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Page 9

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  Along with the sound of chatter, there was the smell of coffee, which immediately ignited a craving in Marcy’s stomach. If ever there was a time she needed a little jolt of clarity and energy, it was then.

  In Marcy’s worst nightmare, she walked into a room much like the kitchen of the biker’s clubhouse. Full to bursting with men who could snap her in half. But she was surprised to find that she was not a matter of interest for anyone there, except Steel and Crook. Somehow, that wasn’t much of a comfort; if anything, she felt a bit insulted by the way she and Veronica passed unmolested through the room. She had felt invisible enough during high school without having the sensation follow her into college.

  Steel offered a wan smile as Marcy and Veronica approached, while Crook kept his level gaze on Marcy. There was no apology in the way he looked at her. She cursed herself for the way her stomach flipped, his dark eyes overwhelming her.

  “Coffee?” Steel offered, and Veronica nodded, cozying up to his side. The kitchen was large enough that they could speak without feeling like they were being heard by everyone else in attendance. Steel poured out two cups from the coffee maker, handing one to each of the girls. Marcy didn’t like black coffee, but she wasn’t about to ask for milk and sugar, so she sipped it and bit back her grimace.

  “Steel told me, this morning, that you were alright,” Crook said, still looking at Marcy. “Sorry about last night. We have to be cautious around here.”

  “So I’ve been told,” Marcy muttered, avoiding his eyes.

  “Well, next time you’ll have a free pass,” Crook said, casual as could be, as though he hadn’t totally invaded Marcy’s personal space a matter of hours ago. She shrugged.

  “Who says there will be a next time,” she heard herself say, a heavy dose of spite in her voice. Veronica and Steel shared a quick look that Marcy didn’t bother trying to decode. Crook shrugged.

  “Do you need a ride back to campus?” he asked, still looking at Marcy. She shook her head. A bit late to be playing nice, she thought, but at the same time she felt a rush of curiosity about the question. Was he offering her a ride on the back of his bike? That would be exciting, but…

  But he’s an asshole, she reminded herself. And you’re crazy for forgetting that, even for a second.

  “I have my car here.”

  “Alright,” Crook said, putting his empty mug down on a counter. He looked at Steel, nodded once. “Since we’re off the hook, I’ve got some things to talk to you about. Meet me upstairs in five.”

  “Alright, boss,” Steel answered, discarding his own mug and wrapping his arms around Veronica. Crook moved towards the door, brushing past Marcy on the way.

  “Don’t be too much of a stranger,” he growled as he went, eyeing her one last time in a way that was far from polite. Marcy bristled and melted at the same time. It was too early and she was too tired to deal with the feelings battling inside her. She gulped at her coffee and tried to ignore the way her body flushed when his arm brushed against hers.

  “Aw, I was hoping we could get breakfast,” Veronica said, oblivious to what had just passed between Marcy and Crook. She leaned back into Steel’s embrace, her long black hair flowing over his arms, her green eyes looking brighter now that she’d gotten some caffeine in her.

  “Some other time, babe,” he said. His eyes flicked over to Marcy, who shifted uncomfortably in place. Last night, he’d taken her virginity. Now, he had his arms around her best friend. She didn’t really feel jealous, but she felt like a third wheel.

  “Marcy and I will get something, then,” Veronica cooed, smiling over at her friend. “I’m thinking…IHOP?”

  Marcy’s stomach rumbled at the thought of food, but her mind recoiled from the thought of sitting across from Veronica at a restaurant; what the hell were they going to talk about? Were they going to pretend last night never happened? She wanted to drive home and crawl into bed and sleep for the rest of the weekend. But when Veronica winked at her, pouting slightly, she sighed and nodded. There was still no saying no to Veronica.

  Steel kissed the side of Veronica’s head and untangled himself from her. For a moment, Marcy thought he was going to ignore her entirely. But as he walked past her, he slowed down and reached forward, grabbing her chin between rough fingers. She felt her shoulders rise sharply, caught by the suddenness of his movement.

