mission, there is no identity. And where there is no identity, a person becomes open to taking on the identity placed on him by other people through various other mediums. Social groups, social clubs, congregations, political parties, online groups, gyms, fan clubs, religions, which the latter, I may add, are by far my favorite—the list goes on and on. But the fact remains that all of these are new identities that are readily at my disposal. For example, in the story I told you about the 11-year-old, his parents, brothers, and sisters did not help him to define his mission and identity within the larger mission of the family under the guidance of my Adversary’s original laws. Rather, he went to other sources and other mediums and people I control to tell him who he is. That
’s exactly where I want him—having other people under my control defining what and who he should be. It’s a recipe for a very wonderful disaster.

  Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, is there any way, once this disaster, as you call it, happens, to reverse the effects of it?

  PRINCE: No. No. NO. I will NOT speak of this.

  Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, the question is right here…


  PRINCE: (Sigh) Whose grand idea was this paper anyway? Well, I suppose I have no choice. This is a very good question, and I hate it. But nevertheless, many of my victims, usually years after I first take control of their inner minds, wonder desperately why they try to follow my Adversary but are unable to do so faithfully. Sometimes, I pity them. But then I remember my Enemy, and this feeling of solace soon leaves me. There are two remedies that I have seen one caught up in my clutches use to free himself. To explain each effectively, please allow me to communicate in technical computer terms: if incorrect software has been downloaded onto the hard drive of a computer, how does one clean the hard drive and remove the things that had been previously downloaded? Sometimes, one must buy a brand-new computer with a brand-new hard drive because what has been downloaded is so heavily ingrained into the system. Or, as is usually the case for my victims, one must buy another program that literally works to clean the old system out. My Adversary has such software to do this, and that is to His major advantage in this war. There. Is that not what you want to hear? It is my understanding that it is readily available to all who ask. But often, this is not the simple fix that you Earth Dwellers search for, and so you decide you’d rather hide the fact that your hard drive is completely corrupted, rather than deal with it and address it head-on. Do as you wish with this information.

  Ebenezer: I’ll have to think on this later…

  PRINCE: I wouldn’t advise you to do so for too long. It is only by force that my Adversary has coerced me into divulging what I have just shared with you. Remember, I myself only offer the truth, the real truth; anything else other than this truth is only a threat to your freedom. Freedom that my Adversary seeks to take away.

  Ebenezer: Hmm. Understood, but for the sake of time, let’s move on. Let’s now retreat and discuss your prototype victim once again. Could you explain to me how this victim may go on in life, unaware of the effect that control over his inner man has done and where it is leading him?

  PRINCE: Yes. I will gladly address my prototype victim further. This young boy will soon grow into adolescence, and he will likely choose a career path at that time. For the sake of this conversation, let’s say this young man goes into one of my favorite systems—entertainment…

  Ebenezer: Ah, so you are implying once again that the entertainment medium is your system of choice.

  PRINCE: Mr. Ebenezer, I have not, and I will not confess to such a statement! Now, where was I… oh, yes. This newly minted adolescent has spent years and years being inundated with my principles since the early years of his childhood. They have now been deposited into his inner man, and they are running on his “hard drive” on autopilot. This young man still attends the weekly religious ceremonies where my Adversary is celebrated; however, it is clear to me that he still belongs to me and is under my control. Because I have been influencing his inner man for most of his life, I have succeeded in stripping him of his esteem, his personal value, and the unique identity that my Adversary had given him but has not had an opportunity to claim. Now, here comes the fun part. Through the work of the various systems of the world I control, I begin to flood ideas through the mediums my victim has grown accustomed to that make him believe that it is now time for him to choose a career path. I help him with that decision by giving him many different ideas and opinions from millions upon millions of people, who, I might add, are under my control and are living the lifestyle that appeals to what has already been downloaded into his inner man.

