“Well, someone has to do it. I’m not about to hire some little punk when I’m perfectly capable.” I gathered the few tools I had left on the ground and nodded toward the house. “I’m gonna grab a bite to eat and shower. Tell Boss I’ll be in in a couple hours.”
I didn’t wait for a response. I briskly walked past him, offering a polite nod as a farewell. With each step, I could feel his glare burning through my back. He was smart enough not to follow, but clearly not the brightest if he didn’t think I’d get my gun out and chase him off my property, too. Opening the back door, I turned and gave him a questioning look, one filled with rage and hatred for every person in the crew. It was enough to make him pull his head out of his ass and get moving. With a quick slam and lock of the door, I set the new security system and made sure every entry point was working correctly. With all the lights lit up, and the motorcycle outside pulling off, I yanked my dirty shirt over my head and removed my boots and socks. Noticing the silence that permeated the house, I went in search of Gwen to tell her I’d be leaving soon.
“Gwen?” I could hear him calling from downstairs, but I didn’t move a muscle. I couldn’t. Fear had me paralyzed, hiding to stay safe.
“Gwen, you up here?” His voice was getting more urgent as the sound of his bare feet smacked against the wooden stairs and floor. I could hear everything in here—every creak, every door, every sound. It made me feel more in control somehow.
“Gwen!” He was getting angry. I should say something, but what? More than the fear, I was ashamed that I continually responded this way in his presence.
Tears silently flowed down my cheeks, my feet were cramped underneath me, and my muscles protested their restraint. But I refused to move. Door after door opened and closed, each growing louder as he progressed down the hall. My name was like a bullhorn as he billowed out a frantic call in hopes that I’d respond. Each time I heard him, my chest ached and my tears flowed faster.
“Gwen?” He was in the bedroom now, his voice one of disbelief and confusion. The clothes I’d thrown out of the way to get into the closet must’ve landed everywhere. In my rush to safety, I hadn’t taken time to hide any clues.
“Hey, are you in here?” He sounded calm, worried even, but I still couldn’t answer.
Pressing my back as far against the wall as possible, I watched with tear-stained eyes as he slowly pulled the sliding closet doors open, the subtle creak of metal grinding as it slid along the floor. When he leaned in and pushed the remaining clothes aside, I couldn’t stop my reaction. I turned my head and braced myself for some type of punishment. It made no sense. My heart was screaming that Nick would never do such a thing, but my mind was racing in circles, frantically trapped in the past where my only existence was to take what was given to me.
“No, no, no,” he whispered agonizingly. “Gwen, I’m not gonna hit you, sweetie.” His hand gently laid on my knee, the warmth burning through my jeans. “Please come out. I swear nobody will ever hurt you here.” I heard him exhale slowly and turned my head just the smallest amount so I could see where he was.
What I saw astonished me. Instead of giving up or leaving an out of control woman to deal with her issues alone, he was clearing the shoes and miscellaneous items out of the middle of the closet floor, throwing them behind him without a second thought. Once everything was moved, he crawled on his hands and knees and sat down beside me, his back against the same wall that mine was and his shoulder gently leaning against mine.
“It’s all right. We can stay here as long as you like.” I had the urge to laugh even though my tears still hadn’t stopped falling. Maybe I was truly insane now. Maybe I never would be normal again. Whatever it was, I no longer cared. I was awed by the man beside me and the gentle caring side of him that I was certain few knew existed.
“Can you tell me what spooked you, though? I mean, if it’s something I did, I don’t want to do it again. Ya know?” He turned his head and lifted his hand, gently sliding it around my shoulders, prying my back away from the wall, and pulling me underneath the safety of his arm. “Whatever it is, I’ll fix it. Okay?”
With a deep breath, I stuttered, trying to reign in the freefall of tears and answer him. Another deep breath and I licked my lips to reply. “It wasn’t you.”
His body visibly relaxed, his tense muscles that surrounded me seemed to breathe their own sigh of relief. “What is it then? You can tell me anything, really.”
