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ZetaTalk: Government

Page 11

by Nancy Lieder

  left their posts, leaving the defenses vulnerable. The military knows this, discusses this, endlessly. They have great

  history to examine. The common phrase that an army marches on its stomach is a clue. This is known. One cannot

  fight an effective battle unless the troops are heartened, and feel that there is a general advantage to continuing. Only

  groups of thugs operate solely for themselves, and these are not what the military accepts in its ranks.

  Martial Law will be utilized only as a last resort, often dropped as soon as possible thereafter, and we anticipate only

  in those countries where the rich strong-arm the poor today. In those countries, this will be no change from their status

  quo, in essence no Martial Law being enforced. Martial Law is in effect today in some countries, for instance China

  and Indonesia, though they would not call it such. Human rights are nonexistent, and the government uses the military

  to support itself. To the extent that governments use these techniques today, they will continue up into the time of the

  shift. To the extent that these techniques would be a new imposition, they will not, we predict, be deployed. This is, of

  course, in the hands of man, something we do not control, and therefore could change. Britain and Canada likewise are

  exploring their limits. These also are countries with a strong history of human rights and law. Like the US, we expect

  they will conclude that such measures are counter-productive. The repressive will get more so, the democratic or

  socialistic remain so, with the coming changes not addressed in the media.

  Countries are striving, at this time, to do the least that will disturb their populace, already uneasy due to weather and

  crop changes and a world-wide depression not yet called that openly. Thus, they will not rock the boat, but will to the

  extent they can impose Martial Law techniques without fuss from the populace, do so. Thus, the US has the Bin Laden

  crowd not on US soil, and are not calling them prisoner's of war, so they can torture them freely without challenge.

  Even this has not passed without challenge, and they have taken note of this. Thus, Martial Law in the US is not

  expected. We anticipate, rather than a Martial Law setup, that troops will be sent home just ahead of the shift, to be

  with their families. In this way, they will be disbanded, less of a threat, and more likely to assist their families than run

  as gangs. We anticipate that the rich and powerful will go into enclaves, with immense stores of goods, with armed

  guards often gathered from the military. These will not prove to be a good setting, however, and will become the worst

  hell for those expecting to be protected and live well behind locked doors. Thus, Martial Law will become a reality

  only for those rich enclaves, where the strongest and most ruthless will rule.

  Note: below written during the Mar 29, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  There has been speculation that the Iraq war was begun to remove US troops from their homeland, to lessen the

  likelihood of a coup during the coming times. There is truth to this, but to only a small degree. Securing the oil[2/5/2012 11:41:28 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Martial Law

  interested is prime, and the expectation that the troops would simply move to take over the Saudi fields after wining in

  Iraq. The troops are deemed an enforcement mechanism, thereafter, an occupation, despite empty words that they

  would be resident only until democracy could be installed. These empty words are coming from an administration that

  is busy removing liberty from its own people, as fast as the people will allow. There are many agendas among the

  elite, and where a plan can mesh several agendas, it gets faster approval. Thus, the invasion of Iraq, allowing reserves

  less aggressive to be the defenders of the homeland, suited more of the power mongering elite than not.

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  ZetaTalk: Martial Law Attempts

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  ZetaTalk: Martial Law Attempts

  written Jun 30, 2007

  FEMA Hijacks Midwest Broadcast Signals with Mistaken Presidential Alert The federal government hijacked radio and TV transmissions in the Midwest yesterday [Jun 26] with test signals that triggered the

  sort of high-level emergency alert that is reserved for use by the president. The Quincy Herald says alerts were sent at

  7:33 a.m., 7:49 a.m., 7:55 a.m. and 8:07 a.m. Radio listeners heard nothing but dead air. TV viewers saw a scrolling

  message that said: "The Emergency Action Notification Network has issued an emergency action notification for the

  United States, beginning at ..." FEMA tells the Associated Press that the mistake affected Illinois, Indiana, Missouri,

  Wisconsin and Michigan. "While the interrupted morning drive-time broadcasts proved the Illinois system worked, the

  fact that what's known as an Emergency Action Notification, or EAN -- the highest level of EAS alert, indicating an

  emergency message is coming from the White House -- could be relayed mistakenly to override stations was a bit of a

  jolt, sending engineers scrambling at the affected outlets throughout Illinois and in adjacent media markets such as St.

