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A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact

Page 30

by Richard Dolan

  Other issues would also be tricky, but ultimately resolvable. What if, within a generation or two after Disclosure, the rest of the world gets the ability to do what the Breakaway Group is alleged to be doing now, traveling potentially off-world in exotic craft to places that are energy-sufficient, which have oxygen below-ground, and so on? Would the powers of the Earth at that time allow people simply to go off around the solar system, colonizing at will? In fact, they might, but then again maybe not. We may see a variation of the activities and struggles that occurred during Europe’s age of expansion and colonization, perhaps with new declarations of independence, as well.

  This struggle will not be resolved overnight. It will take years, decades, generations, centuries.

  Besides the basic political issues, there will be other key concerns: world poverty, climate change, pollution, possible extinction of our species, and many others. These will also be on the table.

  Big Brother Versus Big Other

  In the post-AD world, our exopolitics will not be fully in our control. It seems clear that the other intelligences—the Others—will be in the picture. The three main possibilities are:

  1. Constructive engagement. If they admit their presence openly, we can begin a formal process of interaction. We should make it clear that they have no right to interfere. Our planet, our society, and our lives are at stake. We must control our destiny.

  2. Benign Neglect. This seems to be the current policy. They interfere, at least covertly, and we ignore it. This way of doing business is going to wear very thin, post-Disclosure. It is one thing to debate whether something is happening and take no action because it is unclear what to do. But if something is happening, and you know it, and they know you know it, then interfere-and-ignore simply is at odds with our human nature. Still, if humanity is not in a position to do anything about it, that may be a long-term result.

  3. Hostile Convergence. Undeniably, the most frightening option. Namely, that at least some of our visitors mean us harm, whether it be phasing out the human species as we know it, or some other form of control and manipulation. If this is so, as we said earlier, humans will resist when cornered.

  The mind reels at the implications of some of the other wildcards of contact if they come to pass, and how they would affect and possibly destroy progress toward a reasonable future for humanity in the shadow of Disclosure. The most disturbing one may involve the infiltration of our society by the Others.

  What if it comes out that some people in our society are actually not of us, but are with the Others?

  Is this so difficult to believe? If the the Others understand the trajectory of humanity’s technological development, they would probably know full well that within another few generations, humanity might pose some genuine problems for them to contend with. They might decide that when this happens, the “right” people are governing the world. Wouldn’t it be logical for them to have their “people” working on the inside, so to speak, managing the human hierarchy?

  Even aside from the issue of control, abduction researchers such as Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, and others have concluded that an important component of the abduction phenomenon includes creating a hybrid species. Presumably these hybrids at some point might be living among us.

  If the Grays are a kind of biological artificial intelligence designed and built for space travel, then their arrival on Earth, a planet with a different atmosphere and gravity than their own, would pose dangers to them. Perhaps the mission statement embedded in each Gray is to create a life-form using the indigenous body of the prevailing intelligent species. Maybe that is why it has taken so long—generations—to accomplish.

  What would our reaction be if we learned that something like this had occurred? In other words, if we learned that “they” in effect had taken over control of our all-too-human infrastructure? Or if they had managed us all along, throughout our history? There would probably be many people who might throw up their hands and say, “Fine. Whatever. Let them run the world.” But not everyone would feel so generous. A political firestorm would be in the making. There might just be a long-term political movement that attempts to determine who the “infiltrators” are. We might experience an alien-hunting McCarthy-era.

  This could quickly get very dangerous, both for reasons of public vigilantism, as well as for the reaction it might engender from the Others. Still, in the event that our society and culture are under subversive attack, many would argue that humanity needs to get a handle on the matter now and deal with civil liberties later.

  Already, without reference to the threat of “Others,” humanity has started down the road of citizen control. Consider the Internet, for example. It is not simply nations such as China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea that seek to control access to the Internet. Nations such as Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other societies with long traditions of freedom have been passing laws to intrude upon and restrict Internet access, and have been putting out feelers to see just how far they can go.12

  Within the United States, various cocktails of laws have been passed during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations to enable government surveillance of citizen Internet activity. Starting in 2005, news reports began to assert that the NSA was conducting warrantless spying on phone and e-mail communications of people inside the United States, and that it was secretly collecting phone-call records of millions of Americans. They were doing this from data provided by major telecommunications companies such as AT&T. Despite several legal challenges, the program continues to exist under the Obama administration.13

  Developments like this are merely the tip of the iceberg. The legal revolution undergone in post-9/11 America has been formidable, but really only codified the changes that had long been taking place. Rather like a debutante, 9/11 prompted the “coming out party” of the National Security State.