“It was…” I swallowed, trying to gather the courage. Thinking of the large, muscular man who was sitting with his knees uncomfortably tucked beside me in this tiny, crowded closet made me smile and gave me the nudge I needed. But my smile quickly disappeared the minute that man’s face came into my thoughts. “Him.”
“Him?” Nick asked, puzzled for a brief moment. “Oh. James? The guy who was here?”
I couldn’t say a word. Just the name spoken out loud was enough to bring every despicable image to mind. Nodding, I burrowed myself against Nick and wrapped my arms around him. He was the only safe haven I’d ever had, and I would revel in it for as long as I had it.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Whatever he did to you before, he’ll never do again.” Nick’s body was tense again, no doubt upset about what he assumed I meant, but his words and gentle embrace were tender and patient. “You understand, Gwen? I won’t let him near you. I swear that to you.”
“Thank you,” I whispered, refusing to release the steady hold I had around his waist. I knew my eyes, and most likely my nose, were leaking all over him, but I couldn’t help myself. That’s when I noticed he was shirtless, his skin pressed tightly against my own. I was shocked that I’d been so upset I’d missed that fact earlier, but even more taken aback that I was sharing my bodily fluids with him. It was one thing to rub snot on someone’s clothes, but not his perfectly sculpted chest that was now overtaking my thoughts.
After trying unsuccessfully to wipe my nose with my sleeve, I grabbed a nearby shirt and yanked it down from the hanger. This was probably the most disgusting thing he’d ever witnessed, but I refused to drip all over him. As I finished blowing my nose and then wiping my eyes with the clean corner, Nick began laughing at me, surprising me enough to make me look up at him.
“I can’t believe I finally found a beautiful woman who isn’t girly.” His smile erased every fear and worry I had, had only minutes earlier. The power of it so strong, I couldn’t help the responding smile in return. “There she is. Much better.”
I was speechless, unable to think of anything to say in return. So, I retreated to his chest once more, allowing his strength and warmth to cocoon me within.
I didn’t want to leave her. I felt like I was abandoning her after all she’d been through during the past twenty-four hours. But if I didn’t go soon, Boss would have fifty men out there hauling my ass into the warehouse to see him. After what she’d told me in the closet, I knew that was the last thing she needed to deal with.
In fact, I was surprised she was able to cope at all. James had been one of Alex’s babysitters when he’d gone out of town once. Where Alex had shown some small amount of mercy and patience with Gwen, James had shown none. He’d hit, whipped, and forced her to endure almost every imaginable sex act, other than true intercourse, with or on her. It was a wonder she’d only hid in the closet and not tried to run away. Furthermore, her trust in me, her willingness to share the most embarrassing and scary memories that she’d endured absolutely floored me. I didn’t deserve her trust. Especially after failing her last night. But I was determined to find a way to earn it and keep it. The more I learned about her, the beautiful, caring spirit she hid inside and the powerful strength that continued to grow, the more I felt compelled to make sure she was safe for all time.
“I’ll be back in a few hours. The security system is on. I’ll know if any of the windows or doors open or close. Even if it’s just for a second or if the power is off. So, no worrying. Okay?” She was curled up on the sofa, a fuzzy tan blanket wrappe
d around her. She looked adorable. The tears were long gone, washed away after our talk and the quick shower she took before making a small dinner. In their place was the most beautifully radiant eyes and smile I’d ever seen.
“I’ll be fine. Hurry up and go before they come looking for you.” She tossed a piece of popcorn from her bowl at me and giggled. Little did she know how true her words really were.
“Okay, okay.” I laughed, grabbing my jacket from beside the door. “I’ll be back soon.”
“I’ll be here.” She smiled then turned back to the TV, resuming the movie marathon she’d begun earlier.
Shaking my head at her choice of Gone With The Wind and now Twilight, I set the alarm and exited the cabin within the thirty seconds it allowed. Standing there on my front porch, I was suddenly slammed with the enormity of what was going on.
