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Mysty McPartland

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by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  Chapter Eight

  Nearly breathless from rushing inside the house, Sheldon stopped and raised a curious brow when she spotted her husband waiting for her. “Oh good you’re ready to leave. If you give me a few minutes to change we can be on our way.”

  Nathan eyed his wife with displeasure. “For your information I’ve been ready for over an hour. You are an hour late.”

  Unconcerned at his irritation, Sheldon shrugged her shoulders. “Well, not everyone can be on time sir.”

  “Of course they can. Most people make a habit of being on time.” He cut back in aggravation.

  “Well if we’re going to stand here arguing the matter we’ll never leave.” Sheldon informed him and moved past him. When she noticed he started following her, she stopped walking and glanced over her shoulder at him. “Is there something else you wish to say?”

  “Yes there is and I prefer we do it somewhere private.”

  “Oh we’re going to have one of those conversations where you command for me to obey and I refuse.” She arched a brow and bit back her smile when she saw the annoyance light up his eyes.

  “Let’s just go upstairs shall we?” Not giving her a chance to argue further, Nathan grasped her elbow and headed up the staircase. Damn infuriating woman, she had a mouth too smart for her own good.

  Wondering what he wanted to discuss with her, Sheldon let him have his way, but she became suspicious when he led her into his bedroom instead of her own. “So here we are. Tell me what you want now.”

  Nathan let go of her arm but didn’t move away. “I made a decision since you didn’t voice any objections about my sharing your bed last night. I’ve thought the matter over and had your things moved in here and wanted to inform you that we’ll be sharing the same bed every night from now on.” He didn’t have long to wait for her reaction to his news, and knew that he was going to enjoy it.

  For just a mere second, Sheldon wondered if she heard right but seeing the smug smirk on his face reassured her that she certainly did hear correctly. “What possibly would have given you the idea that I would be agreeable to such an arrangement? You forget. I’m only your substitute bride and nothing more. And as for not mentioning the horror of finding you in my bed this morning, when have we had a moment alone to discuss it?”

  He gritted his teeth when she called herself that ridiculous name. “Would you stop calling yourself by that ludicrous title? You are not my substitute wife. You are, in fact, my wife.” God she could be annoying at times, and her calling herself that aggravated the hell out of him.

  “Well it’s true. However, I’m not going to argue the point with you. What I am going to do is refuse to share your blasted bed.” Sheldon shot back, even though she started to wonder if she could win this argument with her husband. He looked so determined and filled with assurance.

  Not in the least surprised she continued to fight him, Nathan let her see she didn’t have a chance in hell of changing his mind. “Oh you’re going to share that bed with me wife no matter how much you object. Besides, didn’t I prove to you that we can share a bed without me attacking you?”

  “You didn’t prove anything except showing me that you most assuredly can be underhanded and definitely can’t be trusted.”

  “Ah, now you’re going to have to let me prove to you that I can.” He replied smugly and noticed her frowning, she was slowly losing ground and he knew that she knew it too.

  “You are a despicable, sneaky man. Do you know that? Fine I’ll share your blasted bed, but let me warn you, if you so much as lay a finger on me, the deal is off.” Sheldon knew when to give up even if she hated doing so.

  Well damn me that was a lot easier than he thought it would be and he wondered for a moment what she was up to. Mistrustful now, he eyed her suspiciously. “It’s not me wife you have to worry about but yourself. For most of the night you were wrapped around me like a clinging vine.”

  Her face growing hot, Sheldon moved away. “Oh just go away and let me change my gown.”

  One up for me, he thought, grinning smugly and with a swagger in his step left the room.

  With the help of a maid, Sheldon didn’t take long in changing her dress and met her husband down stairs. When she noticed the butler staring at her with a peculiar look on his face wondered what was the matter with the man. Once they were seated in the coach, she settled herself and glanced at her husband from beneath her lashes. “Do you have any idea why your butler was staring at me strangely?”