  Louis," the Chicago Tribune reports. "Compounding the error, an actual presidential code, minus any audio explanation, was sent rather than a lesser alert or a notification of a systems test of some kind." A FEMA

  spokeswoman tells the paper that this "unintentional disruption" occurred after a new piece of equipment in

  Springfield, Ill., picked up test signals that were being sent between Cleveland and Richmond, Va. WLS-TV expands on this explanation: "The federal emergency management agency is adapting satellites to handle emergency messages,

  and a government contractor Tuesday was testing it for Illinois, except he used active codes to send the message."

  [and from another] US Ran Nuclear Weapons Exercises the Week Before Bush-Putin Summit [July 6] International radio operators picked up large numbers of coded Air Force communications being sent around the world on June 26 that indicated some type of military activity was about to take place. The

  transmissions, which were 'extraordinary,' were related to US nuclear forces. A U.S. military official said the radio

  traffic was monitored from the Air Force Global High Frequency System (GHFS) that some observers regarded as

  'extraordinary' because of the unprecedented length of messages. The messages appeared to be emergency action

  messages, coded communications sent by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to U.S. Air Force strategic nuclear forces. [and from

  another] Have you ever seen such a sad-sack president? [Jun 28] He almost looks and sounds like someone has

  literally knocked the wind out of him.

  What successes has Bush had lately? He was drunk and had to be excused during the G8. The surge is not working

  and is in fact proving to be counter-productive. Arming the Sunnis to create more chaos and thus justify a long stay in

  Iraq was leaked and the plan put to an end thus, by a leak. His push to become King of Europe in the Aftertime failed

  as he angered Putin who stood up to him. Various people in the Military have shown their true colors and stood up to

  him, so now he is agreeing to diplomacy with Iran as it is clear no bombing or invasion will be allowed. Venezuela

  and Russia have kicked out US oil companies, taking over their interests for the state. And now, the immigration push[2/5/2012 11:41:29 AM]<
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  ZetaTalk: Martial Law Attempts

  has failed and will not be revived. Bush is having to drastically cut back his expectations, that he would be King of the

  World in the Aftertime, with the US Military sitting on all the oil fields of the world, giving him control over the

  prevailing commodity, black gold, oil. Despite trips to S America he knows he is not welcome there and setting up

  shop there would be a disaster. He would likely to be tried for his crimes by any country he attempts to flee to. Thus,

  he has been forced to turn his eyes to the US, the continental US, where he has expected to be able to declare Martial

  Law and himself President for Life. Is there a relationship between the Jun 26 Presidential EAN and his long face on

  Jun 28, supposedly over immigration? Of course he was disappointed over the failure of the latest immigration push,

  but compare his visage to other public statements over immigration of late, which has repeatedly been in the news, and

  repeatedly failed in the past. This long face is new, and thus the suspicion that immigration is not the only reason for

  his deflated appearance. There is one other long face that is equivalent, and this after his NORAD visit in 2005, when

  as we stated at the time, he was arrested and taken to NORAD and read the riot act. He had anticipated that NORAD,

  with a new Admiral in charge, would be compliant to Bush edicts, but found that even the Navy no longer considered

  him the Commander-in-Chief.

  Tests within FEMA have overlapping, redundant, safeguards. Do the tests of the NASA shuttle, to see if the engines

  are ready and responsive, result in a premature take-off? Thus more than one point had to know that the test was going

  live, and be compliant with this concept. We have mentioned that Bush and Cheney are likely to attempt a public

  announcement, on live TV, that Martial Law is being called, to evade the blocking that the federal government is doing

  to his direct orders to effect Martial Law. He has tried this numerous times, and hopes to force the federal government

  and the Millitary to cooperate with him by going public, quickly, and in a manner that could not be stopped. Once the

  announcement has been made, so his logic goes, the federal government and Military would be forced to admit that

  they do not consider Bush their Commander-in-Chief, and take drastic steps to arrest he and Cheney, something he is

  betting they will not actually do. Since TV and radio broadcasts have a finger on the button, and can have ' technical

  issues' suddenly cutting off the broadcast, this was not failsafe, for Bush. The Emergency broadcast system is the

  perfect outlet, as the override is automatic, and no finger on the button can change this in time to prevent such a

  broadcast from occurring. Rush hour traffic is perfect, as most commuters are listening to radios, and would spread the

  word once reaching the workplace. What went wrong with this plan? We have stated that there is interference with

  Bush's plans, that the Council of Worlds has allowed an exception, to bring the world back into balance. Bush and

  Cheney had commandeered the White House by coup, by voter fraud, in 2000 and 2004, and were technically in

  charge of the largest military in the world, one that was as large as all other militaries in the world combined. This plot

  was included in the exception, and as it was in the minds of those plotting, before it was effected, this gave us time to

  step in and prevent the broadcast. As with the Rayburn Building shootout, the public has had a glimpse into the struggle behind the scenes.[2/5/2012 11:41:29 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Strongarm Tactics