I’d sacrificed my only guaranteed escape from this lifestyle to rescue a woman I didn’t know by bargaining with the devil himself and enslaving myself to him for God only knew how much longer. As if that weren’t enough, I could deny it all I wanted, but my heart had become irrevocably hers, regardless of whether my body could ever have hers. Now, for some unknown reason, she was in danger, and I was the only one left to protect her. Yet, I had to leave and hope and pray that she’d be here when I came back.
“Fuck!” I took off toward my truck, overwhelmed by the hundreds of thoughts racing through my mind. Yanking my door open, I jumped inside and glanced at the small cabin one last time. I had a very bad feeling but knew I had to leave. Either I got my ass in gear and made my way to Boss, or he’d come here to meet with me. That was something I could never let happen.
Starting the ignition, I pulled my door closed, floored the accelerator, and took off down the gravel road. With a silent prayer to a God who had never heard me before, I prayed for her safety and that I’d come back as quickly as I’d promised.
I’d been dozing off and on, woken only by the sounds of the wind or my own fears bubbling to the surface every so often. Each time, I’d glance around the well-lit room and ensure that the windows were still covered, the doors still locked, and nothing was out of place. Again, I had the odd sensation that I was being watched. Maybe not directly since Nick had made certain that every window was covered with both blinds and curtains before he left. But someone was out there, watching and waiting. I only wished I knew why.
Deciding my imagination was getting the best of me, I grabbed the DVD case on the table and pulled out the next movie, Full Moon. Smiling at my choice of distractions, I crossed the room and took the first DVD out of the machine, inserting this one next. As soon as I pushed it in and hit play, the creak outside the window grabbed my attention and threatened to tear me apart. Standing completely still, I debated what to do. I knew what that creak was from. There was one loose wooden board on the porch. One that creaked whenever someone reached the top of the steps to approach the front door. Glancing at the clock, it was only midnight and I knew Nick wouldn’t be back for another hour at least.
I reminded myself of the security system he’d installed, the windows that nobody could see through, the bars on all the lower level windows, and the gun he’d surprisingly left on the coffee table for me. With a few deep breaths, I fought against the raging panic and decided I was done being afraid. I may not have known how to shoot a gun, but I would die trying if that’s what it took. Grabbing it from the table, I returned to the sofa and covered my legs with the blanket. With the gun in hand, I forced myself to watch Bella and Edward, trying my best to get lost in one of my favorites.
A few hours later, I was woken by the sound of the creak, followed by loud footsteps across the porch outside. Glancing at the television, I was greeted with a blue screen that announced it was almost two in the morning. I had fallen asleep long before the movie had ended.
Hearing the sound of a key sliding into the locked door, followed by a quick procession of beeps then the door closing, I pulled the gun from under my pillow and made sure the safety was off. With shaking hands, I held it upright, pointing it at the back of the man now closing the door. I should’ve known it was only Nick by the way he carried himself, but half asleep and still full of fear, I couldn’t sort fact from fiction.
The moment he turned around, he froze, his eyes growing large with surprise. “It’s only me, Gwen.” He held his hands up in surrender. “Nobody else here. I just reset the alarm, so all’s good now.” With a quick nod toward the gun, I remembered what I was pointing and instantly dropped it on the table.
“Sorry,” I said sheepishly, pushing myself to a sitting position. “It’s been a long night.”
“Yeah, I totally know what you mean.” He kicked off his boots, pulled the sweatshirt over his head, and walked over to the television to turn it off. “Sorry I’m late. It took longer than I thought. Everything good here?”
He held his hand out, offering to pull me to my feet. I was puzzled at first but did as he requested. “Some noises out front. Sounded like someone on the porch, but nothing else that I noticed. Just freaked me out pretty bad.”
With his free hand, he grabbed the gun off the table, reset the safety, and slid it into his waistband. “Yeah, I guess so if you were ready to use this on me.” He smirked and pulled me behind him as he started to walk toward the bedroom.
“Uh, Nick?”
“I’m so tired, I could sleep for weeks. Just figured we’d both lay down. You know, get some sleep. Nothing funny. Promise.”
