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ZetaTalk: Government

Page 9

by Nancy Lieder

  tumbling down city streets and the interstate and filling the sky with smoke. The fires affected an

  area bounded by Interstate 95 on the north. Witnesses reporting hearing two or three explosions

  before the fire.

  Fiery Truck Crash Shuts Down I-95 Portion

  March 26, 2004

  An oil tanker truck crashed on Interstate 95 Thursday night and started a fire that burned out of

  control, possibly destroying bridges in both directions on the heavily used highway between New

  York and Boston, state police said. The highway may be closed for days or weeks because of the

  damage, Vance said. He said engineers would assess the damage. I-95 is a vital artery connecting

  the New York area, Connecticut and the rest of New England.

  Bridgeport: Terror Threat Targets I-95

  March 25, 2004

  A terror threat targets Connecticutś busiest stretch of highway, the Interstate-95 corridor in

  Bridgeport. State police began stepping up security in the area Thursday. The response is a

  coordinated effort between local and state police, the Coast Guard, and Homeland Security.[2/5/2012 11:41:24 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Shelter-in-Place Test

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  ZetaTalk: Shelter-in-Place Test

  written Mar 31, 2004

  The BP refinery explosion, with the Homeland Security warning to ‘Shelter in Place’, seems

  similar to the Bridgeport incident. There were reportedly warnings that terrorists would try to

  blow up oil or refinery installations in the Gulf of Mexico just days before this. Was this

  another test?

  We have mentioned that the duct tape and plastic sheeting suggestion, made early on by Homeland Security and defended as logical by the Bush Administration as a means of protecting against noxious gas attacks, was a test. The

  notion, that in homes where cracks and air leaks abound, that such a rig would protect against poison gas is nonsense.

  Homes have ventilation systems, which were not addressed, and if a bug can crawl about between the walls and into

  the rooms, air can likewise move. Thus this was a gullibility test, considered a failure based on the resulting sales of

  duct tape. But it was argued that the test was a poor setup. No immediate danger existed to prompt such purchases.

  Duct tape and plastic sheeting are also products in stock in many homes, thus sales a poor measure. A second test was

  needed to determine how gullible, and likely to follow Homeland Security advice, the public would be.

  As anyone following the global quake information packaged by Nancy has noticed, Houston has been under stress for

  Months. The SE United States is sinking, and this is the point where the SE attaches to the mainland. Where little

  publicized, problems with breaks and water logged infrastructure are many, and it was presumed only a matter of time

  until one of the many refineries in the area snapped and exploded, as so many are doing around the world at this time.

  In particular, it was presumed a problem would occur around the time of the Mar 26 Sweep, and it did. Local

  communities were advised to issue a Shelter-in-Place order, and to monitor the traffic closely to determine

  compliance. This test has all the aspects not in the duct tape test, as an exploding refinery is an immediate danger,

  roads in the flat lands of Texas easily visible from the air and even from tall buildings, and the urge of those with any

  sense of self preservation would be to vacate, at least temporarily.

  Prior statistics on the degree of compliance with orders to leave the areas when hurricanes were about to slam the coast

  were also available, for comparison. Once again, the reaction of people was considered to be a null for the test. Those

  who in the past rushed to leave during hurricane warnings, did so again. Those who in the past stayed in place, either

  because they were unable to leave or simply stubborn and even perhaps wishing to die, did so during the refinery

  explosion also. No change. Thus, no one paid attention to the Shelter in Place directive. If asked, those rushing to leave

  would state however politely that the order seemed contrary, as toxic fumes and a spreading eruption of flames were

  likely, and a home no shelter for either of those problems. Thus, unless a Homeland Security directive seemed

  appropriate for the danger at hand, it would not be followed.

  This bodes ill for those hoping to control mass migrations to safe area from coastal or river basin cities. The public has

  a deep distrust of the motives of the Bush Administration and Homeland Security, and that is what this test proved.

  Plant explosion in Texas City, Mar 31, Houston

  An explosion at the BP Amoco chemical plant in Texas City located at FM 519 East Tuesday

  evening had residents being told not to leave their homes. A shelter-in-place was in effect for Texas

  City and La Marque, but has since been lifted.The cause of the explosion is not yet known.

  Texas City, La Marque Shelter-In-Place Lifted

  Cause Remains Unknown.

  Explosion rocks Texas City refinery, Mar 30[2/5/2012 11:41:24 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Shelter-in-Place Test

  The request for people to stay in their homes was lifted at 9 p.m., about two hours after the fire

  broke out.

  Signs of the Times #689

  Train derails; 26 cars land in Lower Valley yard [Feb 27] ‘A Union Pacific derailment in the Lower

  Valley Thursday morning -- the third train accident with El Paso ties in six days -- left a pile of 26

  freight cars in the back yard of a home and knocked out power around the area for several hours.