  Nathan let out a sigh. “He thinks you’re very odd and doesn’t know what to make of you.”

  Insulted, Sheldon shot her husband an irritated glare. “Well he’s a stuffed shirt.”

  “I suppose you could be right, Wallace like things orderly and doesn’t like the unusual.” Nathan replied trying to hide his amusement over the look of indignation on his bride’s face.

  “Oh that’s right, stick up for your butler and let the insult to your wife go unremarked upon.” Sheldon huffed back, disappointed that he wasn’t annoyed over the insult to her.

  Nathan managed to hold back his laughter knowing it would only upset her even more. “Perhaps because I didn’t think you’d been insulted.”

  “You call being thought of odd not insulting?” She snapped at him.

  Good God, she was certainly worked up over being called peculiar and he couldn’t help smile no matter how hard he tried not to. “Well you have to admit wife you are very different from the other ladies of the ton. Before you get offended, let me tell you I find it very refreshing and quite pleased that you are.”

  His remark took her completely by surprise and Sheldon couldn’t help the warmth spreading through her. “Thank you, I think.”

  He did chuckle then. “You’re welcome sweetheart.”

  “You know Nathan, you’re very different from what I thought you would be. Oh you are annoying and bossy, but I’m beginning to think that you can be considerate as well.”

  Pleased that he was making some headway with his bride, Nathan relaxed back in his seat and stretched out his long legs. “Do you think your sister might have returned home by now?”

  Relieved to have the conversation turned to another subject, Sheldon shrugged her shoulders. “I really couldn’t say. You know Nathan I’ve been giving the matter some thought. Bethany definitely had an agenda for running away but for the life of me, I just can’t imagine what it might be.”

  “You could be right. It does seem rather strange to me since she seemed so keen on the idea of becoming my wife.” He gave a dismissive wave of his hand, he couldn’t care less what the woman had up her sleeve, he was only grateful that she’d fled before he married her and doomed himself to a life of hell.

  “Oh yes, she was very eager and that’s what puzzles me. What exactly did her note say to you?” Her brow drew together as she contemplated all the reason her sister could have for waiting till the very last minute to flee.

  “I only read the first two lines. Didn’t need to read the rest and tossed it away.” Nathan shrugged.

  “Drat. If you’d read all of it I might have some idea what she’s planning.” It didn’t surprise her though that he never finished reading the missive. He’d been in such a rage at the time.

  “I can’t understand why you’re so upset over it. Myself I’m relieved that she ran away. From what you have told me so far about your sister she sounds very unpleasant.” He was astounded to see how remorseful his bride was looking and couldn’t fathom the reason why.

  Guilt washed through her, Sheldon realized she was being most dishonorable towards a member of her family. Even though she wasn’t close to her sister, she should keep her opinions to herself. “Oh Bethany isn’t that terrible.” She muttered knowing that she was lying and she could see that her husband knew it to when he raised a brow in disbelief.

  “Your faith in her is to be commended even if it is misguided, and we both know the truth.” When he saw her open her mouth reply, he beat her to
it. “I know I am insufferable and annoying.”

  Sheldon couldn’t help herself she laughed. “Well at least we agree on something.”

  His half aroused flesh between his thighs started to swell even more when she laughed, and he mumbled a curse when he caught sight of that delectable teasing dimple. He shifted uncomfortable in his seat, hoping to kill the passion stirring within him. “I’m not sure I like you finding amusement at my expense sweetheart.”

  Her laughter dying to a trickle, Sheldon couldn’t help but enjoy her husband’s company, she also knew it was dangerous. Yet, she was unable to help herself, she forced herself to turn away and gaze out the window.

  Knowing his wife was shoring up her resistance to him, Nathan didn’t bother to speak to her again. She wasn’t going to find it easy to dismiss him or her growing feelings towards him. Every moment they spent together, he was going to wear away her resolve to keep him at a distance. She might be stubborn, but he was more determined and that he thought with confidence would have his wife melting in his arms in a very short time.

