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ZetaTalk: Government

Page 10

by Nancy Lieder

  Bush to continue to attempt faked terrorism attacks. Expect the increasing Earth changes to overtake these Bush plans

  so government functions without Bush, the decapitation complete.

  Signs of the Times #1603 [Jun 4] On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers

  representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures

  Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified

  emergency facilities stretching from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to the foothills of the

  Alleghenies. They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest

  "continuity of government" exercise ever conducted, a drill intended to prepare the U.S. government

  for an event even more catastrophic than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Continuity programs began in

  the early 1950s, when President Harry S. Truman to begin planning for emergency government

  functions and civil defense.[2/5/2012 11:41:26 AM]

  ZetaTalk: North American Union

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  ZetaTalk: North American Union

  written Aug 24, 2007

  Video: [Apr 22] CNBC Interview on the Amero [and from

  another] Video: [May 20] CNBC Discussion on Amero

  [and from another] White House Riding In NAFTA Superhighway Fast Lane [Aug 17] The White House has been knee deep in hush-hush negotiations

  with Mexico and Canada to build a 12-lane superhighway stretching from Monterrey, Mexico, to

  Winnipeg, Canada. This highway, being dubbed the NAFTA Superhighway, will stretch from Laredo,

  Texas, to Duluth, Minn., before crossing into Canada. The highway will cut through America's heartland,

  passing through cities such as Dallas, Oklahoma City, Wichita, Kansas City, Des Moines and

  Minneapolis. It will be a red carpet for the Mexican trucking industry. And for those who doubt the

  whether this highway will ever be built, it is important to know that construction is already underway in

  Texas. While officials say a NAFTA Superhighway does not exist, one merely has to ask why Laredo, a

  city of 231,470, would need a 12-lane highway. The rush to Wal-Mart cannot be that intense. It is clear

  that this highway is not just an extension of some foolhardy free trade ideology; it's one of the final steps

  in creating a North American Union. [and from another] Leading Conservatives Denounce Bush on 'North

  American Union' [Aug 21] President Bush is meeting in

  Quebec Monday and Tuesday with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican President

  Felipe Calderon to discuss the SPP, which the U.S. government's Web site describes as a cooperative

  effort among Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The SPP meetings (the fourth since 2005) have

  afforded little access to the media and no access to the general public except for leaders of some large

  corporations taking part. The secrecy has led activists on both sides of the political aisle to develop ideas

  about what might be happening behind closed doors. U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins called

  the opposition to the SPP "conspiracy theories." Wilkins said that "while conspiracy theories abound, you

  can take it to the bank that no one involved in these discussions is interested in, or has ever proposed, a

  'North American Union,' a 'North American super highway' or a 'North American currency.'"

  The Amero is ready to hit the printing presses, the NAFTA superhighway is on schedule, and Bush's plans to become a

  dictator controlling the entire N American continent have not abated. Would not such a matter as the national currency

  require approval of Congress, and a similar approval in Canada and Mexico? The plan, when laid years ago by those

  who maneuvered Bush into the White House in 2000, was to have Bush declare martial law and strong arm the

  Canadians and Mexicans into cooperation.

  Bush's fortunes have not faired well, his other plans either failing to get the backing of the American people and

  Congress or, if implemented, running amuck of Congressional investigations. His invasion of Iraq for oil is almost a

  certain loss, something even Bush has to admit privately. His plans to move Social Security funds into Wall Street,

  something he personally campaigned for, never gained approval even with the Republican Congress. The immigration

  reforms, which would have provided Bush a cheap and cooperative work force after the pole shift, fell victim to

  squabbling among Congressional members. Repeated attempts to force an invasion of Iran have failed, blocked by a

  reluctant US military. Even the infamous Karl Rove has left Bush's side, as the rats are leaving the sinking ship. Given

  the failures and setbacks, what is Bush's attitude about his planned North American Union? Full steam ahead. He has

  been insistent, in private meetings, that the plans remain the same. What has changed is his public ownership of these


  One might consider the Bush plans for world domination like a pyramid, where success in one area is required for

  success in another. Building blocks.[2/5/2012 11:41:26 AM]

  ZetaTalk: North American Union

  The invasion of Iraq was a block that needed to be in place for invasion or control of Iran. Now that his Iraq

  plans are failing, withdrawal almost certain to be forced on him and the US military in high revolt against his

  demands, Iran cannot be placed on the pile. Had the plans for Iran worked out, Saudi Arabia would be the next

  oil field to be "liberated" from terrorists. The excuse to be given would be that most of the 911 perpetrators were

  Saudi, a fact conveniently overlooked until the time to invade and occupy Saudi lands arose. Now that section of

  Bush's pyramid is no longer building, is stagnant, and in fact is crumbling. This part of the pyramid crumbled

  because of the passage of time since the invasion of Iraq in March-April 2003. For this, we take credit.

