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A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact

Page 31

by Richard Dolan


  The initial shock of Disclosure was followed in the first 12 months with a tremendous degree of skepticism regarding the government. In the span of 12 years, the number of people who are skeptical appears to be nearly identical with those expressing confidence. This may be evidence that the government is slowly reclaiming some marginal degree of citizen confidence.

  Chapter 9

  Open Letters: Inside/Outside

  Courage is resistance to fear,

  mastery of fear—not absence of fear.

  —Mark Twain

  No event in the history of civilization will shock more than the realization that we have company in the universe, and that Others are involved with us. It is not simply the greatest story in human history; it may be the story of human history. We can only hope that as this reality unfolds, we will also come to realize, as will the Others, that humans are one-of-a-kind, worthwhile, and have something to contribute in the overall scheme of things.

  We do not subscribe to the view, often espoused as a joke, that Earth is some backwater, out-of-the-way planet in the middle of nowhere, and that we would be of no interest to other life forms.

  Whether or not the universe is “teeming” with life, any expression of it—particularly one with intelligence—is bound to be of interest to other intelligences. The Earth is bursting with an astonishing variety of life, and humanity is a unique and often-contradictory life-form. Indeed, there is plenty to recommend this planet and its inhabitants for visitations by curious Others.

  Let us, for one final time, return to the famous Brookings Institute report, because even in 1960 there was hope that learning “we are not alone” might be good news.

  The knowledge that life existed in other parts of the universe might lead to a greater unity of men on Earth, based of the oneness of man or on the age-old assumption that any stranger is threatening. Much would depend on what, if anything, was communicated between man and the other beings…the fact that such beings existed might become simply one of the facts of life, but probably not one calling for action.

  The lack of urgency in this statement was predicated on the likelihood that first contact would be long-distance, not in our face. The authors of the report assumed that any communication between humans and Others would be punctuated by years of silence, due to the distance of the stars and the limitations of radio communication. They did not consider that we had already attracted visits to our world.

  To us, that is the ultimate call to action. We have written three “open letters” as we conclude this book.

  1. First, to the unelected people who keep this secret contained to this very day.

  2. Second, to the Others who have created the situation in which we find ourselves.

  3. Third, to those of us who believe we can handle the truth and are prepared to help make that day happen. That is, quite possibly, to you.

  To The Keepers of the Secret

  We know who you are. We have saved this last chapter for you.

  You might have been called Majestic-12, or MJ-12, or Majic at one time or another. Perhaps you still are. Perhaps you are the same group that was once labeled the “Silence Group.” Maybe you are a private enterprise group, living part-time in our world, and the rest of the time in your own society—the one we have labeled here as the Breakaway Group.

  It does not matter. You know the outlines of the truth, and you have spent untold fortunes delaying the day when you share it with the world. You must think about that responsibility you have taken upon your shoulders. You must wonder occasionally if perhaps the time has come to lighten the burden.

  We know that at least a few of you are reading this book, or you have assigned someone to read it and summarize it. This is not our ego talking; given that the phenomenon is real and the secret is being kept, it is obvious that someone’s job must be to understand the issues relating to Disclosure, to gauge the public’s evolving attitude, and to calibrate contingencies.

  Although some believe that you are preparing the world for gradual Disclosure, we are skeptical. You probably have done some analysis of what A.D. will look like, an analysis that resides in deeply classified “contingency plans.” In our analysis, you seem to be in no hurry to use them. However, you should be.

  We have written this book to help prepare the world for Disclosure, knowing full well that such a duty should never have fallen to people like us, but rather to elected government officials. You created the vacuum; we merely stepped into it. You have read eight other chapters to reach this one. Some of it may have struck you as naive, and some of it may have made your blood run cold, knowing that we know what you do with your lives, even if we do not know exactly who you are. You would not be human if you did not feel some guilt over how far this situation has gone, and for so long.

  Do you really believe that only you have the right to know this information? Is it your view that by blinding the rest of humanity to this reality, the world’s problems will be easier to solve? Or is there something else at work here, something about power, even a misplaced sense of entitlement and birthright?

  There must be some of you who are ready for this next step, some who understand that whatever the original motivations for the secrecy, it is long past time to deal with it. Time only makes the problem harder to manage.

  We sympathize to some extent with your situation. If the positions were reversed, it is possible we might have acted as you have. Because we do not know all that you know, we can only speculate.

  Inside your group, the inside joke may be that you can’t be “a little bit” forthcoming on this issue any more than a woman can be “a little bit” pregnant. But that may not be entirely true. At least initially, the public may accept the notion that some information must remain classified for national security reasons, and that other information is being shared with other countries as a comprehensive plan is worked out. Eventually, partial disclosure will lead to full Disclosure—yes—but as this road is traveled, there will be time for people to grasp one concept at a time before moving on to the next. Disclosure can come in stages, and in fact that is realistically the only way it can proceed. It has to start somewhere, however.

