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Page 8

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  “Yeah,” Marcy moaned, not even sure who was talking anymore, only knowing that she was going to do just what he wanted. “Yes, please, I want to...oh, fuck, feels so fucking good, I can't...I can't...I'm going to...”

  “Then fucking do it, you dirty little girl,” Steel demanded, thrusting himself inside her harder than ever, and it was all Marcy needed. She felt the wave break and crash through her, flooding her senses as she came around his cock, her clit throbbing and jumping as Veronica fingered it, her back arching violently as her spine danced with ecstasy.

  “Yeah, that's fuckin' it, that's fuckin' it,” Steel growled, rolling his hips against hers as her pussy clenched around him. He slammed into her again, making her hips buck violently, and Marcy felt something warm and wet crashing against her deepest self. Steel came inside her, the eruption driving her orgasm deeper, making her moan and thrash on the sheets.

  She was vaguely aware of Veronica beside her, her body shaking as she brought herself to orgasm against her hand, her lips coming down to close once more over Marcy's, their pleasure shared between the three of them.

  And then Steel pulled away, panting, Marcy's thighs trembling as she drew them together. Veronica pulled away, a smile on her lips as she looked down at Marcy.

  “Good, right?” Veronica cooed. “I've wanted to do this with you for a long time....”

  Marcy giggled, overcome with the sensations still tingling through her.

  “How long?” She asked. Steel slid beside Veronica, spent and panting.

  “I don't know,” Veronica mocked, winking. “A while, I guess.”

  Marcy could only sigh contentedly, aware of a deep tiredness filtering into her body.

  “Stay the night,” Steel growled from Veronica's other side, his body turning to fit against Veronica's, his arm coming around to drape across the two girls. “I like this one a lot, baby.”

  “She's easy to like,” Veronica said, nuzzling in close to Marcy's body. If Marcy had any regrets, any thoughts beside the need for sleep, before she drifted off, she didn't remember them.

  All she could remember was wondering what would happen when they woke up in the morning. She'd heard of morning wood before, and thought that even though she was pretty sore, she wouldn't mind trying out some of those other positions she'd heard about...


  Marcy woke up thirst as hell and disoriented. It took her a few long moments for the memories to start seeping back. Panic struck her for a moment as she realized what had happened; she'd lost her virginity. She'd lost her fucking virginity in a threesome with her roommate and a dirty, rough biker twice their age. She said a silent prayer of thanks for the fact that she was on birth control; something she needed to regulate her periods, finally being put to use for its intended purpose.

  Holy shit, she thought. It had been amazing; it had felt amazing. But now, as wakefulness took hold of her, she felt distinctly uncomfortable. Veronica and Steel had shifted in their sleep, rolling towards each other and away from Marcy. I don't belong here, she thought, suddenly saddened by that thought. She didn't belong there at all. She was a good girl. How had she allowed her feelings for Veronica to lead her so far away from everything she knew – everything she thought she knew – about herself? She'd wanted adventures...but not like this.

  She looked at the clock. It was just past 3am. She knew she wouldn't go back to sleep; at least, not in that bed, not with the heavy, warm reminders of what she'd done so close at hand. She longed for her childhood bedroom, the first time she'd felt homesick since coming to college. This was all so wrong...

  The desire to leave was overwhelming, but she didn't want to wake the sleeping couple beside her, lest she need to explain her sudden departure. She crept from the bed, locating her clothes and putting them on in the dark, feeling her heartbeat fast as her mind tried to make sense of everything she had felt the night before, and everything she was feeling now. She was glad she'd been the one to drive. Surely, Steel could give Veronica a ride home. She cast one last look over her shoulder at the sleeping figures, holding each other close.

  No, she thought. There's no room for me there...

  She'd wanted Veronica. Physically, yes. But more than that...and now, she realized, she'd probably never be truly satisfied. Not when she had to play third wheel. Not when she was a plaything. Isn't that what he'd called her?

  But then he'd said he liked me, some small part of her tried to say.

  So what? Her greater sense told her. He liked fucking me. That's all...

