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Look the Look of Lust

Page 4

by Miranda Forbes

  The sound of broken glass scraping over vocal chords jolted me back to reality. ‘Mac picked up your bill,’ said my oh-so-pleasant server, with a thinly veiled look of disgust and maybe even jealousy as she pointed to the subject of my lurid daydreaming.

  I glanced up at him, smiling my gratitude and was finally rewarded with his attention. He flashed a boyish grin at me, his piercing blue eyes assessing, taking stock, and calculating his next move. It was as though he was shredding my clothes, mentally tossing them aside and seeing exactly what I had been thinking. He seemed amused by my growing discomfort, not half-starved like his counterparts. There was no indication of nervous anxiety, just the cool confidence of a sports fisherman with an easy catch on the line. I was being played, and truth be told, I didn’t mind the game.

  Though physically covered in my business attire, I felt completely exposed. I broke away from his stare, the blush of embarrassment colouring my cheeks. I was certain that by now, everyone else in the place had noticed the silent exchange between us. Pretending to study a spot on the floor my mind scrambled, working furiously to come up with some form of strategy.

  ‘You’re not from around here, are you?’ The voice carried a lyrical drawl and played through my ears like I needed his fingers to­ …

  My head snapped up to find “Mac” standing mere inches from me. The faint smell of diesel hinted at masculinity; not like the pampered starched fare at the office. He was close enough to touch, definitely close enough that he could see me vibrating. Try as I might, there didn’t seem to be much I could do to stop it.

  I fought to regain control of my paralysed tongue. ‘Um, no, I’m not. I think I may have made a wrong turn somewhere.’ Total bullshit, but maybe the damsel in distress ploy would work.

  ‘They call me Mac, after my truck,’ he said, offering one hand and pointing with the other towards the parking lot. It was impossible to see much more than that through the grimy front window. ‘I’ve got a map in the cab; when you’re done here I’ll set you straight.’

  Instantly, a catcall issued from across the room. ‘Woohoo! Mac’s gonna score!’ shouted an ugly toad of a man a few seats away.

  ‘Shut the hell up, Leo. I’m just trying to help the lady out,’ Mac snapped back.

  ‘Yeah, right. The only person you’re helping is yourself. Have one for the rest of us.’ Leo lifted his beer bottle in an envious congratulatory salute.

  Mac rolled his eyes at Leo and turned back to me. ‘I’ll be in the truck if you need directions later. If not, have a safe trip.’ And with that, he made his way to the door without as much as a glance over his shoulder to see if I was following.

  The ball had just been lobbed in my court. I could leave now and maintain my pristine, but boring reputation. Or, I could “check out the map”. I heard snickering from various parts of the room, as the other men watched with curiosity to see what I’d do. I knew what I wanted to do, and so did Mac. He was banking on it. Damn him! Why was he making this so difficult? His tactic was forcing me to come to him willingly. So very dissimilar from any other man I’d encountered, but his indifference had every nerve-ending in my body pleading to be touched by him.

  Logic and decorum vaporised as I bolted out to the parking lot. ‘Mac, wait up! I could use those directions after all.’

  His smile registering triumph at my defeat, Mac stopped and patiently waited for me to hobble across the potholes in my heels. I didn’t care any more; I needed relief and soon.

  ‘Sure, truck’s right over here,’ he said, gesturing toward the Mack at the end of the lot. Now the nickname made sense.

  We slowly walked over to the semi, scraps of trivial conversation spilling out to fill the silence. Standing next to it, the truck was much larger than I’d ever realised. I wasn’t even sure I could reach the stairs.

  Reaching over my head, Mac tugged at the latch and the big door swung open. ‘Go ahead, I’ll make sure you don’t fall,’ he coaxed.

  I hesitated for a moment. This was it. Once inside the cab, I’d no longer be in control. I’d be at the mercy of whatever it was that Mac had in store for me. Apprehensive? Yes, but apparently not enough as my foot hit the first step.

  I heard him say something like, ‘I’ll give you a boost’ but the words didn’t register. My mind was too busy struggling to process the feel of Mac’s hands sliding under my skirt and gripping the cheeks of my ass. I was only wearing a thong, a fact he took great delight in as his strong calloused fingers ran leisurely over my bare flesh.