  All things being equal, liberty-loving people world-wide would agree that this is a bad thing. And though it is not easy to find passion to defend the secret-keepers of the Breakaway Group, we have not been allowed to know all the facts they have. If they have knowledge that causes them to believe humanity is in the midst of a silent invasion, then their ramping up of security, surveillance, and military power could feasibly be defended. If that is so, however, it virtually guarantees that the most intense debate AD, in a political sense, will mirror the 9/11 post-mortem, especially if there is a rush to security followed by a longing for freedom.

  Suddenly, in a silent invasion scenario, martial law seems very plausible. If superior beings from somewhere else have come here, and their designs on us do not involve blowing up the planet as they do in the movies, but taking it over without a fight, then Disclosure will set powerful forces into motion. As both Lincoln and Roosevelt did to win their respective wars, the Disclosure president may lead the charge to fight back first and sort out the damage later.

  Again, we come face-to-face with the great unknown in the debate over Disclosure. The people most complicit in the cover-up know things that we do not. After seven decades, we certainly should hope they have a better idea than we do. If, however, after all their advantages of money and security, they do not know any more than the rest of us, we should fire them for incompetence if we can.

  Imagine what the top-level of the Breakaway Group may know by now. It is entirely possible that the Others have been here, interacting with the Earth and humanity for eons. Throughout all of human history, our species would have had no ability to deal with them in any way approaching parity. Surely, they could easily avoid detection if they wished.

  Recall that our amazing, magical technology is all recent. Consider what it meant to belong to a small agricultural or nomadic community anywhere on Earth a mere 300 years ago. At that time, the total human population was one-tenth what it is today. There were no telephones, no automobiles, no locomotives, not even bicycles. There were people and horses and carts and sailing ships. Most people lived their liv
es within a small geographic area, interacting with the same people in the same small village for their entire lives. Most could not read or write, and there were still entire cultures that had no writing at all. In such a situation, anyone who saw a craft or object from one of the intelligent groups that were here on Earth had virtually no options. Amazing sightings might be discussed with family members or friends, and perhaps become passed along as local legends. That would be about it. For millennia, this is how it had been.

  Then everything changed. Human population began the sharp increase that continues to this day—in 2011 we surpassed seven billion. Science took hold of our civilization and transformed us in ways scarcely imaginable to previous generations. Within the blink of a cosmic eye, humanity went from being a society of horses pulling carts to one in which we now stand at the brink of quantum computing, advanced AI, nanotech, and biotech. We are about to re-invent ourselves as a society, as a civilization, as a species. Our means of detecting and recording UFOs is vastly better than it ever was, and this will only improve.

  Is there any possibility that these Others would not know this? If they have been here all along, they know of our development. They see us now, poised and ready to leap into their world. Perhaps not as equals, no. But as scientific progress is not a linear thing, it is just possible that we are on the verge of transformation that is not quantitative, but qualitative. Something utterly different, more substantial, more formidable.

  Yes, they must know this. We must ask ourselves: What is their attitude toward this?

  They might have taken only a passing interest in humanity for many ages, while they went about their business, here on Earth and perhaps elsewhere. Perhaps our recent development as a scientific species was something they did not anticipate, or perhaps it has been something they have been waiting for.

  Of course, if they have been here for a long time, humanity is possibly a long-standing project. Have we been modified by them? Have they managed us in some way throughout our history? If so, did they guide us to an understanding of science? Did they influence our religions and spiritual beliefs? And if so (considering the violence inspired by so many religions) did they do so maliciously, or with an intent to help?

  Or could it be that, despite the suggestive hints left by ancient drawings, carvings, artifacts, and architecture, that the Others are indeed only recent arrivals? If so, did they arrive when they realized we were on the scientific fast-track?

  The answers to these questions, if we ever get them, will influence how we respond to them. If we get no answer, we will surely develop countless think tanks to study and debate the possibilities.

  In such an event, what might those think tanks conclude? They would study the available UFO evidence, just as many researchers did before them. Judging from the sightings, possible abduction experiences, and other encounters with what may have been some of these beings, they would be left in some confusion.

  For instance, why have the Others alternately hidden and revealed themselves through the years? The majority of UFO sightings, after all, have not been over densely populated areas, or seen by large numbers of people—but some have. Are the Others being coy in some manner? Are they trying to get our attention? Why show up so blatantly in certain places, such as the lower Hudson Valley in the early 1980s, or the collapsing Soviet Union in the late 1980s, or Phoenix in 1997, or Stephenville, Texas in 2008, or China in 2010 and 2011? Are they nudging us? Slowly making themselves more and more obviously known? If so, the conclusion might be that they have been preparing us all these years for contact.