  With a blink and a shake of her head, she shut the door behind her and tried to remember where the front door was. She'd been so overwhelmed when they'd arrived, she hadn't paid much attention the the maze of rooms and hallways and doors. She crept along on her tiptoes, not wanting to wake anyone.

  She thought she was nearing the front entrance when she heard something behind her. A click, and then she could see light in her peripheral vision. For no reason in particular, she felt her heart stop, fear flooding her nerves and mind.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  The voice came from behind her, and it didn't sound very happy. Marcy's heart started again, double time. She willed herself to calm down. She wasn't doing anything wrong...but still, she couldn't force her body to turn and greet the man who owned that terrifying voice.

  “I said, who are you?”

  Now, she felt she had no choice but to turn, and did so, stiffly, her mouth dry and her tongue swollen. The man stood, casting a long shadow from the light radiating from an open door. Her mouth opened, but no words came out. He was massive. And if Steel was handsome....well, they hadn't invented a word for this guy yet. But the scowl on his face, the hard set of his jaw, the way his muscled arms crossed his chest, the violence that seemed to radiate around him, left her little time to process his good looks.

  “Why the fuck are you sneaking around my fucking club in the middle of the night?”

  Her mouth dropped open again, but once more, no words came out. Only a tight, high-pitched squeak.

  Out of the frying pan, she thought, and into the fire.

  “Get in here,” the man said, extending one arm and pointing into the room he had just come out from. “Now.”

  “I’m…I’m here with…” Marcy stuttered, finally getting her wind back.

  “Now,” he growled. Marcy bristled. She stood for a moment; then, deciding that she was better off playing nice until she could get a word in, she walked towards him. The few steps gave her the time to think about the situation, and anger began to replace her fear.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me with this,” Marcy said, filing past the man into the lighted bedroom. She didn’t take the time to examine her surroundings, but turned on her heel, arms crossed, to face him. “I’ve really had a hard enough night without…”

  “Do I look like a man who kids around?” he snapped, silencing her with his stare. “Because I’m not. Especially not when it comes to my club.”

  “Well, listen, I was invited here, okay? By Steel. And Veronica,” Marcy said, realizing that she did not need to catch an attitude when talking to this man. His full, black beard only made the scowl on his face look scarier, while his blazing black eyes threatened her in ways words couldn’t.

  “Veronica? Who the fuck is Veronica?”

  “She’s my roommate, at college,” Marcy said, feeling panic beginning to take the place of frustration. That door was closed…was it locked, too? She was here…alone…in a room…with a big, scary biker…shit. “And she’s, like, dating Steel.”

  “Huh,” the man said, studying Marcy from head to toe. “Well I know Steel’s been entertaining some Fender. But he’s not exactly discreet about it, either.”

  Marcy looked around, trying not to let her fear show. Maybe bikers were like sharks, and they could smell fear. No matter what, she didn’t feel like falling prey to a hungry predator – not for the second time that night, anyway. She looked back at the man, then dropped
her eyes.

  “Sir, I really don’t know what you think I’m doing here,” she said. “I mean…do you really think that I pose a threat? Look at me! I’m, like, 120 pounds soaking wet and I’m in a pair of short shorts!”

  When she looked at him again, the flickering ghost of a smile was playing across his lips.

  Gotcha, Marcy thought; then felt immediately surprised by the thought, and the enthusiasm of it. She should have been shaking in her shoes, not rejoicing over a momentary hint of a smile from the man interrogating her. She lowered her eyes again. Maybe she had changed that night…in more than just the obvious way…

  “Pretty girls make good spies,” the man barked, the smile gone. “And even better smugglers. Strip.”

  Her eyes shot up, her jaw firming, refusal on her lips. His glare silenced her…but only for a moment.

  “No way, dude,” she said. “No effin’ way. I…I…I am not stripping for you! No, uh-uh. Nope. No way. Dude, if you had any idea the night I’ve had, if you had any friggin’ idea…”

  “Just say ‘fucking’, little girl,” he said, voice level and low. “What’s this ‘effin’ and ‘friggin’ shit?”