  Savouring the warmth of his hands as they massaged me, I basked in this small victory, this tiny measure of success. I was finally getting what I’d become desperate for and I shifted my weight, trying to absorb his fingers into my skin.

  Mac’s movements were expert and hypnotic. I was afraid to move; terrified of breaking the spell and having him stop. My knees were getting weak though, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand up straight.

  A squeal ripped from my throat as Mac slid one finger over the thin, soaked material clinging to my pussy. Chuckling at the condition he’d worked me into, he quickly pulled his hands away.

  ‘Come on, up ya get!’ he said, stinging my ass with a playful slap. ‘We need to find that map.’

  That smack was enough to break my trance, and using my arms to aid my failing legs, I made my way up to the cab. I fumbled over the seat, my heels scrabbling on the floor. There was no way to make a graceful entrance into this mobile monstrosity. If I managed to come out unscathed, I’d be doing well.

  Giving me enough time to clear the seat, Mac soon joined me. ‘Make yourself comfortable on the bunk and I’ll start looking for the map.’

  My God! He couldn’t possibly be serious. Not after what he started on the stairs. I plunked myself on the bed, wondering just what the hell was going on. Still vibrating, I was nervous, scared, and totally frustrated.

  Mac slowly and deliberately began searching through the piles of papers strewn around the cab. Eventually, he hit pay dirt. ‘Ah ha! I knew I had it in here somewhere! You’ll be on your way in no time.’

  I was on the verge of having a full-on pout. I didn’t want the stupid map, I didn’t need directions, I knew EXACTLY where I was and Mac’s little game was starting to piss me off. Maybe he’d just been messing with me; maybe he had no intention of …

  The hand that roughly grabbed my hair stopped my mind in its mental tracks. ‘First, before we bother looking at the map, I need to know how well you can follow directions,’ Mac growled. His demeanour had completely changed. The mischievous glint in his eyes was now a feral intensity; his affable personality had evaporated and been replaced by pure Alpha male. Both terror and thrill mixed in a heady concoction and snaked through my veins.

  For someone who was usually in control, I found the shift in power strangely exciting, even liberating. I’d have no choice but to do what Mac wanted, and my pulse raced with anticipation.

  ‘You can start by getting rid of those extra clothes.’ More demand than request, I opened my mouth to protest. ‘Shhhhh,’ said Mac, a finger against his lips. ‘If you don’t pay attention,’ his voice dropped, and his finger slid between my thighs, ‘you’ll never find your way home.’

  A whimper escaped me as Mac put pressure on my clit and dragged his finger away. Somehow, my fingers found their targets and began unbuttoning, slipping my blouse and skirt to the floor.

  ‘Much better.’ With one hand immobile in my hair, Mac shoved the other under my bra. Slowly, methodically he explored my breasts; one minute gently fondling and touching; the next squeezing almost painfully. Already swollen, my nipples threatened to burst like overripe berries each time he rubbed his thumb over them. All the while, his crotch was against my face. I could feel him throbbing through the fabric of his jeans, and with each pulse, he pressed a little harder.

  Mac’s hand slowly traced upwards, over my neck, sending shivers through my body. His thumb running firmly over my lips, Mac leaned in close and h
issed into my ear, ‘You seem like a smart girl. What do you think your next move should be?’

  My hands were shaking as I reached for his belt buckle. I felt awkward as I undid his fly and tugged on his jeans. I’d never disrobed a man before; the few I’d been with did it themselves quite willingly.

  Like a caged animal, Mac’s cock fought for release as I pulled on the fabric. It was swollen and angry, tapping against my mouth as it sought an entrance. I no sooner parted my lips when Mac roughly thrust it in, almost choking me. He pulled back a little, and fell into a steady rhythm, his hand still tangled in my hair to guide his strokes.

  ‘I’ll just bet, when you were sitting up there in your fancy office, that you never imagined sucking off some truck driver like a common lot lizard, did you?’ It was more statement than question, but I couldn’t have answered if I wanted to.