  Officials don't know what caused the train to derail near Ivey and Kathy streets about 6 AM.’ [and

  from another source] I had a contact with someone from the Houston Police Dept CID on Feb 23.

  He told me a residential area near his home in Houston is now under three feet of water in some

  areas and the house slabs are tilting. He said the area was above water level until a couple of

  months ago when serious sinking started. [Note: the Houston Connection wobble has been in

  evidence since November in the Global Quakes section, this part of the globe breaking while the SE

  portion of the US drops. Of course, nothing in the media about this.][2/5/2012 11:41:24 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Guest Worker Program

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  ZetaTalk: Guest Worker Program

  written Apr 12, 2006.

  What is the Zeta's take on the illegal immigration problem here in the US?

  We mentioned in early descriptions of what to anticipate during the pole shift and the tense times preceding it that

  migration would increase, and border security concerns in response to the press of migration. Since that prediction, the

  flood of illegal immigrants almost doubled in the US alone, and other countries such as Europe have had riots related

  to restless immigrants denied work or social services. The conflicts are particularly acute where there is a large and

  indefensible border between lands or countries having a large discrepancy in living standards. If an immigrant can

  make 10 times the dollar for a days work, and find work, by hopping the border and sleeping with friends in a crowded

  hovel, it's certainly worth the trip. European countries such as Germany welcomed immigrants when they needed the

  workers, and then had them on their hands when the demand slacked, causing social tensions and expulsion demands.

>   As the globe is suffering from economic depression, a fact much denied in the news which reports false positive

  figures in the US despite corporate and personal bankruptcies and increasing homelessness and joblessness, this will

  only get worse.

  Beyond personal economics and hopes for a better life, the immigrant crisis between the US and Mexico has other

  dynamics, seldom discussed in the news. For one, the Bush administration, pandering to corporate interests, wants to

  hand their corporate cronies a Guest Worker program so they can continue to hire workers for less than minimum

  wage, without the burden of health or pension benefits, and with newfound freedom from being hassled by

  immigration officials looking for illegal immigrants. There is almost zero mention of the corporate lawbreakers in the

  media, as though the dynamic had only one side to it. Illegal immigrants are breaking the law, but they would not be

  doing so unless corporate interests were likewise breaking the law. Not mentioned, also, is whether the Bush proposal

  for Guest Workers would insist they be paid a minimum wage, as is law in the US. Corporate interests benefit, the US

  taxpayer carrying the burden of social services, and the US job seeker finding fewer jobs available to them. Where this

  is typical Bush, and where this gambit will not succeed anymore than the Social Security gift of monies to Wall Street

  or the permanent tax cut to the rich, there is more to this maneuver than cheap labor for corporate cronies.

  What is the Bush plan for the US citizen when the pole shift hits?

  We have mentioned that the Bush administration was aware of plans by the wealthy elite to poison citizens on

  the march, and were allowing testing of chemtrail spraying to sicken them effectively. This plan, to poison, hit a road block when the US military found out the true goal of the spraying, and stated they would refuse to

  cooperate as the plan required. Chemtrails now are attempting to fog the view of Planet X and its moon swirls,

  keeping the public dumb as long as possible about what it in the neighborhood.

  We have mentioned that shelter-in-place and blockade tests done in the US were testing the gullibility of the US

  populace. Would they put themselves in danger, remaining in danger if authorities pronounced this as the best

  option, or sit like toads in the road awaiting orders or permission if stymied when traveling? They did neither,

  using their instincts re danger and finding alternate paths when travel was blocked.

  The bird flu plans were to take advantage of any human-to-human transmission by declaring Martial Law to

  effect quarantines, the leap into Martial Law expedited by the threat of a pandemic. When human-to-human

  transmission did not seem to be emerging with H5N1, assists were given, to infect the populace with a 1957 bird

  flu virus known to do this. This plan is being countered by a Council of Worlds allowance to interfere in the

  affairs of man, but the attempts to incite a pandemic show the fervor the Bush administration has toward

  effecting Martial Law and in essence declaring Bush dictator for life.