  The decision to move ahead will come from within, or it will come from without. If within, it will be because some of you concede that the time has come for reasons that are either self-serving or pragmatic. If it comes without, it will be because events dictate no other choice. You must sense that current inaction guarantees eventual compulsion. If you wait until forced, the public will judge you more harshly than if you step forward now, into the light of openness, and speak the truth. It will be easier to spin a voluntary Disclosure than a forced one.

  Moving beyond. As we explore the universe, history begins again. “Double Star Station” by Kimmo Isokoski, used with permission.

  A great divide separates the world of today from the world of your fathers and grandfathers. That world, shaken by wars both hot and cold, was judged unable to withstand the shock that Disclosure would bring. This world has seen deep into the vastness of our universe with powerful technology and, instinctively, we all know that we are not alone. You will not destroy us by confirming the basic fact. We will hear the truth, absorb it, and move forward with our lives, changed as they might be. The details are another matter, but they should be worked out with representatives of the people rather than an unelected, secret society. Pass the baton.

  You have had a lifetime to assess the situation privately. Now is the time to discuss it publicly. In every time, there is a season, and the season of openness is upon us. Public opinion has shifted through the years to where this next act is inevitable.

  Have you developed new technologies that put humanity on a better footing with the Others? Why keep it to yourselves, hidden away for a war that may not come? Share it with the world, unleash it for the betterment of humankind. If the technology you have come across still bewilders your best scientific minds, then bring it into the light.
Let the millions of scientists around the world add their effort and understanding to the problem.

  Mostly, you need to understand that we already know. Not the details that you have, to be sure, but the macro idea of contact. By coming clean, you will allow us to take control of our governments again, to reach out to other leadership around the world, and to move forward in uniting the Earth.

  This is happening, anyway. Every public relations expert on the planet—including those in the very military that spawned your group—knows that the best outcome in today’s world comes in getting ahead of the story. Assuming you are interested in controlling the spin of this reality, you cannot successfully spin from behind, only from the lead.

  Take a stand, come forward, admit your mistakes, and claim your victories. Give us the truth that we deserve, the truth as you know it.

  Many of you will still have a place—based on your own expertise—in the world as it re-forms A.D. Some of you will need to retire and step aside. A few, probably not so many, may face penalties. But all of you stand before God as you know God, and before your fellow humans, with a dark stain of lies across your souls.

  The truth will set you free.

  To the Others

  We know less about you than you do about us. On that basis, establishing anything like an open relationship with you is not especially practical. Based on the history of your actions, you want it this way.

  And yet you of all beings must know that time will not stop. Our civilization, our species, is on a trajectory. The day will come when we find you, openly, without question. We believe that day is coming soon, whether it be five years, 20 years, or even a century more, it is as inevitable as day follows night.

  It may be that, knowing this eventuality cannot be stopped, you have elected to control us in some way, to manipulate us. If this is so, you play a dangerous game. You have seen how quickly the human race can learn, how quickly it can transform itself. If you are seeking to control us, particularly if this is for your benefit at our expense, then your plan will eventually backfire. For the day will come when we learn of this deception. At that point, things may become difficult for you.

  It may also be that you support us, this world, and all the life that lives here. Naturally, we would like that to be so, and we know that some researchers have found reasons to believe it. If this is the case, however, we must ask you why you stand by while Earth, so magnificent, so precious, continues to slide into chaos and disaster. We do not look for a savior; we know that, having created this mess, we must clean it up. But it strikes us as odd that, if you are in fact benefactors, you seem to be standing by as helplessly as the great masses of humanity.

  Perhaps you look on us and our world as a kind of zoo. Maybe it even amuses you as you observe the spectacle that is humanity. We are something like a trapeze artist on a high wire. If we reach the other side of the wire, our society will be even more fascinating, more challenging, than ever before.

  And yet we may fall. If we do, if our infrastructure suffers a significant collapse, that could change things, at least for a while. Is this why you are here—to see whether or not humanity will successfully move to the next level of civilization? Or, have we simply evolved enough that we are now intruding on your reality more and more, and are becoming a positive nuisance?

  Whatever the answer, we can assure you that the day will come when we know it. Our species may seem ignorant and blind, and it is true that for most of our history it has been so. But it will not always be so. Things are changing. The day will come when you are forced to deal with us in some manner more substantial, more mature, than you have hitherto.

  To Those of Us Coming Out of the Dark

  The very fact that you read this book says something about you. Whether or not you gave the matter any previous thought, you are now an activist in the Disclosure movement.

