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Look the Look of Lust

Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘I’m not gonna be able to hold on much longer,’ her lover said, gritting his teeth. ‘You just feel so damn good.’

  ‘I’m almost there,’ she whispered. ‘Just fuck me.’

  And he did. He fucked her so furiously she felt like her pussy was on fire, and imagined she could smell burning rubber. Pulling and clutching at his arse, she murmured words and phrases of encouragement until her own approaching orgasm rendered her silent.

  She arched her back, pulling him deeper and deeper. Then she toppled over the edge. Her climax ripped ferociously through her body and her cunt gripped his cock and milked it for all it was worth. Their cries echoed through the barn and Ramona’s nails dug so tightly into his fleshy buttocks that later, she wondered if she’d broken the skin. But there and then, lost on her own wave of bliss, she didn’t care.

  As they both came down from their glorious highs, he rolled over next to her and they lay there in a companionable silence as their breathing and heart rates slowed.

  After a while, the companionable silence became awkward, and Ramona decided to make her move. Sitting up, she hopped off the bales and began to locate her scattered clothing.

  ‘You’re leaving?’

  Ramona turned, and her pussy gave a lurch at the sight of her lover, looking dishevelled and quite literally fucked.

  ‘Yes. I have to finish my walk and get back home.’

  ‘OK.’ He didn’t press the matter.

  They dressed in silence and then he rolled open the heavy barn door to let her out, blinking, into the sunlight. She shouldered her backpack and, unsure what to do, she gave him a wry smile and said,

  ‘See you around.’

  Then she turned and headed for the stile she’d been aiming for what felt like hours ago. Just as she flung one leg over it, she heard a noise behind her. She paused with one leg either side of the stile as he chased after her. Reaching up, he pressed a crumpled piece of paper into her hand.

  ‘My number,’ he said, smiling at her. ‘So you can let me know next time you’ll be walking through my farmyard.’

  She blushed a little, surprised he seemed to want to see her again. ‘Thanks …’

  Her eyes widened as she realised that not only had she fucked a random stranger on a whim, but she didn’t even know his name. Or he hers.

  ‘John,’ he finished for her, saving any more embarrassment.

  ‘Thanks, John. I’m Ramona.’

  And with that, she zipped his number safely into her trouser pocket and went on her way, leaving the hunky farmer gazing bemusedly after her for a few minutes before he turned and headed inside for his lunch. After all, he’d well and truly earned it.

  Come Between Us

  by Lynn Lake

  Vanessa arrived home early from work, to find her husband in the swimming pool eating out their babysitter.

  ‘Oh my God!’ Vanessa gasped, placing a trembling hand against the darkened glass of the sliding doors to steady herself.

  Her husband was in the sparkling blue waters of the pool, submerged up to his shoulders in the deep end. While Tina was sitting on the edge, long slender legs dangling into the water, lean thighs splayed out on the tile. Bert was gripping those smooth young thighs, his head in between Tina’s legs, bobbing up and down, as he lapped at the girl’s pussy. Her head was tilted back, the lean muscles on her arms tautened to support her quivering body, breasts rising and falling rapidly with her excited breathing.

  Vanessa stared at the wildly erotic scene, hardly believing her eyes. Tina was a beautiful young girl, just recently turned 19, with a slim, sun-browned body and big brown eyes, long auburn hair and a lush, teasing mouth. But there had never been anything between the girl and Vanessa’s husband during the four months that Tina had been working for them, as far as Vanessa knew. That had obviously all changed, however, for presently there was a great deal between them: Bert hungrily licking the girl’s slit out in the open under the blazing sun; Tina thoroughly enjoying the intimate sexual attention.

  Vanessa watched, her shock and disappointment suddenly transformed into angry lust as she stared at Tina’s young, ripe body. The girl was totally naked, her dark-brown nipples jutting out from her high firm breasts, her golden skin glowing, shiny hair streaming down her back. It had been Vanessa who had been attracted to Tina originally, the young woman’s energy and openness and loveliness rekindling desires in the older woman she hadn’t felt since her college days, the days of experimentation.

  Spending so much time with Tina, she’d often caught herself about to reach out and caress the girl, perhaps softly press her full lips against Tina’s warm, pouty lips; just to see what it felt like, whether it would be as pleasurable as she imagined it would be. But she’d never acted on her impulses. While her husband had.

