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Mysty McPartland

Page 4

by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  “Ah…I really couldn’t say. But surely she wouldn’t be so foolish?” Phillip could see his friend wasn’t so certain.

  “Is your carriage outside?” Nathan growled and when his friend nodded, he strode towards the door. “Come on then. There’s only one way to make absolutely certain the foolish woman wasn’t intending to go there.” In the foyer, he ignored his hat, cane and gloves his butler held out for him. “If I find her there I’m going to swat her backside so hard she won’t be able to sit down for a blasted month. Confound it, the woman doesn’t have a lick of sense.”

  He stormed out of the house and entered the carriage and impatiently waited for his friend to join him. When Phillip took a seat and the coach started moving, he hoped he would reach his foolish wife in time. The Pantheon had a sordid reputation and even he wouldn’t step into the place. His stomach churned and apprehension prickled his skin at thought of his wife going inside such a hell hole.

  “I doubt we’ll find her there Nat, surely you’re just panicking for nothing.” Phillip tried to ease his friends worry and anger, he hated to think what Nathan would do if her found his wife in that disreputable brothel.

  Nathan snorted. “I can assure you Phillip, my wife most definitely wouldn’t hesitate in going inside. You seem to forget that she walked in on both of us in the brothel a few weeks ago.” And it still boiled his blood, and by hell or high water he was going to put a stop to this nonsense once and for all.

  “Well she’s your damn wife now and I highly recommend you forbid her to continue visiting such places and ruining a man’s pleasure and catching him naked.” The memory once more embarrassed him and Phillip detested his friend from mentioning it.

  It wasn’t hard to tell that Phillip was still humiliated and he couldn’t blame his friend. “I can assure you I have every intention of putting a stop to her visiting such places. No woman is going to make a fool out of me.” And even though he was adamant, he sensed it wasn’t going to be as easy as he just stated. His wife would be bound to argue over the dictate. He couldn’t believe her father would let her do such a thing in the first place. Then again the man was a weak fool and he could imagine his wife walked over her father’s demands and wishes.

  Well he certainly wasn’t spineless or stupid and in this he would have his wife obey him, she would have to find another way to help the women who didn’t want to be there without going into the whore houses herself.


  The arrangement made at the wedding reception yesterday, Sheldon spied the group of women waiting on the footpath outside the building they intended to visit this morning. She hoped it wouldn’t take long. She wanted to see her father. When she reached the ladies, she smiled. “Well my friends, shall we go inside and see if anyone needs rescuing?”

  “Yes, no sense standing out here.” Jenny replied as she moved forward and without knocking, opened the door.

  Sheldon admitted she was a little nervous about going inside, the place had a terrible reputation, and a little hesitantly she followed everyone into the building. It didn’t take long for the chaos to begin, naked women screamed and undressed men shouted curses and everyone scrambled to cover themselves.

  About to take a step towards one of the unfortunate women, she was grabbed roughly from behind and spun around. She ducked out of the way when the raised fist swung towards her. She breathed a sigh of relief when it missed her by mere inches.

  “You’ll pay for this you interfering bitch. I paid good money to get laid and since you have scared the whore off, you can take her place.”

  Trying to skip out of reach, Sheldon scrambled inside her reticule for her little pistol. Just as the man’s fingers dug into her arm, she manage to pull it free and point it at his naked flabby belly. “I would suggest most ardently that you remove your hand sir and cover yourself. I’m afraid that seeing you in your birthday suit is most revolting and I can assure you not the least bit pleasant.” She just finished speaking when she heard the almighty roar coming from behind her.

  She wanted to turn and find out who was making such a loud ruckus, but until the horrid man let go of her she couldn’t afford to take her eyes of him. If she had blinked, she would have missed it. And in open mouth wonder, she watched her husband leap forward and his fist strike the jaw of the man holding her. Before she could pull out of his hold when the man fell backwards and hit the ground, she tumbled on top of him.