  ‘But deep down, you like it. Right?’

  All I could do was look at him, my eyes wide and hoping he could read them. Mac was right; I was getting a perverse pleasure out of being treated like a whore. It was incredibly refreshing to have someone else take charge for a change.

  In one swift movement, Mac yanked my head back and removed the fleshy gag from my mouth. ‘Answer me,’ he snarled.

  I dropped my eyes to the floor, suddenly self-conscious at what I’d become and mumbled a vague agreement.

  ‘Look at me when you’re talking. What did you say?’

  I lifted my head, my eyes flashing at him. ‘I said yes, I like it. Are you happy now?’ There was still a part of me that was waging war against this submission, and my voice was tainted with defiance.

  ‘As a matter of fact, yeah, I am. I think you’re starting to find the direction you were looking for.’ The smile on Mac’s face while he said that was one of achievement, of having me reduced to the raw state of mind he wanted me in.

  ‘Enough talk. You’ve got something that needs finishing.’ As if to remind me, Mac wiped the head of his cock across my lips, leaving a glaze of precome over them.

  I didn’t need any more prompting. The tiny seed that had been sown in the diner, the need to hold Mac’s attention, had developed into full-blown acquiescence. It was as though I craved his approval; I needed to be acceptable. Such a bizarre and new way to feel, but it was exquisite in its simplicity. My lips parted and I began to bathe him with my tongue.

  Mac’s breathing changed. It became more ragged with each movement and I knew he must be close. He was so engorged that my jaw ached, and I was sure my lips would tear soon if they were stretched any further.

  As his groans filled the air in the cab, Mac exploded with such force that I could barely contain him. Tiny rivulets ran from the corners of my mouth as I greedily drank from him. He kept pumping, feeding me as though I were a baby bird, until he had absolutely nothing left to give.

  ‘You’re pretty good at that,’ Mac stated matter-of-factly. ‘Pass me the map.’

  What the hell? He was just going to leave me sitting here like this? I felt stupid, used. This had gone far enough, and standing up, I started to gather my clothes.

  ‘Park your ass. I didn’t tell you to leave yet,’ Mac snarled. ‘Now give me the fucking map.’

  I handed him the meticulously folded paper and sat back down, slightly bewildered and feeling like a scolded child. Beyond the confines of that truck, out there in the real world, I gave orders, I didn’t take them. I was in charge, I told people what to do and how it should be done. That brash and confident persona began to resurface, demanding that I regain control over myself. ‘Mac, I’m heading out. I’m late and I have to get going.’

  Mac chuckled, amused by my attempt at revolt. ‘Yeah, right. You don’t want to go anywhere, and you know it. Sit down and shut the hell up, I’m trying to concentrate here.’

  I fidgeted on the edge of the bunk, waiting to see what Mac had planned next. He sat on the floor in front of me, carefully studying lines and symbols for what seemed an eternity. I doubted he even needed to look at the thing; it didn’t appear as though the map had ever been used. I was certain it was just an excuse to drag out the torture he apparently enjoyed dishing out.

  My entire body stiffened as I felt his fingers inch up my leg. Still focused on the map, Mac casually stroked me, the silkiness of my stocking slipping under his fingers. ‘Well, I think I’ve got it figured out. It shouldn’t be a problem to get you where you need to go.’

  Folding up the map, Mac shifted around and knelt between my legs. His fingers trailed over my legs, tracing along my upper thigh where bare skin met nylon. He kept his touch light, seductive, but still controlled and deliberate. ‘Still wanna leave?’

  ‘No.’ My voice was shaking, along with the rest of me. I laid back on the bunk, taking pleasure in the sensation of his fingers running over me.

  The sound of my own whimpering echoed through my head as I felt Mac’s fingers replaced by the heat of his tongue. He slowly licked, tasted, always staying just shy of where I needed it the most. The rough stubble of his whiskers felt just the way I had imagined as it grazed my delicate skin, and I wound my fingers through his thick, dark hair, urging him closer.

  A hand crept under the tiny piece of satin that had all but abandoned trying to cover my drenched pussy. Still mouthing my inner thighs, Mac began to explore with his fingers, slipping over each fold, every delicate, hidden bit of flesh and driving me to the brink of insanity.