  The financial segment is another disaster. The housing boom was manufactured to allow the economy under

  Bush to appear to be flourishing. The public was encouraged to borrow money on the equity of their homes, the

  better to give them funds to spend to bolster the economy. Buyers who did not qualify for home ownership got

  home loans, low interest at first and ballooning years later. This caused fever in the construction industry, and

  was not expected to come home to roost on Bush's head as he anticipated the pole shift prior to this time. The

  economy, and financial stability of the US even with its massive debt, was a block in Bush's pyramid which was

  expected to give him popular support and help Republicans get re-elected. This part of Bush's pyramid has

  likewise crumbled because of the passage of time, due to Bush assuming that the pole shift would occur "shortly

  after May 15, 2003". For this, we also take credit.

  Another part of the pyramid was converting the United States into a police state, a dictatorship. 911 enabled the

  Patriot Act to become law, but Bush did not wait for Congress to authorize his invasions of civil liberties.

  Wiretapping and torture memos followed, and if the public was not yet deemed ready to learn of these steps,

  Bush and Company kept it all secret. Given the stranglehold the Bush White House had on the Republic

  Congress and the packed Supreme Court, and given all the Executive Orders Bush has written allowing him to

  declare himself president for life, this part of the pyramid was not expected to run into problems. What has

  caused this part of his pyramid to crumble has been primarily arrogance. For this we cannot take credit.

  Frank manipulation of vote counts using Diebold and other rigged computers, exposing a covert CIA agent in

  order to attack a critic of the White House and other crimes the public is only vaguely aware of have caused a

  contingent within the federal government to consider arresting Bush and Cheney and others involved in his

  illegal plans. This contingent has also been blocking Bush's efforts to declare martial law. This contingent has

  been blocking Bush's plans to incite false terror attacks - dirty bombs going off in American cities, or

  bioterrorism such as a bird flu pandemic assisted by the deliberate release of the 1957 bird flu virus. The Council

  of Worlds took exception to the usual rule of non-interference in the free will of man by allowing benign aliens

  to prevent such false terror attacks within the US. Despite hundreds of attempts, Bush and Company have not


  The North American Union (NAU) was another block in the pyramid, to allow Bush full sway over the continent

  and a base from which to invade S America and the oil fields of Venezuela. Due to the other blocks in the

  pyramid crumbling, this not only must be put on hold, but denied. Such an embarrassment! The Amero printed

  and ready to go, but never introduced to Congress. The NAFTA highway being built while not yet introduced to

  the American public or funded. As with all other parts of the Bush pyramid, the NAU has not been buried, in

  Bush's mind, but is only meeting temporary delays.

  Imagine this pyramid actually being built, and not meeting the opposition or crumbling that has occurred. While fresh

  in Iraq, the military not yet exhausted and flush with the glory of "shock and awe", renewed terror attacks in the US

  gain Bush public support to invade Iran and thence the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. With control of the oil fields,

  demanding subservience from Europe and Asia is expected to meet with cooperation. The American economy appears

  to be booming due to the housing bubble, and flush with success Bush pushes through the Social Security scam

  whereby Wall Street can get drunk on the Social Security funds. Riding the wave, Bush declares martial law on yet

  another terror incident, giving him the right to form the North American Union with neighboring countries too

  intimidated to resist.

  In that Congress would have to approve of such plans, especially the Amero, this shows that Bush expected martial

  law to be in place by that time. In that martial law would require some extraordinary situation within the US, such as[2/5/2012 11:41:26 AM]

  ZetaTalk: North American Union

  an attack on the homeland, this shows that such an attack, in reality faked terrorism, was part of the plan. In that no

  WMD were ever found in Iraq, and Bush is refusing to exit even when being requested to do so by the elected

  government of Iraq, this shows that oil was the reason for the invasion of Iraq. You now see Bush standing in the

  rubble of his crumbled pyramid of plans, holding the Amero and the NAFTA superhighway plans, saying, "Plans?