He hadn’t slowed his steps and was already in front of the bed before he let go of my hand. “I’ll sleep on the floor if you’d rather.” He grabbed the extra blanket and pillow and was already spreading them out before I could respond.
“No, I was just surprised and still half asleep. Sleep on the bed.” When he looked unsure still, I tacked on a, “please?” and got the response I’d expected. A smirk, a quick replacement of the blanket, and a man jumping lengthwise into bed.
“I’ll sleep on top of the covers. I just really need some rest.”
Other than a small lamp beside the bed, there was little illumination, but enough that I noticed the black and blue beginning to form under his eye, the cut above his lip, and what looked like road rash along the other side of his cheek. I couldn’t help the tiny gasp that escaped in response.
“Don’t worry. It’s not as bad as it looks.” Even with his eyes closed, he smirked as he replied.
Cautiously moving to my side of the bed, I debated asking him what had happened. By the looks of it, he was already almost asleep. Considering I’d been here for almost a month and he’d always showered and eaten before going to sleep, I knew whatever it was must’ve been pretty bad if he looked that banged up and was already passed out.
Reaching toward the light, I debated turning the lamp off but decided he was already asleep so it wouldn’t bother him any. I covered up with the blankets that lined the bed and glanced beside me. I wanted to reach out, touch the injuries and miraculously heal them for him. If nothing else, I wished, for the first time since being a little girl, that I could curl up and hold him as we slept. But considering his response after kissing me the night before, I knew that neither of those would be appreciated. Well, the healing maybe, but most likely not the touching it required in my fantasy.
Realizing my thoughts would either progress to inappropriate desires or revert to worry and fear, I decided to go to sleep. Regardless of what lay outside the door, or what had happened to Nick at work, I felt completely safe and at peace lying beside him now. With a deep, contented sigh, I closed my eyes, and quickly joined his sleep.
The next two weeks were increasingly more stressful. Someone was fucking around on my property when I was gone, leaving little clues behind that only a fool would miss. A chair that was moved from one side of the yard to the other. A cable wire that had been cut and was hanging haphazardly against the house. Or the best one was last night, a lady’s negligée and handcuffs lying on the doorstep when I got
home from work.
I wanted to install some motion-activated cameras, but in addition to the usual business I took care of, Boss had me chasing down some asshole who scammed a few grand from him. That meant working twelve to fifteen hours every day. I’d planned to do it tomorrow when I was off work— that was if I could finally catch up with that fucker and take care of him. If not, I’d be sweating it out another week with no break in between. It was just the life of servitude when you worked for the devil himself.
Gwen had been trying to be strong, but she practically ran into my arms every morning when I came home. She’d given up on sleeping at night. The little noises she’d hear and the overall feeling like someone was outside was too much for her to relax. She’d sit and watch the house, gun in hand until the minute I’d come home. I already felt like a total ass for leaving her every night and knowing she was vulnerable and suffering. But I had little choice in the matter if I wanted to keep her safe. Still, every time she’d throw her arms around me and welcome me home, I knew it was out of fear and blamed myself completely.
After the nice little gift I’d found by the front door this morning, I knew it was time to move on to somewhere else. I had every intention on finishing whatever game this person was playing, but I wouldn’t allow her to be in any further danger or caught in the middle. I’d originally picked the cabin so we’d be away from the club’s prying eyes and tucked away where she could relax in privacy. My hope that she could take her time and heal in the peaceful setting was being stolen from us. I had no idea who this asshole was, but I felt bad for the motherfucker when I found out. I wasn’t taking it lightly that their focus seemed to center around making her miserable—or worse. They’d be lucky if they remained alive after I finished with them.
Moving us to my place in Jacksonville seemed to be the only option remaining. It was a bit too close for comfort when it came to the guys and the possibility of her crossing paths with someone like Alex in the future, but it would decrease my driving time each day and she would be surrounded by neighbors. Hopefully, the combination would provide the extra security I couldn’t when I wasn’t at home.
UN-Breakable Page 10