  “You ought to give yourself more credit, college girl,” he said through a teasing smile. “No use pretending we didn’t have fun. I know I did.”

  And with that, he was gone, Marcy’s eyes following his broad back as he disappeared. Before she could turn back, she felt Veronica at her side.

  “He’s right, you know,” she said, reaching forward to brush a strand of hair from Marcy’s cheek. “You were amazing last night and…”

  “Let’s just go,” Marcy sighed, putting down her half-empty mug. When she finally looked up at Veronica, there was a hint of pity in her eyes that made Marcy’s heart wince. Marcy offered a fake smile in return. “I’m starving.”

  “You’ve been holding out on us,” Crook said, sitting behind the desk in the room that served as his office. Steel studied his President for a moment, trying to discern just how serious Crook’s words were. As usual, his leader was enigmatic, unreadable. Steel shrugged.

  “Two girls for one man, you’re a lucky guy,” Crook continued. “You’re sure they’re trustworthy?”

  Steel scoffed.

  “As trustworthy as any of the other girls we bring around,” he answered. “They’re just college girls looking for excitement. Want to be with a bad boy for a while before they settle down to date a frat boy.”

  Crook nodded, looking distant.

  “I like her,” he finally said.

  “Which one?” Steel asked, bristling slightly. As much as he wanted to deny it, he was possessive of Veronica – there was a share and share alike mentality to the club, but he didn’t feel much like sharing his little coed. Her cute roommate was one thing, but Veronica was another.

  “The little one,” Crook said. “Marcy.”

  Steel fought the urge to breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, he felt like smirking. Marcy was cute, that was for sure, but she was young and nervous, too. And she probably hated Crook for what he’d done to her. Crook didn’t stand much of a chance with her.

  “She’s alright,” Steel said. “A little green.”

  “That’s what I like about her,” Crook said with a smile. His eyes darkened slightly as he studied Steel. “I want her, Steel.”

  Steel’s eyebrows rose. What did Crook expect him to do?

  “If you want her so bad, you should have thought of that before you strip searched her and locked her in a room,” he said with a shrug. “I think you pretty much sealed the deal for not sealing the deal.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Crook said thoughtfully. “There’s something about her…she’s curious. She might hate me now, but…”

  Steel waited for Crook to continue his sentence, but the President seemed to have lost his train of thought.

  “Well, I guess you’d know, right?” Steel finally said. “Maybe she’s interested, maybe she’s not.”

  “You’re going to help me,” Crook said. “I want her back here. And she’s only going to come back if she’s with your little girlfriend. I can tell – she feels safe with her.”

  “She feels more than safe with Veronica,” Steel said. “She’s got the hots for her, big time.”

  “I don’t care if she wants to marry her,” Crook growled. “I just need to get her back here, and she’ll be mine in a heartbeat.”

  Steel looked doubtful. Crook didn’t see the way Marcy looked at Veronica. Steel knew the only reason Marcy had gone through with everything the night before was because she was lusting after her roommate.

  “Whatever you say, boss,” Steel said. “I’ll do my best…”

  “Don’t do your best,” Crook growled, flashing Steel a look. “Just do it. If you don’t,
things are going to get tough for you around here.”

  Steel blanched, eyes wide.

  “What?” he asked, taken aback by the ferocity of his President’s demand.

  “You heard me,” Crook said. “I like getting what I want, Steel. And I don’t know why, but I really want that girl. So you bring her to me, or see just how much fun it is to be on my bad side. You’ve been selfish, Steel. I don’t appreciate that shit in my club.”

  Steel bit back an angry growl. President or not, he didn’t like anyone pushing him around, telling him what to do, threatening him. At the same time, he recognized a sort of primitive desire in Crook’s eyes – something Steel saw in himself when he looked at Veronica. A need like that could overcome a man, easy. That didn’t make it any easier to accept what Crook was saying – if anything, it made Steel realize that Crook wasn’t just playing around. He meant every word.

  “Fine,” Steel spit. “I’ll get her back here.”