  What plans?" He has no explanation for any of it, and is caught red-handed.[2/5/2012 11:41:26 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Bureaucrats

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  ZetaTalk: Bureaucrats

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  In the best of times, bureaucrats wish to perpetuate their existence. These structures are erected in times of trouble,

  where bureaucrats are to assist. When they find that good times have returned and stability is in place and they are no

  longer needed, and they are in danger of cutbacks, they seek to perpetuate themselves. This has been much written

  about, how bureaucracies become self perpetuating, and actually turn a great deal of their resources into perpetuating

  themselves. Where there isn't a problem, they create one. They imagine one, and often because there are laws that give

  them a great deal of clout, so they exercise this. If you think this is a serious problem today, imagine what will happen

  in times when corporations are failing, markets are drying up and have become erratic, and crop shortages and

  transportation difficulties have emerged. All of this sheds back into bureaucrats who feed like a parasite on the normal

  functioning of society.

  As they get desperate, they will get erratic. It takes a long time to smack their hands and set things aright. They may

  become like a giant amoebae, out of control, sliding to the right and to the left and slithering about, seeking to where it

  can feed itself. Bureaucrats have in the main taken government positions because it is secure, steady, and predictable.

  Where we're not saying that every government worker is of this nature, nevertheless, this is their predominant

  personality. Thus when changes such as erratic weather occur, they become unsettled, and their first thought is to re-

  engage their feelings of security, to nail it down. Therefore they can be very unpredictable. As the cataclysms

  approach, there will be some real horror stories. Our advice is not only to not look to the government, but to be very

  careful to stay out of their clutches or be pulled into any kind of government sponsored safety program, survival site,

  or community, as they are liable to be the worst hell.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:27 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Dissenters

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  ZetaTalk: Dissenters

  Note: written during the August 17, 2002 IRC Session

  It is apparent by mid-2002 that the US allies are not with Bush on Iraq, nor are there any Arab allies. Yet the Bush

  Administration presses on with its plans for a major distraction, designed to allow them to remove all civil rights in the

  US, win the fall elections and return the Senate to Republican hands, and prepare for the coming pole shift like kings

  who cannot be countered. Dissension has thus gone public, and this is apparent in other countries as well. Recently a

  report was made that a UFO dogfight occurred over a Russian base. Oh? This when the Awakening requires an

  Element of Doubt, and Service-to-Self/Service-to-Other Engagements are tightly controlled by the Council of Worlds?

  This is also utterly out of keeping with past reports of sightings, which never included a fight between UFO's. What is

  this all about? It is about blaming the aliens, once again, for human activities. UFOs reported around the WTC, so they

  must have been responsible, somehow. UFO's reported buzzing the White House, so they are against good-ol Bush

  and all. The Russians are experiencing dissension in their ranks too, and why would they not?

  You have those in the know, who want to tell their public about the surmise on the coming inbound planet, and earth

  changes, and potential for a devastating 2003. And just as in the US, where the power mad are lusting after a kingship

  akin to the Dark Ages when no opposition could be mustered, there are those elements in Russia and Britain and

  Australia. Who was fighting, then, over that Russian base, and what was the fight about? Assassinations occur often,

st often covered up as accidents, but when the heat is on, outright attempts to blow up the opposition, en mass,

  occur. Having broken out, the right attempting to eliminate what in essence is the left, in Russian, that portion of the

  political structure that is most concerned about the common man, a cover-up was needed, and UFO's were thrown in

  as the excuse. Have you seen the video? The film? No, and not likely, as the reporters are telling you what they were

  told to relay. Those wanting a different story told are now mum, and permanently so.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:27 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Martial Law

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  ZetaTalk: Martial Law

  Note: written on Dec 15, 2001

  Martial Law is a device that cuts both ways, so will not be used lightly by those in power, and only if they feel they

  have no other recourse. The threat of Martial Law is tossed about a great deal, as it seems an obvious trend given the

  nervousness of governments and the power they hold in wielding their military. But this conclusion assumes the status

  quo to be continuing. In other words, adequate food for the troops, and stability elsewhere. Martial Law can be quickly

  wielded to quell a riot, or quarantine disease, and is accepted by the populace. In these cases, the troops consider that

  their own families are being protected by these acts, and go along with the orders. The riot is being prevented from

  spreading to family and friends, or at least the soldier comforts himself that should such a riot spring up in his

  neighborhood, the same means of quelling it would be used.

  What would the attitude of the soldier be, if starvation were rampant, news of this coming from home, and the soldier

  asked to protect the rich and powerful from demands from the starving? The willingness of the soldier to go along with

  this erodes, rapidly. Especially if it is apparent that the government, the elite, have not been open and honest about

  what is besetting mankind. Desertions would occur, erosion of the troops such that the generals soon find they have


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