  Marcy fumed, her mind racing, her emotions running high.

  “Fine,” she spat. “NO FUCKING WAY.”

  The man was silent for a long moment, studying her. Marcy’s shoulders rose and fell dramatically as she heaved, the corners of her eyes growing damp as tears threatened to spill.

  “Had a rough night?” he said, eventually, when the worst of her tantrum seemed to have passed. “Why don’t you tell me about it? I wanna hear it, girl. Tell me what made your night so. damn. rough. Really, I’m all ears.”

  Marcy stared, her mouth opening then closing tight. She looked away. She wasn’t going to tell this stranger that she’d just lost her virginity in a three-way with her roommate. She’d barely come to grips with it herself, never mind going through a play-by-play.

  “Not so loud now, huh?” he asked, and Marcy scowled at the smirk on his face. “Then go ahead. Get those clothes off.”

  “Listen, can’t you just wake Steel and Veronica up? They can vouch for me,” Marcy said, her voice bordering on pleading.

  “I don’t think Steel would be very happy if I woke him up in the middle of the night,” the man said. “He likes his sleep.”

  “Well, I’m not very happy about stripping in front of a stranger, and being accused of something I didn’t do, all after being invited here!”

  “Name’s Crook,” the man said. “Not a stranger anymore. C’mon. The longer you make me wait, the less I feel like being nice to you.”

  “Is this what you call being nice?” Marcy scoffed. Her cheeks were so red she thought they might actually catch on fire. But she knew from the look on Crook’s face that there was no way out of this. She was trapped. If he wasn’t going to get Steel to vouch for her…

  “Fine!” she spat, and gathered up the very last of her reserve bravery. Like ripping off a band-aid, she undressed quickly, pulling her t-shirt overhead and tugging her shorts to the floor. She gave him the most evil look she could muster as she held her arms out straight at her sides. “Happy now, Mr. TSA?”

  Crooks studied her mostly-nude form. For a moment, Marcy felt panic. Was he going to make her take off her bra and undies, too? Bend over so he could check her…insides?

  “Turn around,” he said, and Marcy obeyed, willing her limbs not to shake. When she felt radiant heat against her back, she realized he’d come even closer. And then she felt his hands on her sides, running down her torso from her bra to her panties. His touch was rough and cold…and yet she felt electricity sparking along her nerves the whole way down. Residual horniness from before, she told herself, feeling his hot breath against her neck and biting back a moan. When he stepped away, she seemed to feel it with every fiber in her body.

  “Fine,” he said, “you’re not sneaking anything out. I’d have you take off those nice little panties, but I don’t think you could fit anything we stock here in your pussy.”

  Marcy blushed hearing the man talk about her pussy. What do they stock here? She wondered as she rushed to pull her shorts back up and tug her t-shirt over her head. Elephants?

  She didn’t turn around immediately. Her dignity had been shattered one too many times that night.

  “I’m still not letting you leave, though,” she heard him say from behind her. That, at least, made her turn around, in a hurry.

  “What?” she yelped, taking a step forward just as he walked to the door. “What the hell…”

  “When Steel wakes up, he can confirm or deny that you were invited,” Crook said, opening the door and stepping out. “Until then, that bed is pretty comfortable.”

  And with that, the door shut, separating them. Marcy heard the sound of a lock clicking. Darting forward, she yanked at the doorknob. It didn’t budge. She yanked harder, eyes wide with disbelief. He’d locked her in. The asshole had actually locked her in. She banged on the door.

  “Let me out! Let me out of here, you…you…fucker!”

  The sound of someone on the other side of the door, metal on metal, had Marcy stepping back, hoping against hope that this was all some elaborate joke or prank. The door opened just enough for Crook to stick his head in, his eyes dark and demanding.

  “You better shut up, little girl,” he growled. “If you wake me or any of my men up with your hollering, you’re not gonna like what I do to you as punishment.”

  She didn’t even have time to respond before he slammed the door in her face once more. She stood, open-mouthed, staring at the doorknob.