  Ebenezer: It seems as if this is a lifelong process. One that begins at a point when many young children may not be able to even decide for themselves as to which influence, either yours or your Adversary’s, the individual would like to be ruled under. In my opinion, that does not seem fair.

  PRINCE: It is a good thing that your opinion means absolutely nothing! To me, at least. My focal concern is the destruction of my Adversary through the corruption of His principles and the gaining of control over the masses through the flooding of those principles through the mediums available within the systems I control. How is that for a mouthful? But you speak correctly; that it is a process that begins immediately from birth. I believe you Earth Dwellers call this “nurture.” But those who follow me, who are under my control, get to experience all the wonderful things that define my kingdom, things my Adversary opposes, but things that bring you humans the greatest sensual pleasure. For I offer them an abundance of earthly power, an abundance of money, and a copious amount of sex. And if they obey me fully, I have at my disposal as much of it as they would like.

  Ebenezer: But in the long run, Mr. Prince, it can be said that these things will eventually destroy the man if used under the altered principles that you have championed and enslaved them under.

  PRINCE: Yes, that is my intention.

  Ebenezer: Well, then, Mr. Prince, you are a very cunning and seditious man. What about men and women who do manage to “clean out their hard drive,” as you speak of, and are no longer under the control of your influence?

  PRINCE: Mr. Ebenezer, must we deal in such low-probability discussions? I have seen very few people become even the least bit effective again if I have them in my grasp and under my control from the time they are little. Even if they no longer live under the direction of my distorted principles, there is still one thing that I can use to keep them down, from completely being given over to my Adversary.

  Ebenezer: And what is that, Mr. Prince?

  PRINCE: You humans call it shame. Shame is my weapon of choice for assuring that the future of my victims still remains securely fixated under my control. If they decide they no longer want to live under the influence of my principles, I immediately disseminate voices through my mediums confirming, affirming, and reaffirming to them that they are undoubtedly a mistake and that they ought to be ashamed for even allowing themselves to be under my influence for any amount of time. I tell them over and over and over again that they have no reason for hope and that there is nothing in life for which to be joyful. This is one of my favorite little tricks once my control on them begins to loosen. Yes, they may spend eternity with my Adversary, but my primary goal is to destroy their lives here on Earth and sabotage their potential and their minds so I can maintain unadulterated control.


  Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, it appears we are now at a shift in the conversation, which is good because I will readily admit I will need some time to digest this. You seem to have some deep-seated anger that you have yet to address publicly as well. But I digress. The current date is December 31, 2019. We are just a day from the beginning of the coming year. What plans do you have going into the new decade?

  PRINCE: My plans for the new decade are the same as that of the last. Mr. Ebenezer, are you paying any attention to the responses I am giving you? Or am I wasting my time here? I have work in the world that my master has assigned me that eagerly awaits to be done.

  Ebenezer: Mr. Prince, let me remind you, I am simply reading from the script provided to me by your Adversary.

  PRINCE: But, but, but my presence here is a response to your request.

  Ebenezer: I suppose.

  PRINCE: I suppose as well.

  Ebenezer: Well, as you have previously stated, you have no alternative but to answer every question listed by your Adversary. Therefore, I will take as much time as needed, and I will ask you again: What are your plans for this coming decade?

  PRINCE: We seem to be becoming a bit bolder now, aren’t we?

  Ebenezer: As I have stated, I am not afraid of you, nor your master. Now, answer my quest

  PRINCE: Ha! If it weren’t for Michael here, I would already have you within the clutches of my influence. You haven’t seen even a smidge of my anger yet. And speaking of influence, I must say it’s still a bit too bright in here—shall we turn down the lights? What is it that you do again?

  Ebenezer: I am currently employed within the banking industry. I work for one of the largest community banks on the West Coast. And, no, as I’ve stated before, the lights shall remain on for the remainder of this discussion.

  PRINCE: Ah, the banking system! You don’t strike me as the type. Nevertheless, I must say, it’s fairly easy to gain control over that system. And fine—suit yourself.


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