  While she was occupied staring out the window he let his gaze leisurely trace over her lovely features. Her exotic beauty was breathtaking at times and always caught him un-expectantly in surprise. His eyes dropped lower to the swell of her breasts, last evening he’d had a clear view of those two tempting mounds. They were full and plump, her nipples a pale pink and wondered how dark they would become when he had them in his mouth. She had a slim waist and slight rounded hips.

  Though her legs were short they were well shaped and he could imagine them wrapped around him in the throes of passion. Her pert little bottom was something he couldn’t wait to hold in his hands. Usually he was a leg man but after catching sight of his bride naked he was finding a woman’s backside more alluring and it wasn’t just any rear end he was fancying. He let out a heavy sigh and wondered why he was putting himself through this torture. If he didn’t stop thinking about her glorious nakedness he was liable to attack her.

  He was beginning to believe that he wasn’t up to putting himself through this torment to much longer. So that left only one thing he could do and that was up the game. He was going to have to be more relentless in seducing her into his bed. He knew she found him attractive and every now and then he caught a flicker of desire in her eyes before she could hide it. So all he would have to do was use that attraction against her. Dirty tactics it might be however, he wanted her naked in his arms and thrashing beneath him while he made passionate love to her. Because his gut told him that once he was buried inside her she would be like a wildfire, blazing out of control. She would give him the most incredible fiery journey he’d ever go on.

  Yes, it was definitely time to speed things up, and if he didn’t do it soon he would go stark raving made with wanting her. He grimaced as the bulge in his pants increased until it was excruciatingly painful. He shifted in his seat trying to ease the ache of his erection, damn it he had to get his mind of sex. He made himself turn his contemplation to his cousin, he wondered where the little weasel was hiding, he’d expect Andrew to have attended the wedding ceremony, but the scoundrel never showed his face.

  There was no doubt in his mind that the man would try and find another way to claim his inheritance. And damn it if he didn’t bed his bride soon he just might lose everything to his cousin anyway. He shook his head, knowing that his thoughts had gone full circle and once again it was back on bedding his bride.

  Chapter Nine

  Sheldon sat opposite her father and stared at him in disbelief, she was unsure if she heard him right. However, taking a peek at her husband from underneath her lashes, knew she wasn’t imagining his demand for Nathan to annul their marriage. She could tell by the thunderous expression on her husband’s face that he was enraged and he would refuse her father. Suddenly something strange started happening to her heart.

  Not only furious at the request put to him, Nathan was disgusted. If this man thought he would end his marriage to Sheldon and marry his spoiled, selfish other daughter, he had another thing coming. Out the corner of his eye, he could see that his wife didn’t like the idea any better than he did. He wanted to gather her up in his arms when he read the sad resignation in her eyes. Tempted though he was, he dragged his attention away from her when her father spoke again.

  “I can’t see why you’re hesitating over the matter my lord. After all Bethany was the one you wished to marry in the first place.” Jeremy was becoming impatient for an answer. After finding the note from Bethany earlier today, he knew she really wanted to marry the duke. She will be very upset and angry when she finds out that he married Sheldon in her stead. Bethany might have been foolish for playing such a prank and he hoped he could rectify the matter.

  “Yes and she ran away. You don’t seem to realize I’m married to Sheldon now. Let me assure you sir, I am quite happy with the arrangement and have no wish to terminate my marriage. Even if I could, I wouldn’t. Yet I’m curious to know why this sudden turn around.” Nathan held back his smile when he saw the relief come over his wife’s face. It made his chest swell with a strange unfamiliar emotion and satisfaction knowing she that wanted to stay married to him.

  Sheldon sank back in her chair, Nathan’s firm reply to her father made her heart sing. It was such an odd feeling and yet it made her terribly happy. It was taking an effort to hide how she was feeling. However, she returned her thoughts back to her father and frowned over what he was saying.