  “Good,” Crook said, eyes flashing. “Make it soon, Steel.”

  With that, Crook dismissed Steel, waving his hand towards the door. Steel rose, face red with suppressed anger. Crook watched him go, heard the slam of the door. He groaned, leaning back in his chair. Why had he just done that? He’d just threatened one of his own men – over what? Some chick? Some little girl who probably didn’t even know how to suck a dick?

  But when he thought of her, his blood boiled, his veins throbbed. He remembered the warm tremble of her skin under his hands, her defiant eyes staring back at him…and he wanted her. He wanted to destroy her with pleasure, wanted her underneath him and calling his name. More than he could ever remember wanting anyone. Maybe it was her innocence, the false front of bravery hiding a girl who really wasn’t prepared to deal with anything like him, or his club. Maybe it was something else. Whatever it was, it had a strong and hearty grip on his mind…and he knew it wasn’t going to let go anytime soon.

  Outside the closed door, Steel looked with narrowed eyes at the grainy wood. He growled low in his throat. Since when was a chick worth threatening each other over? He made a decision then. He’d try to give Crook what he wanted. But not before Steel took what he wanted. He wasn’t done with Veronica and her little friend yet. And he’d be damned if he let his President rush him into anything. Let Crook wait. Steel wanted a little bit more.


  Marcy picked at her eggs, watching the broken yolks run over her bacon. Veronica was chewing away happily, moaning with each bite she put into her mouth. Veronica loved breakfast, it was true; she’d ordered eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and pancakes, with a milkshake to go along with it. Where Veronica put it all, Marcy had no idea. She certainly didn’t exercise to keep her figure; unless sex counted as exercise.

  Marcy sighed, and Veronica glanced up at her. For the first time since their food arrived, the black-haired girl put her fork down.

  “Hey,” Veronica said, her voice sympathetic. “I know last night was crazy. But you really shouldn’t feel bad about it. I mean, I’ve wanted to do that for a long time, and I…”

  “I don’t feel bad about it,” Marcy said, pointedly. Her voice was sharper than she meant it to be, and Veronica flinched. “I’m sorry. That came out harsher than I meant it to. But, I mean, really, I don’t feel bad about what we did.”

  “But…you feel bad about something,” Veronica said.

  “Yeah,” Marcy said, warming her hands around her mug of coffee and staring down into the creamy surface. “I do.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Veronica asked, and gently reached forward to wrap her own hands around Marcy’s. Now, it was Marcy’s turn to flinch.

  “Would that…would that have happened if it wasn’t for Steel?” Marcy asked, her voice quiet and almost squeaky. Veronica’s brow furrowed.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…you wouldn’t have…it wouldn’t have happened if it was just us…” Marcy tried to put her concerns into words.

  “Oh,” Veronica said softly, understanding. “Well…I don’t know. It’s hard to say. I mean, maybe, if I’d never met Steel at all, yeah. But I’m with Steel. I wouldn’t have done anything with you without him because I’m with him. But if I wasn’t with him, I would. And…I’d like to be with you, too…”

  “What does that even mean, Ronnie?” Marcy asked, flustered by her friend’s wishy-washy answer.

  “It means that I really like you a lot…I mean, I love you, as a friend, and I guess…I mean, when you date someone you’re just friends who also have sex…”

  “I don’t want to do that,” Marcy cut in, shaking her head. “I don’t want to be a friend who also has sex with you. Not if you’re also going to be dating Steel. I…I don’t really know what I want, but I know I don’t want that.”

  Veronica looked hurt, but she nodded all the same.

  “I can understand that,” she said, then paused, biting her lip. “I just thought, we had so much fun last night, and I felt so close to you…”

  “Yeah, I felt that too,” Marcy said. “But…I just want last night to stay in the past. I’m confused and I’m…well, I’m just really confused. And I don’t want things to get more confusing.”

  Veronica kept nodding, but her eyes were thoughtful. She was still holding Marcy’s hand around the mug. Slowly, a sad smile broke across her face.