  My hands gripped the bed sheets as I fought to restrain my body’s writhing, teeth firmly planted in my lower lip to hold back the screams that threatened. Minute beads of sweat formed, prickling as they ran over my skin and accentuating the cool air in the truck. Pussy juice flowed freely, running over the cheeks of my ass and collecting in an ever-widening pool underneath me. I was close, so close …

  My screams broke free as Mac’s tongue swirled over my clit. His probing fingers plunged into me, while he savoured and nibbled. Waves of pleasure washed over me, my imminent climax announced by guttural, demonic sounds coming from a place inside me that I didn’t know existed.

  Muscles convulsing wildly, my orgasm erupted with a powerful force as Mac held my hips in his strong grasp. Nerves contracted and rippled as my body was wracked with spasms. I was close to passing out from the intensity; I couldn’t take much more.

  ‘Fuck me, please dear God, fuck me ...’ I was barely conscious of my raspy voice, as I begged to be taken.

  Mac lifted his head and dragged his rough face across my belly, leaving the slick of my own moisture behind. ‘Roll over,’ he ordered, as he began to stand up.

  I did as he instructed, without hesitation this time. My heels fought for stability on the smooth floor, using my prone body for an anchor.

  ‘Higher …’

  I yelped with the accompanying smack on my ass, a harsher one than the first had been. The tears that stung my eyes joined the sting on my skin. I arched my back and lifted my hips as much as I could. The radiating burn was quickly soothed by the tactile admiration of Mac’s hands as they ran over me.

  ‘That ... is a piece of art. Nicely framed too,’ he commented, referring to the garter belt still attached to my stockings. Reaching to one side, he ripped my thong apart and let it slide down to my ankle.

  Fully erect again, Mac slithered over the folds of my aching pussy with maddening deliberation, always stopping just short of the point of entry. ‘I can do this all day; show me how bad you want it.’

  My hands swiftly worked their way under my belly and between my legs, grabbing the shaft of Mac’s cock. Frantic with need, I guided him in.

  Mac took over from there, plunging deep, rocking my hips in time to his movements. Each stroke brought me closer to another orgasm, while I revelled in his invasion of my body.

  Leaning in a little tighter, Mac’s arms clasped my hips as his hands reached around the front of my thighs. His penetrating thrusts slowed a little, and his fingers began to work their magic.

  That was all it took. As my body
was seized yet again, squeals of ecstasy reverberated through the cab. I ground my ass against Mac, driving him to push deeper. My entire being was trembling, shaking as my muscles clutched at him in undulating waves.

  Mac’s deep, throaty sounds soon joined my own in a primitive chorus as he slammed into me, unleashing the load he’d built up. His thrusts continued, completely sating my need to feel him fill me, use me. Finally, spent and emptied, Mac pulled away.

  I must have fallen asleep after. The soft kiss on my forehead woke me up, Mac’s intense eyes gazing at me. ‘Time to get up, we both have to make a few miles yet,’ he gently reminded me.

  Sitting in my car, I watched as the tractor-trailer crawled onto the highway for destinations unknown. Mac’s parting words were still ringing through my head as I tried to digest everything that had happened that afternoon. ‘If you ever lose your way again, you know where to find me.’

  It’s been two years since that day, and I’ve been back a few times. I’m lucky. My job requires a great deal of travel, so it has become my little secret. After weeks at a time of being large and in charge, I lean on Mac for directions to that place inside me that no one else has ever found.

  Bound And Free

  by Victoria Blisse

  ‘So, what turns you on, then?’ he asked as they relaxed in the post-sex haze.

  ‘You!’ Lisa grinned impishly and stretched lazily to lay a light kiss on his chin.

  ‘Well, thank you but that’s not what I meant,’ Ben replied, as he brushed her fine sunshine hair from her face. ‘I was thinking of kinks and special little things that get you excited at the merest thought.’

  ‘Oh.’ Lisa squirmed. She was a little surprised by the question; she hid it by pressing her body closer to Ben and running her hand up and down the centre of his chest, ‘I dunno really.’


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