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  ZetaTalk: Strongarm Tactics

  Note: written during the July 27, 2002 IRC Session

  As an example of the military being composed of humans, who crack and have their own agendas and needs, is a

  recent report on murders of wives of military in the US, in Fort Bragg. The military is considered like pawns, on a

  chess board, to be put out to be killed, the front line, not powerful and never questioning their position. Thus, they are

  often sent to their death and likewise killed if they object to this role. UN military assigned all over the world do not

  often perform well, though this is covered up to avoid political embarrassment. Peacekeeping missions have military

  personnel coming and going, with the press not privy to the reasons, and misbehavior in service people in foreign

  countries is also kept form the news as much as possible. Thus, the occasional rape, or drunken battery case, that does

  get into the news, is considered not outside of the crime reported in cities worldwide.

  Consider that you do not get the full story, and such breakdown occurs more often than reported. Crimes in cities is

  faceless, makes good press, and does not embarrass the elite. Crimes committed by military is considered a problem as

  the populace is to think of them as staunch, like pawns, not moving until directed to do so. Thus, when the truth starts

  coming out, that the military is far more unstable than the public suspects, it is a shock. Peace keepers who stand back

  and take no action, or generals who only worry about being able to return home in one piece, are seldom revealed.

  Rape of citizens by visiting military is dampened, and the victims bought off. All to perpetuate the illusion that the

  elite have control. Expect more horror stories from cracks in the military, and the elite, as the times get more stressful.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:29 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions

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  ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions

  Note: written during the Jan 7, 2003 IRC Session

  Travel restrictions will likely be imposed by governments in response to migrations, but not until this occurs. Thus,

  this will vary by country, within country, and in truth is in place long before pole shift issues such as weather changes

  and increasing starvation occurred. The US has restrictions on immigration from Central America and Mexico, but wet

  backs and illegal nannies employed in the US have been a long standing problem. North Korea is starving, the starving

  children among the populace creeping into China to raid fields and beg food ongoing for some years. This is controlled

  not by the Chinese, who themselves are starving, but by the North Koreans, who do not want the world to know of

  their state. Where sudden homelessness or joblessness is cared for in some manner in situ, at the site, there will be no

  migration and no travel restrictions.

  An earthquake ravaged city, with tents cities placed on the perimeter and military to prevent looting, will find the

  majority of the populace in place, waiting for supper and not arguing with their military guards when told to return to

  their tents as there are looters afoot and they want the survivors to be safe. If a long time running until the shift,

  months, such a tent city will need to clear travel for those parties who have relatives or second homes elsewhere, and

  passes will be issued under the guise of a pass so the military will allow passage, not think the travelers looters. Where

  life goes on, unaffected by high tides or ravaged by weather or quakes, travel will in all likelihood be similar to today,

  to seek work or to visit relatives or whatever. There will be less travel, during hard times, for entertainment, as the

  airline industry has already noted. Thus, until the week going into the shift, when all controls are likely to b
e lifted due

  to distraction by those assigned to enforce the restrictions, any number of controls may be imposed, and suddenly,

  based on Earth changes. This is one reason to be in your chosen safe location early, and if not possible, to have valid

  excuses to be there should you need the excuse.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:30 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Executive Orders

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  ZetaTalk: Executive Orders

  written July 21, 2007

  Bush now declares that per his latest executive order, he can deprive individuals of their property in an

  unconstitutional manner if they are found to "be supporting terrorist activities" of the enemy in Iraq. This

  is obviously one more desperate, pathetic measure on his part to destroy the constitution and the county,

  which I assume will be ignored, hopefully? [and from another] President Bush signed an executive order

  on July 17, 2007, basically stating that if he determines that you might pose a risk to the government, the

  government can seize your house, car, bank account etc. This is the mark, not only of his insanity and ego,

  but it is the fundamental stance of a dictator. How does a person fight this sort of thing other than

  contacting your Congress persons who are doing nothing? What do the Zetas say about this executive

  order? How much longer are we going to have to tolerate Bush's insanity? The Democrats are not doing

  anything. Will Bush be impeached soon? It is obvious that he and his people are planning another terror

  attack. You have said they will not get away with it and I believe you. I believe that we are approaching

  the point of no return with Bush and his policies. If we do not stand up now, he will be dictator for life.

  [and from another] Old-line Republican Warns 'Something's in the Works' to Trigger a Police State [Jul

  19] A new Executive Order allows the government to seize the assets of

  anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies. Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a


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