  Shuddering in revulsion at feeling his naked flesh beneath her, she quickly scrambled off him and turned to glare up at her husband. “I had no idea you frequented such a despicable place sir.”

  Nathan opened his mouth to give his wife a piece of his mind, but he snapped it shut at her insult. Reaching out, he grasped her arm and gave her a little shake. “You wife, need a good spanking and I can assure you the only reason I am here is because of you. Now we are going home and you’re going to do exactly what I tell you to do.”

  “I can’t go home yet. We’re not finished here and besides, I still have to something else I must do.” Sheldon was furious over his meddling in her life and had no intentions of obeying his dictates.

  “Oh you’re finished here all right and if you don’t realize it yet that man was going harm you.” Nathan was still trying to come to grips at seeing his bride in such a dangerous situation. He’d never felt such murderous rage before and it was going to a very long time before he would forget how close his wife came to being hurt or worse.

  Sheldon couldn’t help herself, she rolled her eyes and held up her hand still clutching the pistol so he could see it. “He might have tried but I can guarantee you he wouldn’t have succeeded.”

  A growl of impotent rage rumbled in his chest and to prove just how wrong she was, Nathan’s hand snaked out and easily twisted the gun from her grasp. “You and this little toy are no match for a man his size and one as enraged as he was. And I very much doubt wife that you would have the gumption to even pull the trigger. Now let’s get going.” When he saw her stubborn chin lift in the air and her head shake in refusal, he let out a roar. “Oh for God sakes, I’ve had enough of this damn nonsense.”

  Without warning or another word, he reached for her and tossed her over his shoulder, his blood still boiling he strode out of the building. Ignoring the little fist beating on his back, he climbed into Phillips carriage, sat down and dragged his wife down on to his lap. Catching her chin between his fingers with intensity his eyes drilled into her. “As your husband, I am forbidding you from ever going into another brothel or hell hole like this one ever again. And wife, you will obey me in this.”

  Humiliated at her husband’s ungentlemanly behavior, she didn’t have any intentions of complying. “You’re not really my husband and besides you won’t be for long. And if you remember our discussion yesterday, I told you I will not obey you.”

  Chest heaving with outrage, Nathan fired the words back at her. “You are the most infuriating, stubborn woman I have ever had the displeasure in meeting. Let me advice you wife. We’re staying married until the day one of us dies. And I can promise you that I don’t plan on doing that for many years and I also forbid you to do it. I will also remind you that not only are you putting yourself in danger but me as well. Now we are married those men you walk in on and finding them in such compromising situation will be most eager to call me out to protect their reputations.”

  Unable to help herself, Sheldon found his command not to die amusing but when he warned what could happen, she gave him a look of dismay. “Surely they wouldn’t do something so foolish? They have no reason to blame you.”

  Finally, Nathan could see he was getting through that stubborn head of hers. “Of course they’ll blame me. You’re my wife after all. Surely you realize catching those men in those places and in such indecent circumstances they would be afraid you would mention to their wives or fiancés.”

  “Oh but it’s not my business what those scoundrels do. And I most assuredly would never mention it to anyone.
However, I do feel sorry for their poor unfortunate women. No woman would like to know that her husband was cheating on her, even if she deserves to know the fact.” She would hate to learn that the man she loved would behave so despicably.

  “They don’t know you won’t mention it and that makes them dangerous. Now do you understand why I forbid you to visit those places?” Nathan was growing impatient and wanted her agreement. He could see that at least she was thinking it over and hopefully, she would realize he was right, if not he wasn’t going to stop browbeating her until she did agree.

  Sheldon remained thoughtful for a few minutes before she answered her husband, she could see his point of view and he did make a very valid argument. She wouldn’t tell him she’d already had a few of those men she caught doing wrong threaten her, she shivered just remembering. Her shoulders drooping, she knew she didn’t have any other choice but to admit that he was right even though she loathed to acknowledge it. She couldn’t put him in danger, it wouldn’t be fair. “Fine, I agree. But I’m still going to find some way to help those poor ill-fated women.”