  Jesus Christ, Veronica, she thought, when she could finally think again. I’m never trusting you again…




  The voice came as if in a dream. Marcy stirred in the strange bed, unwilling to open her eyes just yet. It was the weekend, wasn’t it? She could sleep as late as she wanted…

  But something was off. These sheets…this blanket…she didn’t have a bed this big…

  Her eyes shot open like someone had given her an adrenaline pill. She sat bolt upright in the bed, looking around. The previous night’s awful events flooded back to her.

  “Marcy…are you in there?”

  That was Veronica’s voice. Marcy knew it. Quick as a flash, she leapt from the bed and rushed to the door. Locked, she remembered. He locked me in…

  But when she turned the knob, it yielded, and the door swung inward. Veronica, sleepy-eyed and bed-headed, stood on the other side. Marcy was so overwhelmed by relief that she forgot it was all Veronica’s fault in the first place. She rushed her friend, engulfing her in a hug.

  “Oh, thank God,” Marcy said. “Ronnie, it was awful, he made me strip and he said I was a spy…”

  Veronica cooed gently as she rocked Marcy back and forth. The smell of her shampoo, the feel of her soft skin…other memories from the night before started to fill Marcy’s mind. She groaned slightly as she pulled away, more confused than ever.

  “I know,” Veronica said. “And I am, like, so sorry. So so so sorry. Steel told him you were okay, and he let me come up and let you out. You have to understand; you were sneaking around here in the middle of the night like you had something to hide! These guys lead dangerous lives; you know? They can’t afford to be relaxed about stuff.”

  “You want me to be understanding?” Marcy snapped. “Too bad. I got strip-searched and locked away by an asshole named Crook all because you…you…”

  Veronica studied Marcy as she struggled to put words to the feelings in her head. Her face was impassive, if somewhat stony.

  “All because what? Because I wanted to show you that you weren’t alone in your feelings? Because I wanted to have a good time with you? Because I wanted to open you up and give you one of those adventures you’re always talking about? What were you even doing up and walking down the hall at that hour? There was a bathroom connected to the ro
om, and you knew that. Where the hell were you going?”

  “I was leaving!” Marcy cried. “You and Steel were all cuddled up and there was clearly no room for me, so I was leaving.”

  Veronica pouted, looking at her roommate’s anguish.

  “There was room for you,” she said finally, softly. “I would have made room for you.”

  Marcy felt a little foolish about her outburst, crossed her arms and looked down.

  “Well, maybe I didn’t want you to make room for me. Maybe I was just a little overwhelmed by it all.”

  Veronica sighed.

  “Come downstairs,” she said. “Let’s grab some coffee and get back to campus, alright?”

  Marcy bit her lip, her muscles still stiff with tension. But she nodded. When Veronica started to turn, she reached out to grab the girl’s arm.

  “Is he down there?”


  “Who else,” Marcy hissed.

  “Uh, yeah, he is,” Veronica said. “He’s the President. He’s always around.”

  Marcy groaned. She didn’t even care about seeing Steel, even though he had taken her virginity the night before. It was Crook she wanted to avoid. Crook, who’d managed to make her feel completely naked when she stood in her bra and panties; more naked, for sure, than she’d felt with Steel, who’d actually seen her naked.

  “Hey,” Veronica said as Marcy dropped her grip on her arm. She reached out, gently traced her roommate’s cheek with a finger. Marcy felt warm from it, even though she knew she should be furious with Veronica. “I was really happy last night. Really proud of you, and really happy to…to share that with you.”

  Marcy struggled to provide a smile. She didn’t know how she felt. She couldn’t respond to Veronica’s sweet words with anything genuine. There was still a lot about the night before she didn’t understand – a lot that she wasn’t even sure she could understand.

  “Let’s go,” Veronica said, and slipped her fingers in between Marcy’s, grabbing her hand. Despite herself, Marcy felt bolder with Veronica’s hand in hers. Together, they went down the stairs, where the low grumble of men talking filled the first floor.


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