  Then there are the crop circles. Although there are claims that the formations go back many decades, even centuries, reliable reports started in the 1970s. At that time, most were simple affairs. By 1990, however, they had attained an awe-inspiring complexity, size, and precision that defies common sense. Despite the proliferation of hoaxers, there appear to be distinguishable differences between the “real” and the “fake” circles, including biological oddities at the nodes of the stalks in genuine crop circle formations, the perfection of the creations themselves, the astonishing size of some of them, and the speed with which the genuine circles are made—typically overnight, and several apparently in the middle of the day with no one seeing the culprit.

  Some have speculated that the circles are a clandestine human operation. Perhaps they were “scrolled” from a geosynchronous satellite using precision microwave technology. If so, then why? Is some black-budget operation playing a head-game with humanity in the fields of southwestern England and central Ohio, making people believe that aliens are creating mathematical and artistic masterpieces in our corn fields? Or that some secret team of Leonardo da Vincis continues to evade being caught? For, no matter who is making them, these formations are among the great artistic creations of our era.

  We should hope that the Others are behind them. If so, they are probably trying to nudge us into a realization of a higher intelligence. This would surely be a good thing.

  Author/abductee Whitley Strieber has written nearly a dozen books on the subject, and claims to have experienced ongoing abductions. He has felt personal contact with the Others, (or the Visitors, as he has called them), and believes that their agenda may involve a warning about an impending apocalypse here on Earth. Other abductees, too, have often claimed they have been exposed to images of environmental disaster.

  If these people are to be believed, the Others are warning us about the danger to our planet through nuclear proliferation and ecological meltdown. And while, as silent invaders, they may not have changed our ways, an open Disclosure of their presence may lead relatively quickly to an emerging global consensus about saving the Earth, realizing how precious it is.

  But the extreme variety of UFO sightings, the many types of vehicles seen, the various types of “aliens” themselves, will lead to a major problem for future think tanks. It is probably a current problem inside Majestic. This is how to fill out the “scorecard” of just who is who.

  The maddening aspect of a post-Disclosure world is that we may not be much further along in knowing just who we are dealing with than we are today. Frankly, what is most unsettling is that there is no guarantee that Majestic does, either.

  There are so many possibilities to contemplate, so it is easy to lose oneself in speculation. Still, if we observe the phenomenon not as scientists demanding proof, but rather as intelligence specialists trying to assemble the most likely scenario, we might conclude that there are multiple groups with (probably) multiple agendas, here to visit Earth, perhaps live on Earth, and to observe humanity at this particular juncture in history. We may well be, at the dawn of the new millennium, the greatest show in this sector of the galaxy.

  Our Universe, Our Planet, Ourselves

  Disclosure is the ultimate wake-up call. Recognizing that other intelligences find our world and ourselves of interest will have a powerful impact on our consciousness.

  Open knowledge of them will simultaneously turn us inward and outward. For exopolitics is not only about our relations with the Others, it about how we organize among ourselves in relation to them.

  People will begin to grasp that, compared to our differences with the Others, the differences among ourselves in terms of race, sex, nationality, and religion are insignificant. This realization will create a new political opportunity. A global consensus will emerge about saving the Earth. We will realize more fully, more painfully, how glorious and precious our beautiful blue world is. Perhaps this is the true message from the Others. But even if not, it will be our own realization.

  This new way of looking at ourselves may enable us to save the planet from environmental disaster, as we find ourselves able to work together to stop ecological ravages and the massive loss of species diversity. We may even stop our own extinction.

  At the same time, humanity will look outward. Whatever our assessment of these other beings, whether they be hostile, benevolent, indifferent, or some combination
of the three, we will recognize a connection with forms of life beyond our world. It will be a key moment in the history of human consciousness. “If we ever establish contact with extraterrestrial life, it will reveal to us our true place in the universe,” wrote author Isaac Asimov. “And with that comes the beginning of wisdom.”

  Some of us will begin to advocate for spreading the human race beyond this cradle of life into the vast universe, probably using alien technology as an impetus. It will be the ultimate exopolitical act to devote our resources to building these craft.

  In success, a future generation of exopoliticians may save our home only to make it possible for some of us to leave it.


  Abstract: Emerging Views after Disclosure

  Poll Question:

  Since the public disclosure of the presence of extraterrestrial life here on Earth, describe your level of confidence in the United States government to handle the matter correctly.

  A.D. + One Week


  Not Sure






  Extremely Confident 09% Extremely Skeptical

  A.D. + One Year


  Extremely Skeptical






  Not Sure


  Extremely Confident

  A.D. + Ten Years






  Extremely Confident


  Extremely Skeptical


  Not Sure


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