  Vanessa was wearing a tight white knee-length skirt and a black satin blouse, and as she watched her husband ardently lap at Tina’s pussy, she slid a hand down into her skirt, the other up onto her blouse. She cupped and squeezed a breast, wriggling her other hand into her panties and onto her pussy. ‘Oh, God!’ she gulped, shuddering at the hot, damp touch of her own hands and fingers, at the sheer wickedness of what she was doing and what she was seeing.

  By all rights she should’ve been storming outside and confronting Bert and the teenage hussy, ordering Tina off her property permanently. But instead, she gazed at the pair, at Tina getting enthusiastically eaten out by her husband, and she surged with erotic heat, taking her own pleasure from the scorching sex scene.

  Bert looked up from between Tina’s legs, his lips shining with the girl’s juices, and said something. Tina looked down at the man and blinked stars out of her eyes, and nodded. Bert propelled himself up out of the water and onto the tiled edge of the pool, as Tina squirmed backwards, jumped onto her knees. Bert’s cock sprung up hard and huge and dripping right in front of Tina’s beaming face, and the girl gripped it, pumped it with her warm, slender hand.

  ‘Oh!’ Vanessa breathed, jolted like her husband. Her hand bulged in her panties and skirt, fingers rubbing her pussy, left hand clutching her clothed breast. She watched Tina stroke Bert’s raging hard-on.

  The girl pulled the man’s erection down and popped the bloated tip into her mouth, tugged on it with her lips. Vanessa’s body bowed like her husband’s, overcome.

  Bert laced his fingers into Tina’s silky hair and jerked the girl’s head forward, her mouth plunging down his shaft. Tina’s lips slid along Bert’s cock, consuming more and more of him, until her nose pressed almost into his damp pubes. Then she bobbed her head back and forth in Bert’s hands, sucking on his cock.

  ‘Slut! You little slut!’ Vanessa hissed, urging the girl on. She rubbed herself faster, kneading her tits. As Tina sucked on her husband’s cock with deep, urgent pulls.

  It was too much for Bert to take for too long. Vanessa well-knew how sensitive the man was to getting his cock sucked. He grabbed Tina under the armpits and yanked the girl to her feet, his dong dangling. And then the pair collapsed down onto the pool apron, Bert on top of Tina. She grabbed onto his cock and plugged it into her shaven pussy, all three, the adulaters and the voyeur, moaning as once.

  Bert pumped his hips, fucking Tina, Vanessa buffing her throbbing clit and rolling her swollen nipples. She could almost hear the wet splash of Bert banging against Tina. The writhing girl hooked her ankles around the man’s ass and her arms around his neck, urging him to fuck her harder and faster.

  The temperature soared, inside and out. Vanessa burned with a shimmering heat, watching her husband pound into the beautiful young woman. There was no stopping it now, it had gone too far; there could be only one ending to the wanton, volcanic activity.

  Vanessa shuddered and gasped, coming on the end of her polishing fingers, clutching a buzzing breast in a death-grip. Simultaneously her husband spasmed repeatedly, spraying inside the trembling, wailing, coming girl.

  Later, after Vanessa had showered, and Bert had gone to the store to pick
up some wine for dinner, she sat down on the edge of their bed and silently wept. She cried for the adultery she’d seen committed right in front of her, the blatant violation of their sacred marriage vows with a girl Vanessa herself had brought into their home. And she cried for her own obscene reaction to what she’d witnessed.

  She covered her face with her hands, her body shaking. And then she felt a hand on her shoulder, comforting her. She looked up, into Tina’s pretty, concerned face.

  ‘What’s wrong, Vanessa?’ the girl innocently asked.

  Vanessa blinked back her tears and swallowed, hard. She opened her mouth to tell Tina exactly what was wrong, tear a strip off the home-wrecking harlot for ruining her marriage. But before she could fully arrange her thoughts and words, she felt the warm pressure of Tina’s hand on her shoulder, saw the smouldering look in the girl’s brown eyes. She quivered with joy, when Tina’s soft, moist lips pressed against her lips.

  Vanessa threw her arms around the girl, overcome a second time, fiercely kissing the teenage seductress back. And getting back at her cheating husband at the same time.

  The two women mashed their mouths together, their lips moving excitedly against one another’s. Tina slipped her hands into Vanessa’s bathrobe and pushed the garment down off her shoulders.