  “So we had one crazy night,” she said. “That’s what college is all about. We never have to talk about it again, right? And we can go back to being roommates and best friends. Okay? I just don’t want to lose you altogether, alright? Promise me we’ll still be friends?”

  Marcy forced herself to smile back. She didn’t want to lose Veronica, either.

  “Friends,” she said. “Of course. Where would you be without your partner in crime? I can’t just let you out into the world without my sanity to calm you down.”

  “Perfect,” Veronica said, rolling her eyes over a wide smile. “And where would you be without a little craziness to keep you from being an old maid at 18?”

  With that, Veronica returned her attention to her meal, making up for lost time by eating twice as fast. Marcy watched her friend for a long moment, thinking that although they’d agreed to go back to being friends, things really couldn’t ever be the same…could they?

  “Dude, if you don’t start on that bacon soon, I’m gonna have to do it for you,” Veronica said through a mouthful of pancake, pointing with her fork to Marcy’s untouched plate.

  “You touch my bacon, you’re gonna lose a finger,” Marcy shot back, using her arms to create a makeshift fortress around her plate. For the first time that morning, her smile felt real. Maybe they could go back to normal. It was worth a shot, at least.

  “One more shot?” Veronica asked, holding up the half-empty bottle. Marcy shook her head. She’d pre-gamed enough. Last time she’d drank too much, she’d ended up wedged between Veronica and her boyfriend. She needed to be extra careful about her drinking now, to make sure it didn’t happen again…and to make sure she didn’t start babbling about it.

  It was the week after she’d gone to Rochester with Veronica to meet her boyfriend, the night she’d lost her virginity and everything had changed. The past week had been a little awkward between the two girls, but when Veronica invited Marcy out for a night at the frats, Marcy saw the opportunity to get things back to normal – whatever that meant.

  Veronica slammed down a portion of the clear liquid, smacking her lips and grimacing as the hard stuff hit her throat. She was wearing a tight black dress that showed off her curves, her C-cup breasts almost spilling out of the top.

  As usual, Marcy was dressed a bit more demurely, in a skirt that reached to her knees, showing off her calves, and a white camisole. She had her dirty blonde hair loose and a light brushing of brown eyeshadow over her honey-colored eyes. She wondered how Steel would feel seeing Veronica all dressed up like that to go party with frat boys. Before she could open her mouth to ask the question, there was
a knock at the door.

  Marcy expected it to be one of their friends from the dorm, but she waved at Veronica to hide the liquor anyway, in case it was an RA. Once the vodka was safely out of sight, Marcy swung the door open. And lost her breath.

  Steel stood in the hall, his helmet in one hand, the other tucked into the pocket of his too-tight jeans. He looked like sin and sex in his leather cut, his blonde hair tousled by the road and wind, his blue eyes blazing. Marcy turned to Veronica, shock on her face turning into anger. Veronica had promised. They were going to put this all behind them and…

  “Baby!” Veronica cried, ignoring Marcy’s glare. The look of surprise on her face was genuine. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well,” Steel said, coming in without invitation. “I figured if you can come around to party with my boys every weekend, I might as well give your scene a try.”

  “Um,” Marcy said, standing to the side with the door still open as Steel crossed the room and enveloped Veronica in his strong, burly arms. “What?”

  Steel planted a kiss on Veronica’s giggling lips before turning to Marcy.

  “It’s good to see you too,” he said, eyes dancing slightly as he looked her over.

  Marcy scowled as she let the door swing shut, then crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I thought this was going to be a…”

  “You are so silly,” Veronica interrupted, looking at Steel and ignoring Marcy’s complaint. “You really don’t want to party with us. It’s just going to be a dumb frat party with a bunch of dumb kids.”

  Steel growled slightly as he eyed Veronica’s skimpy outfit.

  “Well, I’m glad I came,” he said. “Make sure everyone knows that this little bundle of sex is all mine.”

  Marcy coughed until Veronica and Steel turned to her. Veronica blanched then, realizing that Marcy was angry. She pulled away from Steel, her cheeks reddening.


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