  Jeremy cleared his throat and nervously glanced away from the duke’s piercing, hard eyes. “Ah well, it seems that Bethany wanted to test you. She wanted to be sure that you cared for her. She did mention she asked that if you had any feelings for her at all you would come after her.”

  “Are you telling me she was playing games and it was a ploy for me to go chasing after her?” Nathan’s mouth turned up in a sneer of disgust. “Well she has only herself to blame for her foolish actions. She knew from the very beginning it was only an arrangement and nothing more.”

  “Talk some sense into him Sheldon. Surely you don’t want to stay married to a man who loves your sister.” Jeremy pleaded with her in desperation.

  Sheldon stiffened in her chair. “We all know it wasn’t a love match Papa and I agree with my husband. It’s Bethany’s own fault. As for my marriage, both Nathan and I are very happy to continue with it.”

  Nathan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Love Bethany, like hell he did, he barely knew the blasted woman. However, he was very pleased with his wife’s reply, he had to resist in taking her in his arms and letting her know just how much. “Well I don’t think we have anything further to discuss. Do you sweetheart?” He turned fully to his wife and smiled warmly at her.

  Relieved to have the meeting with her father ended, Sheldon returned her husband smile. “No I think the matter is settled. So shall we go home husband?”

  “Damn it Sheldon! I’m ordering you to end your marriage at once.” Jeremy shouted in frustration.

  Nathan rose to his feet and helped his wife stand before he bothered to answer. “You can demand all you like. We will not be ending our marriage. Haven’t you even given a thought that she could already be carrying my heir?”

  Her cheeks growing warm, Sheldon couldn’t help wonder why Nathan lied to her father. Seeing her father’s face go pale, she knew he hadn’t given a thought to such a possibility.

  “Good God, you can’t mean…I wouldn’t have thought Sheldon would have even attracted a man like you.” Jeremy mumbled.

  “Then you are very much mistaken. I find my wife very beautiful, far more appealing than your other daughter sir. And you can believe I take great offense to the suggestion that I wouldn’t find Sheldon desirable. Come along sweetheart, I think we should leave before the fool utters another insult.” Nathan led his wife from the room and out of the house before he really lost his temper.

  Silently, Sheldon went with her husband. She didn’t know what to make of his state
ment, or even if she could really believe that he found her attractive and desirable. Once seated in the coach she gave him a shy smile. “It was nice of you to lie to my father.”

  Nathan raised a dark brow. “I wasn’t lying sweetheart. It’s the truth.”

  Now that did take her breath away and her heart did a summersault. From beneath her lashes, she studied him. Even though she knew what he was doing, she was finding it harder to resist. However, she shawled up her determination to not fall for his obvious seduction.

  It was hard to hold back his sigh of frustration when he saw the glimmer of resolve light up his wife’s eyes. No doubt about it, she was still going to fight. Dragging his fingers through his hair, he shifted his gaze and stared out the window. “Would you like to go out tonight or stay home?”

  A little confused over the abrupt change in him, Sheldon frowned. “I really don’t care.”

  His attention swinging back to her, Nathan raised a brow. “Since we have only been married perhaps it will be wise for us to remain home. After all people will expect us to be enjoying our honeymoon.” He held back his grimace when he heard her sniff loudly.

  “I doubt anyone would believe you would enjoy being with your wife. After all, the only reason you married was to breed an heir.” Sheldon tone was cool she couldn’t help being annoyed over his statement.

  It seems he was back to square one and he wondered what he might have said to aggravate her. The woman was just too damn stubborn. “That may be true but since the change of brides, I find that the situation has altered considerably.”

  Her frown deepening, Sheldon eyed him suspiciously. “And just what do you mean, changed considerably?”

  A shrug of his shoulders, Nathan knew it was too soon to explain his change of heart to her. She would probably laugh herself silly and she most definitely wouldn’t believe him. “Let’s just say what I thought I wanted no longer seems to apply.”


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