  Vanessa pulled back, letting the robe fall to her waist, exposing her large, pale, hanging breasts. Her red nipples were swollen, aching to be touched and tongued and sucked. She was old enough to be Tina’s mother, but age meant nothing now, as the young girl cupped the older woman’s heavy breasts, gently squeezed them.

  ‘Oh, yes!’ Vanessa breathed, tremors of delight running through her.

  Tina bent her head down and lifted Vanessa’s breasts up to her mouth, teased one distended nipple with her kitten-pink tongue, and then the other. Vanessa jumped, burning with desire, the girl’s wet, swirling tongue feeling so very delicious on her straining nipples.

  Tina sucked on Vanessa’s tits, engulfing a nipple and half a breast in her mouth and tugging. Then nursing, her cheeks billowing with sucking pressure. Vanessa slid her fingers into the girl’s shining hair and implored her onward, arching her back, thrusting out her full breasts into Tina’s face, and mouth.

  ‘She can be pretty convincing, can’t she?’ someone said.

  Bert was standing in the doorway of their bedroom. He had his hard cock in his hand, stroking it as he watched his wife get her tits sucked by their teenage babysitter.

  Vanessa gazed at her husband, her eyelashes fluttering with the sensuous pull of Tina’s lips and mouth on her breasts. ‘Yes,’ she murmured.

  Tina finally released Vanessa’s tits, shining with saliva, and stripped off her own top, baring her chest. Vanessa instantly grasped the girl’s burgeoned breasts, squeezed them, sucked on them, inhaling stiffened nipple and urgently tugging. Bert stroked faster, watching his wife fondle and lick and suck on Tina.

  The two panting women embraced again, kissed again. Their tongues met and danced together. And then Tina was up off the bed and pulling Vanessa to her feet. The woman left her bathrobe behind, standing starkly naked before Tina and Bert.

  ‘She’s beautiful, isn’t she?’ Tina said to Vanessa’s husband, the girl’s eyes gleaming.

  ‘Sure is,’ Bert answered, staring at his wife’s voluptuous body, the black fur in between her shapely legs. He licked his lips, openly stroking his dong in front of the two lovely women.

  Tina ran her hot, brown hands over Vanessa’s chest, caressing the woman’s breasts, brushing fingertips over engorged and pointing nipples. Vanessa shuddered and moaned, her overripe body shaking.

  Tina went down on her knees in front of Vanessa and gripped the woman’s thighs and spread her legs slightly apart, staring at Vanessa’s pussy. ‘I want to eat her, like you ate me, Bert. Is that all right?’ she asked.

  Bert grunted, fisting.

  ‘Vanessa?’ the girl said, looking up at the red-faced woman.

  ‘Please!’ Vanessa gasped. Then cried out with joy, when Tina moved her head forward and touched Vanessa’s slit with the tip of her tongue.

  ‘You’re soaking wet,’ Tina marvelled, flicking her tongue at the woman’s pussy. Then burying her face in between Vanessa’s legs, intimately kissing Vanessa’s cunt.

  ‘Fuck!’ husband and wife both yelped.

  Tina lapped at Vanessa’s slit. The woman’s body bowed, her tits jumping with the erotic impact of the girl’s stroking tongue on her electrified cunt.

  Tina squirmed her tongue through Vanessa’s pussy lips and speared inside the woman. Her fingernails bit into Vanessa’s trembling thighs, as she began fucking Vanessa with her tongue, plunging in and out of the woman’s dripping sex.

  And just like with her husband, Tina’s oral assault proved too much for Vanessa to endure for too long – getting tongue-fucked by the beautiful young girl while her own husband stood there and jacked. She pulled Tina to her feet, kissed her, tongued her, licking her own pussy juices off Tina’s lips and chin.

  Tina stripped off her shorts, baring her peach-mounded butt cheeks and baby-faced pussy. And then the two women collapsed onto the bed, in the 69 position, Tina on top, Vanessa laid out on her back.

  Bert crowded close to the side of the bed, his cock surging in his hand. Watching with wonder as Tina gripped his wife’s thighs and dug her tongue into his wife’s pussy, licking and sucking, pulling on the woman’s pussy flaps. As Vanessa grasped Tina’s butt cheeks and thrust her mouth into the girl’s snatch, tasting the dewy honey, lapping as excitedly at Tina’s slit as Tina was lapping at hers.