  Her agreement so surprised him that Nathan hugged her. “I’m sure once you have time to think about it, you’ll come up with something and as long as it doesn’t put you in danger I’ll approve it.” He chuckled when she gave him a glare of irritation.

  Chapter Seven

  His wife upstairs changing, Nathan sat in the family parlor sipping coffee with his friend. “I didn’t think it would be that easy Phillip, but you don’t know how relieved I am that she won’t be running around the brothels of London anymore.”

  “Yes, well I can only agree with you there. Nat, she’s the oddest woman I have ever met. And yet I find her lovely to look at and strangest of all, I like her.” Phillip made the confession and watched his friend squirm in his chair.

  “I hope your realize that you’re discussing my wife. Oh hell Phil, you’re right. She is lovely and definitely odd and like you, I like her too.” Nathan was uncomfortable speaking about such personal matters. However, he couldn’t deny the truth; his wife fascinated him and the power of his desire for her was growing in leaps and bounds.

  “Do you think that she’s given up on the idea of you seeking an annulment?” Phillip chuckled.

  Nathan grimaced. “I doubt it. Do you know the damn woman gave me permission to still see my mistress?” The very idea still irritated him.

  He couldn’t help himself, Phillip laughed. “Well not many men are lucky enough to have such an accommodating wife.”

  “Not accommodating, just trying to prevent me from bedding her. And I can assure, you even if she has the slightest hint that I’m unfaithful to her, she’d probably be out the door in a blink of an eye. She might say she doesn’t mind but you heard her earlier, she would never accept a cheating husband.” Nathan could feel his friend studying him and tried to act nonchalant and by the amused look on his friends face could tell he’d failed. He also knew exactly what his friend was going to say next.

  “So you intend to remain faithful? I find it hard to believe Nate.”

  “No more than I do. I tell you Phil I had my marriage all planned with Bethany. Now though, married to her sister, it isn’t going accordingly and believe it or not I find I don’t care. I have a feeling that my life with Sheldon will be anything but boring.” Nathan smiled at the thought. He didn’t have one doubt that the years ahead would be interesting and exciting. They most assuredly wouldn’t be dull.

  “I’m happy for you Nate and speaking of Lady Bethany, have you found out why she ran away?” Phillip was more than pleased for his friend and hoped his marriage would be a happy one.

  Nathan shook his head. “No, but I intend to call on her father this afternoon. I want to find out if he’s heard anything and I also want a word with the man for making a certain promise to my wife.”

  “Oh I’d like to hear that as well sir.” Sheldon came forward and sat down on the sofa beside her husband.

  A groan rumbling his chest, Nathan wondered how much of the conversation she had overheard. Seeing her sweet smile and that teasing little dimple, his crotch started to respond and he dragged his gaze away. “I take it you would like to join me?”

  “I don’t see why not since I intended to call around there later today and have a few words with my father.” Sheldon wondered if he was going to refuse to let her. Well it didn’t matter if he did, she was definitely going to pay a visit to her father today.

  “No need to get upset. Of course you can come with me.”

  “You know at times you can be insufferable sir.” Irritated, Sheldon turned away from him and smiled at Lord Phillip. “It’s been quite an exciting morning. Do you not think so Lord Phillip?”

  Phillip grinned back at her. “Yes it was rather um…stimulating as you say my lady.”

  “I’m glad you were entertained. I did rather enjoy most of it until I found myself sprawled on the terribly gross man.” Sheldon turned and eyed her husband in indignation. “And I blame you for that.”

  “Me! Why in the hell am I to blame?” Nathan growled and glared at her incredulously. He could not believe she was laying responsibility on his head.

  “Well if you hadn’t interfered I wouldn’t have fallen on him.” She snapped at him, wondering why she should have to explain it to him.

  Nathan could only shake his head in exasperation and spied Phillip trying not to laugh. “You have a very warped sense of logic wife.”