  Poisoning soft city dwellers, used to social services, as they struggle from the coastal and river basin cities. Forcing[2/5/2012 11:41:25 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Guest Worker Program

  them to stay in these cities, under quarantine or shelter-on-place orders, or blockade them there, so the force of water

  we have predicted during the pole shift will cause them to drown. Infecting the poor, crowded into run-down

  neighborhoods and suffering from inadequate nutrition and lack of health care, so they become the brunt of a bird flu

  pandemic, dying by the millions. The point of this? To have a worker base, a slave labor base, that is young and

  healthy and unlikely to complain. Early plans for a draft, during the days going into the Iraq War, called for men and

  women, 18-35, with many skills. This was to be a worker base, not a soldier base. Selecting out this base into camps,

  along with healthy and compliant unskilled workers from Mexico, would form the slave camps of the future. The rest

  would be poisoned, drown, sickened, or starved. Thus, the Guest Worker program was long planned, to facilitate the

  flow of workers from Mexico to the US. It has run amuck of the press to preserve US jobs, creating conflict in the

  political base Bush needs, the GOP, as reality has coming home to the GOP. Another setback for Bush, who will move

  even closer to declaring Martial Law without cause, as we have predicted is likely to happen, and failing at this maneuver also.

  Signs of the Times #1582

  Immigrant Bill Fallout May Hurt House GOP [Apr 12] House

  Republicans rushed through legislation just before Christmas that would build hundreds of miles of

  fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, require that businesses verify the legality of all employees'

  status through a national database, fortify border patrols, and declare illegal immigrants and those

  who help them to be felons. After more lenient legislation failed in the Senate last week, the House-

  passed version burst into the public consciousness this week, as hundreds of thousands of protesters

  across the country turned out to denounce the bill. The hundreds of thousands of protesters in the

  streets Monday vividly demonstrated the power of the issue.

  Signs of the Times #1574

  Flood of illegals turns into a tsunami [Mar 29] 'Sen. Lindsey

  Graham hears about illegal immigration whenever he travels his home state of South Carolina. And

  for good reason. South Carolina, a state with historically few illegal immigrants, saw a 1,000

  percent increase in their numbers from 1990 to 2004. With 55,000 undocumented residents, South

  Carolina ranks far behind the nation's leader, California. But the issue is boiling throughout the

  country as illegal immigrants make their way to more cities and states than ever.' [and from

  another] Likewise, you will find human populations beginning to migrate. These migration not only

  happen in cases of severe starvation, such as in northern Africa south of the Sudan, where people

  just stumble like sticks in any direction, looking for food, but also occurs when things get bad

  enough, when crop shortages are bad, and people begin to wander. They're looking for something

  better. So you will have migrations and you will have guards against migrations. Rifles at the

  border, pointed and saying don't come a step further and shooting people for little reason. This is

  already starting to raise its head in the anxiety that the United States expresses about the people

  south of their borders. ZetaTalk: 1999 Predictions, written Apr 15, 1999. [Note: Zetas RIGHT

  Again!][2/5/2012 11:41:25 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Continuity of Government

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  ZetaTalk: Continuity of Government

  written June 10, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction Radio show.

  Thousands of bureaucrats heading into bunkers on June 19. Any comment from the Zetas?

  If it were not for the failed fake terrorism attempts made last week in DC and Toronto and London, resulting in the

  Rayburn Building shootout and an apology issued when the operations in Toronto and London proved without cause, the Continuity of Government exercise would have had an excuse. Without success in creating fake terrorism, the

  exercise looks on the face of it silly, and has come under ridicule in the press. Had the terrorism operation succ
eeded to

  some degree, making it look like the East Coast could come under attack, disbursing government operations to assure

  continuity would increasingly occur. If the continuity exercise runs into problems, moving all functions suddenly, then

  perhaps the answer is to disburse ahead of time, at least to some degree. To what end?

  The Bush administration has made no secret of its contempt for Congress, even writing Executive Orders replacing

  Congress with no more than a dozen hand picked Bush cronies should Congress be unable to convene. Certainly, any

  oversight Congress tries to assert over Bush is treated with disdain. The court system is also being bypassed, the

  hundreds of Signing Statements supposedly authorizing Bush to ignore the laws Congress put into place his rationale

  for operating without judiciary oversight. Does Bush intend to move the government out of DC? Not at present, but by

  setting up alternate sites, and getting the public used to the concept of alternate sites, he can gradually take over the

  functions of government outside of the oversight of Congress or the courts, or so goes the logic. Command of the

  military already has an alternative to the Pentagon, in NORAD located in Colorado. Would all of the government be

  so relocated and disbursed? The functions Bush cares little about, such as Health and Human Services, would be


  Units deemed necessary to enforce Martial Law would receive primary attention. We have stated that Bush attempts to

  invoke Martial Law would be met by resistance in DC, challenged in Congress and argued in the courts. His hope is to divide and conquer, so isolated government units are confused and cannot challenge orders given by Bush cronies.

  Executive Orders already exist to allow FEMA, under Homeland Security, to take over the reigns of power in an emergency, but Katrina showed how poorly this would function. The Continuity of Government is not expected to be a

  success, in fact, the size of the exercise is designed to make it fail. Expect to see Bush on the podium, concerned about

  government functioning in the event of terrorism attacks. Expect Congress to resist disbursement. Expect a frustrated


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