  The two women’s tremoring bodies stretched before Bert’s eyes, his hand flying up and down the length of his prick. Vanessa moaned into Tina’s pussy, as the girl spread Vanessa’s flaps with her fingers and caught the older woman’s puffed-up clit in her mouth, sucked on it. Vanessa reciprocated, uncovering Tina’s blossomed bud and wrapping her lips around it, sucking on it.

  Electric arcs of pleasure coursed through the two women, the epicentre their pulsing clits in each other’s mouths. Bert squeezed his balls with one hand, fisting with the other, on fire with the sensual Sapphic display. He jerked, jetted, splashing sizzling semen onto Tina’s back and ass, against his wife’s face.

  The two women were quickly overcome with their own ecstasy. Their bodies shook out of control, the pair gushing hot pussy juices into each other’s faces.

  Tina cuddled up in Vanessa’s arms when it was all over, pillowing her head on the woman’s breasts. Vanessa held the girl tight to her naked body, basking in the warm afterglow of exquisite lovemaking. Bert climbed onto the bed and spooned in against Tina’s nude body, the precocious young babysitter coming between the married older couple in the best possible way.

  Eighteen Wheels To Ecstasy

  by Arlie MacGregor

  Damn! Six hours cramped in the car and at least another three to go. My legs ached painfully from my ankles to my hips as I kept shifting around trying to find some level of comfort. My belly was growling and my bladder was threatening to explode its caffeinated contents onto the leather seats. It was time to make a stop.

  I scanned the sides of the highway with renewed interest, searching for anything that might resemble a restaurant. The semi driver just ahead of me flicked his signal light on, and my eyes followed his manoeuvre.

  There, at the bottom of the hill, surrounded by an expanse of Detroit steel, stood a dilapidated building that appeared older than creation itself. A neon “Open” sign blinked frantically in its dust-covered window, a futile attempt to lure would-be customers. As seedy as it looked, I had no choice. This truck stop was gastro-intestinal salvation.

  Willing my legs to cooperate, I strolled through the door; my arrival announced by dingy little chimes hanging over the frame. The interior was every bit as ancient as it looked outside. Nothing had been upgraded (or cleaned it seemed) since it was built in the 50s. That hadn’t deterred the clientele though; the place was packed with road w

  After freshening up in a bathroom that could have used some freshening of its own, I made my way to the only table left in the crowded diner. Thankfully, it wasn’t near a window. I had a sneaking suspicion that the sills were insect graveyards.

  Entirely overdressed for this venue, I sensed every eye in the place trying to peel the extra layers off. As I sat down, I adjusted my skirt to cover the tops of my stockings, but to no avail. The Neanderthal at the next table had already had a good look and was grinning lecherously at me. I tried to ignore him and focus my attention on the menu.

  Silently praying that it was safe to eat here, I ordered a soup and sandwich combo and a much-needed coffee from the female denizen who was serving tables. That done, I idly glanced around the place while I waited for my food to show up.

  Other than Mother Teresa, I was the lone woman in the café. I shuddered every time I caught the intent stare of the male patrons as their eyes roved over me. Most looked like they hadn’t seen a shower or razor in days. All except one.

  On the opposite side of the room, he sat behind his newspaper, occasionally taking a sip of his coffee. So far, he was the only man in the joint who hadn’t bothered to lift his head and look my way. Unlike the others, this guy was actually good-looking. I found myself studying him, wondering why he didn’t have the same appetite as his “co-workers”. My ego sensed a challenge, and being ignored was luring me, even daring me to test it. The initial hunger I felt was starting to shift from my belly to my …

  ‘Will there be anything else?’ The gravelled croaking of the waitress interrupted my momentary fantasy, with the clattering of the plate she set down punctuating the question.

  ‘No, that’s good thanks,’ I replied. I tore into my lunch, which was surprisingly good, and sporadically peered through my long bangs to check out the man with the paper.

  I imagined my fingers wrapped in his dark curls, the feel of his whiskers raking along my soft sensitive thighs. God, what’s gotten into you, girlfriend? It wasn’t like me at all to pick up strange men, but the increasing moisture between my legs was difficult to overlook. I didn’t care what his story was; Hell, I didn’t even care what his name was. But I wanted him. Even worse, I wanted him to want me. The question though, was how?


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