  The struggle to end UFO secrecy has been going on since the 1940s. To our older readers, we encourage you to join this struggle because the history of the world during your lifetime demonstrates its necessity. You know in your heart that change is overdue. To our younger readers, born into the throes of a world in transformation, we ask you to be visionaries. We ask you to incorporate your own worldview of the Earth as a small, blue planet that needs healing with another, grand, view: that knowing we are not alone will create its own positive change in our lives.

  The first step in effecting this change is to acknowledge what Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” You are not a “UFO nut” who can be dismissed or laughed at. Have no fear. That wind you feel at your back is the truth. That others do not yet feel it says more about them than you.

  Although ending UFO secrecy is inevitable, the kind of Disclosure that comes with it still must be decided. Ditto in regards to how we all handle the new reality. To get the best possible outcome:

  We must be willing to discuss this topic patiently and rationally with people who do not yet share our understanding.

  We must increase personal knowledge of the topic, in order to become clear and persuasive.

  We need to bring our game up. This means that more is not always better. More misspelled, angry rants littered with unfounded assumptions and leaps of faith do not help. They only provide the secret-keepers, and the rank-and-file of citizens, with the ammunition they need to dismiss us as amateurish. The crazier we sound, the lower our public credibility. As in public speaking, so too in public writing: learn your facts, avoid hyperbole, and lower your voice.

  This is so, even if the final answers to this mystery are more bizarre, more shattering, than anything we have even suggested in this book. The reason is simple: you cannot lead unless you have followers. Those around you, who know nothing of this topic, nothing of its profound implications, cannot always so easily dive into its depths. One step at a time is the surest way to keep other heads nodding, one step at a time in a logical, defensible sequence.

  Of course, it is perfectly normal to speculate. It is even smart to do so, providing you distinguish between what you know and what you think you know, and providing you remind others of this difference. No one has every answer, and no one will expect you to have them all, either. Be comfortable with uncertainty.

  Now is the time to begin the transition from an Internet collected group of “conspiracy theorists” to a potent political force of openness and honesty. We need to elevate our standards and take inspiration from political movements of the past. The civil rights movement may be the best example of any. No political group can ever act perfectly, nor will we always agree with our leaders, nor they with themselves. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X did not see eye-to-eye on tactics, but they both knew there was a mountain to climb.

  If the UFO/ET reality is about a powerful signal that is obscured by the distortion of noise, it is time to focus on the signal. Even in writing this book, we were mindful that we needed to present an argument in a sequence that would not alienate readers needing to understand the basics before appreciating the nuances. As an example, it is important that people understand and accept that at least some UFOs are physical, structured craft from somewhere that is not here. They must become comfortable with that basic understanding before they can appreciate Zeti-Reticuli, Nordics, abductions, and other challenging concepts.

  We have to stop talking only to ourselves. Although it is nice to meet with other like-minded individuals in meetings and conferences and even virtually, this is not where the battle will be won. Posting on our own websites will not force the hand of the secret-keepers. We need to move beyond our circles into the circles of others. Talk to people who do not believe or know what you know. Persuade them. Spend less time with those who agree with you, more with those who disagree.

  The battle for UFO Disclosure comes from millions and millions of individual conversations, individually and in groups, with people who simply do not believe. It involves speaking to our friends, family, and colleagu
es in a calm and rational way. This often involves substantial bravery. After more than 60 years of denial and ridicule, it is always easier to keep quiet about this, especially in polite company. The antidote to ridicule is knowledge.

  This involves work. Read more. Think more critically. Remember that you are an activist in a wholly new kind of political movement. So many years ago, during the Vietnam War, the images that motivated change were on the news every night. In our movement, the images and facts are not on the news. Quite the opposite. We seek to force acknowledgement of a reality that has long been hushed up and swept away. We must explain that we are not waiting for radio telescopes to confirm other life in the universe. We are waiting for the rest of the world to wake up and see that which has been placed before them, but which most have refused to see.

  Do not ask politicians if they believe in UFOs. In today’s climate, their only appropriate answer to that question will be to dodge it. Instead ask them to their faces, during campaigns, if they support full disclosure of UFO related material. Ask them if they know anyone who has ever seen a UFO. Ask them if they believe we are alone in the universe. They can answer these questions without getting branded by their opponents, and it helps us build a consensus.

  Particularly important to remember is that most of the people involved in secrecy have their own friends and neighbors. They live in nice homes, get married, have children, maybe even go to soccer games. But they also lead a double life in which they carry this incredible secret around with them, every day. Anyone you meet in government, aerospace, technology and the military—particularly those in private industry as contractors—is a potential candidate for being one of them, or knowing someone who is. Speak your mind to these people about the need to end the secrecy.

  Be the change you want to see. You know this is real. Go about your daily life and make sure you let others know that you know. Change the dynamic one person at a time.


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