  Sheldon gave a sniff of indignation and stood up. “Well I am off and I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  Before she could walk away, Nathan reached out and grasped hold of her wrist. “And just where are you off to now wife?” No way was he letting her out of the house until he knew exactly where she was going. Be damned if he would.

  Annoyed at having to explain herself, Sheldon tugged at her arm. “Not that it’s any of your business but I’m going to visit the orphanage.”

  “And I assume you intend to go on your own?” When he saw her nod her head in confirmation, he uttered an oath. “I must insist you take either a maid or a footman with you and you will go in the carriage.” He raised his hand when she opened her mouth to argue. “It’s for your own protection and if you don’t agree you won’t be going anywhere. Is that understood?”

  “You are the most irritating, bossy man I have had the displeasure in meeting. Fine. I agree to you stupid command. Now if you don’t mind letting go of me I would like to leave.” When her wrist was free, she spun around and hurried out of the room mumbling about domineering egotistical men.

  Phillip chuckled as soon as Lady Sheldon disappeared through the doorway. “I don’t think I have heard of or met a woman that hasn’t thrown herself at you or thought so badly of you.”

  “I’m pretty certain she doesn’t abhor me anymore. She hasn’t made one remark or confronted me about finding me in her bed this morning. I’m sure if she was upset or angry about it she would have mentioned something by now.” Nathan contemplated his wife’s lack of reaction. It just didn’t make sense to him since she was so adamant they wouldn’t share a bed.

  “I thought you said…”

  Nathan cut Phillip off before he could complete the sentence. “I did say it but I never said I wouldn’t sleep with her. I slipped into her bed once was asleep and I intend that we are going to share a bed every night from now on.”

  “Good grief Nate, you’re certainly committing yourself to this marriage.”

  A shrug of his shoulders, he grinned back. “Like I said Phil, my wife has me rethinking everything I planned.” He stood up and waited for his friend to do the same. “I’ll see you later. I hate rushing you out the door but I have certain matters to see to before my wife returns. No doubt when she finds out what I’ve done she’ll want to argue.”

  “I must say you’ve had most unquestionably remarkable change in your attitude in the last twenty-four hours Nate. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy for you and yes I’ll see you
later.” Phillip bid his friend good bye and exited the house, he could only shake his head over the phenomenal change in his friend.

  Once Phillip left, Nathan turned to his butler. “Wallace did my wife take a maid or footman with her when she left the house?”

  “Oh yes my lord. She said if it will keep the insufferable brute off her back she’d take both of them.” Wallace didn’t know what to make of his lordships wife.

  Nathan grimaced however, he wasn’t at all surprised by her remark. “Yes, well she wasn’t exactly happy with the order. Now though Wallace I would like you to shift my wife’s clothing and other paraphilia into the master suite. My wife will be sharing a room with me from now on.” He could tell that the man was surprised with the request, and with a shrug of his shoulders turned away and headed for his study.

  He knew it was unusual, in most cases a husband and wife never shared a bedroom. However, he didn’t care what anyone thought. He wanted his little wife tucked up in his bed every night and curled up around him. He never abided by society rules anyway, so why should he bother to start now. Even if his wife was disagreeable, he wasn’t going to change his mind. In the end, he was sure he could convince her to share his bed.

  Chuckling, he was even looking forward to the confrontation that would take place between them. Hell, he couldn’t believe just how good he was feeling, he could not even remember the last time he felt like this. Excitement and anticipation thrummed through his blood stream. The battle over seducing his wife into his arms was a lusty turn on which kept him in constant state of arousal. His little bride brought a thrill of expectation to his life that he never experienced with any other woman before.

  She might be the oddest woman he’d ever come across, but he admitted he was damn glad he married her instead of her sister. He now shuddered to think what his life would be like if he’d married Bethany. It would have been certainly dull, uninteresting and bedding her would have only been a duty. He now came to see marrying Bethany would have been the worst mistake he would have made in his life. Thank God the foolish woman ran away and saved him from a life of misery.


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